MTL - Long Live The Hokage-v5 Chapter 113 Ashura and Indra

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The chilly wind blew through, and there seemed to be an electric light that jumped between the hands and the eyes of the six immortals. It was quite a feeling of destiny.

Masahiko sees honey and feels that he is superfluous.

"Hidden dangers, what are the hidden dangers?"

Hand raised an eyebrow: "You ask him."

Six Immortals Emei: "What do you mean?"

"Ontology, you don't want to know why Ashura Chakra and Indra Chakra have to reincarnate?" The hand spoke openly.

Masahiko is a glimpse of the Naruto and Sasuke in the distance, and the eyes are firmly locked in six: "There are two kinds of chakras, there is a problem?!"

"They are used as a medium." The six immortals slowly opened their mouths. "If the mother is resurrected, I can give my strength to the reincarnation of Indra and Ashura and seal the mother!"

The hand smirked: "You are really a good son of the night, Yin, Indra, Ashura, all prepared for the seal of the night, deliberate, lest your mother resurrect."

The six immortals were slightly stunned, and the human scepter seemed to jump out of another space. He was held in his hand and focused on: "I certainly don't want to seal my mother, but isn't it all caused by you?!"

"Maybe." The hand shook his head. "So, if the night is revived, the contemporary Ashura and Indra reincarnation can't grow up, can't re-enclose the night?"

"In order to endure the world and not be destroyed, naturally I need to take it out myself!"

The hand sneered: "Just by the present you? Are you my opponent? Also seal the night?"

Six immortals were silent.

Zheng Yan gradually became stunned, and the sly chakra sprang from him: "The strength given can naturally be recovered. Six old men, will not be what I guess?"

Six immortals continue to be silent.

Hand nodded: "Yes, the body. If the night is revived, and Naruto and Sasuke can't re-seal her, the feathers will take Indra Chakra and Ashura Chakra from their bodies, restore some strength, hands-on! ”

"No, that kind of thing is almost impossible." Six immortals shook their heads.

Hand raised eyebrows: "Isn't it going to happen now? You can't win me with the power of the Son of Heaven, what should I do?"

The six immortals sighed, and there was a red and a blue screen flying in the distance. At the same time, they were mixed with the exclamation of Yu Xinnai and Yan. The heart of Shen Yan was sinking, and the moment was intercepted in front of the light curtain.

However, when the light curtain met him, he broke open in all directions, bypassing him and rushing into the six immortals, and gravity and repulsive force could not stop!

The two rounds of the eyes of the emperor quickly evolved and evolved into a pair of six-jaw jade rounds that are exactly the same as Zheng Yan, and the body of the emperor is also increasing at an extremely speed, and the amount of Chakra is increasing!


Masahiko immediately put on the celestial coat, the football road jade melted out, and a pair of hot wheels rotated to the six immortals.

Six indifferently grasping the human rights stick block, backwards and slides two steps to fly the hot steamer: "Vortex Zhengyan, you really will not comply with the promise of commitment..."

boom! ! !

The hand suddenly appeared behind the six lanes, and the punch that caught the defense prevented him from falling into the ground: "Naruto and Sasuke don't need the kind of chakra that can be pulled away by the feathers at any time. It can also become a strong, rejuvenate at night, and will not become an enemy. Today, the ancestors want to teach you this filial son for the night! Ontology, you... ah? Lying!"

The face changed and the face disappeared into the gossip space. Numerous attacks were hit by Zheng Yan in a flash, eighty gods air strikes, tail beast jade, hot wheels... rubbing each other with glare, straight to six!

The attack touched the earth, and no sound was heard. The land was annihilated in the light and spread to the surroundings, eventually stopping in front of the young people who maintained the encirclement.

When the weather is calm, the center of the attack has fallen to a depth of more than 200 meters, and the six lanes lie flat inside, slowly struggling to get up.

The hand hits and flashes out: "Ontology, what crazy are you doing! Feather... ah? Nothing? Just attacking him can actually resist it?"

Masahiko's face is ugly: "You can't feel it? What did Ashura Chakra bring out from Naruto?!"

"...Nine tails!!" The hand murmured, and his face showed an angry look: "Big wood feathers! You are even worse than I thought!"

Six celestial people raised their voices: "The whirlpool is not a person who will abide by the promise. If you want to solve you, you must drag him down. I can only make a decision! I will solve this problem. How can I plead guilty to the vortex, and the nine will be returned. Naruto Naruto!"

"Too grandfather!" In the distance, Xinnai’s anxious shout came.

Masahiko took a deep breath: "Hands, you will keep the life of Naruto, give me ten minutes, I can kill this bastard!"

"I... medical grade five, or else, like Chirabi, I give Naruto a seal?"

"The Great Elder!" The golden light flashed, and the watergate appeared. "The nine tails in Naruto..."

Zheng Yan gritted his teeth: "I know. Hand hit you bastard, seal is not to let Naruto suffer sin? If you have nothing to look for, it is really to develop the body to do things! There are six you are also a bastard, waiting for me to stabilize Naruto's situation, The ancestors tied you two together!"

"Watergate, let's go!"

Six floating up: "I have been tracking down the mother who has induced you to go away for hundreds of years, and all the grudges will be solved today!"

The hand took a deep breath: "Do you think that if you have more than one tail, I won't win you? It seems that I can't win it... What's special, I have to pick up the nickname, come Let's go!"


On the other hand, Masahiko faced the Naruto who had fallen into a coma and began to use medical ninjutsu. Have the experience of treating Chirabi, and treat Naruto in the same way.

"Long door, the country of the vortex to take the tonic."


"Watergate, you go to the country of the rain, bring the sneaky muscles."

The water gate focuses on the head and disappears in place.

"Too grandfather, what the **** is going on? Isn't the guy who is fighting with you, isn't you caught up?"

Zheng Yan shook his head gently: "玖辛奈, don't worry. Although his face has not changed, but the soul has changed. Now it is six immortals, and the Naruto is stable in a while, I will hold him, you will smoke him. Take a look!"

Maintaining medical ninjutsu, Zheng Yan told everyone about the reincarnation of Indra and Ashura Chakra.

"It's my fault. I should have been prepared for it. I have to guard against the eternal eye of Sasuke's eyes for no reason! Sasuke, how are you?"

Sasuke’s face is also very difficult to read: “Can’t open the kaleidoscope to write the wheel eye...”

Masahiko swears: "I also want to thank him for not taking all your energy away and letting you lose your sight. I will thank him with a big punch!"

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