MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 753 sad, nothing more than that

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Longevity Begins from Jinyiwei Chapter 753 Sad, Nothing Than This

"Martial luck is here, how prosperous it is..."

In Wenyuan Pavilion, which is only a few tens of steps away, you can clearly hear the hustle and bustle in Wuyuan Pavilion. Standing in front of the window for a long time, Liu Qiyuan, the chief assistant of the cabinet, couldn't help but sigh.

With such a scene, he...doesn't know whether to be happy or sad.

In the past and next year, the scene of foreign war powerlessness seemed to be still clearly visible, but now, in these years, how has the outside line ever been defeated?

In the pre-Ming period, a war where only a few hundred enemies were raped could be exaggerated into a great victory that shocked the whole country. After these years, not to mention hundreds of enemies, even thousands or tens of thousands of enemies, It's nothing.

The northern border has been strategically defended for many years, but almost the entire northern border towns have been defended into the hinterland. Among them, the military achievements are so great, but in the Daheng court, it has not caused the slightest fluctuation.

Even Li Dingguo, whom the emperor attaches the most importance to training, has not even appeared, and his military exploits are so outstanding, but so far, he is only a mere earl, and he has never even had hereditary power.

More than ten years of conquests have created a large number of military generals with great military exploits. The current Daheng is not a bright star!

Martial arts, it can be said that they are not prosperous.

Back then, when the Son of Heaven established the country and established the Daheng, the foundation of the country established by the sun and the moon, and the prosperity of Wu Xun, has become a reality now.

However, Wu Xun is prosperous, Wen Yun...

Thinking of this, Liu Qiyuan couldn't hide his secret.

Wen Yun should not be regarded as declining, but... it is becoming more and more incompatible with Daheng.

The harshness of Daheng, the benevolence of Ming Dynasty.

Liu Qiyuan naturally knew that what they missed was not Daming, but the corrupt environment of Daming that allowed them to act recklessly.

Since Yongle, hundreds of years of tolerance, hundreds of years of wantonness, without giving anyone any time to react, the sudden change is the most important reason for the current estrangement between Wen and Daheng.

In the past dynasties, dynasties changed, the world was in chaos, the gentry and landlords attached themselves to the real dragon, and then ruled the world, obeying the dragon's ministers, and following the dragon's merits, naturally enjoyed hundreds of years of wantonness.

But in Daheng, when the dynasty changed, although there was great chaos in the world, the emperor did not rely on literature, but the emperor relied on martial arts to suppress the world.

Wen has nothing to do with the merits of the dragon, and he is suspected of harming the country, and he is naturally opposed to Wu Xun, and then he goes against the will of the emperor.

The Son of Heaven wants to change, so he wants to change, the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty also want to change, and the gentry of the world also want to change.

But...people have their own aspirations, and this also different.

Everything is already doomed.

But at the moment... the chaos in the Southwest has not yet ended, and the chaos in Bailian has stirred up the hearts of the people in the world. Such internal troubles have not yet been resolved, and such a nationwide war has started so hastily...

Thinking of this, Liu Qiyuan's eyes flickered suddenly. How could he not understand that he was the former minister of the Ming Dynasty and the chief assistant of the Daheng cabinet.

However, in many things, he is also powerless,

Can he point the butcher knife at his former disciples, relatives and friends?

Can all the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty raise the butcher knife to their disciples, old officials, relatives and friends?

In the previous Ming Dynasty, Daheng, spanning two dynasties in just over ten years, the endless **** massacre brought about not only his extreme powerlessness, but also many princes of the Manchu Dynasty.

After a long time, Liu Qiyuan slowly turned his eyes and fixed on the Wuyuan Pavilion in front of him. In such a battle with the power of the whole country, Duke Yasukuni, the leader of Daheng's martial arts, was excluded. At that time, the twelfth regiment battalion of the Beijing army only dispatched the eighth regiment battalion, and half of the guards of the imperial army stayed in the capital.