MTL - Live Broadcast: One Sentence At The Beginning Of The School Flower Crying-Chapter 402 What are you running for at noon?

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After a two-day break.

The crew all came back to continue filming.

The scene of the Shenyou store has basically been filmed, and the rest is from other places. They first came to a hospital and prepared to shoot related clips.

There are still some scenes involving the hospital in the movie. According to their speed, it takes about two or three days to shoot.

The third day at 1pm.

Xu Muge looked at her watch.

"You can prepare first, I'll go for a run, and we'll start directly when we get back."

Everyone is very puzzled.

What are you running at noon!

It's just that Xu Muge, as a director, screenwriter, producer, and investor, doesn't dare to say anything.

Even if he said he was going to have a baby, everyone could only laugh and follow the ceremony.

Liang Ruixue has been on the set, she stepped forward and asked: "I remember you didn't eat lunch, and your eyes were bloodshot, you should have stayed up late last night, and you still go for a run in this state ?"

"When did you become so observant?" Xu Muge asked with a smile.

"I learned from Mr. Chen. He said that in order to play a role well, we must be good at observing the little things in life, and the performance can be real," Liang Ruixue replied.

Xu Muge praised affirmatively: "Yes, keep it up, I'll be back in a while."

Without waiting for her to say more, Xu Muge got in the car, changed into a sports suit in the car, and arrived at the destination after half an hour.

As soon as I got out of the car, I heard someone shouting with a horn.

"The runners who participated in this full marathon have gathered here."

Xu Muge is not in the wrong place, he just wants to run a marathon, and it is a 42-kilometer full-marathon.

It's not that he has nothing to do.

In the next scene, Lu Yiyi was terminally ill, lying in the hospital, Cheng Yong went to see him, and then he committed suicide.

Therefore, Xu Muge will play the role of Lu Yiyi, who is extremely weak and physically and mentally exhausted by the illness for a long time.

Emotions can be played through acting, but the state is difficult to act, no matter how you act, there will be traces of performance.

Xu Muge's god-level acting skills can also be performed, but in order to be perfect, Xu Muge decided to be more realistic.

His method is to let himself not eat or sleep for a day, and then run a full marathon.

In this way, no matter how good Xu Muge's body is, it will be weak.

Xu Muge didn't sleep last night, didn't eat yesterday's dinner, didn't eat breakfast and lunch today, just drank water.

So this marathon was a big challenge for him.

If it is normal, he can definitely finish easily, and break the record easily.

But now he's hungry and sleepy, and he doesn't know if he can do it.

Xu Muge was wearing a mask and no one recognized him.

Before departure, he deliberately added some sugar to avoid fainting on the road due to low blood sugar, which would be a shame.


The signal gun rang, and everyone started.

Xu Muge participated in the marathon before, but it was a college marathon, and it was a half marathon, which is 21 kilometers.

This time it was an international marathon, some professional, with a total distance of 42 kilometers, and some professional long-distance runners participated.

Xu Muge participated in this marathon, the main purpose is to make his physical state quickly reach a weak state, the rest does not matter.

That's why he wears a mask and runs away without saying a word.

The first ten kilometers was fine, but after running about twelve kilometers, Xu Muge had to take off his mask, which affected his breathing too much.

Fortunately, Xu Muge has always been in the first echelon, there are fewer people, and no players notice him.

But there are occasional spectators on both sides of the road.

Someone soon discovered Xu Muge and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Huh? Why does this person look like a Faun?"

"What is like! This is clearly him!"

"Wocao! The Faun sneaked to participate in the marathon!"

"I heard that Faun is making a new movie recently, isn't it filming now?"

"I really want to rush over and ask for an autograph!"


Fortunately, everyone was very rational. Although they were very excited, they did not rush to find Xu Muge to influence the game.

It's just that more and more people went straight to the finish line to wait for him after learning about it.

Xu Muge didn't know anything about this matter, nor did he care, he was carefully adjusting his breathing and trying to run the entire distance.

For the 42-kilometer full marathon, most runners can complete it in more than two hours.

This time will soon pass if you play games and watch videos.

But when it comes to running, it feels like a year.

If you run a marathon without eating or sleeping for a day, it will be like a year.

After seeing the specific mark, Xu Muge secretly said.

"Five kilometers left!"

At this moment, Xu Muge's stomach growled like he was beating a drum, and his legs and eyelids seemed to be filled with lead.

Sleepy, hungry, and tired.

But his physical fitness and willpower are strong enough to last.

Xu Muge doesn't care about other people's position, just insists with all his strength.

I don't know how long.

Xu Muge finally saw the end, and his eyes instantly lit up.

It's so cute! I thought I couldn't finish it!

Xu Muge's confidence increased greatly, and he couldn't help speeding up.

Before the finish line, there was a large crowd of people standing in Wuyang Wuyang. The audience, reporters, and hosts were all waiting eagerly.

Most of the audience, reporters and hosts came for Xu Muge.

The host took the microphone to explain.

"Okay! We've seen the first tier of players running towards the finish line."

"The number one is Xu Muge, the current men's 100-meter world record holder! I didn't expect that Mushen is not only the world leader in sprinting, but also so powerful in long-distance running."

“You can see that the Faun is far ahead of other players. In terms of time and distance, the Muscle should be very close to the world record, but I don’t know if he can break this world record.”

"If the Faun can break this world record, then he will achieve an unprecedented achievement, that is, the only person who holds the men's marathon and men's 100m world records."

"This achievement makes my blood boil just thinking about it!"

"It's getting close, he's still three hundred meters away from the finish line!"

"Come on!"

The host's words made many onlookers shout subconsciously.

"Come on!"