MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 51 Sorry for being late

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After a while, the four lips parted, the kiss was not intense, just a taste of it.

"Why?" Qin Miao asked endlessly.

But the two people present knew it well, why?

Why kiss? Why should you care about whether the other party is contaminated with other people's smell?

Before the kiss, Chu Suiyun didn't think about why, and after kissing, he didn't think about why, and he couldn't regret it, so he said frankly: "I don't know either."

It was obviously an ambiguous answer, but Qin Miao was not confused. Instead, she smiled knowingly, and changed the subject when she spoke again: "Then are the guests at your engagement ceremony going to ask me to invite actors?"

"No more, just treat me as an orphan." Chu Suiyun said casually.

Qin Miao reached out and pinched his cheeks: "You can't talk nonsense."

"Understood." Chu Suiyun, whose cheek was pinched, spoke vaguely.

Then Qin Miao let go of his hand.

"Let's just say that my family lives far away from Shanlan City, so I can't make it." Chu Suiyun arranged, "As for friends, just say that I have very few friends, and I will invite them alone in the future."

"It's up to you to decide." Qin Miao shook her head and said helplessly, "But my mother will definitely ask me."

The two discussed how to muddle through the engagement ceremony as if nothing had happened, as if the ambiguous kiss just now had never existed.

After saying a few more words, Chu Suiyun got up, tidied up his clothes, and prepared to leave.

Qin Miao was a little surprised: "Are you leaving?"

Chu Suiyun: "Well, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Qin Miao originally thought that the two of them could have a meal together tonight, but since Chu Suiyun had something to do, he couldn't stop him, so he could only nod to make people leave.

After greeting Qin Miao, Chu Suiyun opened the door and walked out of the office, and saw Zhao Kai who was looking over.

Chu Suiyun only thought it was a coincidence, but he didn't know that Zhao Kai had been looking here absent-mindedly since he entered the office, for fear of hearing any unusual movements.

Chu Suiyun and Zhao Kai nodded, pointed to the door, and signaled that they were leaving. Zhao Kai hurried over.

"Sister-in-law, why are you leaving so early?" Beta asked. He thought that there was no sound of turning the table in the office, which meant that there was nothing wrong between brother and sister-in-law. You know, there is less than an hour before work.

There must be something wrong, right?

Zhao Kai looked sincere and fearful, but Chu Suiyun didn't understand what was on his mind, and replied honestly: "Well, let's go, you work hard."

After finishing speaking, Chu Suiyun walked away with no regrets from his back.

After leaving Xingyuan Building, Chu Suiyun hailed a car on his mobile phone, the car arrived quickly, he opened the door and sat in the back seat of the car.

The driver and Chu Suiyun confirmed the end number of the mobile phone, and started on the road step by step. Chu Suiyun turned his head and looked out the window. The car drove forward, and the Xingyuan Building became smaller and smaller in sight.

Chu Suiyun's head slowly, slowly leaned against the car window, then he raised his hand and covered his eyes.

In the office just now, Qin Miao asked him why.

What why, Qin Miao doesn't know how to pretend to be stupid, why bother to ask, could it be because of something else?

The driver accidentally saw the guest covering his face, sighing for a while, raised his eyebrows strangely from the rearview mirror, and secretly speculated that this guest must have met some happy event, otherwise why did the corner of his mouth not come down?

When he was about to get off the car, Chu Suiyun received a message from Levis.

Levis said in the message that he wanted to taste the authentic Yunguo cuisine today, and hoped that Chu Suiyun could take him to a restaurant for dinner.

After forcing Chu Suiyun to become his tour guide, this arrogant man from the Federation of Rhys would go out to play with him every now and then, either to see well-known scenic spots, or to try natural scenery that he had never seen before. Chu Suiyun thought that he really changed his career to become a tour guide.

If there was no special arrangement before, Chu Suiyun did not want to offend the people of the Rhys Federation, so he tried his best to meet Levis' request. But today is different, he put Qin Miao to the back for the next thing, can he still have time to accompany Levis?

So Chu Suiyun replied: Sorry, I already have arrangements for tonight.

Levis quickly pressed: What's the plan? I heard from Manager Zhou that you even asked for leave in the afternoon.

Chu Suiyun gave a "tsk" impatiently, he didn't like Levi's asking about his personal affairs.

Chu Suiyun: Yes, please leave, because I have a date tonight.

Levis: Dating? You have a lover?

Chu Suiyun was speechless and didn't really want to answer him. But Levi's message came one after another.

Levis: Looks like I'm out of touch. Have a nice date night.

Levis: By the way, I would like to ask you a question, is your lover an Omega, a Beta, or... an Alpha?

Seeing Levi's words, Chu Suiyun frowned. Levis is an Alpha of the Rhys Federation. According to their traditional thinking, Alpha's lovers don't want to be other than Omega. Maybe a very small part of Alpha's other half is Beta, but there is absolutely no possibility of Alpha.

Could it be that because Leavis is a younger generation, his mind is also open?

After subconsciously thinking for a moment, he couldn't think of an answer, and Chu Suiyun didn't intend to continue wasting time on it.

He randomly found a Yunguo traditional restaurant from the review platform, and gave the link to Levi's with a formulaic text: This is a nearby restaurant with a good reputation. I recommend you to try it. I can't accompany you. Goodbye.

Then without waiting for Levi's reply, Chu Suiyun pulled him into the message blocking group, put away the phone, and the car just arrived at the destination and stopped.

Chu Suiyun remembered that there was a small and exquisite pastry shop near his home. Occasionally he and Xiao Yu would pass by, and Xiao Yu would ask him to stop and go in to buy a small dessert to take with him.

Recalling this, he kept walking, and when he came to his senses, Chu Suiyun was already standing at the door of the pastry shop.

The lighting in the pastry shop presents a warm warm yellow tone, and a gentle Omega stands behind the counter to help customers pay.

Chu Suiyun stepped in, and the Omega clerk said to him, "Welcome, what do you need?"

After more than ten minutes, Chu Suiyun returned home with a cake box in his hand. It's just over six o'clock, and Xiao Yu is not at home.

He changed his shoes and clothes, put the cake in the refrigerator, and went into the kitchen by himself, preparing to make some simple meals.

Today at Bai Chen's place, he recalled the quarrel with his younger brother three years ago, after all, it was Chu Suiyun's own fault that was the bigger one. My younger brother has been waiting for me to come back to celebrate my birthday at home, but I forgot to play with my friends and left my brother alone at home.

After returning home, he quarreled with his younger brother, and then had an accident and lost his memory. In the past three years, Xiaoyu has not even gotten a "sorry" from herself.

Although Chu Suiyun knows that there is no need to say "I'm sorry" between the two brothers, and Xiao Yu has grown up and is becoming more and more sensible, but at least today Chu Suiyun wants to accompany Xiao Yu for a while.

Opportunities for this kind of companionship will only become less and less in the future.

After Chu Suiyun chopped the vegetables, he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure outside the window from the corner of his eye, and looked up carefully.

Chu Suiyun's house is on the fifth floor, the floor is not high, and the kitchen window is facing the gate of the community. As long as you look carefully, you can see who passed by the gate of the community and what happened.

At this time, Chu Suiyun saw his younger brother standing at the gate of the community and the tall and thin Alpha beside him through the window.

The movements of his hands stopped unconsciously, and then Chu Suiyun quietly watched from a height that his younger brother embraced that lamp, but soon separated, his younger brother waved his hand at the other party, and then walked into the gate of the community.

Alpha stood outside the gate of the community for a long time, and did not leave until Xiao Yu walked into the unit building.

Chu Suiyun thought that he would have some thoughts, but when he actually saw it, he found that his heart was extraordinarily peaceful. Seeing Xiao Yu disappearing from sight, he continued to lower his head and put the cut vegetables on the plate.

A few minutes later, there was a sound of opening the door from the entrance, and then Chu Muyu must have noticed that her brother was at home, and raised her voice, "Brother, are you cooking?"

Chu Suiyun replied in the kitchen: "Yes, are you hungry? There is cake in the refrigerator, take it out and eat."

"Cake?" Chu Muyu walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and saw a seven-inch cake, "Why did you suddenly think of buying a cake?"

Chu Suiyun's tone was indifferent, and his eyes were still on the pot: "I went to do psychological intervention, and I remembered something from three years ago."

The quarrel three years ago obviously left a deep impression on Chu Muyu's heart. After all, her brother left home after quarreling with her, and he was lying in the hospital when he met him again. No one would forget it.

So Chu Suiyun only said this, Chu Muyu already understood what his brother was referring to, and he was a little depressed: "I'm sorry."

Chu Suiyun smiled calmly: "Why did you say sorry, obviously I forgot you at home, it was my fault."

Chu Muyu doesn't continue to argue with his brother who made more mistakes back then, he is more concerned about getting back his memory: "Brother, can you really get your memory back?"

"The doctor said it should be fine." Chu Suiyun replied.

Chu Muyu unexpectedly agreed with this matter: "I also think you should retrieve your memory. But I was only fourteen years old at the time, and I didn't have the right to speak, so I didn't say anything."

"Why do you think so?"

Chu Muyu shook his head: "I don't know, it's just a feeling. I don't think you were in a car accident back then. Because after the incident, I didn't see you in the hospital for a month. You weren't seriously injured, just You became very thin and haggard, and fell asleep. My father said it was because he was afraid that I would be sad, so he didn't tell me until your injury was stable."

"But I don't think it makes sense. Because my father and I haven't seen each other for several years. He suddenly sent so many people to guard me, and you disappeared. I'm not a fool. How could I not guess that something happened to you? .And my father verbally said that he was afraid that I would be sad, but he didn't consider my feelings at all, and left me alone at home, surrounded by a group of strange bodyguards."

Chu Suiyun was a little surprised: "I never heard you say that."

Chu Muyu looked at her brother apologetically, and explained: "Because I was young at that time, no one cared what I saw."

"I will get my memory back." Chu Suiyun said firmly, "I want to know what happened back then, and why my father kept secret about what happened three years ago."

"En." Chu Muyu nodded, then pointed to the pot, "The pot is almost dry, brother."

Chu Suiyun was startled, turned off the fire in a hurry, and took out the vegetables, at least he found it in time and it was not burnt.

Half an hour later, Chu Suiyun brought the two dishes to the table, Chu Muyu served the meal, and the two brothers had a simple dinner, then took out the cake and cut it.

"That's right." Chu Suiyun remembered something, and looked at his younger brother with a guilty conscience, "I may not be home for a few days from next week's weekend."

"Why?" Chu Muyu was at a loss.

Chu Suiyun doesn't know how to explain it. Next week weekend is the engagement ceremony. It needs to be arranged and prepared from the evening, and it will last all day. Chu Suiyun has to show up the whole time. Running, I can only say hello to my brother. What reason can be used?

He doesn't really want to lie, but he can't tell the truth. Could it be that he said to his brother: "Your brother, I want to have a fake engagement ceremony with another Alpha, and that Alpha is still Qin Miao"?

So Chu Suiyun could only vaguely say, "There is something wrong."

Unexpectedly, Chu Muyu was quite happy to hear this, and nodded without asking further: "Don't worry, I will pay attention to safety when I am alone at home."