MTL - Lanke Chess Edge-~ Extra: The Unbroken Past 32

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Lao Long and Lu Shanjun are okay, their cultivation bases have reached the peak, and they are only related to Ji Yuan. Although they are separated from each other, they can still keep up with all-out efforts. Zao Niang is not good. When she reacted , there is no one in the courtyard, and you can only faintly perceive the direction of the three people, but after a few breaths, you can't even perceive this, it can be seen that the three people are castrated fast.

But the next moment, Zao Niang also realized something, left Ju'an Pavilion and walked in a small space, and immediately went outside Sun's house, stared wide-eyed and looked inside, Sun Yiqiu's vitality had disappeared.

It turned into a soft breeze and blew into Sun Yiqiu's room. When the rest of the Sun family were still sleeping, she stood in front of Sun Yiqiu's bed and stared blankly at the young man lying upright on the bed.

"how come?"

Sun Yiqiu was originally a person with no disease and no disaster, and he was young and healthy, how could he suddenly die so strangely?

Then Zao Niang gradually saw something, this method of death was unusual, but was completely deprived of Qi, or...

Zao Niang raised her head and looked around at the Sun family's environment. The air in the Sun family's mansion was weak and chaotic. It should be said that it took away the energy of the Sun family, and Sun Yiqiu, a descendant of the Sun family, directly responded to this disaster. die.

Zao Niang thought of what Mr. Ji said just before he left, and murmured to repeat it.

"It's all calculated by it, it's all calculated by it... It... I think it's something that Mr. is chasing."

Zao Niang was slightly annoyed, stood in Sun Yiqiu's room for a while, and then looked at the position of the bed, Sun Yiqiu seemed to move.

There was a gust of wind blowing outside, Zao Niang sighed, took a step back and disappeared into the room.

About a few breaths later, with a gust of overcast wind blowing, several emissaries had already entered Sun Yiqiu's room.

"It's really strange, this Sun family line has always been a stable and blessed family, and this Sun Yiqiu actually died when he said death."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for Netherworld Ceremony, we wouldn't even know about it, hey!"

A few emissaries said as they walked, that they had arrived at Sun Yiqiu's room, and the emissary took a step forward to call the soul.

"Sun Yiqiu, it's time to hit the road."

In addition to Sun Yiqiu's corpse on the bed, there is a slightly blurred Sun Yiqiu that fits his body and shakes from time to time, but his soul and body are already separated by yin and yang.

As if Sun Yiqiu had just woken up from a dream, he sat up and looked at the bedside in surprise.

"Masters, what are you?"

"Sun Yiqiu, you are already dead, it's time to hit the road. Let's go to the underworld with us."

"Me? Am I dead?"

The policeman in front of him had a terrifying expression and a solemn tone. Sun Yiqiu was startled and instinctively wanted to escape when he got up, but as soon as he jumped out of bed, he was wrapped around his waist by a cold iron chain, and he couldn't move. .

The soul-enchanting messenger walked in front of Sun Yiqiu, grabbed his face and turned to the bed, allowing Sun Yiqiu to see the corpse that was not completely rigid on the bed, and also causing Sun Yiqiu's soul to stand on the spot.

"You are already dead, don't worry about the things in front of you anymore, just follow us on the road."

"No, no, no! I'm not going to die, daddy, mommy—grandpa—"

Sun Yiqiu began to struggle violently, but how could he break free from the ecstasy cord? It was not surprising for a few bad guys, but today he couldn't be delayed.

"Sun Yiqiu, your soul power is very weak and weak. If you stay a little longer in the Yang world, you will be dangerous. If you become a ghost or ashes, go to the underworld and soak in the yellow spring, let's go!"

The emissary ignored Sun Yiqiu's struggle and left with him.

It didn't take long for Zao Niang to show her figure, but she didn't try to stop her, because it didn't make any sense. The separation between life and death was a law of heaven and an iron law. Besides, Sun Yiqiu would be better off dealing with him now. The reason is to stop the yin difference from letting people collect their souls.


In the sky, Ji Yuan uses the spirit to control the form and the form to transform the spirit, the spirit and form travels the world, the residual mana is transported to the limit, and the speed of himself and the golden light is constantly shortened at a speed that exceeds the understanding of the practitioners, but the speed of the qi machine. The lock is still being lost, and even that golden light is no longer visible.

Ji Fate is like chasing and counting the wisp of Qi, and even has a feeling that it is almost impossible to count.

"It's amazing! Jimou borrowed the book from heaven and earth for a use!"

During the conversation, Ji Yuan spread out his left hand and waved his sleeve to the horizon.

In the distant Yunshan Holy Land, above the Yunshan Star Observation Hall, a sound seemed to suddenly come from thousands of miles away, and then a stream of light like a dragon ascended to the sky, as if a meteor reversed and flew away.

Daoists in Yunshan Temple noticed this scene one after another. Some were surprised, some were puzzled, some were nervous, some were contemplative, some were stunned, and some became very excited after being confused.

Taoist Qingsong, the contemporary headmaster of Yunshanguan, and others, who had not asked about the mountain gate for a long time, went outside the old star-viewing hall for the first time, looked inside, and the Book of Heaven and Earth had disappeared. There is a subtle flow of verve in the portrait.

Taoist Qingsong let out a long sigh of relief.

"Master, does this mean that the eldest master is expected to return?"

"Shh, be careful!"

Taoist Qingsong smiled, bowed to the hall, and then turned to leave.

In fact, the Wei family had already come to pass the news that Ju'an Xiaoge had re-emerged, and the eldest master seemed to have returned, but Yunshan Guan did not do anything, and even the news was only known to a few people and did not spread in the Guan. .

First, there have been more than one similar fake news in the past thousand years, and there have been many people who pretended to be fate. Second, even if it was true, they would not dare to disturb the master.

But at this moment, Daoist Qingsong and the others were heartbroken. Although the secret could not be revealed, Daoist Qingsong left Yunshan Temple impatiently. He had to go to Sun Yaya immediately, and hoped that the other party had already found that thing. .

Yunshan Temple is the ancestral family of Taoism. Although it has always been calm and has no ambitions, there is only one thing that has been secretly insisted on. After the Tianji Pavilion was split and disintegrated, the original shared responsibility was also unified with a considerable part of Taoism. After pressing down on Yunshan Temple, Sun Yaya has a profound cultivation base. Although she is not from Yunshan Temple, her dharma line is the same, and she also has an important mission.


High in the sky, not long after Ji Yuan waved his sleeves, a ray of light that looked like a meteor in the sky, but with a speed far exceeding that of a meteor, moved from far to near. Every time the light flickered, it moved across a long distance. In Ji Yuan's hands, it is the Book of Heaven and Earth.

Today, the Book of Heaven and Earth is no longer the same as when Ji Yuan created Heaven and Earth Metamorphosis. Although the outline is still in the shape of a book, the upper and lower volumes are contained in it, and the yin and yang qi are constantly circulating, which is hard to watch, but in Ji Yuan’s hands, there are few Breathing, all the light dissipated, and it turned into a gray-covered book with only the word "heaven and earth" on it.

Holding the Book of Heaven and Earth in his hand, it was as if the feeling of heaven and earth being supported by the heaven and earth had come back. When Fu Zhi’s heart moved, he could first calculate a step of change, and he was more relaxed in chasing.

Mountains, earth, water, forest...

The changes of various scenes are slow and urgent, and sometimes it is more like a dream. If they hadn't followed the fate firmly, and the fate had left a ray of energy, Lu Shanjun and Lao Long would not be sure that they would not be lost, and they were also in their hearts. The shock is endless, and the more and more found that what Bai is chasing is not ordinary.

Well, it was different after chasing Mi Huang in the middle of the night. At first, he almost felt that he was within reach of the golden light, and he also maintained a very close distance for a while, even throwing off possible competitors, but the more Chasing, the more confused, the golden streamer is still in the eyes, but there is a feeling of getting farther and farther, as if the distance is getting closer and closer is an illusion.

When it was almost dawn, Mi Huang looked at the golden light that was escaping in front of him, and suddenly stopped abruptly.

'No, I can't go on like this, my spiritual sense was deceived by it! ’

Mi Huang kept counting on the spot, but the more he counted, the more blurred he became. After counting, the trace of Qi that he could have grasped was actually escaping! Mi Huang was shocked. He had never seen such a situation before. The Qi Qi that started the calculation seemed to be alive, as if the silk in his hand was about to be taken away.

Mi Huang, who realized that it was not good, quickly realized that he couldn't force the divination of the His mind turned sharply, and suddenly a flash of light moved, and he did the opposite. The further you chase, the more you go against the line, starting from Sheji again.

One thing kept flashing through his mind, linking all possible calculations. Mi Huang is no longer purely based on cultivation. , realizes a man he has neglected.

"Sun Yiqiu? Could it be that I broke the fate of the Sun family because I didn't really want to do it myself, but was influenced by it? Could it be that She Ji knew Sun Yiqiu and was also influenced by it? Could it be that it was originally for. ......In the beginning, did I discover it and Sheji, or did it discover me?"

Mi Huang was a little unbelievable, also shuddered, and even more exaggerated and ten times more excited.

"Okay, okay, I must get you! Hahahahaha..."

Before the wild laughter fell, Mi Huang had already disappeared in place.

Extra: The Unbroken Past Thirty-two