MTL - League of Legends: 700 Years Later-Chapter 34 : Raven like a flower

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Then Raven saw it, this scene. Bayi Chinese Network Ww√W√.く8★1zW. CoM

In front of him, this Galen wanted to refuse to welcome, and he did not dare to look up.

Then this Galen looked like he made up his mind, finally got the courage to come over, and then touched Raven gently.

This lower level a seems to have spent all the courage of Galen's life.

The next second, Galen was like a frightened rabbit, and immediately got a skill, and quickly turned and ran back.


This scene reminds Raven of the running in the sunset that year.

He asked the girl: "What are you writing?"

"write a letter."

"Who write to?"


"What is written?"

"Idiot, I haven't received it yet!"

The scene of this scene is so familiar.

This Nyima's Galen, actually hit himself with a flat, and escaped with q skills.

And that year, the girl’s answer made him stunned.

Unexpectedly, I never imagined it. Raven couldn’t think of this Galen.

At this time, Ye Che, seemingly satisfied with the fierce ability of his own Meng, unconsciously nodded, and a message.

"Big... Great God, are you not hurt?"


I rubbed it, and I was hurt by your sister. You only slightly licked me, and even the layers of skin didn't fall off.

Raven’s heart is stunned, but the surface is still a light and light look.

Said: "It doesn't matter, you don't have to run so urgent, I won't beat you."

Ye Che: "But...but listening to Xue Xue, the gods have the power to protect themselves and they will be shocked."

This said, it seems that you are too strong, I will be injured at any time, so I am afraid of it.

Raven smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, what do you mean by heroes? It is true in the real world, but it is fair to be equal in the heroic fantasy world and not to affect you because of your own strength."

“Is this true in the real world?”

Ye Cheyi, suddenly thought of this hy-shadow appeared, there is indeed a very terrifying feeling.

But now facing him, just like facing an ordinary person, is completely unaffected.

"Heroes inscribed!" Ye Che secretly recited these words in the heart.

"Great God, I can meet you very much if I can meet you. If you put skills on it, it will be impossible. I think this is a kind of blasphemy against God!"

Ye Che is a serious message.

If you stand outside the office, you can feel that this sentence does not seem so normal.

However, Raven was first and foremost. He had long felt that this Galen was truly worshipping himself, so now he feels that he really regards himself as a god.

"Oh, this is nothing, you are still young, maybe you will reach my height in the future."

Raven's smooth skills, while talking, and the line is also under his skills, clean up.

At the same time, Raven opened the match information, and after seeing his 37 knives and Galen 11 , he completely relaxed.

"Just win with a hundred knives. After all, I feel bad about my powder."

Raven is thinking about it, and he is not going to win with a blood.

Only, Galen once again has information.

"Great God, I... I am still very upset. I just touched you and always felt uncomfortable."

Ye Che's message, not waiting for Raven to answer, but also a text came out.

"So, please ask Ruiwenjun to put a complete set of skills on me, otherwise I will be sleepy, please!"

Ye Che's faceless expression of information.

I can't believe it, Ye Che with this kind of information, actually can be expressionless.

And Raven looked at these two messages, and immediately began to brainstorm and fill the picture brain.

In the picture he imagined, the soul of a sister paper is in the body of Galen because of playing himself, and his face is red and uneasy.

That kind of grievance and panic, he can imagine.

"Oh, okay, anyway, don't kill you, just play a set of blood."

Raven said, ready to meet the wishes of this sister paper fan.

Ye Che, also consciously controlled Galen out of the defensive tower.

"Sister paper is optimistic, urgent qa!"

Raven’s voice just fell, I saw a knife and a sword, oh, no knife.

I saw a sword shadow appear. When Ye Che was bored and wanted to eat melon seeds, Raven’s third q finally appeared, and he flew himself.

"Wow, the sword is so fast, it's really good and powerful!"

Ye Che, as always, has no expression of information, but also controls Galen by the way, and continues to lick the past.

"Raven God, let me play a few more times, just too dazzling, just a little bit faster, I still haven't seen it clearly, I want to see it again."

Seeing this message, Raven was completely confused.

Because at this time Galen's blood volume is only two-thirds, and then he is ignited by himself and can be taken away.

"This sister paper is really terrible."

Raven thought of this and suddenly wanted to get to know her. After all, there are so few pure sister papers.

"Sister paper, what is your name?"

Raven asked.


Ye Che has a word, it seems to be surprised how the great **** will ask his name.

After the effect of the word fermented for a while, Ye Che continued: "I... my name is blue bag."

"Good name, nice!"

Raven praised it and said, "Okay, I will play another set, but you can take medicine soon, don't die."

Ye Che: "Well, thank you for your concern, what?"

Raven's old face is red, I feel so, these three words are new and different, but also gentle, good... cute.

"Then I came, this time I slowed down the action and looked good."

Raven said, he started an urgent qa.


After qa was placed, Galen had only one-fifth of the blood.

"You are going back to the tower to take medicine and return blood. When I finish a hundred knives, you can go back."

Raven's tone is somewhat concerned.

However, it can be seen that even if this hy has a good impression on Galen, she did not think about letting her win.

If the more difficult the challenge fails, it will be deducted by fifty times.

If the challenger fails, he will also suffer severe punishment.

Therefore, Raven did not want to let Ye Che win the idea.

"Good dear, then I will be quiet, look at your picturesque knife."

Ye Che’s words came out, and he finally couldn’t stretch his face, and his mouth was pulled.

Good dear... beautiful...

The warm six words, the special words, this sister paper really loves, but also very simple, I want to find her in reality.

Raven looked at these three words, thinking sweetly.

Although his real identity is a diamond commander, the women around him are all the same, and there is no such thing as this sister paper.

"I feel myself, the second spring."

Raven’s face was inadvertently smiling like a blooming flower.


Testimonials on the shelves:

I finally got on the shelves, I am very happy and very embarrassed.

Thank you for your support during this time. If you have a book, you will get the second recommendation of the month, and the first total score of the monthly reward list. Thank you, the lord, thank you for your masters ^_^.

I hope everyone will accompany the book for a longer time, cheering for the League of Legends, and moving for you.

Some are very curious about the setting of this book. I just want to say that you will know later that there is no loophole in this book. I will make up it. What you are worried about does not exist.

The monks have always felt that reading is one of the most wonderful things in the world. It is a small world where you are alone. No one is disturbing here. There are no impetuous trivial things to tie you. You can swim like a child in a beautiful fantasy.

Especially the joy and disappointment after the most beloved book, I have had this feeling many times.

The theme of this book is the League of Legends. There are many kinds of skills. Even I dare to say that the previous games are just a small fight. The heroes who really lead the protagonist simply did not come out.

Just to learn a little skill, you can also raise your hand and order it ^_^.

Compared to the practice, compared to the collection of people, compared to dozens of bubbles in the Internet cafe to watch the video, watch the Raiders, watch the live broadcast, absolutely must be worth n times.

Watching the live broadcast and watching the video can't be done at all.

The book will always be explained from low segmentation to high segmentation.

There is no one in front of questioning why the protagonist always plays low-level segmentation. One of the purposes is to let you see the psychological gap between the high segment and the low segment.

After the different segments, there will be different kinds.

If you buy a skinny, you can read more than one million words in the book. You can read the book for more than half a month in the last two hours. I don't know why some small partners have said that they have no money.

Eat three breakfast, can read the book for more than ten days.

Less one hour online, less playing a League of Legends, can read the book for more than five days.

I believe that this book is worthy of a League of Legends game.

The tip of the iceberg of this book is believed to be vaguely visible. As long as you support enough, you can definitely write more than four or five million words.

The books of the League of Legends genre, many of the authors are eunuchs, I am also chilling, and even the book is so ridiculous that even a book of League of Legends can not be found.

Therefore, sincere hope, everyone can go along with the book.

Those who are looking at pirated software in other software, I sincerely hope that you can come to qq to read, help you book a book, only a few cents, so that your heart is full of love, of course, the whole book is the most loved .

Setting the data is extremely important. It is important that there is no recommendation after the book. The editor will not pay attention to it, and there will be more people to see it.

As long as you like this book, take a minute to download a qq to read, I believe that you will be very happy afterwards.

I can see that the friends here know that despite this difficult technical text, I almost achieved an average of more than 9,000 words per day, and it was not on the shelves.

Really conscience, not easy.

Here I promise that the basic one thousand subscriptions, every two hundred more, I will have more five chapters!

I don’t have a cap, I’m fighting!

I will be in the group to subscribe to the data, let the friends monitor it together!

Come on, no matter if it’s a pirated genuine partner, ask for pressure...

Don't underestimate your own strength. Rivers and lakes are also made up of every drop of water.

On the day of the shelves, the ten chapters exploded and the base was added.

Ask everyone to help me cast the game classics, as long as you are there, I will write down one by one, forever League of Legends!

Sinking into the sea, sincerely thank you all your friends, let other subjects, look at the power of our Demacia culture, let the power of the League of Legends sweep the whole universe! ! ! o(n_n)o

The book's genuine address, download qq reading or starting Chinese network.

Book common group [494798163]

This book VIp group masters, full screenshots, or fans to reach the deacon screenshot can join, I will often take the points in this group is very common, reproduce the novel heroes, one hero to explain, civil war, I Will play a live broadcast, open black, discuss the plot, then upload the protagonist's photo, and some important people's pictures and so on, I hope everyone can like ^ _ ^, VIp group address [383285646] need screenshot verification.

[Try to use the book currency to subscribe, you can not get a penny with the book author. -! 】


[The following are some of the friends who asked why the book is going to collect money. 】

In fact, I have always been puzzled. Some people can buy luxurious and luxurious clothes.

Someone can buy sweet and delicious food.

Someone can buy a favorite netbsp; someone can suddenly be filled with love and give way to the roadside, some people's pentagrams fall on the ground, and they will think about whether they want to bend over and kneel.

Someone spends dozens of pieces just to watch a movie, or watch a League of Legends game, or buy a hand.

Some people play mobile phones with a lot of money every month to traffic, some people spend dozens of thousands to buy mobile games ingots, buy game equipment, buy game skin and so on.

These are understandable, because these will make you feel satisfied and feel happy, so you feel that spending money is a matter of course.

But why do some small partners have such a big prejudice to the novel? The novel can also touch you, let you remember and let you be happy.

The lines of each line of the word are the essence of the author's fantasy, and the authors stay up all night, staring at the labor results of the computer!

It is often accompanied by you intimately, in your loneliness, in your depression, in every night.

I sincerely hope that everyone can face the novel, even if you don't like a book, don't ask maliciously why you charge? All my referrals are given to you. Why do you charge for it? You are still not like this.

Little friends, do you really understand the role of referrals?

The recommended ticket is to let the author's book rush to rank and let more people see the book.

More people see this book, and the number of subscriptions will rise.

If you don't subscribe, what is the point if you cast a 10,000 recommended ticket for a novel?

After all, the author's ultimate goal is to write articles that everyone loves and then survive.

Yes, it is survival.

In addition to the authors of the most advanced generations in the novel, many authors just barely eat.

Many, many, many outstanding authors, because they can't persist in life, have given up the dream of writing novels.

A truly qualified author, updating 10,000 words a day.

Take the metaphor I like very much, than the composition of the 2o 5oo word.

Imagine twenty essays piled up on your desk, letting you finish writing in one day, what it feels like.

And more than one day, but day after day, month after month, year after year.

It's even free, yes, you are writing it for free at the same table.

Is it terrible?

Some of the kind of friends you ask for are charged. In fact, it is terrible for the author. The horror until the authors begin to doubt the world, the world... what happened... so hard, hard, and brainstorming To write, but to be questioned the most basic things, why do you charge?

Closer to home, the above is to hope that some small partners do not anger to ask some authors, the authors charge for the purpose of supporting them to continue to write down.

If even the basic living conditions are not met in reality, how can they write with peace of mind?

Above, sincerely thank you again ^_^, plus the group's hurry.