MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 88 Mouth

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Under the real waterfall.

Zheng Yan pressed his abdomen and his face sank. In order to seal the black seal, he himself was relieved to lift it.

The waterfall was rushing and continually hitting his head and shoulders, but the body shape of Masahiko did not move. Ten minutes later, the long-lost black figure appeared in front of him.

Black has been sealed by him very firmly, and these years have not sensed the outside world. For it, the eyes are closed and they are liberated. The first reaction is of course to escape.

But at this time, Masahiko is no longer the same, the immortal model does not need to enter, gravitational release, black will be firmly tied in place.

Feel the water hitting on the body, black only found that the surrounding environment is wrong: "This is ... vortex Zhengyan, what are you doing?!"

As soon as the line of sight swayed, a naked, chubby teenager stood in front of his eyes.

The teenager grinned at it: "Dry you!"

Black is absolutely the same, brown and black eyes swept over Masahiko: "You are the vortex Zheng Yan?!"

"It’s my ancestors, how can I not recognize it when I treat him honestly?" Zheng Yan smiled. "Time has passed, you have been sealed by your ancestors for 30 years. I really miss you!"

"...Thirty years?" The black voice is slightly hoarse: "I was actually sealed for 30 years? That Uchi wave spot... bad!"

"I still want to see the spot? He has been accepted by his ancestors, you still worry about yourself!"

Black is a must, and the whole body is black and white, but Zheng Yan can still see the disdain from his face: "The vortex Zhengyan, thirty years later, your strength may improve a lot, but you still can't help me, me and Mother is not dead!"

"Hui night is not dead, but you... not necessarily?" Zheng Yan shook his head, "to kill the bones!"

The spurs from the palm of the right hand are stabbed in the black without any hindrance, and the black ones are completely stunned: "The whirlpool is a singular, there are a lot of secrets in your body, even the blood can be mastered by the snare. But even the mother's blood continues to snare... …what happened?!"

Black words, a terrified discovery that his body is slowly broken, and is irreversible collapse!

Masahiko smiled and said: "I guess it! Not so much that you are the will of the night, it is better to say that you are the dark side of the night. Black, goodbye."

"How is it possible?! No! Mother!"

The black body is completely broken, and the biggest behind-the-scenes hand in this original book disappears in obscurity in the heavens and the earth.

Masahiko sighs with emotion, and the dark side of Huiye actually has his own consciousness. It can be seen that after her blackening, the inner darkness is multiple and terrible...

"Hey? The dark side is wiped out by me. If Huihui is born again at this time, will it become a ... the best person?"

Unlike the dark side that dispels itself, black is absolutely smothered by Masahiko, and it does not exist between heaven and earth. That is to say, if there are only so many dark faces in the night, then she will become pure and kind...

"No, the darkness of the human heart cannot be completely eliminated. Sooner or later, it will breed again. But before that, if you can educate her well..."

Masahiko shook his head, walked out of the waterfall, his body was shaking, his body disappeared without a trace, and he waved back to his clothes. It is useless to think that it is impossible for him to extract the Naruto of the Naruto or the singer of the singer.

At this time, the other end of the waterfall came with a shout of linen: "Predecessors! Have you washed it?"

Masahiko’s eyes turned: “Nothing! Secretary, don’t peek!”

"...Predecessors, hurry up! There is a problem with the practice of the nine-tailed man in the ruins!"

Zheng Yan’s meal, once again shouted: “You wait, the ancestors will come out with a fierce!”

When the voice just fell, he entered the space, bypassed the linen from the gossip space, and entered the relic.

The linen is a glimpse, a fierce?

"Predecessors, please hurry!"


Zheng Yan, who quickly went deep into the ruins, heard the sound behind him and smiled. The little girl, dare to interfere with the ancestors and giant tortoises to cultivate feelings. If you don’t play with you, do you think that the ancestors were muddy?

The remains are small and smaller for Masahiko. In less than ten seconds, Zheng Yan flashed to the deepest room, and saw an anxious Chirabi, and a Naruto with eight red-hot tails behind him.

"Predecessors!" Chirabi sighed and didn't sing: "You are going to help Naruto. He suppresses the nine-tailed Chakra. He is out of control!"

Masahiko smiled and held his hands.

"Cough!" A light cough spread throughout the room.

The nine-tailed Chakra, which was shaken by Naruto, was visually calmed down.

The next second, Naruto's appearance has also changed. Surrounded by a golden chakra, the hair is upturned to form two corners, and the neckline shows six black hooks...

"Witness and greatly change the main story of the Naruto world: Naruto's nine-tailed Chakra model practice, get the witness point 20 (*8)."

Chirabi:? ? ?

Naruto opened his eyes and felt the power of the body, but it was also a bit aggressive. Just after he was with the tail of the river, he was going to lose, and then he listened to Zheng Yan’s cough, and the nine tails were loose... almost didn’t give him a head!

Masahiko smiled, he was not there, and the nine tails took advantage of the temper. As the head of the tail beast, it wants to say that it is also temper!

When Zheng Yan coughs, its temper just disappears, yes, that's it!

"I am this?" Naruto hesitated, and disappeared with a bang, his legs stuck on the wall...

"It hurts! The speed is getting faster! The ancestors Am I successful in this practice?"

"Successful..." Chirabi murmured, feeling that he had lived on the dog for the rest of his life.

Naruto heard a joy, Zheng Yan shook his head and said: "If it is so easy to succeed, what do I bring you here? The nine-tailed Chakra pattern is different from the others, there are non-perfect models and perfect models, you are now It is imperfect..."

Naruto's meal, the color is even more: "Is there a stronger than this?"

Masahiko nodded: "When the human strength and the tail beast are connected, you will become stronger and hopefully win the Sasuke. Here you can easily communicate to the beast, and the next ancestors can't help. You need to work hard!"

"Winning Sasuke, the mind is connected... What do I have to do??" Naruto hurried.

Zheng Yan sank for two seconds: "Use your mouth to swear and convince the nine!"

"... mouth?"


At the same time, the country of the rain.

The central tower has been rebuilt, and Yahiko is returning to his room, but there is a sudden knock on the door.

"Lin Lin? Come in!"

No one responded.


Still no one responded, Yahiko frowned, turned and went to open the door.

A strange and familiar face appeared in front of him, and Yahiko’s pupil expanded rapidly. Just out of the alert posture, my mind suddenly flashed a strange and familiar picture...

"How could this be?!"

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