MTL - Let’s Chat About The Guy Who Entered The Book To Chase After Me-Chapter 2

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When listening to this question, Luo Qingquan couldn't help but push the folding fan of the high-grade top grade into a rattle. "Brother Wen, can you be a little bit wide, right? I want to say it, just say it, Is there a rule that cannot be fulfilled? "

"That's it," Wen Xuan said lightly. "You talk and do things, you only consider yourself, you haven't considered the impact on Zongmen at all, have you?"

"You ..." If it wasn't for the good quality of the folding fan, I was afraid it would be broken by Luo Qingquan.

"So what? You lose!" He flipped the folding fan off and pointed Wen Xuan at the edge of the fan. "Why do you say anything in front of me? If you don't agree, we will compare it again!"

Wen Xuan shook his head.

Luo Qingquan was already angry, and going on like this will only reveal more ugliness.

"Okay, well." At this moment, the old-fashioned old lady Jin Dan, who was sitting there, grinned, and finally hit a round, "" The nephew of the teacher is right. Qingquan, this time you are really too messy coming."

The old man was named Luo Tiancheng. He was Luo Qingquan's master and Luo Qingquan's uncle.

Luo Qingquan was sober when he heard this, and quickly took a deep breath to endure the rage.

"But the young people are determined to make progress, which is not always a bad thing." Elder Luo smiled and looked at the two on the left. "Brother Brother, Master Ling, what do you think?"

The beautiful woman snorted coldly. "Your family apprentice wants to take the position of master nephew. In any case, wait until Brother Chu comes back?"

Elder Luo smiled, his eyes fell on Ji Ziang, "Brother in charge?"

Ji Ziang twisted his beard and choked it for so long, and finally he was reluctant to express his attitude. "Even if Brother Chu is absent, you and I have seen the scene just now. Although Luo Shi's nephew is strong, he is not as good as a literary nephew You have to live there. "

"That's true." Elder Luo agreed with a smile. "There is still too much to learn from Qingquan."

Ji Ziang got his reply and groaned for a long time. Then he lowered his eyes, looked at Luo Qingquan, and settled his conclusion. "Nie Luo Shi, you can win the championship in this door, but you can choose in Zongmen. You can use any technique you like in a practice method. This is what you deserve. Go to the Qianbao Pavilion and the Wanfa Hall to take it out at any time. As for other things, you don't need to mention them here. "

Luo Qingquan bit his teeth, and had to lower his head. "The disciples understand."

"Hmm ..." Ji Ziang nodded with satisfaction.

Later, the head explained a few more words, and he stood up and waved his sleeves, indicating that the current Shuiyunzong gate was successfully concluded, and he returned with the elders. The disciples watching below continued to disperse with the landing, quiet and orderly, and finally there was no more trouble.

Wenxuan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Luo Qingquan finally raised his head, but his face was unwilling. When he opened his mouth, he sneered, "Brother, good means."

Looking at this, it seems that Wen Xuan's previous actions were all performed in front of the palm.

Wen Xuan glanced at him, then left with the broken sword in his arms. He doesn't care about him, and there is nothing to care about. Anyway, even if he cares about his own sword, he can't return. It is better to think about whether the Canglan sword can be repaired in his arms.

However, before he returned to his home in Dongfu, he received another biography, and the head was calling him to pass.

Wen Xuan estimated that he was trying to appease him alone, so that he and Luo Qingquan would be completely out of trouble, and he thought that this was really superfluous.

After he went, he saw that in the empty hall, only Ji Ziang was sitting in the middle, and the whole person was gathered in the slightly wider head robe, which made people notice a little loneliness and exhaustion that no one had before.

"Xuaner." The chief called him closer and asked an unexpected sentence, "Are you wronged these years?"

Grievance? What can be wronged?

Wen Xuan moved his throat and was speechless for a while.

"It was so amazing at that time, but now you are at this point, you must be wronged." The head looked at him deeply.

Yes, more than ten years ago, when Luo Qingquan was still struggling to build the foundation, Wenxuan was also a first-class genius in Shui Yunzong, and his talent was unparalleled.

Wen Xuan pursed her lips, and could not help thinking about those beautiful years. For a long time, he said, "Life is alive, how can everything go well? I can get to the point where I am today, and I am lucky enough than many of my colleagues. Although I want to go further, but the number of days here, I can't blame anyone. . "

"You child, you don't have to be so arrogant." The head sighed, grabbed his hand, and patted the back of his hand, "After all, the power of battle is not everything, or cultivation is the root. You are just now In the Ningyuan period, as long as you sink your heart and polish, you can always repair it. "

With that said, the head stuffed a bottle of elixir into Wenxuan's hands, and said with a long heart, "As for other things, you don't really need to keep your heart in mind, just look at some."

This is a good bottle of Guben Pei Yuan Dan, what is needed to stabilize the realm.

Wen Xuan was holding this bottle of elixir and was really touched for a while.

It wasn't until he was out of the hall that he was awake by the cold wind outside. Well, in fact, he was really soothing him so that he wouldn't go to war with Luo Qingquan.

Wen Xuan shook her head and sighed, capped the elixir for a while, and put it into the storage bag on the waist to accompany the broken sword.

To ask my heart, in fact, Wen Xuan would like to ask if the head can help him repair the sword. Unfortunately, the meaning of the head is enough to understand, this elixir is a hint-since the power of battle is not working, you just have to sullenly cultivate, but what about those things that fight?

This principle is so correct, the head even even lowered his body to make such a suggestion, according to Wenxuan's deserved face. But the word "look away" is always easier said than done.

Especially at this moment, the match in the morning was still hot. As soon as Wen Xuan came out, he could hear a master's brother and brother talking about his defeat to Luo Qingquan. I could hear it everywhere.

"At that time, Brother Luo, using a trick to make a snowfall outside of the sky, forced Brother Wen to the corner. Brother Wen quickly sacrifice the sword in his hand, desperately stopped the spell, cracked it for a long time, and then clicked! Brother Wen The sword was broken! Even a decent counterattack could not be made! "

Look at what I said, and it's very good, just like storytelling.

Wen Xuan passed over them, and when he heard this lively voice, he didn't know what to do.

"I always heard those brothers talk about how powerful Brother Wen was then, but it still seems to be the case now."

"That's it, Brother Luo is really good at it."

"It can't be said that Brother Wen has been running for the Zongmen all these years, so maybe he has delayed his practice because of this."

"Yes, since all the brothers said so, Brother Wen must have been really powerful then."

"Well, why is he doing this now? Don't say it's all because of running for Zongmen, I don't believe it."

The person who cultivates the truth has five senses of sensitivity. Coincidentally, Wen Xuan's five senses are a bit bigger than those of the same level monk. Until the flight has passed far away, these conversations can be drilled into his ears.

He also couldn't help thinking: Yeah, how could I be like this now?

This incident was annoying as soon as I thought about it, Wen Xuan shook his head, and went straight out of the inner gate of Shui Yunzong, into the realm of the outer gate.

He knew a master who had some skills in the refining industry. He had been retired to the outside door because of the slow progress in the past two years. This trip was just for a visit. By the way, he asked if his sword was saved.

When he first arrived at the outside gate, he also expected to be quieter here. After all, only disciples from the inside gate could watch the battle.

He turned out to be so naive. The message between the internal and external gates of Shui Yunzong is not known to be much smoother, and the outer gate is also spreading the breaking news. And because I haven't seen it with my own eyes, it spreads a lot, adds fuel and vinegar, I don't know how much more exaggerated and exciting, full of various ideas that make people speechless.

Unfortunately, what is creative is only a description of that match. The discussion after the description is still so uncreative.

"Isn't Brother Wen strong enough then? Why is he here now?"

Wen Xuan sighed and had to try to ignore the noise and quickly flew to the direction of the master.

"It's because of the exercises."

At this moment, such a light sentence, but penetrated Wenxuan's eardrum, let him stop Jin Yun suddenly, could not help looking back.

He has strong ears and can hear far away, but the distance is covered in a mountain range, and he can't see the speaker at a glance. Then Wenxuan gritted his teeth and turned Jin Yun, looking for the direction he had just heard.

Gongfa. The person who can accurately refer to these two words can't help but care.

But after a while, he saw two figures in an open field in the mountains. He descended quickly and waited until he could see what they looked like, but he was stunned again. It was a wonderful young girl and a middle-aged man. But Wen Xuan heard the sentence just now, the voice was between young people and young people, and they would never be the two in front of them.

When the middle-aged man saw Wenxuan, he was naturally surprised. After looking for a moment, his face changed again. His body shook like a sieve, and he rolled to the ground all at once, pulling the girl next to him to kneel. Trembling, "Brother Wenwen, why are you here?"

As soon as he spoke, Wen Xuan heard it. This is the person who just asked.

That said, the person answering should be nearby. Wen Xuan thought of this, and quickly looked away from the two, ready to find a circle.

"Brother Zhao, get up, he came to me." At this moment, a voice came from behind. Wenxuan heard clearly that the tone was exactly the same as the sentence just now.

He turned around and saw a big tree behind him, and a small house behind it.

A young boy in front of the house was leaning against the door and smiling. 2k novel reading network