MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1061 Isato's approval of...

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cut it off?


still take away?

The whole turtle is Spartan.

Uchiha Fenghuo, what do you think of me?


Let me tell you, a soft-shelled turtle is not a turtle!


Isao roared and swung three giant tails full of thorns, and the calm pool suddenly became violent.

Feng Huo frowned, stomped his feet lightly, and a powerful sealing power instantly descended from the sky, suppressing the water pool!

"Uncle, no, no."

Naruto was also taken aback by Feng Huo's tough words, and hurriedly said, "Isai is a tailed beast, and it is your important partner, uncle. I will not hurt it no matter what!"

Look, look, look!

Ji Yi looked at Feng Huo with one eye: look at his ideological consciousness, and look at you, why is there such a big gap in being a human being?

Feng Huo didn't pay attention to Isata's inner activities, he was looking at Naruto with a look of relief at this moment, and said: "Naruto, I'm glad you can say that, it seems that my hard education to you these years has been very successful. "


"..." Rocky.

"Cough." Feng Huo coughed dryly, and said again, "But Naruto, don't forget that the Tailed Beast is a collection of Chakras. Even if you cut Isoto in half, he can recover if he turns his head around."

Jiji said angrily: "Bastard, don't treat me like an object! This old man has dignity!"

The dignified Isota came out of the pool with a bang, his thick legs touched the water surface, he raised his head to the sky and roared, and then stretched out a hoof towards Naruto.

Naruto was startled for a moment, then his face brightened, and he immediately stretched out his fist and shook hands with Isata.

In an instant, a strong chakra poured from Isota's body into Naruto's body.

"Isota, thank you!"

Naruto looked excited.

With the approval of Isota and the gift of Chakra, Naruto at this time can already use Sanwei Chakra!

"Hmph, I did this for the sake of the old man!"

Isota snorted.

He felt the breath of the Sage of the Six Paths from Naruto, recalling what the Sage of the Six Paths said N years ago when they parted from the nine-headed and tailed beasts, and vaguely guessed that Naruto was the son of the prophecy in the mouth of the Sage of the Six Paths.

Of course, if it is normal, it may have to screen it carefully, but judging by the posture of Fenghuo, if it doesn't express it, it may really be chopped into pieces.

Isota had to succumb to someone's lust.

After leaving the sealed world, Fenghuo and Naruto opened their eyes at the same time.

"Naruto, Rabbi Eight-tailed Jinzhu Riki has also arrived at the front line, you can go find him later." Feng Huo said.

Naruto's eyes lit up: "I know!"

The two smiled knowingly, then turned and left.

Ji Lai also stood between the two of them, the muscles at the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and his chest couldn't move up or down, feeling uncomfortable.

"Fenghuo, Naruto, you guys, what are you doing?!"

Jiraiya looked left and right, but couldn't keep up with Naruto.

"Brother Fenghuo."

Pharmacist followed Fenghuo with a needle in his pocket, and said with a smile, "Do you want to directly transplant Naruto's cells?"

Feng Huo nodded: "Just transplant it directly, we may not have much time."

Although Naruto received a gift from the Sage of the Six Paths, the guy Erzhuzi has not yet appeared. Without their combination of yin and yang and the combination of two swords, Naruto alone would not be able to suppress the Ten Tails Jinzhuli Uchiha Madara.

Back in his tent, Yao Shidou immediately took out the experimental equipment, and then began to extract the cell components in Naruto's blood.

at the same time.

On the battlefield of the Fifth Army of the Ninja Alliance, a fat owl was hovering over the wound on the battlefield carrying Didala and Fu.

"What a scale of battle this is, it's really exciting, huh!"

Didara couldn't help taking out a large handful of ant bombs and was about to throw them down.

Fu hurriedly stopped him: "Brother Didala, if you do this, you will accidentally injure the ninjas of the coalition forces!"

"So what?"

Deidara's eyes shot out with fanatical light, "Only such a battlefield can make my explosion art shine uniquely in the entire ninja world! A few casualties are completely negligible, eh!"

With that said, Didara shook off Fu's hand, and threw down the ant bomb in his hand.


Fu snorted dissatisfied, and said, "Brother Fenghuo will never forgive you if you do this."

Didara's brows showed blue veins in the shape of a well, and said with a sigh: "I know, I know, I have a sense of proportion, eh!"

Didara looked down and saw that hundreds of ant bombs had scattered like dust during the fall. He immediately controlled these ants with Chakra, let them crawl towards the clone army, and then detonated them.

Boom boom boom...

A series of explosions killed hundreds of clones in an instant, but for the clone army on the entire battlefield, these hundred people were really insignificant.


Didara was very dissatisfied.

If a C3 or C4 bomb is used, it will definitely kill and injure nearly ten thousand people. Of course, nearly half of them may be ninjas from the coalition forces.

Didara quietly took out two bombs from the ninja bag, the one on the left is C3, and the one on the right is C4.

How to do?

Do you want to throw it away?

Which should I throw?

Although throwing it down will definitely cause huge troubles, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to prove to the entire ninja world that you have explosive art!

Not to be missed!

As soon as Didara made up his mind, he sensed a familiar chakra fluctuation the next moment.

"how is this possible?"

Didara's face changed, "The speed of that pretentious guy is so fast?!"

You must know that he was flying in the sky with an owl, while Erzhuzi and Guideng Shuiyue were running on the ground, but they chased here with both feet!

Considering the position of the two pillars, Didala silently put away the two bombs.

On the edge of the battlefield on the ground, the two pillars and the ghost lamp water moon stood side by side, looking directly at the magnificent **** battlefield.

"Sasuke-kun, what should we do, should we continue on our way, or help the Ninja Alliance?" Guideng Shuiyue asked sideways.

Er Zhuzi narrowed his eyes slightly, his dark pupils instantly turned into an eternal kaleidoscope, and then he lightly jumped to the top of a big tree, looking around the entire battlefield. UU Reading

His strong eyesight allows him to easily distinguish the situation of the enemy and us on the battlefield.

He saw a lot of familiar people, Yamanaka Ino, Inuzuka Kiba, Yume Shino, and then he focused on the clone army and the reincarnation army.

After half the payment, he jumped down from the treetop and said calmly: "Let's go."

"Don't you care about this place?" Guideng Shuiyue asked with her head tilted.

There was a confident smile on the corner of Er Zhuzi's mouth.

Although the number of enemy troops is much larger than that of the coalition ninjas, no matter whether it is the clone army or the ninja reincarnated from the soil, their strength is very average. The coalition forces rely on the elite Jōnin and Jōnin, which is enough to establish the victory of this war!

Of course, as long as he knows these things, there is no need to explain them.

So the two pillars went straight forward, crossing the battlefield with a cold face and no one else around. Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site