MTL - Kunning-Chapter 166 take the risk

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Until Xie Weiren got into the carriage and went far away, Jiang Xuening was still a little dazed.

What's the matter with this man?

She thought about the time when Yan Lingang's class teacher returned to court in the previous life, she felt uneasy, and she also said to Xie Wei that after threatening to repay each other, everyone would not owe each other, but the other party didn't seem to have such a big reaction?

These two times, Xie Wei always felt a little strange.

But what was so strange about it, Jiang Xuening really couldn't tell.

Think about it, since you don't have a clue, you can simply throw away this mess. After all, Xie Wei is a master who is unpredictable and difficult to serve. If you spend time to figure out what he is thinking, how can he mess around in the turbulent court?

What matters is that Xie Wei agrees!

Although she contacted Zheng Bao and found Zhou Yinzhi outside, it can be said that if this little power is to succeed, it is almost a gamble, and it may not be foolproof. However, if someone like Xie Wei, who is of great importance in the court, is willing to help, the possibility of success will be greatly increased. And even if it fails, it can avoid implicating innocent people such as Zheng Bao.

Things are in sight!

Thinking of this, Jiang Xuening almost jumped three feet high, and when she returned to her room, it was even more peaceful. After being intimidated by Xie Wei's words, not even half of the people in the house came to trouble her.

She was only worried that the one surnamed Xie would be unwilling.

But very unexpectedly, after the other party agreed, he kept his promise very much. Early the next morning, Jianshu personally came to the mansion to invite him, saying that since Mr. Xie was entrusted by Mr. Jiang, he should do his best for Miss Jiang. , This time, Jiang Xuening was invited to go to the Xie Mansion to take a school examination.

Jiang Xuening really believed it at first.

After arriving at Dexie's mansion, he was very uneasy and tried hard to think about the books he read last night and the piano he practiced. Unexpectedly, when people entered the Qinqin hall, it was empty inside, and there was no figure of Xie Wei.

Jian Shu bowed and said: "After I came back yesterday, the master told me to collect all the matters related to the marriage of His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess, and some official documents were not dared to be handed over to others, so I simply invited the second girl Ning to come over and see. Mr. He, he went to Youhuang Pavilion and left a message saying that if you have something to do, you can directly tell your subordinates, and it will be done for you."

Then Jiang Xuening understood.

Xie Wei clearly disliked her, probably because he knew that what she was going to do this time was extremely dangerous, and he didn't want to get involved in this troubled water, but because of her kindness, he had to agree. Just keep your heart out of sight, throw a powerful sword book for her to use, and avoid it yourself.

She can't wait for it.

If Lord Xie, surnamed Xie, sat down in front of her, and she wanted to seriously discuss with him about dropping packages or robbing people, she would be frightened to death before she could die.

Jiang Xuening was happy and relaxed, and immediately felt that the overly tense air in the Qin Hall was relaxed, and immediately revealed his true colors as his own home, and even called Jianshu to sit down with him, and first studied the family-related documents.

Where does Jianshu dare to sit?

He stood aside, Jiang Xuening wanted to read something, he folded the paper; Jiang Xuening wanted to write something, he moistened the pen and ink. From the beginning to the end, he didn't dare to exceed the rules, and he didn't relax because of Xie Wei's absence.

The people around Xie Wei are always as rigorous as him, Jiang Xuening only remembers the occasional few times in the previous life when he talked alone with Xie Wei's Daoqin and Jianshu, and he only thought that the two of them were so temperamental , Call him twice and don't see him sitting down, so forget it, concentrate on looking at the things in your hands.

Such a big event as the princess getting married is handled by the Ministry of Rites.

Pushing Xiao Shu out to get married won't work, and the emperor has no intention of changing his mind at all. That is to say, soft methods will not work, but hard methods must be used. At this time, it becomes very important to understand the process before and after sending the princess to the wedding.

The day when Shen Zhiyi went to Tatar to get married was calculated and calculated by Qin Tianjian, and it was set on March 21st, which is less than a month away from now. Workers from the Ministry of Industry built a sturdy cart and selected four horses to pull it.

The day before, the princess will sacrifice to the ancestral temple together with the emperor.

On the day of departure, he had to get up early to apply makeup, Fengguan Xiapei, and hijab on top. After bidding farewell to his relatives and emperors, he went out of the palace all the way. According to the rules of marriage in the past dynasties, he was assigned eight hundred Haojilang guards selected from the Habayashi Army. It was late spring when we set off, and the weather was just right for heading northwest, neither too cold nor too hot.

There are roughly two options for saving lives here:

First, after the princess left the capital, the guards were lax, and there were chances of robbing people or dropping packages midway.

It's just that if it's very simple to rob people, if you want to drop the bag, if the guards have seen Shen Zhiyi's true face on the way, the matter will be revealed no matter what;

The second is to start before the princess leaves Beijing. After bidding farewell to their relatives, they will directly board the carriage and leave the palace. The royal family will only wait and see from the top of the city tower. After going on the road of marriage, the guards have never seen the princess, even if they saw the substitute, they would not doubt it.

However, this plan also has a great disadvantage, that is, it is too dangerous.

The imperial palace is heavily guarded, and it may not be easy to do things.

Jiang Xuening pondered in Xie Wei's mansion for a few mornings, weighed his strength and the limit of Xie Wei's help, and resolutely crossed out the second plan.

The safest is the first option.

She carefully flipped through the map of Xie Wei's residence, and after thinking about it several times, she drew a line on it and circled several points.

However, robbing people halfway requires a team of elites to accomplish anything, and the 800-feathered forest army is no joke.

Although she still has some spare money in her hand, it can be used for support, and it is enough to arrange Shen Zhiyi's life in the future. But if you want to buy someone from outside to do the job of Jie and the princess, there is a risk of turning around easily. First, you may not have the ability, second, you may not have the courage, and third, once the matter fails, no one will be able to bear it. Walk.

Of course Zhou Yinzhi can be used, but Jiang Xuening also has scruples about this person.

This is the best time to turn to Xie Wei for help.

Jiang Xuening told Jianshu her plan.

Others don't know, they only know that Xie Wei is an ordinary civil servant, but she knows that it is not so simple behind him just by reading sword books and sword and piano skills, not to mention the things Xie Wei did in the previous life.

It would be strange if he had nothing to rely on.

After Secretary Jian came down, he said that when Xie Wei came back, he would tell Jiang Xuening to come back tomorrow.

Whenever she is in the mansion these days, Xie Wei is definitely not there.

Jiang Xuening only said that this person's temper became more and more weird, but he expected that this matter would not be particularly difficult, so he would agree.

Who would have thought that when the next day came, the sword book would say: "Sir, if ordinary mountain bandits rob the princess, it will definitely attract the court to investigate, and the eldest princess may not be able to escape forever if she escapes for a while. The second girl Ning It has been decided to use this risky move, it may be a two-pronged approach, using both the bag drop and the robbing. The Habayashi Army's arrangement is handled by the master, and then only a dead ghost is pushed out to replace the princess, saying that he died in robbing relatives, with The token of the princess, no one would have guessed that the real eldest princess has escaped from her shell. Only in this way can future troubles be eliminated."

Jiang Xuening's heart shuddered when she heard this.

How could she not have thought of this plan?

After all, it can be settled once and for all, and the royal family's desire to find Shen Zhiyi will be lost.

It's just that it's easy to talk about robbing people, if you want to push an innocent dead ghost out to die immediately for Shen Zhiyi, on the one hand it's hard to find someone, and on the other hand you can't bear it.

Moreover, based on her superficial understanding of Xie Wei in her previous life...

Jiang Xuening looked up at the sword book, and asked: "I'm afraid I haven't finished talking, right? Marriage is a matter of peace between the two countries. If something happens to the princess, the implications will be complicated. Mr. agreed to the plan to rob people , How can this great opportunity be wasted? At that time, those who rob people to 'kill' the princess will not only pretend to be bandits, but also leave some clues related to the Tatar royal family. The two countries were suspicious of each other, and even started a war."

Jianshu remained silent.

However, Jiang Xuening felt nervous: "If there is a war, you will use troops. The Xiao family's paper tiger is vulnerable. When the military situation is critical, even if the government and the public criticize it, and the emperor does not want it, I am afraid that we will have to rush to recall the old generals and restart the war." Loyalty."

In this way, the Yongyi Hou Mansion will return!

Jianshu really didn't expect Jiang Xuening to think of this level, it was almost the same as his husband's plan yesterday!

Jiang Xuening said, "Yes or no?"

Jian Shu didn't answer, but just lowered his head and said: "In short, sir, since you asked him for help, he did help you. You plan what you can plan, and sir will plan what sir wants to plan. It doesn't hinder you."


After a long time, Jiang Xuening finally smiled.

Compared with the overall situation Xie Wei planned, she is really shallow-sighted and petty. If they fall out with Xie Wei, saving Shen Zhiyi will become a 100% risk, and it is unknown if Xie Wei is behind the scenes. But after agreeing, although the direction of this matter is somewhat different from what she expected, at least saving Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess is a sure thing.

Qihou Mansion...

She thought for a while and said nothing more.

In the end, he only said: "Mr. has thought carefully, so I will naturally follow Mr.'s way."

One should step up preparations.

Linzi Wang Shen Jie's choice of concubine was really lively for a while, and the selection of the main concubine and side concubine at the same time also caused a lot of discussion in Beijing. In March, there was another lantern fair and temple fair, and people went outing in the garden. The people prayed for His Royal Highness the princess who was about to get married, and celebrated for several days...

Under the surface of boiling, a bold plan is unfolding.

The preparation and waiting time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was the day before the wedding.

Everything went smoothly and smoothly.

It's just that Jiang Xuening couldn't find a suitable reason to enter the palace after studying with her in Fengchen Palace, and she couldn't see Shen Zhiyi again. But she is not in a hurry, everything that needs to be prepared has been prepared, and she just waits until the day before the wedding, and enters the palace with others to bid farewell to the princess, and then she will tell the whole plan, and it will still be flawless.

But Jiang Xuening never expected that at this juncture, something happened that made her unprepared—

"The news came back from the palace, saying that Concubine Xian proposed to the Holy One to replace the original Habayashi Army with the Imperial Guard." Jian Shu followed up the whole process of robbing and saving the princess, and his face sank a little at this moment Point, continued, "Originally, many of the Habayashi Army were the old troops of the Marquis Mansion, and they had been properly installed by the master. The confidant of the Holy Majesty is trying to ensure that the marriage is safe. In this way, in front of so many people, it would be difficult to replace the princess with a trick. Unless..."

Concubine Xian, Xiao Shu!

After past life and present life, Jiang Xuening thought that he had finally met this person.

She said: "Unless you abandon the method of halfway replacement. The imperial guards have never seen the princess, so they need to complete the replacement after the princess leaves and before leaving the palace!"

"That's true, it's just that this method is too dangerous, and..."

At this point in Jianshu's words, he paused.

Jiang Xuening looked at him.

Jian Shucai said: "Mr. Xian thinks that Concubine Xian's actions are quite unusual. She seems to be aware of the robbery and rescue of the princess. She also asks the Holy One to take care of the eldest princess's marriage. It seems to be confronting you."

Jiang Xuening understood what he wanted to say.

What Xie Wei meant was that Xiao Shu's purpose was so clear, she seemed to know who was behind the marriage proposal that pushed her to replace the eldest princess, and was worried that she might have revealed some flaws and flaws in the past.

Jianshu asked: "Swapping people inside the palace is no better than changing people outside the palace. It's extremely dangerous. Is Miss Ning—"


A fire was burning in Jiang Xuening's heart, she stood up suddenly, and sneered.

"She has the guts to ask herself to handle the marriage! Wouldn't it be nice to take this opportunity to give her a big gift?"

Please take care of the marriage affairs, but if something goes wrong right under her nose, with Shen Lang's temper as a dog emperor, she will be unable to eat and walk around!

Just like when Yu Ruyi was framed, she dared to conclude that Xiao Shu was behind it without any evidence. Xiao Shu vaguely sensed that there was someone pushing behind the marriage proposal, and it was not unusual to conclude that this matter was inseparable from her.

There are very few people who have the ability and can do it.

Jiang Xuening's fear of Xiao Shu and Xiao Shu's hostility towards Jiang Xuening are both clear to each other, even if there is a cover-up, it will not cause them to suspect innocent people!

I also know that Xiao Shu must have opened a big net this time, waiting for her to cast.

But Jiang Xuening really wanted to make a breakthrough.

There is still a third of hope in taking the risk, but if you give up now, you are going to watch Shen Zhiyi die in a foreign land!