MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 65 Release

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Muye Village, Feifei National Land.

Before and after the sundial, he served in the early 30 years of Huo Ying, and his popularity was very good. Fortunately, the news of sickness in the future has not been widely spread out, otherwise the Feifei nationality can not find a place to stay.

When Masahiko arrived, only a few friends and relatives of the Sundial were here.

The only two teammates left in the future are still tough, weak and weak, and they have fewer battles in their early years, and there are fewer old injuries left. Especially to go to bed Xiaochun, as a medical addiction to the ninja, at least there is a good life of six or seven years.

In addition to the two of them, there are also the self and the hand, and the new help couples add Muyewan, Asma, and ... red.

In fact, the Japanese invaders were only sick soon, but they were able to move. However, after the examination, they went down to the ‘Dangerous Notice,’ and this made everyone gather here.

Seeing that Masahiko arrived, Muyewan directly rushed over: "The ancestors, you quickly help Grandpa to check again, the handcuffs must be mistaken!"

The hand is a wrist, this little boy, how many times to say to sister...

Zheng Yan touched the head of Muyewan: "I remember that you graduated this year. Since you have become a bear, you must be mature and steady. You must dare to face the grandfather who is about to die."

The wood leaf pill blinked, and it was a bit aggressive.

The loss is Zhengyan, and most people dare to speak like this and have been killed.

"Predecessors, you still have to take a look at your father." New help is not willing to believe.

Masahiko nodded, stepping forward, looking straight into the sun on his face with a smile: "I still check what I have in my heart."

In the mouth, Zheng Yan’s hands are still showing medical ninjutsu. After a moment, he shook his head and said: “If you want to drink, you want to drink it, grab it.”

Behind the wood leaf pill wow, crying, nose and tears are on his mother...

Others may have been prepared, and the words are only showing some sadness. In the future, I am still ridiculing: "Predecessors, you can't be euphemistic?"

Zheng Yan glanced at him: "What is good and euphemistic about death? The director and you said it, after death, the soul will come to the ancestors here, and..."

Masahiko, did not say. In fact, he can already use the technique of reincarnation, but he has to pay a small price. It is still possible to resurrect one or two people without a large-scale resurrection.

But the palms of the hands are all fleshy, and it is not appropriate for anyone to resurrect first. Zheng Yan thinks about waiting for the remaining 600 points to witness the points. After the full level, a wave of walking...

Doesn't this soon have a witness point to take it?

"Predecessors, how long do I have?"

Zheng Yan Shen Yan said: "After half a month, you basically can't come to bed. Then there will be a ten-day and eight-day almost a life-stricken call. Like the mirror of the year, when people reach the limit, they will be old."

Muyewan heard the cry more fierce...

The sundial complexion is slightly stiff. Although she is psychologically prepared, she knows her death and is really a little uncomfortable.

But look at the children and the two apprentices in front of you, and then think about the growing wood leaves, he should have no regrets in this life, sorry...

"Is it less than a month?" Sundial sat up from the bed: "New help, notice the soil bar. Muyewan, Muyewan, let Grandpa hug, I will not hold you for a few days." ""

Masahiko smiled and shook his head. In the end, it was a veteran fire shadow, and it would be quite sensational...

The news that the three generations of Huoying Feifei’s imminent death will gradually spread throughout the wood leaves. There are countless people who come to the Fei nationality to ask. Zheng Yan also occasionally sees some young people in their 50s and 60s sobbing to the Feifei people. Sending a little bit of your own feelings, it shows how popular the people are.

The sundial also aging as predicted by Masahiko, and can no longer get out of bed in mid-April, so the flying family also rejected the vast majority of Konoha ninja civilians.


Wood leaves April 16, 63, noon.


Watergate with Naruto and the summer to go to the flying family to visit the sundial, leaving the righteous and Yan Xinnai to sit and eat.

"玖辛奈, you really don't go?"

"...not going."

"So vengeance?"

"Revenge!" Yu Xinnai vowed.

Masahiko shook his head and laughed: "The thing that you and the Watergate did did not do well in the past, but the end result is not good? Where is the good husband of Watergate looking for?"

Yan Xinna blinked: "You said that there is no such thing as I can't walk with Watergate. People are so beautiful, Watergate will definitely try to pursue me. Where can I use three generations to add chaos?"

Masahiko: "..."

Is it really good for you to be a mother and learn how to talk to your niece?

"There was also Naruto's thing that year..." Cinnamon continued to open her mouth: "If it weren't for my family's talented person, I am afraid that the old guy of the group is hiding... In short, the three generations are too much!"

Masahiko turned a blind eye, Naruto talented? You didn't say that before. This is to see that Naruto has matured in the past two years, and has changed the mouth with a little watergate shadow... Naruto’s bear-like child did not know who it is!

"Too grandpa, don't persuade me, I won't go! Don't persuade me anymore, don't persuade..."

"Well, don't persuade!"

玖辛奈 instantly caught it, then gnawed his teeth and ate rice...

Masahiko smiled and said: "Would you like to go and see it? I haven’t been less guilty in these years. It’s a revenge for you. Deeper hatreds should also dissipate with death. Moreover, there is no deep hatred between you. When you were a child, you hurt your day."

"Well me? Who knows if I want to leave the nine-tailed man who leaves me with wood leaves?" Yan Xinnai sighed: "But since Grandpa, you persuaded me, then I will go and give you a face." !"

Masahiko rolled his eyes again. After the eye is warm, he feels the thrill of rolling his eyes for a long time. It’s no wonder that Ning has always turned over. This action can perfectly express his unhappy feelings...

"eat first!"


After lunch, Yan Xinnai followed Zhengyan to the Yanfei area 日斩家.

"Mom, ancestors, you come to see the three generations of grandfather!" The moonlighting summer is getting brighter and clearer. If you don't be an actor in the future, you can also be a singer...

Watergate screamed and smiled at Sunnai.

His encouragement is much better than that of Zhengyan. Chen Xinnai firmly determined to speed up his footsteps and walk through the tops of the woods that understand the complexities of the past.

As Zheng Yan said, when people reach the limit, they will grow old and look like a day. In the past two months, the day has become more and more old. At this time, I was lying in bed and looking at Yu Xinnai gently.

"玖辛奈is coming. The things of the year...I did something wrong, you still blame me."

玖辛奈 heard a slight silence, until the Naruto, who was not aware of the wrong atmosphere, asked a ‘what’s it’, only to return to God from the memories.

Looking at the sun in front of the old man, Xin Xinna sighed and shook his head gently: "I actually... I have not blamed you!"

In the past, I finally felt relieved.