MTL - Legendary FBI Detective-Chapter 86 The truth about the laundry owner (ask for a subscription! ask for a monthly pass!

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  Chapter 86 The Truth About the Laundry Owner (Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly pass!)


   Ignoring the two white youths who were paralyzed on the ground and screaming, Mona searched them for guns, ammunition, driver's license and other items, looked deeply at Roan, and said angrily:

   "You were too fast just now, it's very dangerous! What if you get hit by the other side? We're just the FBI, not the swat action team!"

  When Roan rushed to the stairs at a very fast speed just now, Mona was first shocked by the speed of the opponent, and then became extremely uneasy, very worried that when she rushed to the stairs, she would see Roan lying on the ground.

  Luo An is indeed fully armed, but the bullets have no eyes. Who knows if a bullet will hit Luo An's vitals at a strange angle.

  This kind of thing has happened many times in the vast land of America.

   "Okay, not next time."

  Seeing the serious expression on Mona's face, Roan smiled and didn't make any more sophistry, and then changed the subject, hoping that Mona would check the identities of the two white youths based on their driver's licenses.

  Mona glared at Roan, but turned around and went downstairs to get her laptop from the SUV.

   Immediately afterwards, Roan stepped on the shot arm of the white youth on the left, and asked sharply:

   "Tell me, what are you doing here? Why are you shooting at us?"


   This white youth was shot in the back by Roan just now, and was shot in each arm. The pain was already unbearable.

   Now Roan stepped on the arm that was shot, and just said the first letter of the beautiful words, and passed out from the pain.

  Roan sneered when he saw this, and turned to look at the white young man on the right.

  The white young man on the right was trembling because of the gunshot wound on his arm. When he looked up and saw Roanna's cold eyes, and the other party had no intention of calling an ambulance, his body trembled even more.

   Seeing the hesitation on the other party's face, wanting to speak but not daring to speak, Luo An had some guesses about the identities of the two, so he said in a cold voice:

   "Don't say it, you will see God 100% in a few minutes. Say it, maybe you will see God after you die of old age."

  Hearing this, the white youth on the right was stunned. They shot first. Even if they died here a few minutes later due to excessive blood loss, the FBI would most likely be on administrative leave afterwards, so he hurriedly said:

"My name is Harry, and his name is Dominic. We are only here today to find someone. We didn't intend to conflict with your FBI. It's just that you stopped us just now, and we shot subconsciously because we were afraid. Please call the ambulance immediately." Telephone"

   "Would you be so nervous about finding someone? Faced with the FBI's inquiry, choose to shoot directly? Lying to the FBI agent is a felony!"

  Hearing this, Roan frowned slightly, took out his phone and shook it in front of Harry, and said in a cold voice:

   "You better think it through."

  Harry is 21 years old this year. He has not received much education since he was a child.

   When it was really about his own life and death, Harry trembled in fear, and then recalling Roan's previous words, he immediately explained everything:

   "We're just looking for money from the Erkin's family!"

  Harry said that he was a member of a small gang in a few streets nearby, the "Black River Gang". He had just joined the gang for less than three months, and one of the gang's businesses was to borrow money from outsiders.

  Airken borrowed a large amount of money from them a few days ago, and today the boss of their gang sent the two of them to urge the other party to remember to repay the loan when it was due.

As for the shooting at Roan and Roan just now, Harry said that Dominic was the leader of the two, and he had a life in his hands. Just now, he subconsciously shot at Roan and Roan because he heard Dominic asked him to shoot. gun.

   "Airken borrowed money from you?"

  Hearing the news, Roan was taken aback, and then asked:

"When did this happen?"

   "It was last week!"

  Hearing this, Roan narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking that Elken had also borrowed money from the Hyena Gang before, and at the same time repaid it quickly, Roan understood.

  Erken is playing with loans to support loans!

   But Roan was very puzzled, why is Erken so courageous, and dare to play like this with the money of the gangster?

   This is very inconsistent with Erkin's usual personality and performance.

   "At first you said you were here to find someone, but later you said you were here to find money."

  Roan tilted his head and found the inconsistency in Harry's words, so he grinned and asked:

   "Which statement is true?"

   "The latter sentence is true!"

  Feeling his body trembling more and more, Harry said with trembling lips:

   "Last night in a nearby supermarket, Erkin clashed with a member of our gang and was accidentally shot by a member of our gang with a pistol.

  People from our gang who were nearby this morning accidentally discovered that Erken actually brought his parents into the car, so they guessed that Erken planned to run away with the money.

  After the boss found out, he sent someone to stop their car halfway, and took the family back to our bar. Then not long ago, the boss sent both of us to Erken’s house to find money.”

  The more Harry talked, the more ugly his face became, and at the end he was already pale, as if he was about to fall into a coma.

  Seeing this, Roan immediately pressed his phone and sent a message to Mona.

   After a while, several medical staff came up with a stretcher, put the two on the stretcher, carried them back to the ambulance and took them to the hospital.

  In fact, when Mona went downstairs with their driver's license to check their identities, Roan had already asked Mona to call the ambulance from the nearest hospital, telling them to come here as soon as possible to pull people.

  The ambulance left quickly. Mona sat on the co-pilot of the SUV, tilted her head and looked at Roan who notified the New York Police Department, and asked:

   "The other party has explained everything?"

  Roan nodded, this story is not complicated.

   Recently, for some unknown reason, Erkin began to borrow money from gangsters, and even borrowed money from a gangster, the Hyena Gang and the Black River Gang had borrowed money.

   What's even more outrageous is that Erken actually used the money of these gangsters to play with loans to support loans.

   This is the first time Roan has heard of this kind of thing in two lifetimes.

  When the sixth bank robbery happened, Erkin was borrowing money from the Black River Gang.

  In the previous video surveillance, Erkin returned to the laundry with a brown bag four hours after the sixth robbery.

  Actually, according to Harry, the brown bag contained money actually borrowed by Elken from the Black River Gang.

  The night before yesterday, Erken chose to sell the laundry for unknown reasons.

  Last night, on his way home, Erken clashed with members of the 'Black River Gang' again, and was shot by the opponent's pistol.

Erken didn't know that the other party was an accidental injury, and thought that his behavior of using loans to support loans was discovered by the "Heihe Gang". The plan to drive his daughter to school was temporarily interrupted, and he chose to drive with the whole family instead. road.

   As a result, he was detained by the boss of the "Heihe Gang" on the way.

   "Then what do we do next?"

  After listening to Roan's narration, Mona's eyebrows trembled. She had never seen such a bold person.

  Dancing her ten fingers on the keyboard, Mona quickly found the bar of the 'Heihe Gang', which is a ten-minute drive away.

   "Call Norton at the Organized Crime Unit and ask him to contact SWAT."

  Roan rubbed his temples speechlessly. He originally thought Elken was a 'bank robber', but he didn't expect that the other party was 'supporting loans with loans'. When the bank robbery happened, Elken was actually borrowing money from gangsters.

   This gap between the front and rear is a bit outrageous.

  Mona nodded, then frowned slightly: "So, this case has nothing to do with that bank robbery, and we came here for nothing?"


  Roan shook his head, turned to Mona and smiled:

   "We had the opportunity to rescue Serena, a prospective college student, from the gangsters. It was not in vain."

  Roan felt Mona's envy for Erkin's daughter Selina before, and thinking about what he had learned about Mona's family before, he also had a little understanding of Mona.

   Sure enough, upon hearing Roan's words, Mona paused slightly with her head down while typing on the keyboard, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

   Dear book friends, the author bows down here! So sorry for today and the next week!

   No way, the boss threw me out on a business trip, so I can only update later



  (end of this chapter)