MTL - Legend of the Asura-v10 Chapter 612 Broken shield! Hope goddess broken heart

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Ten minutes of running, the top of the arena is already a flame, the height of each plexus is less than ten centimeters. The blood cherry still stands on the edge of the arena and seems to be waiting for his impact again. Seeing the smile on the face of the Yan wolf suddenly appeared, she was still calm.

Indeed, she is delaying time.

In the face of the emperor's release of the demon, she did not have the grasp of victory, so she was on the stage when he just came to power, but he did not enter the battle state, and ended the game cleanly before he fully reacted. In the face of this opponent she has a winning grasp, she did not take care of it, but slowly delays and delays. It seems that her opponent, like a girl, has cooperated with her again and again, as if she did not know what it means to be a change.

"You... defeated!" The wolf raised the shield in his hand and said something that made the audience around the world confused.

Is he like a wild cow, he is chased by the blood cherry for ten minutes, and finally he has to show what he must do? What have you done early?

Sure enough, with his sip, the shield in his hand suddenly floated on his own, floating in front of him, while the flame on the shield was detached from the shield, surrounded by the body of the wolf, allowing him to change instantly. Become a fire man who burns the flames all over the body. And the shield floated in front of him and blocked his body.

"This is my strongest defensive technique - the soul of the soul! It allows me to maintain a full five minutes of absolute defense. I can't attack it in five minutes, but you can't hurt me in any way. Being too close to me will be burned by the flames!"

A full five minutes of invincible defense? The audience all over the world took a sip of cool air, but soon there were countless voices dismissing: "You can't attack yourself, you can't use any inferior, and you can't use it for five minutes."

The **** cherry blossoms blinked, and the flames on the ground took a few steps forward.

"Next..." The wolf's eyes slowly picked up, and there seemed to be two flames in the eyes...

Hey! ! ! !

An explosion-like loud noise, the world also exaggerated exclamations with this loud noise.

For a moment, the entire arena completely turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the little flame that had been swaying on the ground was actually more than three meters high at the same time. Under the deliberate arrangement of the wolf for ten minutes, the flames were almost all over the entire arena, and the flames they set up were completely combined, forming a huge brazier with the competitive platform as the carrier.

The amazing heat waves penetrated the shield, and the intense burning sensation took a few steps back from the people on the arena. At this time, the flame on the stage was full of water, completely drowning the blood cherry and the wolf. In the flame, suddenly the laughter of the wolf came out: "Ha ha ha ha! If it is not because this is a game field, this flame array that I laid down can't help you, but now... Hey, you will fail if you leave here. Surrender, jump off the ring, or be burned to death by a flame that lasts for 1 minute. Choose it yourself."

The sea of ​​fire that included the entire arena also made Xiao Tian shocked. "Although he is only interested in the No. 2 of the Great War Zone, it is not a good meal to qualify for this game. To confuse the opponent's audio and video with his own smashing, it is actually setting a flame to block all the enemy's retreat. Array, this person..."

Blood Sakura, is it so defeated? Xiao Tian does not think that blood sakura can persist in this flame for a whole minute. At this moment, he did not want this **** cherry, which should have been one of his strong opponents, to lose.

-3ooo,-3ooo,-3ooo... licking the number of injuries that are constantly emerging from the head, the **** cherry in the flame holds the double-edged blade, step by step toward the wolf, then the figure flashes and sways behind him. Stabbed his back.

"When", the shield that originally floated in front of the wolf suddenly protected his body behind his eyes, completely resisting the attack of blood sakura, and a flame was sprayed from the part of the blade shield. Out, the blood cherry shake back a few steps.

The expression of the face of the fire wolf in the flame, he shook his head and said: "For ten seconds, you are still not dead, you are really strong, but can you last for 6o seconds? Give up, the taste of burning must not Well, I don't want to be your crematorium here. Hey... Don't try to attack me anymore, don't think that the absolute defense state of five minutes is that I am bluffing. Within five minutes, unless you have the ability to take my 'inflammation Soul Shield 'destroyed, otherwise don't want to hurt me.'

Never let the enemy know his weaknesses, even if he is one second away, he will be placed in the enemy of death. However, many people have inadvertently violated this taboo. When they win the game and they are already in an invincible position, they will naturally arrogate and then scream like a sb: "You have no chance." Unless you can..."

How many novels, the sad villains in the movie are about to kill the protagonist because the phrase "unless..." is the main character of the protagonist's aura, and the king's temper is released, and then the "unless" will be counter-introduced. Step on the foot.

The original face was somewhat gloomy. The blood cherry blossomed after hearing the words of the wolf. Then the body suddenly stabbed forward and rushed to the wolf in an elusive way, while the right hand of Gaia was stabbed in the burning flame. There was a dazzling white light in the middle.

Under the competitive stage, through the flames that are more than ten meters thick, they still see a dazzling white. In a corner of the Western Conference, the blue-purple woman seemed to feel something, turned and looked at the arena, and her face was a little strange.

This is her first time there is an action. From the beginning of the game, she stood alone in the corner, like a quiet floating white cloud, did not talk to anyone, even did not look at the arena, as if the process of the game, the results and her Irrelevant.

The spur of Gaia, originally a white slender needle on Gaia's head, is 15 centimeters long, and the front section is adorned with a string of centimeters long, a strange little pendant with a soft white light. When the blood cherry holds it in the hand, a long needle of ten centimeters long will be extended between the fingers. If you don't look at it, it will be difficult. Although one inch is short and one inch is dangerous, the other fact is that the sharper and slender things have more penetrating power. And this Gaia's spur is the birthday gift that God Zeus gave her when Gaia was 7 years old. It is something that belongs to the realm of the gods. Its hardness is imaginable!

"Why, still don't give up?" The wolf looked at the **** cherry that rushed to him again.

The sound of "叮" sounded, and the glare of Gaia, who was glaring with white light, stabbed the Shield of Fire.

Called "The Heart of the Hope Goddess", this is the strongest single-attack technique brought by Gaia's spurs, which concentrates all the power on the tip of Gaia's spurs to attack the enemy.

All the power is concentrated to a point, although it will not produce amazing destructive power, but the penetrating power generated is undoubtedly extremely terrible, not to mention, this force is still given by the artifact. Therefore, if this trick is to be realistic, the equipment below the level of the artifact will destroy 1oo% to varying degrees, and the enemy has a great probability of causing a killing and dying resistance.

This skill must have relatively strict use restrictions. The heart of Blood Sakura is not easy. She can't judge to what extent she can destroy this artifact shield and can destroy its complete defense.


Gaia's spurs paused for a moment, then passed through the shield with the **** cherry arm in the cracking sound of the steel, stabbing the chest of the wolf.


The amazing scene reappeared, and the sea of ​​fire that completely wrapped the entire ring disappeared in an instant without a trace, and even a trace of Mars did not stay. On the competitive stage, the blood cherry that has recovered the arm is still cold, but the cold eyes don't know where to look. At her feet, the wolf, known as "invincible within five minutes," lay on the ground in the sky, his face stunned with an expression of disbelief, his left side, the "inflammation of the soul shield" that was originally burning with the flames The flame is also completely extinguished, revealing its red-brown appearance.

"Crush... broken!?" The emperor released his eyes and eyes, as if he saw something incredible.

The Inflammatory Shield is still the Inflammatory Shield, but it has been broken into four large pieces lying on the ground, and the trivial pieces that can not discern the number. Even though it is possible to collect all the debris, there may be no possibility of full recovery. Unless the wolf can go to the Huaxia Theater one day, go to the only god-level founder iron without teeth.

Some of the masters of the audience have a face to face, some silently contemplative, under the thick flame hidden, no one can see what happened. If everything is as true as the wolf, the blood sakura will have no chance of winning unless it has had 2o lives or has had 10,000 lives and can be revived once.

But less than 2o seconds, the war situation was completely reversed without their knowledge.

Gradually, those who are thoughtful and have already guessed what is on the broken shield of the soul.

"Destroyed the shield of the wolf, and the absolute defensive technique of the wolf, 'Inflammation of the gods', was moved by this shield, which meant that she broke the absolute defense of the wolf."

"It seems that this is the case. It is impossible to completely destroy an artifact, let alone the shield that is the most difficult to destroy. This woman from the East began to make me feel stressed." "Ice Assassin" Wilcote Si gripped the small skate on his hand and showed a battle on his face.

In his own country, he can only stand tall at the top, and he wants to be defeated. At this World Fighting Congress, he finally had the opportunity to fight against the real masters, and the blood of the battle began to boil.

Killing more ants will not have any sense of accomplishment, but will make the mind numb. He expects to fight against the strong, but like all the strong, he must not allow himself to fail. At the same time, although he really wants to fight with Blood Sakura immediately, he will also not be in this time like other strong players. Retaining strength, the finale of the show, blockbuster. The sooner you appear, the more you expose.

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