MTL - Legend of the Asura-v10 Chapter 624 First bow in Europe

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"You care about it." Wilkers said when he stepped down to the side of him.

Wilder has been replaced by a new golden armor. He fiercely boxed on the wall and said unwillingly: "He can actually vacate in an instant, why is it not mentioned in all the information about him!"

Wilcote shook his head: "You are too convinced of the information. No one in the real power will be stupid enough to expose all of his strength in public. For example, the poisonous hand's desperate poisonous fog, the **** cherry last used powerful support. Skills, even you, not hiding a strange armor defense."

Weird sighed, then sighed and quickly shrugged and said: "It doesn't matter, even my strength can push him to this level. There is really no suspense in this dark battle with China. Not to mention. Too strong skills must have strict limits, otherwise he will not use that trick at the last minute. It is likely to be a weapon, or a limit of the number of skills, no matter which, will not resume after the game... ...maybe, he is no longer able to use it for the second time today."

"It doesn't matter." Wilcotes said coldly.

Although he won, Xiao Tian did not have much joy, because he was dependent on the traceless victory. However, he had no choice when he fell from the air. If he could not kill him before he landed, he would have to have a long time after landing. Weilder could empty his life with a sword.

Wilder's trick can spread to the entire ring, but it can not reach the height of more than ten meters, so he vacated with "instantaneous", jumping like a meteor to 1oo meters. Except for Chen Binger, no one knows that his "instant" can not only improve the degree to 1ooo, but also increase his jumping power to 1oo after his 8o level. It’s just that he hasn’t had the chance to use it, but he saved the game in the game just now.

No trace, he can still use a total of seven times, and there are more than 60 players who have not come to power. At least half of these people are better than the "top swordsman" .

As he expected, Wilder had just stepped down. A 30-year-old man with a brown head and pale blue eyes was on the stage and stood on the edge of the edge arena.

"Under the great German-Italian Empire, the "Ghost Shadow Archer" Goshawk, asked the big challenge, and also asked your family to show mercy, don't let the loss is too ugly." Goshawk said gently and modestly to Xiao Tian, Ling Liru’s eyes are not humble, but the self-confidence and contemptuous eyes seem to tell Xiao Tian: “You have no chance in this game.”

When the Goshawk was on the stage, Xiao Tian already knew his identity. Because he has a title that resounds throughout Europe, the first bow of Europe.

"Oh, it’s him, there’s no suspense in this game." El Raffarin shrugged with a boring look, as if he was sorry for Xiao Tian’s coming down.

The first bow of Europe, this title is not his self-styled, but recognized by all archers.

"Hey! Challenger: German and Italian players 1 ‘Ghost Shadow Shooter’ Goshawk... The game begins!”

A soft whistle, a new protective cover was regenerated around the arena. Because the Goshawk station was too close to the edge, the protective cover was almost built against his back.

"So, it started."

He smiled awkwardly, but did not call out his own weapon, but extended his right foot, toes on the ground, centered on his left foot, and his body turned gracefully, and where the right toe went, actually Draw a standard white ring with a diameter of half a meter, as if his right foot was coated with a special paint.

Xiao Tian’s action paused because of his weird behavior, but he did not hesitate, and he continued to rush to his body before he summoned the weapon. To compete with the bow and arrow profession, the first thing to do is to close the distance, otherwise it will be completely restrained.

"ok!" The Goshawk looked at her eyes with satisfaction. It seemed to be very satisfied with her perfect work, and Xiao Tian, ​​who was about to rush to him, turned a blind eye and even did not call out her own weapons.

Near seven meters, it has reached the distance that Xiao Tian can attack instantly. His hand is silently placed on the hilt in the Mercedes. But just about to attack, suddenly his eyes flashed, and the goshawk on the edge of the arena changed into three.

Split surgery? Xiao Tian’s mind just flashed this thought, and the three goshawks rushed toward him, one to the left and one to the right, running along the edge of the arena.

As a profession that can't be melee and life is relatively weak, the substitute skill is almost a necessary skill for the bow and arrow class. The most common three-turn sacred shooter profession has two different avatar skills, and the stronger the archer career, the stronger his avatar skills. The Goshawk can summon two identical substitutes. Although the avatar can't move, it is enough to confuse the enemy's line of sight and even act freely according to their own ideas. This may not be called a substitute, but a avatar.

Xiao Tian hesitated a little, and a sword stabbed the goshawk that was rushing toward him. After three consecutive "chaos", he killed him. His body did not fall, but disappeared directly. Obviously, this is one of the substitutes.

When Xiao Tian turned back, the two goshawks had just ran to the opposite side of where they stood before, and one of them was strangely disappearing.

"So, the second!" He smiled gracefully, stretched out his right foot, and once again drew a similar white arc around his body.

"Now, the game begins!" He snapped a finger, and after the ringing, a black bow appeared in his hand, the left hand of the bow, the right hand string, and six dark arrows appear side by side on the bowstring.

Xiao Tian still stood in the same place, did not try to move around in the attack, but his face became heavy, because he suddenly thought of a rumor about this "European first bow." Legend has it that once he has been completed, no one can crack the ‘ghost array’! ”

"Bingo! Huaxia's kid has been defeated, don't say him, even if I enter this ghost film array, it will be a headache for a long time, he is so easy to let the fly to complete, oh!"

Wilcotes glanced at him and said indifferently: "You have too many words today, but you have not said it in a few times. There is nothing in the game, nothing is absolute. You should be clearer than me. Put away your performance, I am tired of watching."

"...the guy who doesn't know the fun." The attacked El Raffarin grumbled.

Ghost array, what is ghost image? Xiao Tian does not know. In front of the eyes, six black arrows are arranged in a vertical row | to the centerline of his body. As it stood farther, nearly 50 meters away from the eagle eagle, Xiao Tian flashed easily, and six black arrows were nailed to the transparent energy cover behind him, turning into black light.


This time, the six arrows lined up in a horizontal direction, with the sound of a screaming sound blocking the left and right of Xiao Tian. Xiao Tian’s sensitive leaping, all let go, after landing, “instant” quietly moved, half a second sprinted to the face of the goshawk that had re-opened the bowstring, and then at the moment he wanted to swing the sword, the goshawk in front of him suddenly disappear……

Behind it, six sounding arrows were suddenly heard. Xiao Tian suddenly turned around and avoided six arrows that were shot in a hexagonal position.

"Dodge well." Goshawk said with a look of appreciation, the bowstring in his hand was pulled open again. At this time, he stood in position, and he was exactly where he was when he first came to power. His feet were his first. The white ring formed.

"So, try to hide this!"


An arrow flew out, Xiao Tian jumped to the left, safely avoided, but his heart has turned up no small turmoil, he vaguely began to realize what the role of this "ghost array" is.

Hey! The second arrow followed the first arrow, almost trailing, just right to fly to Xiaotian's point. Xiao Tian landed on the ground and shunned the danger, but he did not get up. He smashed into the air with a "zero" moment, avoiding the third arrow that followed...


The fourth arrow accurately shot Xiao Tian, ​​who was in the air and could not escape by force. Xiao Tian seems to have been premature, not shocked, the star in the sheath flew out, flew to his feet, his feet a little, the body jumped a little, escaped the fourth arrow in the air, and then stepped on the exact On the fifth arrow that flew, with the arrow borrowing power, once again leaping a little, stepping on the sixth arrow, the foot squats smoothly, then took the flying star back to his hand, the body rushed, forced to look slightly Some horrified goshawks.

One of the goshawk's stunts, three seconds to shoot the "six-star renju" in six different directions, so it was perfectly avoided in a stunning way, the subconscious applause applauded around the world.

Under the stage, Wilcotes's eyes flashed a splendid color.

The effect of "instant" is to increase the degree to 1ooo in 3 seconds, the jumping force to 1oo, the cooling time to 7 seconds, and the time when he moves from one end of the arena to the other end in the state of "instant" bucking is o.5 Seconds, this degree is a nightmare for the archers, because opponents with this degree can easily get close.

Xiao Tian sprinted to the front of the goshawk again, but the goshawk once again disappeared, but appeared in another ring, and then six arrows were shot.

The mage's vitality is weak, there must be teleportation to avoid various professional attacks. The archers can only be remote, so they must have high mobility, while the assassin has low vitality, but must be close to combat, so there must be teleports and high But if an archer has a teleport, especially a long-distance teleport, it would be horrible. Because it allows the archer to easily open the distance, so that the opponent can not close, completely control the battle, and fall in an invincible position.

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