MTL - Little Life on An American Ranch-Chapter 655 calculate

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  Chapter 655 Planning

After sitting down, the old Walsh didn't talk much, and came directly to the topic: "Whether the horse over there is sold or not, if it is sold, it will be faster, if it is not sold, let me know, I have been waiting for several days !"

  Jian Heng put down the paper in his hand after hearing this, and smiled at Old Walsh: "Are you asking me about this?"

   "If I don't ask you, who will I ask, aren't you one of the bosses?" Old Walsh said.

  Jian Heng said again: "Forget it, I'm afraid of you, Wu has consulted everyone's opinions, and sold, but only gellings, not mares and stallions."

  Old Walsh said indifferently: "I just need to have horses. By the way, how many horses are you going to sell?"

  When Jian Heng heard him ask this, he immediately waved his hand: "I don't know about that!"

  Looking into Old Walsh's eyes, Jian Heng immediately took out his mobile phone: "Wait, let me ask for you."

  Waiting for the phone call, when Jian Heng mentioned this question, Wu Yong didn't know the exact number, so he had to wait for him to ask first before telling Jian Heng.

   It took nearly five minutes to go back and forth like this before Jian Heng got the exact news.

   Putting down the phone, Jian Heng said to Old Walsh: "A total of forty-five horses! How many horses are you going to ask for?"

  Old Walsh opened his mouth and Jian Heng was startled.

   "I want it all!" said Old Wash.

"What? All you want, are you kidding me?" Jian Heng was stared at by the old man's big hand, fearing that the old man misunderstood, Jian Heng opened his mouth and said: "These horses are not cheap, no less than one Thousands of dollars!"

  $40,000 to $50,000 doesn't seem like a lot, but it's not something a small rancher like Old Walsh can afford all at once. Ordinary ranchers are like many homeowners in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. They say they are worth hundreds of millions, but in reality they live with deduction.

   "It wasn't my family that bought these horses, but Catherine and I. You think I have more, but I think there are fewer. Originally, I thought there would be at least sixty horses," Old Walsh said.

  Jian Heng became even more confused now, and thought of a picture and asked Old Walsh, "You didn't do the case of the cash truck in California a few days ago, did you?"

Old Walsh glared at Jian Heng: "What am I doing in California when I have nothing to do, acting as a clown? Hurry up, call and tell Wu, and tell me that as long as the price is not too high, I will give you 45 horses. Already!"

   Jian Heng took out his mobile phone and asked the old man, "Then where did you get the money?"

   "With bank loans, the ability of my ranch to make money now, the bank has nothing to worry about," Old Walsh said.

  Jian Heng dialed the phone, asked about the price, and told Wu Yong that Old Walsh was going to pack all the horses.

  Wu Yong was as surprised as Jian Heng: "The old man robbed the bank, this time the business is so generous!"

  Jian Heng was immediately happy when he heard it: "I also said this just now, and I asked him if he was the one who robbed the armored van in California a few days ago!"

   "If he accepts the price, he can come over to sign the contract in the afternoon," Wu Yong said after laughing with Jian Heng a few times.

   "Okay, I'll tell him!" Jian Heng said and put down the phone.

  Old Walsh is looking at Jian Heng longingly. When talking on the phone, Jian Heng spoke Chinese. How could the old man know that? He just looked at Jian Heng, talking and laughing.

"There are three levels in total, the lowest one is 900 US dollars, this kind is not much, there are a total of eight horses, the middle one is 1,100 US dollars, this kind is the most, 18 horses, and the remaining 1,300 US dollars! What do you think?" Jian Heng said.

  Old Walsh didn't even think about it, and agreed directly: "Okay, I want it all!"

  After speaking, Old Walsh took out his phone and called Wu Yong.

  The two of them didn't have much nonsense on the phone, one quoted the total price, and Old Walsh agreed immediately.

  Jian Heng couldn't control the excitement in his heart anymore. After the old Walsh put down the phone, he asked: "I said old Walsh, are you bewitched? Are you so generous!"

  Old Walsh smiled and opened his mouth to explain: "Do you think tourists like to ride such beautiful horses, or do they like to ride ordinary horses?"

   "Of course it's a beautiful horse, it's up to you to ask!" Jian Hengyi replied as if he had caught something in his mind, but he didn't think deeply for a while.

Old Walsh continued: "That's right! Let me ask you again, how long will it take for the company's remaining horses, plus those from your ranch, to be bred for the next batch of horses and put into use? I think at least Is it two to three years?"

  Jian Heng nodded: "It will take so long!"

Although a two-year-old pony can be ridden, the body of the horse is not yet fully developed. Such an early service is not good for the health of the horse, so generally speaking, the horse is formally ridden after the age of three. One point is that the pony has a lively personality and is easy to hurt people. Unlike a seven or eight-year-old horse, it has a steady personality and a gentle temper. It is suitable for novices to ride and practice.

  Old Walsh said proudly: "Then it means that in the past two or three years, only me, Catherine, the breeding company and you have this kind of beautiful horse, right?"

Seeing Jane nodded, the old man continued: "The company won't join the ride-hailing market, and you won't either, because you don't like the small money. That means Catherine and I have two to three years Isn’t it an exclusive business? Like this kind of horse, it’s not expensive to rent five dollars an hour or ten to twenty dollars a morning? How long do you think I can recover the cost?”

Hearing what the old man said, Jian Heng suddenly realized that the old man thought of this, and according to Jian Heng's judgment, who would care about the twenty or thirty dollars, even if this kind of horse costs money? , Ordinary horses do not cost money, I am afraid that many people will choose to ride such expensive horses, firstly because they are beautiful, and secondly, the people who come here are not short of this money, and they all go abroad to play, and they care about the hundred Two hundred RMB? Thirdly, everyone has a mentality that cheap goods are not good, and that those who spend money must be good.

   "It's so amazing, I never thought of this!" Jian Heng said.

  Old Walsh sighed: "It's not that you can't think of it, but you don't even bother to make money like this now. If you are in my position, you will naturally think of it."

Jian Heng smiled here, what Old Walsh said is quite correct, Jian Heng’s current net income of the ranch after deducting taxes in a month is as high as millions of dollars, although it is not fully operational yet, but it is not unoccupied I want to come, but the people who want to come now are not qualified enough. For example, if a third-rate TV actor wants to come to the ranch, Jian Heng will let him come in even if he pays double the money.

   "Okay, don't bother you anymore, I'll go back and prepare to drag the horse in the afternoon." Old Walsh patted his knee, picked up the cowboy hat on the long sandals, stuck it on his head, and prepared to leave.

   But when he stood up, he saw Jian Hengcha's papers and asked, "Is this what bothers you?"

   "That's right, the ranch wants to hire a security company, and I'm worried. A good company is not cheap, and a cheap one is afraid that it won't work well," Jian Heng said.

  Old Walsh thought for a while: "You should choose a famous company here. First of all, a famous company can afford to pay. A second-rate security company, the whole company may not be as valuable as a leg of your customer here!"


  Jian Heng sighed, Jian Heng also knew this truth, but didn't he feel bad about money, the quotation of more than three million US dollars a year, Jian Heng was so heartbroken, seeing the above numbers made his heart twitch with pain.

  Old Walsh also noticed something and asked: "What price?"

   "The minimum report is 3.2 million US dollars a year, and the maximum is 3.5 million US dollars," Jian Heng said.

   "That's your expression just now!" Old Walsh smiled, turned around and strode out of Jian Heng's house.

Jian Heng sat down and looked at the paper in his hand for a while, gritted his teeth and chose a well-known security company, because among several companies, the security plan from this company satisfied Jian Heng the most. Of course, the price was relatively It is relatively economical.

   Jian Heng's heart ached here, but the company that received Jian Heng's call over there happily promised that Jian Heng would be satisfied.

  Called the security company, and Jian Heng called his lawyer Daniel, but he couldn't get through several times, so Jian Heng had to put down the phone and watch TV.

   After watching for about a quarter of an hour, the phone rang, and Jian Heng answered it when he saw that it was Daniel. Daniel is not the little lawyer who just came back from before. Now the whole Montana is full of reputation. Unlike before, he only waited for Jian Heng's phone call. Now lawyer Dan is very busy.

  (end of this chapter)