MTL - Legend of the Asura-v10 Chapter 701 Destroyed plan

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“No, no!” The wind shook his head. “Zi Lei’s unicorn also said that the little one was made hundreds of millions of years ago. At that time, the moon palace rabbit could not exist, how could it...”

"Xuanyuan Jianling said that it is right." The voice of the East Emperor Liuli suddenly floated in the sky: "The five-line holy unicorn of the Nether is indeed born by Zilei Qilin and Yuegong Yutu. After I fell asleep, I saw it in the cold. The palace was alone, so it brought it to the world. But I did not expect that after the birth of Linzi, it died and died."

It’s been a long time since the wind slammed his mouth and it’s hard to close. He picked up the little one and turned it over and looked at it for a long time. Then he suddenly remembered his doubts and looked up and asked: “What time is it? Is it 100 million years ago...”

"In order to let Linzi be born soon, I used the ** to manipulate the time flow of the Kirin residence, let him feel that it has been for hundreds of millions of years... I wanted to guide you to accept the new unicorn as a pet, but did not expect the appearance of the ghost wolf. It’s really God’s willingness to make a variable, but it’s unexpectedly a few times more powerful.

"..." The wind patted a small head, and looked strangely: "Little, have to say, you are really strong, your birth makes your master open my eyes."

"That...the two rings of time and space and the portrait of the prophecy are also the world that you brought from the heavens." asked the wind.

" already know it."

"Then I ask you, why do you secretly do it when you do these things without letting the people of heaven know? The people of heaven are now suffering from the blockade. Since you can have this ability, why not bring them all? The world?" asked the wind.

Donghuang Liuli was silent and did not want to answer his question. And she doesn't want to, but she can't. If she did, it is very likely that the space was discovered by that person... Then everything is over.

Did not get an answer, dissatisfied with a grin, then suddenly thought of something, fiercely looked up, frowning asked: "Can you know what I am thinking?"

He just exchanged consciousness with Xuanyuan, but she seemed to know it clearly. The Emperor Liuli in the air was silent, and the nephew said secretly: "Wind brother, have you forgotten? You are now in this world in the form of consciousness, and here is the world that belongs to her, how can you not know you? Think about it. As long as she is willing, what girls have you bullied... and she can fully understand the details."

Popular: "...!!"

"Yes..." The wind twitched a few times. Fortunately, she is a woman, if she is a man, it is not a big bargain. He thought about it for a while, suddenly sinister smile, a very harmonious picture appeared in the brain, in the picture, the emperor glazed like a docile puppy in his bed, working hard with her tongue | Get it, the mouth is screaming from time to time |

The wind was obviously seeing the fairy shadow floating in the air trembled. He quickly switched the picture, tore her clothes, played with her in one hand, and held her petal hips violently in one hand... Huang Ying in the air It trembled fiercely and then disappeared from the air without saying a word.

The wind blows his eyebrows and screams: "I let you steal things that you can't see."

"Come on, little fairy, let's play the game." The wind smashed the little back into the contract space, then threw the weeping moon on the grass, and her hands twitched on her chest.

The weeping moon blinked and blushes and asks: "What... what game?"

The wind smashed the hand, and all the clothes on her upper body were faded. She jumped out of the two piles of snow and made a lot of milk. While she was fooling, she said, "The little fairy is not jealous, knowing that he still asks..." He laughed. , recovering all of their equipment and rushing to the weeping month.

The blood sakura used to be the current Lin Ying, her properties, equipment and the like have not changed, only the name, nationality has changed. After coming to the reincarnation world, she appeared at the resurrection point of the Tianlong Imperial City, and then led by Feng Yao to the Fengcheng Palace. After that, Feng Yao went to pick up the charm rain and the northern meditation butterfly where he was, and the blood sakura entered the transmission array as curious as the weeping moon during the "visiting" process.

The world in front of the world switches in white light, and then becomes so beautiful as dreams that she can't believe it. But before she even came and saw it, she saw that she was looking at him with a strange look. He didn’t have a glimpse of his body at this time. He still had a desperate swaying waist and a pleasing mouth. Girl, she is full of gold, although the dress has not faded, but anyone can think of what is under her long skirt. Not far from their side, a beautiful and suffocating woman lay down and panted, and the wide open legs were in ruins.

The wind and Lin Ying spent a full five seconds, but Xuanyuan, who was already in a state of frenzy, did not know that an outsider had come here, released himself, and then softened in a scream like a fairy. , slipping from the windy body, unable to lie with the weeping moon.

The embarrassing cockroaches lasted for a whole second, then teleported to the apparently slumbering Lin Ying, and smiled and said: "Sakura Sakura, do you want to come together?"

Lin Ying’s face was red, and her right hand was sent. A short spike had already reached the front of the wind. It is her powerful weapon - the thorn of Gaia. It was as though I didn’t see a few points that were close to the general, and I was satisfied that the short needle had shrunk a bit. The wind slammed his hands and slammed out, and pressed Lin Ying to the ground, then held one of her towering towers in one hand, and the other hand had already removed all her blouses, and then took it with Xuanyuan. The lubrication came straight and went in...

Lin Yingkou gave a cry in the mouth... Without any preparation, she lost her first time before she could resist, and added another red plum to the colorful world.

The result is obvious... Cry Moon curiously looked at Lin Ying, and Xuanyuan’s grievances were crying and beating, and then hiding back in the sword and then refused to come out. Lin Ying, who endured the whole body's distraction, like a little wife, sorted out the clothes for the wind. Because from the moment he was truly possessed, she has belonged to him in this life. After all, she grew up in Dongpu, and some thoughts of Dongpu also had a certain influence on her.

When Fengyao came here with the enchanting rain and the North Hidden Butterfly, they have already sorted out their clothes. Fengyao’s surprises and intoxications after seeing the scenery here made the windy mouth smile. . As long as she is happy, he is willing to use whatever method to accomplish everything she wants.

But... Feng Yao also found the eye-catching redness above the green space. I noticed the subtle changes in Lin Ying's expression, Feng Yao covered his mouth and laughed, and the beautiful smile made all the flowers disappear.

After returning to the wind, the wind banned the permanent portal and allowed him and the girls around him to enter. At the same time, he told Lei Di to build a luxurious palace on the deserted land behind Miyagi, and it must be completed within ten days. Although it did not understand the meaning, but the Lei Di, who had the status of "Dragon King" as the **** of the gods, did not even agree to a question, and quickly arranged the craftsmen of the Windy City to start.

Bringing the girls in the family one by one into the mysterious map, watching them chasing and playing in the flowers, the wind warmed for a long time. Of course, poor Qinglong was left alone at home to see him at home. Because if she doesn't want to go back after returning to the world, the loss will be a bit heavy.

Tianji City.

It has been more than half a year since the last time the winds came here. The celestial city that was just formed was destroyed by a dead soul and destroyed by a third. Today, the celestial city has become a real city. Although the red murder incident happened a while ago, the flow of people here began to return to normal after two days of stability. The facilities here are also complete, and the shops are all in addition to the appraisal shop. However, due to the discounts of the wind city's potions and ordinary weapons, it is not a general difficulty to think about the business of these stores. But the income of a city is mainly from taxation, plus the commercial institutions of the gods and the various places in the world. These are nothing.

If he hasn’t been to Duanmu’s house some time ago, he will carry the Shura demon sword and sway all the way to the blood. Now he is free to change his body and mask, come to one of the city’s main houses, and then let Tianlonger directly He sent it in.

The hand of God stood up by the man who suddenly appeared, but the wind changed back to his Shura costume. He glanced a little and then pointed to the seat not far away: "Please sit down."

"How is your child?" The wind was not polite with him. He sat down and asked to open the door.

"He is very good... Yesterday, Grandpa, his old man was dying because of the sorrow of his nephew. He finally got better after seeing the nephew. I really want to thank you." The hand of God sighed and said.

"I hope that you can meet his requirements as much as possible, and... don't let me know that someone is bullying him." The wind blew in the eyes.

God's hand shook his head and smiled: "Do not worry, he has already conquered everyone in our Duanmu family. It can be said that Duanmu Villa is inseparable from him. Although he knows that his family was fake, but the feelings are How can it be fake? And, let alone leave it alone, it is only the identity of his son of the Dragon family that we can't afford."

The wind nodded and stood up: "The purpose of my visit today is very simple... Transfer all the celestial capital to the waste of Tianzhu Fengyun or Beiming, the higher the price, the better, I think they are willing to accept After all, everyone wants to be the highest lord, the real leader. A city, it is impossible to accommodate the two emperors, you will one day fight."

"Infighting? Is this the reason?" The hand of God frowned. The celestial city poured out too much effort on him. Nowadays, it is tied with the lord of the sky, and the bloodlessness is just following him and there is no real power in the celestial city. If he leaves, the Tianji City, which they both built with their heart and soul, will be completely in the sky. The Scorpio Fengyun became the real emperor of this city. How can he be willing.

"Because... this city will soon disappear." The wind whispered coldly.

The hand of God shrank, and then said weakly: "I understand, I will soon find the sky."

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