MTL - Little Life on An American Ranch-Chapter 694 Defense

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  Chapter 694 Defense against one hand

   After subduing the leader, the remaining few became honest, and were **** silently by Jian Heng with plastic straps like plague chickens.

After tying everyone up, Jian Heng first made a phone call to the police station, and then dialed a phone call to the American Consulate in Shanghai. If it wasn't for the monitoring person, Jian Heng didn't want to bother the consular officer to intervene. Throwing these goods that are going to grab him into the space, he will really spend the rest of his life as a cow and a horse for himself, but once these people get involved, Jian Heng can't do this anymore.

It was precisely because of the origins of this group of people that Jian Hengsheng was afraid that some people would play tricks on them, and wanted to make this big event into a small one, so that he would get out without hurting his muscles and bones, so Jian Heng put the The consulate was recruited. Anyway, his life was threatened, so he had to come up with a solution, otherwise Jian Heng was going to take advantage of this matter to make a fuss.

  Put down the phone, Jian Heng kicked everyone sitting on the ground at the door, especially the boss, after kicking, he said: "What is it, you still want to tie me up!"

These people are not only tied hands and feet, but also tied together with their backs, so that even a cow can't break free, let alone people, so Jian Heng is not afraid that these people will run away, so he kicked to relieve his hatred and turned around went upstairs.

  The guys upstairs have more decent equipment than the ones downstairs. Besides, they still have a mask on their heads.

  Jian Heng returned to his bedroom, and tore off the leader's mask, and when he took it off, Jian Heng could not help squinting his eyes.

   "Where have we met?" Jian Heng suddenly felt that this person was quite familiar.

  The leader snorted at Jian Heng, then turned his face away with a look of disdain.

  Jian Heng looked at him, stretched out his hand and slapped his ear to greet him: "I owe you a beating!"

   "If you don't kill me, if you don't kill me, I will definitely kill you when I come out!" The leader is quite arrogant.

Jian Heng listened and said with a smile: "I'm not afraid of you now, but I will still be afraid of you in the future? I don't know how to punish tens of millions of dollars for armed robbery, but do you think you can come out in less than ten years? You should think about it carefully." Think about how to spend ten years in the cell!"

   "You're talking nonsense!" The man said angrily.

   Jian Heng said: "Then let's see!"

   Now this gun must be full of the handprints of the person in front of me. Jian Heng's fingerprints do not exist at all, because this gun was originally collected by Jian Heng, and it was a thing in a pile of garbage that Jian Heng had never touched. Anyway, anyone can have fingerprints, but it is impossible to have Jian Heng's.

   As he spoke, Jian Heng raised his foot and kicked him two or three times.

While waiting for the third kick, Jian Heng finally remembered who this was. The other day in the living room of Liu Guangming's company, a waiter came in holding a metal box, and the waiter who followed him Two people with the same security guard, this person is one of them.

   "Damn, it turned out to be from Liu Guangming's company," Jian Heng said.

  Hearing what Jian Heng said, the leader finally looked at Jian Heng: "You are not stupid enough yet!"

  Jian Heng laughed and said, "You're pretty smart, you went to a jewelry store to be an undercover agent!"


   "Huh, hum, you may not have a chance to hum when you go in, and I don't know what Liu Guangming will think if he finds out." Jian Heng laughed.

   Seeing that this guy ignored him, Jian Heng stopped talking nonsense with him.

In addition to the leader, Jian Heng then greeted the strong man who almost stabbed his thigh just now, this Jian Heng can do more than just two feet, waiting to hear the sound of the police car At that time, Jian Heng was beating him so much that he was sweating. Guan Jian was beaten by Jian Heng for so long, and there was no visible injury on his body. It must be said that Jian Heng's previous years as a lumberjack were not in vain. Those foremen's ability to greet people, Jian Heng used it very smoothly.

  Hearing the sound of a police car, Jian Heng went downstairs. Before he reached the door, he heard a knock on the door.

   "Police, is it your family who reported the police?" The voice of the police officer sounded outside.

  Jian Heng immediately said loudly: "Yes!"

   Just when Jian Heng was about to open the door, He Ye's voice suddenly sounded: "Jian Heng is me, open the door quickly!"


  Walking towards the door, Jian Heng wondered: Why did this guy come here so late?

  When I got to the door and opened it, I found two policemen standing at the door, and behind the policeman was not the kid He Ye.

   "Why did you come here with the police?" Jian Heng asked.

  He Ye didn't know why he drank wine, his little face was flushed, and before he stood in front of Jian Heng, the smell of wine rushed to Jian Heng.

   Pushed him lightly: "Just stand here and talk to me!"

"Isn't this house in my name before? People here called the police when they heard that someone was robbed at this address, so they asked me. When I heard that something happened to you, I didn't even have any wine. I'll come to see you after drinking, how about you buddy! By the way, are you okay?" After He Ye finished speaking, he let out an "uh" sound and hiccupped.

   "If I have something to do, can I come over and open the door for you?" Jian Heng said.

   After speaking, Jian Heng had to take two steps back: "Good guy, what are you drinking?"

   While Jian Heng was talking to He Ye, the police had already entered the house and began to observe the situation in the room.

"There are still upstairs!" Jian Heng raised his finger upstairs, and then explained: "The ones downstairs are planning to kidnap me. The three guns on the ground belong to them. I haven't touched them. Those people downstairs I have a gun. There are a few bugs over there, I destroyed them after I found them, and I threw the two good ones in the refrigerator... ".

  As soon as Jian Heng said that there were people upstairs, two policemen rushed upstairs, pushed open the door of Jian Heng's bedroom, and saw a circle of people sitting inside.

   After speaking, Jian Heng stretched out his hand to signal He Ye to enter the house, first went into the kitchen to boil a pot of water, and poured a glass of water for He Ye and several police officers.

  Fa just boiled, and people from the consulate over there also came. A Chinese American in his thirties, who was a bit high-spirited, first asked about Jian Heng's situation, and then asked the police about the situation of the case.

The policeman who called He Ye stood next to He Ye, glanced at the consulate officials who were communicating with his colleagues, and said with a wry smile at Jian Heng: "It's not necessary, it's already a big case involving guns, we can If you don’t have the ability to suppress it, isn’t it a bit of a fuss for you to bring the consulate in?”

   Jian Heng smiled: "I am not targeting your bureau, you can rest assured."

  He Ye drank a lot, but he was not drunk. He frowned when he heard Jian Heng's explanation, then thought for a while and said without thinking: "Who do you think it is?"

Jian Heng naturally knows who he is talking about. To be honest, Jian Heng has never offended anyone in China, and he can't use a hand when he is unhappy. With this kind of means, if you take a comprehensive look, you can be sure that the person who planned to take Jian Heng away must have something to do with the young master who is going to monopolize the high-end timber market.

   "Isn't he the one I use to recruit people from the consulate?" Jian Heng said.

Hearing Jian Heng's words, the little wine in He Ye's stomach was scattered all at once. The officials sent by the American consulate were serious Chinese, and they spoke very authentic Chinese. It is quite clear what degree of gun crime is. In addition to the evidence and testimony presented by Jian Heng, although he does not know who is behind these people in the living room, he guesses it is It doesn't matter which type of person you are.

   If the average person, the American bureaucrat, is not sure, he will make a big deal smaller, but is Jian Heng not an ordinary person now? Not to mention the famous families in Montana, but at the very least, they have a wide range of friends and have a certain influence, and the current situation in the United States, if someone exposes this matter to the media, then he will be in trouble.

  Will someone poke it? Mr. Bureaucrat looked at Jian Heng in his heart, and the more he looked at him, the more he felt that this guy was not a fuel-efficient lamp. In fact, the rich people in the United States were not fuel-efficient. Mr. Bureaucrat looked at Jian Heng for a while, and he was not interested in complaining about the current affairs. It is to urge the police to handle the case as soon as possible, and then give the grandpa in front of him a satisfactory explanation.

After thinking about it, this is also a good thing. I am a Chinese. The person in front of me sees that if he wants to develop in the political arena in the future, then the help of such a rich donor is indispensable. Thinking of this, this person who works I couldn't help but worked harder.

   Next, accompanied by Mr. Bureaucrat, Jian Heng was questioned by the police and made a detailed record.

The whole thing went on till dawn, Jian Heng's neighbors all came out for a walk, and this is a temporary conclusion. Whenever someone passed by the door of Jian Heng's house, they would stop and look around with curiosity on their faces. .

   Among them was an old couple who knew Jian Heng. When they saw Jian Heng coming out, they opened their mouths and asked, "Little Jane, what's going on?"

  Jian Heng smiled and said: "Master Xie, Mrs. Xie, good morning, nothing serious, our house has been burglarized!"

   "Oh, then you have to be more careful, alas, the security of the community is becoming more and more irresponsible now. Last time, the previous 320 was also stolen by someone, and more than 100,000 jewelry was lost...".

  As soon as the old lady was about to have a big chat, Jian Heng opened his mouth and said, "Yes, yes, what are you two doing?"

   "Shopping for vegetables!" said the old man.

  The relationship between the old man and the old lady is very good. Early in the morning, the old couple will hold hands and go shopping together, and then go home to cook together, which is quite enviable.

   "Then we won't delay you two!" Jian Heng threw the bag in his hand onto the car.

   "Are you going out?"

   "This house can't be lived in for the time being. At the scene of the crime, it will take two or three days for the police to come here to get evidence or something," Jian Heng said.

The police wanted to handle the case here, so Jian Heng naturally couldn't live in his own home, so Jian Heng took some clothes and prepared to go out to find a hotel. As for He Ye who was following him, he was already sleepy. , but still insisted on going to the hotel with Jian Heng.


  After hearing this, the old man and the old lady waved at Jian Heng, and the old couple left side by side.

  Jian Heng got into the car, He Ye opened the door and got to the co-pilot's seat. As for his own Audi, the driver had to follow behind.

   While on the road, Jian Heng got off the car and ate breakfast on the side of the road. During breakfast, he booked a good hotel nearby with his mobile phone, and drove in the car directly after eating.

  He Ye fell asleep while sitting in the car, entered the room, lay down on the sofa in the living room and fell asleep. On Jian Heng's side, he lay on the sofa speechless and played games to pass the time.

  (end of this chapter)