MTL - Legend of the Mythological Genes-Chapter 489 Nordic mythology

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"Nordic Mythology Pedigree?"

Seeing this word, Kennard couldn't open his eyes at once, and his hands trembled.

As a master of the school, I have never seen anything, but now the knowledge of a whole mythology lineage is in front of me, or it is difficult for him to remain calm.

It’s not surprising that a windy forest laughs at this scene.

One hundred gene sequences are too wasteful of genetic potential. Does this person want to acquire new mythological knowledge?

Simply give the myth to him directly, and explore it yourself. Fenglin does not want to spend the gene potential.

"The Nordic God: Odin, the king of the gods, the ruler of the world. He wears a golden helmet and bears two **** crows on his shoulders, symbolizing "thought" and "memory". They fly all over the world every morning. Come back to Odin to report their findings. Odin is crouching with two wolves, named "Greed" and "Desire", specializing in the responsibility of the guards. In order to increase intelligence, predict the future, better rule, Austria Ding Yixin wants to drink the water in the wisdom well, the holy spring beside the roots of the world tree. But the head of the giant Mimir who guards this well wants him to pay for one eye. Odin does not think about it and immediately digs one eye. After drinking the well water, he became versatile. He invented the ancient Greek scriptures, and the fate of the goddess used this kind of writing to record the fate on the shield, the famous source of all magic—Lun Rune... ..."

"After the God: Friga, love God, in charge of marriage and family, Odin's wife. It has dominion in heaven and the Hades. She looks beautiful, with blond hair sandwiched between white feathers. Dressed in gold The white robe of the belt, a string of keys hanging on the belt. She likes beautiful costumes and glittering jewels. She stole Odin's gold to buy a string of precious necklaces. After Odin found out, he went out in anger. The universe immediately became frost Under the rule of the giants, the winter suffocated all the vitality. Until seven months later, Odin returned to Asgard, and the crisis passed...."

"Raytheon: Thor, Thor is a burly body with a strong arm. He has a pair of leopard eyes, a golden beard, a hammer in his hand, iron gloves and a gold belt. Thor has resisted the Frost Giants on the eastern border. The invasion of the giant pythons defended the homes of the gods. Thor was just as arrogant and dared to sneak into Odin. Thor’s grumpy but heroic stalwart. When the gods came to an end, Thor’s and Atrium’s giant 蟒 加 加 加 加 加 加 加 加The giants are all gone...."


That Kennard only wanted to get the genetic sequence from the wind forest. I didn't expect it to be stunned by mythological knowledge. It was really a happy worry.

Standing in front of the wind, he immediately rushed through the information and browsed.

The names of myths are presented in front of you.

The names of these gods were previously recorded in many relics, but now they are clearly displayed in front of them, forming a unified system.

The master of genes is the most mastered person in the interstellar mastery. With Kennard's vision, it is natural to see that this mythology is so complete.

The position of each **** in the gods is so reasonable and orderly, as if the secrets of the entire Nordic myth are displayed in front of him, making him happy.

The knowledge of such a **** is completely present in front of one's own eyes. If it can be solved one by one, how many new mythological gene sequences can be derived?

Odin God King sequence?

Thor Thor sequence?

Devil Wolf Finril sequence?


If successful, each mythical sequence is filled with infinite possibilities and potential.

It's like a huge treasure in front of you, waiting for yourself to dig, inexhaustible, inexhaustible.

Looking at his gaffe, the windy forest smiled and everything was expected.

Seeing that Kennard is a white race, he deliberately chose the knowledge of a large class of Nordic mythology in Western mythology. Now it seems that it is the key to this person in the middle, and it is more than enough to exchange the latest achievements of this origin laboratory.

"What? Nothing!" Suddenly roared, like the treasure that had just arrived and slipped away from the hand. Kennard’s eyes were bulging, bloodshot, red, and a non-human violent spread from the body. And out, stare at the wind forest.

For a moment, the wind forest only felt that it was stared at by a terrible monster, and the goose bumps were all up.

This person is not right!

His eyes drooped and he became very cold.

Under the gaffe, this Kennard is like a demon who has opened a camouflage mask, and no longer has the temperament of a scholarly scholar, the atmosphere is horrible...

As a genetic master who does his own kind of human experiment, is this Kennard just a researcher so simple?

Will he make any inhuman transformations in himself?


The wind forest faintly found the place that it had neglected before, and the heart was in vain.

"Say good mythology knowledge? How can there be only a mythological map?" At this time, Kennard's figure has changed greatly, his face is densely covered with blue veins, his eyes are bloody, and he is staring at the wind forest.

It seems that once the wind forest does not give a reasonable explanation, he will not be able to hold it...

The wind forest is stunned, but the face is not vivid. "How big is the Nordic myth? I just know a little about it, how to give you complete mythology. Your laboratory results are precious and comparable to a complete one. Is God knowledge? Even if it is the knowledge that I have in my hand, do you want to see if your value is worth the price?"

Who knows the preciousness of mythological knowledge?

If you don't pay anything, you want to get it out of thin air?

So cheap under the sun?


The wind forest words are calm and faint.

Even if the results of this laboratory are precious, Fenglin will not tell the whole Nordic mythology.

Now all the myths in the Stars are broken!

If I rushed to throw out a complete mythological system knowledge, it is too conspicuous, I am afraid that it will immediately cause the attention of the major forces of the Star!

Wind forest will not easily put itself at risk.

As for how much knowledge will be given, it depends on whether Kennard’s laboratory results can touch his heart!

The blood of Kennard’s eyes faded, and he stared deeply at the wind forest. For a long time, he did not make a sound, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly cloudy.

The surface of the wind forest is calm, but the heart has increased its vigilance and is ready to start.

A genetic master can theoretically infer a variety of new gene sequences. If you are on the road to practice, it is definitely not a weak character.

Because genetic masters have more choices than ordinary monks, enough to choose an optimal choice.

Wind Forest never deliberately looks down on low opponents, let alone a rare master of genetics.

Eventually the calm was broken.

"Follow me!" Kennard snorted and walked toward the depths of the lab.

The wind forest did not hesitate and followed.

Although the atmosphere is not right, and even the next is likely to be dangerous, the results of the laboratory are indeed what he wants.

All of his own Sun Wukong mythical roads also gave him full confidence, and he could cope with the dangers of greatness.

Stars are big, not to say that there are no rivals, but if you want to go, Fenglin believes that few people in this interstellar can stay with him!

Even the ghost black hole will not work, let alone the human Kenner.

The more you go inside, the more black and infiltrated the lab.

A large living room appears in front of you, and the transparent alloy reflects the scene inside.

The red liquid is no longer a human being, but a strange animal, three foxes with scales, four arms of chimpanzees, and giant scorpions with spirals.

From these monsters, the traces of the original animals can be clearly seen, but they have all changed.

The most important thing is that the wind forest clearly perceives the power of mythical genes.

"This is..." Feng Lin had some speculation, but he still asked strangely.

Kennard whispered, laughter and hoarse, but also smug, "Mythical genes are derived from mythology. I want to know that there are more mythical characters in mythology, and there are mythical monsters! Only human beings can awaken the power of mythical genes. This is not necessarily true! After my research, it is found that animals also have mythological genes! But they are not as intelligent as human beings, and they cannot naturally awaken. But if they are stimulated by external forces, they can wake up and return to their ancestors to obtain mythological creatures before ancient times. Ability! I call it the mythical return project!..."

When it comes to the triumph, Kennard can't help but laugh.

The wind forest is not moving, browsed and saw the traces of mythical monsters such as the three-tailed fox, the konjac, the python, and the like.

Gene potential +890, +920, +1090...

The wind forest has been browsing all the way, and the truths of many ancient myths have been seen from these monsters, and their potential has soared.


Suddenly a strong and powerful heartbeat came.

Feng Lin saw a big fist-like meatball floating in a closed vacuum, like a heart beat, but it revealed the power of mythical genes, but it was chaotic, without any attributes, but it could evolve any attribute. .

What is this?

Suddenly a fanatic voice passed from the side.

“This is the highest masterpiece of our originator!”

"Creation Cell!!!"