MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 651 1 Everything is in the Dongcheng District of Beijing.

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- Years, in this unpredictable storm, passed by in a flash, Zhaowu six years, as if the end of the year.

As in previous years, political chaos, under the repression of power, has little impact on the common people.

Since the unification of the world, the capital, which has developed rapidly, has entered a peak period that has never been seen before after the convergence of the north and the south.

According to the census of the land population in the third year of Zhaowu, the population of the capital had reached more than 700,000 people, which was several times higher than the population of Liao Province at that time.

By the end of the sixth year of Zhaowu, according to the statistics of the household registration book of the Ministry of Household, the capital of today has grown by nearly 200,000 people in just three years.

These, of course, benefited from the imperial court's policy support for business and the changes to the household registration system of the former Ming Dynasty.

Commercial policy support has naturally driven the flow of population, and there are not a few business trips running all over the world.

The most important change in the household registration system is the abolition of the previous separation registration system, that is, the household registration of artisans, merchants, etc., are all abolished.

All people, scholars, farmers and craftsmen, are all equal.

So far, only the military household registration has not been abolished.

The military household registration, of course, has historical reasons.

Just like today's Daheng, it still retains the military system of the former Ming battalion and the guards coexisting.

There is only one reason for this. The world is unified, and it is still unstable. In addition, the southwest and the border areas of Korea are still difficult to maintain peace. The northwest and northern grasslands are still large.

The enemy exists.

The world is too vast, and there are too many places to be guarded.

Today's Daheng, including the navy, has a record army of 1.2 million.

And if this army of more than 1,200,000 people is a full-time battalion of war, the financial affairs of the imperial court simply cannot afford it.

Not to mention, there are already local inspections and tax inspections.

The battalion recorded in the book, except for the 12th regiment of the Beijing Army, about 150,000 soldiers, and the nine guards of the forbidden army, about 100,000 soldiers.

Liao Province, Korea, the northwest, southwest frontiers, and the northern border towns are so numerous that there are less than 50,000 troops in total.

Grand Marine.

That is to say, this army of 1.2 million, of which only 400,000, are battalions who need to allocate money and food from the court to fight full-time.

Among them, there are also 800,000 troops, all of whom are self-sufficient guard soldiers who do not need money and food from the imperial court.

Every guard soldier means a family, 800,000 guard guards mean 800,000 families, millions of people, in the frontier land, are responsible for guarding the frontier colonies

Ken's responsibilities.

And all of this, the court needs to pay very little. In the first few years of Daheng's establishment, these guards not only do not need the court to allocate money and food every year, but also turn it over to the court.

with vital food for reclamation.

These were turned over, and it was not until the end of the fourth year of Zhaowu that the emperor canceled them.

It is completely conceivable that without these 800,000 guards, all relying on the battalion to guard the border, the financial pressure on Daheng would be terrifying.

Of course, although the military household system still exists, in order to change the low status of military households, the emperor also arranges money and materials during the festival every year, and specially distributes them to the officers and soldiers of the guard station.

Grant subsidies.

This can be regarded as the greatest concern that the emperor can give to the soldiers of the guard in today's financially demanding circumstances.

It is obvious that military households depend on the army and on the frontiers, and they cannot affect the world, and the household registration division of the people, after the abolition, coupled with the prosperity of commerce, has brought about a large population.

The flow also naturally increases the population of the capital.

After all, the capital of a country cannot keep its own people out, but no matter what, it is obvious that the population explosion of a city will inevitably bring huge

population pressure.

Food, clothing, housing, roads—everything needs to be addressed with planning.

Between the wind and snow, a horse-drawn carriage team was slowly advancing on the street, and the emperor, the cabinet chief Liu Qiyuan and the Minister of Industry Hong Chengchou were also the horses sitting in the team.

in the car.

The eaves on both sides of the street are covered with snow, which is dazzling and dazzling. On the street, there is an endless stream of pedestrians and vehicles.

The emperor silently watched the scenery outside the window. The increase in the population has brought more prosperity on the street. Of course, the mess will inevitably appear.

The carriage moved all the way, and the scenery of the capital slowly came into view of the emperor, until the carriage entered the Dongcheng District of the capital, but the speed of the carriage suddenly slowed down a lot.

The scene that came into the Emperor's field of vision was obviously less prosperous, and more of a real city scene.

With just this slight change, the Son of Heaven knew that the destination of this trip had arrived.

The development of any place follows the changes of the general environment of the world.

Beijing, of course, is the same.

Strictly speaking, this capital city is not the first choice for a capital city for a farming nation.

Since ancient times, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Qin, Han and Tang Dynasties, all dynasties and dynasties, the choice of capitals has always been in fertile land.

A capital city integrating military, political, and agricultural economy, it has been the first choice for all dynasties.

However, with the east-west situation since ancient times, since the Jin Dynasty moved south and drove the development of Jiangnan, the east-west situation has evolved into a north-south situation.

The rich and prosperous land in the south of the Yangtze River has also become the first choice for the capital.

Since the demise of the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty entered the Central Plains, and the grassland peoples entered the Central Plains, it is naturally impossible to leave the old nest alone and go to the south of the Yangtze River to Dingdu.

Therefore, Beijing, which is not an agricultural center, but a city close to the grasslands, became the capital of the Yuan Dynasty.

But in this way, it is not an agricultural center, which means that the existence of the capital, the center of politics and military, brings a huge population, which makes it impossible for the capital to achieve self-sufficiency.


That is to say, the political and military affairs of the capital city require blood transfusions from other agricultural centers.

Such a capital is obviously not in line with the primary element of ruling the world.

After all, since ancient times, there has been a strong center and a weak place.

In an era of inconvenient transportation and inconvenient communication, the center occupies the center of gravity of agriculture, and can use the rich agriculture to support a strong center army, and then weaken the land with deterrence.

Fang, thus forming a strong central, weak local situation.

The root cause of the ancient saying - whoever wins Guanzhong wins the world, is the unique wealth of Guanzhong and the advantageous terrain where Guanzhong only needs to guard key places.

Losing the focus of agriculture and being subject to local political and military capitals is obviously not a long-term solution.

After the fall of the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty took it for granted that Nanjing, a capital integrating military, politics and economy, was the capital.

Obviously, Emperor Yongle's move to Beijing had many disadvantages.

Daheng inherited the Ming Dynasty, and this disadvantage was naturally inherited.

At the beginning of Daheng’s founding, it was cut off by the Jiangnan rebellion, and its inability to control the agricultural lifeline clearly explained that the capital, the military and political center, had no radiation.

to the horrors of the agricultural economic center.

In the Ming Dynasty, although there was wealth in the south of the Yangtze River, it could not take advantage of it. The reason was largely because the political and military could not directly control the economic center.

Let the local forces control the agricultural economic lifeline of the central government and clearly set up Nanzhili, obviously there are also reasons for this.

But obviously, Ming's strategy of Nanzhili was not very effective.

Although the emperor has the idea of ​​moving the capital, it is obvious that now, and even for a long time in the future, the conditions for moving the capital will not be met.

After all, the foundation of the Son of Heaven lies in the north, and the great enemy of Daheng lies outside the northern border.

If these two problems are not solved, Daheng will never be able to move the capital, and the Son of Heaven can only bite the bullet and solve the problem that the capital cannot directly control the economy.

Such as the development of Liao Province, the abolition of the sea ban, the opening of maritime trade, such as the prosperity of merchants

These reasons are also the direct reasons for the rapid increase in the population of Beijing.

Business is inseparable from rivers and seas.

The lifeblood of the capital is also inseparable from the river and the sea.

Merchant ships traveled to the capital through the sea and canals, and the sea and the canals also traveled to the capital.

Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, from Jiangnan to Tongzhou, by sea, from Jiangnan Haijiang City Shipping Division to Tianjin Shipping Division, and then from Tianjin Shipping Division, along the North Canal section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal,

to Tongzhou.

Whether it is sea transportation or clear transportation, it is ultimately in Tongzhou, directly to the moat of the capital via the Tonghui River, and the wharf is located in the east of the capital.

Obviously, the changes in the business environment of the world will eventually be reflected in the Dongcheng District of this capital.

The most direct response to the changes in the capital's environment is also in this Dongcheng District.

This is also the purpose of the emperor's trip. The paper is always shallow. The emperor has always only believed what he saw and heard with his own eyes.