MTL - Kunning-Chapter 251 Tozo

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When Jiang Xuening heard him say "go back", she still used "we", her eyes were a bit narrow, and she wanted to ask him: "Where are you going back?"

Xie Wei pursed his lips tightly, watching her silently.

Jiang Xuening couldn't help laughing.

After a long while, his ears were reddish, but his face was calm, and he said two words in a dignified manner: "Learn the piano."

She nearly fell down laughing.

But Xie Wei had nothing to do with her, he simply held an umbrella in one hand and circled her in the other, and took her away from the side hall of Kunning Palace.

Zheng Bao took a list in his hand and came to look for it.

Before he could open his mouth, Xie Wei had already glanced at him, blocked his words, and said calmly: "If it's not about the dead, I'll ask you tomorrow."

Zheng Bao was speechless for a moment.

He didn't dare to say a word, he could only watch Xie Wei take him away.

Jiang Xuening walked down the steps that had been covered with a thin layer of snow, and only smiled: "You are too domineering, you can't make arrangements today, and you need them to make arrangements tomorrow, it's not good to delay."

Xie Wei said, "Do you have an opinion?"

Jiang Xuening quickly shook her head, and said in a fake way: "Then how dare you, you do what you say."

Xie Wei stopped answering her words.

When the two of them left the gate of Kunning Palace, perhaps today people were coming and going, moving in and out, and there was no one to take care of the trivial matters in the palace. There was a snow-white cat slowly coming down from the vermilion palace wall, but because of That body was similar in color to Snow, so it was hard to spot at first glance.

When Jiang Xuening caught a glimpse, she almost stepped on its tail.

But at this moment, what came to mind was Xie Wei beside him. He stretched out his hand and almost subconsciously grabbed Xie Wei, trying to pull him behind him.

Unexpectedly, Xie Wei didn't react at all, but just glanced down.

Seeing that it was blocking the road, he leaned over and grabbed the kitten by the neck, lifted it lightly, and put it on the side of the road.

Jiang Xuening was stunned.

At this moment, there was an indescribable feeling of bewilderment, and it was vaguely like guessing something.

She stared at him blankly.

Xie Wei only said "Let's go", then took her hand and walked forward.

The Forbidden City is covered with snow, and the palace walls are majestic.

Jiang Xuening's heart touched, and a slight smile appeared on her lips, and she asked him: "Aren't you afraid of cats?"

Xie Wei said: "How can cats be scary?"

Jiang Xuening was silent for a moment, then saw the white snow falling continuously under the gradually lowering night, and asked, "What about the snow?"

Xie Wei said: "It will always melt."

At that moment, it was really like the snow falling all over the sky, the bleak chill faded away, revealing a kind of light and gentle tenderness instead.

Daoqin drives a carriage and waits outside the palace gate.

When the two came out, they lifted the curtain of the car and entered.

Then he drove all the way towards Xie Wei's mansion.

Being bored in the Tao, Jiang Xuening couldn't help it, and secretly inquired about the situation in the cabinet from him: "What's the tone of those old scholars about the female school?"

This little liar has been trying to trick him all day long.

The back door is really smooth to walk on.

Xie Wei closed his eyes and said with a smile, "There is no tone."

Jiang Xuening thought that he meant not to tell herself, so she rolled her eyes and her voice softened a little: "I know, the court now discusses the affairs of the cabinet, if something is not decided, it will not be spread, it is really inconvenient for you to follow I'll talk about the situation inside. But it's okay to reveal a little bit, just a little bit, a little bit!"

As she spoke, she pinched her little finger.

What came out was a terrifically small portion.

Xie Wei's ears were sore from her screaming, he squinted at her, then pressed the palm of her left arm to prevent her from doing anything else, and sighed: "'No "Mouth wind" means that they have opinions in their hearts, but they dare not object, it doesn't mean that they don't tell you."

Jiang Xuening understood: "Oh."

She was about to let go when she thought about it, but when she rolled her eyes, she suddenly remembered about the school. The area near Ning Palace will be converted into the first school for women’s school, and the noble girls in Beijing will be accepted first, and the rest will be moved after hearing the news. Then it will be implemented in other places in central Beijing, and other state capitals, how about it?"

Xie Wei thinks about it, this is because he feels that his use value is not exhausted.

In fact, he had no interest in women's studies or imperial examinations at all, but if she wanted to say the word "casual" at this time, she looked at him with bright eyes, making him unable to say it no matter what.

So I thought about it: "It's good."

Jiang Xuening pushed forward: "And then?"

Xie Wei thought about it for a moment, and saw that she was sincerely asking for advice, and whether she hadn't gotten over it, he taught her patiently: "There is nothing wrong with the method. It's just that the eagle has a pair of sharp eyes, so that it can fly in the sky. Can see the prey below clearly; Farmers water the crops frequently and remove pests, for the sake of thousands of millet in the autumn harvest; Scholars all over the world, ten years of cold windows, in order to become famous all over the world, and seal the title of marquis and worship each other to share the temple. The world There are too many people without profit. If you want to promote women's schools, how to build a school and recruit students are all foreign skills. If I don't move and people flock to them, it is an insider way. It is an idea for the eldest princess to promote women's schools. It’s easy to mention, but have you ever thought about it, what’s the use of learning?”

I don't move, but people flock to it.

Jiang Xuening's heart trembled.

She blinked, and a few flashes of inspiration suddenly flashed in her mind, and she faintly grasped something, and she suddenly felt enlightened.

Xie Wei knew that she wasn't stupid, and she knew a little bit about these things, so he said, "When planning something, don't blindly seek big things. The bigger things are, the more important it is to start small. Anything that can be accomplished overnight is often a bad thing. Opening a women's school, do you want the students to be successful in the imperial examination, or is it better to be literate first?"

Jiang Xuening frowned and thought.

Xie Wei guided her step by step, "There are several big academies in the world, such as Bailu and Yuelu, and students come from thousands of miles to study. Do you know why?"

Jiang Xuening said: "Because the students in the academy are more knowledgeable."

Xie Wei smiled: "Not bad."

Jiang Xuening gave a soft "ah": "So, how many schools can be opened, and what kind of schools can be opened, the key is not how many students can come, but how many teachers can teach and are willing to teach!"

Seeing that she had grasped the key point, Xie Wei deepened the smile on his lips. An Anran closed her eyes again, sat back, and said: "It's easy to plan, but hard to accomplish. You can't eat too much. If you think about it, you can't eat it." Do it, don't let people see the joke."

It is easy to plan, but difficult to achieve.

In her previous life, Jiang Xuening always thought that this man is a genius, he can do anything easily, even if it is such a major event as treason, he seems to be at his fingertips. But where in the world is there anything really easy?

Behind all the weight lifting is the unknown painstaking efforts...

She stared at him, and after all, she was a little bit convinced by this man's heart.

Just what...

In some things, I really don't understand.

Jiang Xuening pondered, the cabinet is now a gathering place for all kinds of news from all over the world, and the fact that she entered the Kunning Palace is not a small matter, how could this person hold back and not ask?

Back at Xie Mansion, her mind was full of thoughts about women's education.

Xie Wei asked her, "What would you like to eat?"

She answered casually, "A bowl of wontons?"

Xie Wei then put her in the wall reading room, with a pen and ink, leaving her to write something quickly before the first desk, while he went to the back kitchen.

In the past two months, Jiang Xuening has already been familiar with his mansion, as if he was in his own home, the earth dragon was burning, the carpet was covered, and as soon as he entered the house, he kicked off his shoes and sat cross-legged on the chair that Xie Wei usually sat on. Lay out paper, and take notes on the pointers and ideas I got on the carriage.

If you don't pay attention, two moments will pass.

After writing for a while, her thoughts became stuck. After sitting for a while, she couldn't help but paced back and forth, thinking about it.

Behind him is a row of Duobaoge, on the other side is a wall of books, there are several boxes embedded in the wall, and the drawers are connected with copper rings like auspicious clouds and bamboo branches.

I didn't pay attention at first, but when I looked up, I saw a thin black silk ribbon hanging from one corner.

Jiang Xuening stopped walking.

She wrapped the silk sash around her fingers, thinking it was accidentally hung somewhere, but she didn't expect it to be attached to the box, so she fastened the copper ring and pulled half of the box out.

At this time, it was clear that what was tied with the silk ribbon was a seal.

There was also a familiar thin-bladed short knife inside.

A few pages of paper were pressed underneath, the handwriting was crooked and clumsy like a dog crawling, and the former owner couldn't help but blush when she saw it.

Jiang Xuening gritted her teeth lightly, and wanted to take it out.

Unexpectedly, a hand stretched out in time, and pressed the drawn out box back before she went to take it. It fit perfectly, and she could no longer see what was inside.

Jiang Xuening was startled, and immediately turned around.

Sure enough, Xie Wei came back at some time, with a bowl of wontons in his other hand, standing behind her, half a head taller than her, looking at her with a stiff face: "Who told you to rummage?"

Jiang Xuening is not guilty at all.

She also raised her delicate sharpened jaw a little bit, snorted softly, and looked at him like a sneaky little fox: "Why, can't you turn it over?"

Xie Wei put down the bowl of wontons.

Jiang Xuening used to be able to open dyeing workshops all over the capital by giving three points of color, but he didn't let him go, and even leaned over to ask: "Why do I feel that the answer sheet inside is so familiar? Who is so rebellious, how dare Openly declaring that you want to come up with the eighteen ways of Confucius? This kind of answer sheet, really, should arrest her and scold her severely..."

Xie Wei pursed his lips and stared at her.

Jiang Xuening pressed her face against his shoulder: "Mr. Xie, what do you think?"

At that time, she was studying with her in Fengchen Palace, and seeing Tian'er being reprimanded by him, she was often offended, and everyone else had dropped out of school, and she was taken to the side hall to practice piano. Moreover, in front of others, he is a saint who makes people feel like a spring breeze, but behind him, he always treats her with a strictness that makes her afraid.

And the time of the selection exam...

The man left her to say a few words, which almost scared her to tears.

But this answer sheet...

Xie Wei didn't answer, but turned his head: "Are you hungry?"

Jiang Xuening shook her head.

She is not hungry now, it is rare to grab Xie Juan's braid, her eyes are full of excitement, she doesn't know that everything should be "degree", and she asks casually: "I remember, you made me peach slice cake, what should I do?" I gave Zhou Baoying a few slices, and you got angry later..."

The words that followed were drowned out.

Xie Wei's arms suddenly wrapped tightly around her slender waist, and on his frozen face, there was a kind of composure even if his shortcomings were exposed, and then he sealed her lips.

She faltered, her voice broken.

After a long while, he was let go, only to feel dizzy.

Xie Wei sat on the teacher's chair in front of the desk, then hugged her and sat on his lap, and asked her with a good-tempered smile, "I'll tell you what I want to know."

Jiang Xuening looked at it, feeling a little apprehensive in her heart.

He has tall legs and long legs. When she hugged her and sat on his lap, the soles of her feet, which were only wearing socks, barely touched the ground. This made her more flustered, and she almost cowed immediately, and put on an aggrieved tone: " I don't want to know, I don't want to know anything."

Xie Wei knew that she belonged to the tortoise, so he put his hand on her waist and pinched the soft flesh on her waist, the smile on his face remained unchanged: "Aren't you curious just now? Sir, teach me a little bit. You."

Jiang Xuening was caught off guard and sobbed immediately.

Her voice was already soft, but she was panting a little more, her eyes were misty, and she looked at him pitifully: "I was wrong."

She is not yet married, and she will be sent back to her home later.

Xie Wei didn't do anything to her.

He just sat quietly holding her for a while, and the rumors in the cabinet gradually surfaced in the evening.

Jiang Xuening asked him: "Don't you have anything to ask me?"

Xie Wei stared at her.

After all, he was not used to this feeling, but seeing her looking at him with some expectation in her eyes, after a long time, she finally opened her mouth and said, "What's the matter with becoming the master of Kunning Palace?"

At this moment, Jiang Xuening's eyes burst into a smile.

She put her arms around his neck.

Then tell him truthfully: "Didn't Lu Xian give the imperial court an idea?"

The Shen family's royal family is now in an awkward position.

Put it there, never let it dry.

But people need to spend money to keep them. Is it possible that, as before, the treasury is their home, and they can get whatever they want?

Naturally, the cabinet ministers did not agree.

Lu Xian returned to the imperial court and became the servant of the household department. The new official took office three fires, and the first one was burned to the royal family. He only proposed: the money in Shen Lang's private treasury in the past should belong to the royal family, and the court should not blame the past; , but the royal family is not allowed to get involved again. From now on, the treasury will only be allocated to the royal family every year according to the regulations, and it must be approved by the cabinet. As far as these two parts of the money are concerned, the royal family can spend whatever they want, and the court doesn't care if they spend it in a year. Anyway, they can't ask the court for an extra penny.

Now the royal family is ruled by Shen Zhiyi.

The national treasury was empty, and there was not much money allocated, but Shen Lang's private treasury was inherited from the private treasury of the emperors of the past dynasties. Even if most of it was squandered, the remaining part is still considerable.

It's just that if you use it too much, you will still be sitting on the mountain after a long time.

If you want to last long, you have to find a long-term solution.

Therefore, Shen Zhiyi saw farther than others, suppressed many voices of dissatisfaction within the Shen family, and directly handed over such a large sum of money to Jiang Xuening, letting her do whatever business she wanted, and after making a profit Take her 20% as a commission.

You must know that there are quite a lot of properties in her hand that lack money.

And how much power will such a large sum of money attract? It's definitely a guaranteed deal, and Jiang Xuening has no reason to refuse.

She wrung her fingers and gave Xie Wei a calculation: "Look, if you want to be the chief accountant of the royal family, you want to promote women's education, you have to mediate so many things, and there are people coming and going. In a place as big as the Ministry of Internal Affairs, how can you pretend to be a fool?" Down? It’s not as spacious as Kunning Palace.”

Xie Wei still felt that Shen Zhiyi was making things difficult for him.

He doesn't speak.

Looking at him like this, Jiang Xuening knew that he was sullen and unhappy, so she suddenly remembered Shen Zhiyi in her previous life who was so angry that she was disguised as a man, her eyes trembled slightly, and she whispered to Xie Wei: "She just wants to Just treat me the way she does."

That day was when she returned from sorting out the accounts in the House of Internal Affairs and passed by Kunning Palace.

Many palace people moved in and out.

She asked: What is this doing?

The maid next to her told her: The Holy Majesty has already made great achievements, Kunning Palace has been the place where empresses lived in all dynasties, and it is not known who will be the emperor in the future, so it would be unfair to live there now. According to the ancestral system, Empress Zheng would naturally move out of it. From then on, the palace will be vacant.

In the evening, the sunset shines.

The vermilion palace walls reflected the golden glazed tiles, and inside the familiar gate of Kunning Palace, there seemed to be some mottled scenes of right and wrong and changing dynasties, which reminded her of her previous life.

Taking pains to become the master of Kunning...

But in the end?

Entering the Lord becomes the earth, a palace and a tomb.

On this day, she stood outside and watched for a while before leaving with a smile.

Who would have thought that Shen Zhiyi would send someone over the next day.

It's Zheng Bao.

His master Wang Xinyi was assassinated by Jin Yiwei two months ago because he wanted to secretly escape from the capital, so now he is in charge of all matters in the palace.

A face with clear features and delicate features, still the same as before.

Seeing Jiang Xuening, she smiled slightly, and said: "The Kunning Palace is now vacant, and the place is spacious and bright. Compared with the narrow place in the House of Internal Affairs, it is more suitable for discussion, and it is only second to Qianqing Palace, and it is barely in the center of the palace. It is convenient to go anywhere. Her Royal Highness said, please move out of the small place of Yangzhizhai and become the master of Kunning, so as not to be tired all day long."

Jiang Xuening was dumbfounded.

She knew what Kunning Palace meant, so she refused at that time.


Qiong's nose wrinkled slightly, and Jiang Xuening became angry when she thought of those old pedants: "I didn't agree even though I was sensible, and they scolded me. Am I the kind of person who takes offense? I moved in the next day after I made up my bed. I fight!"

Who do you think she was in her previous life?

No matter who is the emperor, she will be the queen.

Now that Shen Zhiyi just gave her a Kunning Palace, these old men are just talking non-stop every day. After two lifetimes, the people who hate them are still the same!

Xie Wei was finally amused by her vivid demeanor.

When the corners of the lips are curved, the brows are moistened.

When Jiang Xuening saw it, she was dazzled, and suddenly she was so dazzled that she leaned up to kiss him. Moist lips, with a sweet breath, stuck to his lips, tracing the thin and slightly angular lip shape, hesitated for a moment, and the pointed tongue slipped out quietly, and then slid towards his mouth .

The heart beat suddenly a few minutes faster.

It was rare for her to be so proactive, and before she had done much, her cheeks were already dyed peach-like crimson, the more shy she was about to say, the more it made people thump like a drum.

Xie Wei's eyes locked on her, and his voice was hoarse: "Are you sure you want to die?"

Jiang Xuening immediately regretted it.

She just thought that it was rare for this person to express any dissatisfaction in a good voice, and she should give him some rewards, but she didn't want to be left here until midnight, so she wanted to run away as soon as she moved.

But she was already on Xie Wei's lap, where could she go?

It's too late.

He caught her easily.

Didn't even move a bit.

Touching with her upper hand, she couldn't help herself, dripping water; on the snow-white soles of her feet that didn't touch the ground, her socks hung dangling, and her round toes with manicured nails were stretched straight as if they couldn't bear it.

Then I arrived and slowed down.

She had nowhere to ask for help, she opened her mouth like a drowning fish, and when she got to the end, a feeling gradually rose up, making her scalp numb and tears streaming down her face.

Jiang Xuening mourned, "Forgive me, I'm going to die."

Xie Wei smiled: "Die quickly?"

Immediately, Jiang Xuening's face turned red, even her jade-like earlobes turned red, and when the love turned strong, she bared her teeth and clawed to run away. However, as soon as her toes touched the ground, she felt weak, and she almost didn't fall. Fortunately, she reached out to support the desk in front of her.

This is good, more like fish in a pot.

After sticking to the side and frying for a while, it will be honest and lose its strength.

Fortunately, Xie Wei was behind her, supporting her waist.

Xuefeng trembled, showing a delicate dimple.

When she was exhausted, she thumped the table in shame and anger: "Why are you so bad!"

Xie Wei picked her up and kissed her deeply.

In a pair of smiling eyes, he was extremely serious: "I can always be three points worse than you think."

It was obviously not a good word, but Jiang Xuening was completely beaten by the seriousness in this man's eyes, and was defeated.

After hugging him for a while, Fang asked, "Why did you even hide the knife in the box?"

Don't use it anymore?

Or, is there no need to guard against any accidents?

Xie Wei's Adam's apple moved up and down, silent for a long time, staring at her wet eyelashes, after all, he didn't answer, but just kissed her eyes lightly with his warm lips.

The sword of the world is always for killing.

Many knives are used to kill, but not all knives are used to kill.

He stuck to her very close, with a kind of seductive affection, and said to her in a low voice like a promise: "Jiang Xuening, I'm yours."

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