MTL - Legend of the Asura-v10 Chapter 741 Chaos!

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(Ha... Sorry, sorry, these two chapters are only 2k more, because the next chapter is the finale.)

"Wait..." The wind suddenly frowned, saying: "My chaos has reached the seventh level. According to the chaotic order, another person with chaotic body will be directly obliterated. And the reason why the nephew is okay now. It is he who has the protection of Kunlun mirror. If he wants to call Kunlun mirror in order to make time back, he will not be immediately..."

"So, you must use your chaotic power to block the power of his chaos beforehand. Otherwise, when he summons the Kunlun mirror, it is the moment of his commandment." Donghuang Liuli said slowly, a hint of complexity in his eyes The look, but was wiped away by her immediately.

Around the hustle and bustle, three brilliances, Fengyao, and the dragons with yellow body cover appeared on his side. After they appeared, they all looked at the position where the earth was.

They were removed from the refining pot by the Emperor Liuli, and they used their own strength to protect the dragons from being harmed by the environment here, and told them what happened with them.


Long Hao turned and smiled and said: "Dad, take me now, otherwise, it will be too late."

The wind nodded, and the hand was pressed on the chest of the dragon, and all the power of pure chaos that had just been restored was injected, and his power was blocked. However, such a blockade has too much uncertainty. As long as it accidentally leaks even a trace, the dragonfly will be in danger.

Feng Yao stared at the distance, then suddenly said: "Brother, wait a minute... If you can really let the time back in a certain space, but after the time goes by, the earth can recover, then the child... very species Before, he did not exist in that space, will his existence be erased as a result!?"

The wind slammed a little, then the whole body shook and looked at the East Emperor Liuli. Donghuang Liuli did not look at him, but sighed and turned to avoid his gaze.

Time goes back to a very pre-species, and all existence will be restored to a very pre-existing state. So, things that do not exist before the species, dragons or Kunlun mirrors will become non-existent.

From panic to surprise, he was not stunned and he never thought about the details. Thinking about it at the moment, the surprise after the panic has completely deteriorated.

"Dad, let me go, let me go! Otherwise, it’s really too late. Kunlun mirror tells me that it can only make time back in the 'Chaos of the Chaos'. If you don’t hurry, it’s true. It’s too late.” Long Hao said with awkward clothes, anxiously said. If the destruction of the earth is very rare, then everything is late.

Popular: "..."

"Dad, the earth is destroyed, and our family is gone. Grandpa, Grandma, and Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Xiaotian... They don't exist. Doesn't Dad want them to come back?" Said awkwardly.

Popular: "..."

His body is stiff and his mind is almost unconscious. His owing to Long Yao is too much. When he was born, he was not around. He grew up in the family of others, but he didn't know his existence... Even his own chaotic body became the killer who broke his vitality. Now, he finally thought of the way to save him, and how to bear to let him be erased. That is the father and son, why the trajectory of fate will be so different.

"Dad, many people want to be a hero. They can use their own strength to save many people. The same is true for children. I always want to be a person as good as my father, and then use my own strength to save a lot. People, and now, I can actually save so many people, I am really happy, really... Dad, you will satisfy this wish of your nephew, right?"

Popular: "..."

Long Hao smiled softly and grabbed the wind and said: "Dad, my son has changed his life with so many lives. Will you regard your child as your pride?"

The space was silent, the East Huangli glass was silent, and Feng Yao bit his lower lip. The wind squatted slowly and looked at the dragon's eyes. He shook his voice and said: "Dad... I am always proud of my nephew."

Long Yan’s face finally showed a relief. The wind closed his eyes and waved his right hand, sending the dragon to the center of a very kind of earth.

"Get started." The wind screamed out the sputum, the refining pot, and then contacted the eve of the refining pot to evoke her Shennong Ding, with Xuanyuanjian, Pangu Axe, Haotian Tower, and female. The meteorite floats around your body.

“Is it really necessary?” Feng Yao said bitterly, but did not get a response. She sighed helplessly and called out her Fuxiqin.

Donghuang Liuli promoted the power of the gods, and distributed eight ancient artifacts around the space where the earth was located. Then the whole body released a yellow light, one taller, and the golden bell was sent out by her.

"You are not Donghuangzhong, why there is another Donghuangzhong." Feng Li asked plainly.

"Because I have already achieved the separation of the spirit of the instrument, it is the spirit of the Eastern Emperor Bell, and the owner of the Eastern Emperor Bell." The East Emperor Liuli looked at the distance, and the voice was faint.

In the distant space, when Long Hao evokes his Kunlun mirror, the top ten artifacts simultaneously release their own light. He held Kunlun mirror in his hands, and his mouth was smiling with relief. He was already in tears in his eyes, and he could see him in the wind. But with his eyes, he could not see the presence of Dad. He said lightly: Dad, mom, grandfather, grandma, great grandfather... and all my aunts, oh... you will always think of you..."

He raised the Kunlun mirror in his hand. For a moment, the huge space was completely shrouded in white light, and the various elements alternated in chaos. The wind slammed his eyes and felt the abnormality of the time element. He silently felt the space where the dragon was in, and the time wheel began to reverse.

Hey, how could Dad be willing to let you sacrifice?

The wind licked his mouth and smiled. He put the purple child in his arms into the arms of Feng Yao, and then took out the bottle of Ling Yu, and did not hesitate to pour the water of Yao Chi in it until there was no drop.

I am the Lord of Chaos... Nothing can kill me, Yaochi holy water can't, can only give me strength!

He threw away the jade bottle, and the violent fluctuations in his body made him want to explode. He looked at the front and death, and all the gods were locked in the distant dragons. No matter the pain in his body, the anxious call of the wind, the horror of the emperor's glass, he was isolated from consciousness.

Finally, the time of the sign wheel instantly left, the ruined earth as a dreamlike reflection of its image. It was at this moment that the wind stretched out his left and right hands, putting all the power and all the ideas on his hands...

"Time is a virtual stepless curse - forbidden days!!"

"Space is a virtual stepless curse - the second is broken!!"

Drink! ! ! ! !

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