MTL - Lanke Chess Edge-Chapter 967 you are here too

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The ghost's original existence was also the most simple purpose of existence, which was to lure prey for the tigers cultivating in the mountains so that the tigers could eat. Even though Xia Pinming and Liu Xi used to be cultivators of the immortal path, but at this moment, they played their part. The most simple role of ghosts.

"Two fellow Daoists, you...are you transformed by demonic thoughts?"

Until this moment, Lian Ping'er had realized that the crisis was deep, but he still believed that it came from the means of magic, so that he thought that the two people in front of him were not the two he knew.

"No, no, fellow Daoist practitioners, the two of us were not transformed by demonic thoughts, but were really Xia Pinming and Liu Xi."

"Hahaha, fellow Daoist practice, we were allies and fellow Daoists in the past, and we will be in the future!"

Liu Xi and Xia Pinming had the same weird smile, and said a salute, but before she knew it, Lian Pinger found that the surrounding light was getting darker and darker, and the cave when she came was slowly closing, but she couldn't move forward. When he opened his pace, he was dragged into the depths of darkness because of a suction force that was too strong to resist.

This suction is so strong, but it has no effect on Xia Pinming and Liu Xi. Lian Ping'er seems to have fallen into some kind of sluggish state, watching the two of them maintain a saluting posture with strange smiles, watching her being sucked into the darkness, her original body The spirit of the fairy also gradually dissipated.

At this time, panic finally appeared on Lian Ping'er's face.

"Ghosts! Ghosts! You are ghosts..."


A terrifying tiger roar came from outside the cave, and the inside of the cave completely turned into silent darkness. Until this moment, the arched mountain slowly changed and gradually returned to yellow-black stripes, becoming a man lying on the mountain. Face giant tiger.

Lu Shanjun shook his head, raised his paws and licked his tongue like a cat, then looked down at a place in the mountain, where the old cow was walking step by step.

"Old Lu, swallowed?"


"Don't chew?"

"No, even Lian Ping'er would be afraid."

Lao Niu rubbed the stubble on his chin and asked a question with some doubts.

"Will it be too easy, I've thought of a lot of tricks to deal with this mother-in-law, and I'll solve it now?"

When Lao Niu spoke, Lu Wu's real body gradually shrank, and soon returned to the elegant and stern Lu Shanjun.

"She blocked her mind, and suppressed her mana even more. She seemed to be afraid of Azer. Originally, I thought that maybe Lian Ping'er would play Jin Chan's escape again, but it seems that I was overthinking it."

Saying that, Lu Shanjun opened his mouth and let out a breath of white air, which was divided into three parts in the air, turning into Xia Pinming, Liu Xi, and Lian Pinger, who turned into a ghost.


Xia Pinming and Liu Xi had weird smiles on their faces.

"Fellow Daoist, are you here too?"

Lian Ping'er didn't have the hysteria he imagined, his body trembled slightly, and he kept his head down and didn't speak, as if he was adapting and confirming. After a long time, he slowly raised his head, revealing a face with two lines of tears.

"Lu Wu, Niu Batian?"

"That's right, it's us! Hey, Lian Ping'er, did you ever think about today when you were alone with Brother Beimu?"

Lao Niu said with a grin, his eyes glanced aggressively at Lian Ping'er.

"I didn't expect you, Lu Wu, to turn me into a ghost... If it wasn't for this, although I would lose a lot of vitality, I could escape the last time I died. Difficulty today..."

Lian Ping'er didn't talk anymore, because he seemed to be making excuses for his failure, but instead looked at Lao Niu and Lu Shanjun with a smile.

"I have some misunderstandings before, and it may not be impossible to continue to cooperate in the future. I don't blame you for turning me into a ghost. I will show my sincerity. Two talented people, I would like to introduce you to the Lord. Entering the realm of heavenly demons, if I hope Mr. Lu Wu can let me go, it will be fine, and allow me to go back and come again as a ghost... By the way, brother Niu, I am still a perfect person, although I am a ghost , but I am also willing to give Brother Niu the favor..."

While speaking, Lian Ping'er blushed and lowered her head, looking very pitiful.

At this point, Lian Ping'er has not given up the struggle, and has to say that she is in good spirits, but Lu Shanjun and Lao Niu have no sympathy for her, and instead look at her mockingly.

"Sorry, you are a little dirty to my old cow! Besides, your troubles today have nothing to do with anyone, it's just your own fault."

Lian Ping'er raised his head, a trace of anger flashed in the depths of his eyes. This savage often went to the brothel of the world to beg for joy. That man loved every possible wife in every possible way, but he said she was dirty. But it still made Lian Ping'er furious.

"Mr. Lu Wu... You practiced hard and achieved what you are today, isn't it just to obtain the Dao? I respect the Lord with the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth. In the future, the world will collapse, and there will be very few people who can protect it..."

Lu Shanjun stopped playing dumb riddles with Lian Ping'er, and sneered directly.

"Kneel down and slap a hundred times on the left and right."


Lian Ping'er's heart was full of confusion, anger, resentment and other emotions, but Lu Shanjun gave her an order and slapped her directly. That kind of humiliation would drive her crazy.

When Lian Ping'er fan was halfway through, Lu Shanjun approached her and whispered.

"As a ghost, it is only my life to obey. You know what is not a bargaining chip you can use in exchange. Besides, Lu has always disliked you."


Lian Ping'er finally couldn't hold back the pitiful helplessness on his face, and let out a scream of unwillingness and anger.


About half an hour later, the three ghosts were re-inhaled by Lu Shanjun, but he and Lao Niu had no plans to leave immediately.

"Are we waiting here?"

When Lao Niu asked this question, Lu Shanjun didn't say anything. He walked directly to the side of the stone and sat down. He took out a book of "Huangquan" from his sleeve and looked at it. There was a pen in one hand, as if he was ready to write in the book at any time. He wrote down his own opinions in some subtleties, while the old cow on the side moved his neck, also found a stone and sat down, took out a copy of "Twenty-Four Spring" and read it.

There is no doubt that the two of them are waiting for A Ze, but when the sun has pierced the darkness on the other side of the mountain, Lu Shanjun and Lao Niu did not wait for A Ze to show up.

Lu Shanjun looked up at the sunshine in Dongshan.

"It looks like he won't show up."

"Maybe it's not a bad thing not to show up, let's go."

Lao Niu stood up first, and Lu Shanjun also did not insist, very seriously put a bookmark made of gold thread on the page he saw, then turned the pen in a circle, and put the pen in his sleeve before closing it. After reading the book, Lao Niu can clearly see that on the open page, some gaps have been filled with After the two monsters left for a while, a ghost was on the mountain. A shadow slowly appeared on the head, exactly what Azer looked like.

Azer could sense Lian Pinger's death. Azer didn't feel angered for not being able to deal with Lian Pinger himself. Instead, he showed ridicule. If Lian Pinger turned into a ghost, it would definitely be for her. It is the most vicious punishment. As for the two monsters, after seeing Lu Wu's real body in his now demonic body, and the intimidating power that restrains the demons, he does not want to show up.


After a period of time, Ji Yuan received several messages from Lu Shanjun and Lao Niu, and also received the Feijian biography from the original Jiufeng Mountain headmaster, and the current Jiufeng Mountain real person Zhao Yu. Due to the different transmission channels, these messages Arrived at almost the same time, and really let Ji Yuan understand the cause and effect.

It turns out that the blood of the ancient demons is under the Jingxuanhai Pavilion, which is also the real incentive for Aze to become a demon. I didn't expect Lian Ping'er to become Lu Shanjun's ghost. Although there are many key things, even if he becomes a ghost, it is because Some kind of oath-like constraint is unknown, but enough has been revealed.

"I didn't expect that there are also high-level people in Changjian Mountain and Xianxia Island who are unwilling to be lonely. Yunshen does not know Xianxia Island, and is unparalleled in Changjian Mountain. Maybe people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong."

Ji Yuan has even guessed that the great person in the Changjian Mountain mentioned by Lian Pinger may be the one who left behind the sword wall of Jingxuan Haige, so that the sword energy in it can be directly detonated. Destroy external forces.

Ji Yuan has been staying in Ju'an Xiaoge, in fact, part of the reason is that he is waiting for Zhao Yu to send him a message. Lu Shanjun's message is unexpected.

But when Lian Ping'er went, it was definitely good news. Ji Yuan also decided to leave Ju'an Pavilion, and at the same time, he also personally took out the last three volumes of "Huangquan", ready to hand it over to some people.