MTL - Let Go Of My Little Brother And Come At Me-Chapter 37 My brother didn't stay

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In order to prevent Qin Miao from continuing to ask where he was practicing and acting crazy, Chu Suiyun warned in a serious tone: It is up to you whether you go to work or not, but you can't disturb me when I am at work.

The tone of Qin Miao's reply made people's blood pressure rise: Going to work is boring, go out and do something interesting.

Worker Chu Suiyun ruthlessly refused: Sorry, Boss Qin, I have to go to work to make money.

Qin Miao: Well, I won’t bother you then.

Chu Suiyun stared at the phone for a while, but did not see Qin Miao's reply, finally heaved a sigh of relief, put the phone aside, and was ready to go to work.

After the meal, Chu Suiyun took a short break. The Beta and Omega colleagues in the company would seize the lunch break and take a nap, but Alpha didn’t need it. They could go to work immediately after eating. One of the reasons why they are favored by employers.

The work in the afternoon ended soon, and Chu Suiyun took some time to find Zhou Papi and explain the situation of his younger brother. Zhou Papi was a little regretful, but expressed his understanding, and Chu Suiyun could leave work on time today.

In the afternoon, before leaving get off work in ten minutes, Chu Suiyun received a message from Dong Kejie.

The matter of Chu Muyu being harassed by a stalker was reported by the local self-media in Shanlan City, and there were some discussions on the Internet and locally in Shanlan City. Dong Kejie saw the processed video of Chu Muyu from the Internet, and finally found out about it.

Dong Kejie blamed himself very much when he learned about this, after all, the time when the incident happened was the day he sent Chu Muyu home, he regretted very much why he didn't send Chu Muyu to the door of his house.

Dong Kejie: ​​I'm really sorry for Xiao Yu, why didn't I send him a little longer? We've already reached the gate of the community, why didn't I get out of the car and go in with him... What happened to Suiyun? How is Xiao Yu?

When Chu Suiyun saw this news, he sighed and replied: It’s okay Ke Jie, it’s not your fault, it’s because I didn’t tell you about Xiao Yu’s special situation.

At that time, Chu Suiyun also relaxed his vigilance, because it had been a long time since Li Cen's last appearance, and Chu Muyu didn't want too many people to know about it at that time, so Chu Suiyun didn't tell Dong Kejie.

Chu Suiyun briefly told Dong Kejie about the process of Qin Miao appearing to rescue Xiao Yu that day, and reassured him that Xiao Yu was just a little frightened and nothing serious happened.

Dong Kejie felt better now.

Dong Kejie: ​​But I still have the responsibility. You call Xiaoyu, and I will treat him to a delicious meal. How could this happen to a child.

Chu Suiyun replied: OK, let me ask.

Swiping away Dong Kejie's dialog box, Chu Suiyun found Zhiding's younger brother and said: Xiao Yu, I will pick you up after class, your brother Kejie said he wanted to treat you to something delicious.

After sending this message, it was almost time for Chu Suiyun to get off work. He packed up the things on the table, took his bag, greeted the colleagues around him, and left.

It wasn't until he got into his own car that he received a reply from his brother.

Lovely brother: No, the last class today is an in-class exam, so it's already over. Now Shen Qingdeng and I are already in the amusement park.

Chu Suiyun was stunned, his eyes on the phone almost froze.

Unexpectedly, Chu Muyu sent a photo right after that. The two people in the photo were Chu Muyu and Shen Qingdeng.

Looking at this photo, Chu Suiyun couldn't tell what he was feeling.

He really took care of his younger brother a lot, perhaps because his parents were not at home all year round, and brothers in ordinary families would not be as affectionate as their family. In addition to the friendship between the two brothers, there is also a relationship of mutual dependence.

When he learned that his younger brother was with Qin Miao, Chu Suiyun's first reaction was to get angry because Qin Miao was a scumbag. He thought he hated his younger brother for not being successful, and was afraid that his younger brother would be tricked by scum.

In fact, in a corner deep in his heart, Chu Suiyun knew that he had an exclusive desire for his younger brother.

This kind of possessive desire is normal, because in the past six years, the only people closest to him and his younger brother are each other. Even the best friends will develop possessive desire after a long time, not to mention blood relatives.

He was terrified that there might be another person around his younger brother who could replace him.

But what happened in the past six months made Chu Suiyun clearly realize that his younger brother has grown up, he is 18 years old, sooner or later there will be another person standing beside him, and that person will be the last person in his life for the rest of his life. intimate companion.

As the guardian of my younger brother for the first half of his life, there will always be a day when he will withdraw.

Now seems to be a perfect time, I gradually turn my back on it, and let my younger brother start a truly independent life.

Chu Suiyun hung his fingers on the screen for a long time, and finally typed a line slowly.

Chu Suiyun: Okay, have fun.

After posting this, Chu Suiyun couldn't hold back, and added: But you must go home before ten o'clock, otherwise I will arrest you.

After the message was sent, Chu Suiyun turned off the communication software, turned on the navigation, stuck the phone into the bracket, and ignited the vehicle.

The urban cross-country rumbled for several minutes, but did not start. Chu Suiyun rubbed his face, picked up the phone again, and found Dong Kejie's dialog box.

Chu Suiyun: My brother has something to do, so you can get together with me.

Dong Kejie: ​​Damn, you even want to take advantage of your brother? Next time if you have something to do, you want to beat me up today?

Chu Suiyun explained: I am not asking you to treat guests, but to get together.

Dong Kejie: ​​All right. It's just getting cold, so let's go to the shabu-shabu restaurant we often go to in winter.

Chu Suiyun: Good.

The playground of the moment.

Chu Muyu jumped up and down several times, but she didn't **** back the mobile phone that Shen Qingdeng had lifted above her head.

After jumping for the last time, Chu Muyu stared and said angrily: "Give me back the phone, or I will leave."

Relying on her height advantage, Shen Qingdeng held up Chu Muyu's cell phone high, and was unmoved when she heard Omega's threat: "I'll pay you back later."

Chu Muyu was so angry that she clenched her fists and turned around to leave.

Then the hands were held by Shen Qingdeng, Alpha's palms were as hot as a furnace, and they didn't know where they got so much heat to burn.

"Return you, don't go." Shen Qingdeng stuffed the phone into Chu Muyu's hand.

Chu Muyu got the phone, quickly opened the message record, and kept asking: "What did my brother say, did you use my phone to talk nonsense to him?"

Before Shen Qingdeng could answer, Chu Muyu turned to the chat records with her brother, and saw the message Shen Qingdeng sent on her own initiative and the photo of the two of them.

Chu Muyu wanted to withdraw right away, but it slid down, her brother's reply had already been sent, and it was too late to withdraw.

"Why are you talking nonsense with my brother!" Chu Muyu looked at Shen Qingdeng reproachfully.

The expression on Shen Qingdeng's face remained the same as usual, without any change, he remained silent.

"What should I do... What should I do if my brother is unhappy?" Chu Muyu looked back at the phone, thinking about how to remedy it.

"Chu Muyu." Suddenly, Shen Qingdeng called Omega's name.

Chu Muyu raised her head, her eyes were unhappy.

Shen Qingdeng took out her mobile phone, unlocked it, handed the screen upwards to Chu Muyu, and said, "You can also send a message to my mother, saying that we are together."

Chu Muyu: "..."

"Shen Qingdeng, you are sick!"

In the end, Chu Muyu didn't send a message to Shen Qingdeng's mother that the two were in the amusement park together, nor did she send a remedy to her brother, they went to ride the Ferris wheel together.

When Chu Suiyun pushed open the door of the shabu-shabu restaurant, he found that Dong Kejie had arrived, and was sitting on his seat raising his hand to signal to him.

The waiter came up to ask Chu Suiyun who was there, Chu Suiyun replied that someone was already inside, and then walked towards Dong Kejie.

Pulling out the chair and sitting down, Chu Suiyun heard Dong Kejie say: "I still order as usual, do you have anything else to add?"

Chu Suiyun shook his head and put the phone on the table. Dong Kejie saw that he didn't add more food, so he returned the menu to the waiter.

This shabu-shabu restaurant is not big, but it has been in operation for more than 20 years. In winter, the business is so good that it is hard to find a restaurant. Dong Kejie is familiar with their store manager, so he can reserve a seat at any time.

"It's almost the end of the year, and I'm going to be busy again." Dong Kejie began to chatter.

Chu Suiyun replied: "Yes, we have a big deal to discuss recently, and I guess I'm busy."

"Fortunately, I'm busy now so that I can have a good rest in the New Year."

The two chatted about nothing, and soon began to talk about Chu Muyu, Dong Kejie still felt sorry, Chu Suiyun told him several times that it was okay before he forced him to change the story.

While chatting, the pot and meat were brought to the table, and Chu Suiyun's phone on the table lit up.

Chu Suiyun unlocked it and took a look.

Qin Miao: Are you off work?

Qin Miao: May I disturb you now?

Unexpectedly, Qin Miao remembered the topic at noon until now, Chu Suiyun couldn't laugh or cry, and replied to him: Don't you have your own things to do?

Qin Miao quickly replied: Don't you think you are too much?

Chu Suiyun:?

Qin Miao: We are an unmarried couple, but we haven't seen each other for almost a month. Is this reasonable?

After careful calculation, the two had indeed not seen each other since the last time they met Qin's mother, and it has been a whole month since this week. Although according to the actual relationship between the two, it is reasonable to not see each other for a lifetime, but Chu Suiyun doesn't know why, seeing Qin Miao say this, he feels that it is not very good.

Chu Suiyun: Well, I am having dinner with my friends, if you want to come, I will send you the address.

Qin Miao: Send it.

Chu Suiyun sent Qin Miao the address of the shabu-shabu restaurant, and then beckoned to the waiter, saying to add another pair of bowls and chopsticks, and add two servings of all kinds of meat.

Dong Kejie blinked: "Do you have friends coming?"

Chu Suiyun replied calmly: "Qin Miao is coming."


Dong Kejie blinked his eyes like flashing lights, "Who are you talking about? Qin Miao? Is it the Qin Miao I know?"

"Yes." Chu Suiyun nodded.

Then he ignored Dong Kejie, who was so shocked that he was speechless, he stood up and said, "I'll go to the toilet to get ready."

Dong Kejie opened his mouth, closed it again, opened his mouth and closed it again, he was like a crashed computer, restarting in place, restarting failed, repeating the cycle.

After waiting for five minutes, Chu Suiyun came back from the toilet, his bangs were put down, a pair of black mirror frames appeared on the bridge of his nose, his body turned into a sweet and greasy Omega smell, and a shiny ring was put on his ring finger.

Dong Kejie was shocked again: "You still carry these with you?"

Chu Suiyun touched the ring, and replied: "Just a pair of glasses, a bottle of perfume and a ring. There are not many things. I was afraid of meeting Qin Miao before, so I always carried them."

"Do your duty, do your duty." Dong Kejie sighed.

Suddenly, he noticed the ring in Chu Suiyun's hand, grabbed Chu Suiyun's hand, and asked in surprise: "Is this ring a new one? I remember it's a six-figure number?"

Chu Suiyun gently took Dong Kejie's hand away: "Dong'er, he is from the Qin family, and the six-figure ring is just a sprinkle of water, so don't make a fuss."

Dong Kejie shook his head, and looked at Chu Suiyun with the eyes of condemning the capitalist: "You really married into a wealthy family."