MTL - Knight’s Love Letter-Chapter 41

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Chapter 41, Cold Violence

After sleeping on the floor all night, Fang Shiqing had a sore back and a little cold. He sniffed and looked at his phone, the more he looked, the more disappointed he became.

Mother Fang said while preparing breakfast, "Is there any cold medicine? Take a pill first, you are weak, and it will be difficult for you not to take medicine."

Fang Shiqing replied casually: "Oh, yes."

He didn't even look for medicine, and went to the bathroom to wash up. When brushing his teeth, he looked at himself in the mirror, and he was rather absent-minded.

Is Wang Qi still angry?

He resigned and came out of the closet from the very beginning, and he must have disliked secret love very much. Fang Shiqing promised to come out well at first, but after two days, he regretted it and said that he wanted to hide from his parents, and it was natural that he would be angry. No one likes a lover who goes back on principles.

But Fang Shiqing didn't quite understand it. He had tried his best to apologize to Wang Qi, and he had already explained that he just wanted to hide from his parents and would not hide it from his colleagues and friends. He had even thought about taking Wang Qi with him when Fang's mother came home to make up for the birthday party.

When he was having breakfast, he sneaked a look at his mother's face and hesitated several times.

Since the plan to come out has been cancelled, it is time to tell Fang Ma that his "girlfriend" can't come today, but he is a little hesitant when he talks about it, and he thinks over and over in his mind that Wang Qi slightly brought him last night. The sarcastic sentence: "You can make up whatever you want."

"Qingqing," Fang Ma said, "what's the matter with you? Have something on your mind?"

Fang Shiqing swallowed the fried egg in his mouth and said bravely: "Mom, I originally said I brought him to see you today, but I'm afraid it won't work."

Mother Fang asked: "What's the matter? She's still very busy?"

Fang Shiqing said: "He... we..." He is not good at lying at all, his tongue is knotted in a guilty conscience, and he can't make it up.

Mother Fang said clearly: "Qingqing, did you guys quarrel?"

Fang Shiqing: "…Huh?"

Mother Fang said: "Look at your swollen eyes."

Fang Shiqing immediately raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.

Fang Ma smiled and said: "Young people are in love, and it's sweet to have conflicts. Besides, if you find a stronger girlfriend, someone must be holding you. You have officially met. Are her parents?"

Fang Shiqing shook his head: "Not yet." He only met Wang Qi's parents a few years ago, of course it can't be considered official.

Fang Ma said: "That's it, the girls must think that you haven't seen your parents yet, and it's not good for them to come first. If you don't see them this time, they will disappear, and there will be more in the future. Chance."

Fang Shiqing: "… um."

Mother Fang put the condensed milk on the toast and handed it to him, and said: "Even if she is strong, she is with you because she likes you. You are accustomed to us, but you can't Playing temper with others, you have to coax well."

Fang Shiqing replied awkwardly: "I see."

Where can he coax people? If Wang Qi wants to be unhappy in front of him, he can at least sacrifice a color, but now he doesn't know what to do.

When he arrived at the magazine, he called Wang Qi.

Wang Qi's tone was very normal, and he couldn't tell whether he was angry or not. If it was someone else, Fang Shiqing would definitely not feel anything, but Wang Qi was not someone else, no matter how normal his tone was, he could feel it was abnormal.

Wang Qi's external image has always been very serious and stable, only when facing Fang Shiqing, he is particularly serious. In the past, it took two minutes and fifty-five seconds to get through a phone call for two minutes and fifty-five seconds. Today's phone call lasted for three minutes and twenty-seven seconds. He was very serious from beginning to end, as if the caller was either his family's Xiao Ling or an ordinary friend. He asked Fang's mother, talked about Wang Chao, and then said that he was busy and wanted to hang up.

Fang Shiqing was very disappointed. A lover who always tried to play hooligans suddenly became serious, and he couldn't accept it. His cold got worse and worse, and his nose kept sniffling. Wang Qi must have heard it on the phone, but he didn't even ask a word.

Fang Mingyu came again at night, Fang Shiqing was uncomfortable and didn't want to deal with her, so he hid in the bedroom to sleep.

She accompanied her mother to talk until after nine o'clock and left. Before leaving, she came in very considerately to look at her sleeping brother. Fang Shiqing was actually awake, but she was too lazy to open her eyes and listened to her leaving Only slowly got up.

Mother Fang was thinking about Father Fang being at home alone, and didn't want to trouble her son and daughter all the time. She quietly booked a high-speed rail ticket for tomorrow morning at 10 am to go back, and didn't tell Fang Shiqing until now.

He was a little stunned when he heard it. He was frightened every day when his mother was here, but she really said she was leaving, and he was very reluctant.

Fang's mother asked him to go to bed with this little patient, and she went to the living room to sleep. He refused, and rushed into the sleeping bag first, and Fang's mother had to give up.

Before going to bed, Fang Shiqing didn't call Wang Qi again. He thought that Wang Qi would take the initiative to call him if he couldn't wait for his good night call.

He lay in his sleeping bag and waited until after two o'clock, and the phone only rang once, still a nuisance call.

In the middle of the night, my mother was worried. She got up and saw him several times. Sad again.

He and the editor-in-chief took leave, but there is no need to rush to work, accompany my mother to pack up, and then take her to the station.

Before entering the station, Fang's mother instructed him on many trivial matters in life, pay attention to his body, drink less, drive, be careful to have a good relationship with colleagues, etc., etc. He nodded in agreement, and his heart was very warm. If I want to sing loudly, only my mother is good in the world.

The steps are not heavy to carry.

Before entering the station, Fang Ma finally said: "Qingqing, if the New Year is suitable, I will take your partner home with you. Parents love it."

Fang Shiqing nodded vaguely: "Well, I see, you have a good journey, remember to call me when you get home."

Mom checked the ticket and entered the station, waved back to him, and set foot on the way home.

On the way back, his head was dizzy, his nose was blocked, and he had a bad cold. He had to go to the hospital as a last resort, and the doctor really gave him another injection.

The nurse who gave him the injection was a novice, and she stabbed him next to his crotch for a while.

Without Wang Qi by his side, he didn't even have the face to cry.

When I got home, I lay down on the bed, and gradually felt that the house was terribly quiet.

After holding back for a long time, she still dialed Wang Qi's number.

He tried his best to make his voice sound normal: "Hello? Wang Qi..."

Wang Qi: "Well, what's wrong? Have you eaten yet?"

Fang Shiqing blinked and said, "Not yet, I just went to see my mother, she went home."

Wang Qi: "So fast?"

Fang Shiqing said: "She doesn't worry about my dad being at home, and wants to go back to accompany him early."

Wang Qi: "I bought a lumbar disc treatment device and sent it back to them in a day or two. Take the time to send me your home address again."

Fang Shiqing couldn't figure out what he was thinking, and hesitantly said: "I'm not feeling well, I'm on leave... What time will you be back in the evening?"

Wang Qi paused for more than ten seconds before saying: "Wang Chao was locked up by me, I have to go home and watch him."

Fang Shiqing: “…”

Wang Qi said: "Remember to send me the address, I have work to do. After you eat and sleep, drink more hot water."

Fang Shiqing: "...bye!"

He hung up the phone in front of Wang Qi, only to feel angry and sad, why did Wang Qi treat him like this?

Wang Chao is such a big man, why should he be locked up? Besides, isn't there Wang Jin at home?

Drink more hot water! He's not here to auntie!

He was so angry that he felt that Wang Qi was doing it on purpose.

A colleague just called and asked him if he had sent his aunt away. As soon as he heard Fang's mother was gone, he immediately said, "Then hurry up and make up the birthday party! We are all waiting!"

Fang Shiqing was full of resentment by Wang Qi's cold violence, and he said without thinking, "Then let me know tonight.

Since it's a birthday party, the more people, the more lively, the better. After hanging up the phone of my colleague, he booked a place, and turned through the address book to notify other friends to go together.

After taking a shot and laying in bed for an afternoon, he was in much better spirits than in the morning. Before 6 o'clock in the evening, he arrived at the clubhouse he booked.

After that, there was a lot of hustle and bustle. There were about 30 colleagues and friends. Those who could play with Fang Shiqing were basically familiar with each other. After a while, it became a piece, and the whole box was very lively.

Fang Shiqing curled up his legs in the sofa, waiting to receive blessings like a Lafayette, with a lot of gifts placed beside his legs.

Zheng Qiuyang came with a new female ticket, which did not exceed his normal aesthetic range, with big eyes, awl face, long legs and slender waist, and a majestic chest.

He brought the girl over to say hello to Fang Shiqing, and then sat together huddling and chatting, and the girl went to the side to play with the other girls. .

Fang Shiqing teased: "Yo, it seems that the emotional wound has healed."

Zheng Qiuyang said with a smile: "What's the matter, you really expect me to be your brother-in-law? Hey? Why didn't you bring that one with you? This time auntie came, didn't you all confess? It's all over, why haven't you brought it out for everyone to see?"

Fang Shiqing pulled his face and said unhappily, "That prude, let's play **** when he comes, I won't bring him."

Zheng Qiuyang smacked something and joked: "It won't be because the aunt disagrees, you two men and women are forced to be separated from each other, right?"

Fang Shiqing squinted at him: "Go away, can you say something nice?"

Zheng Qiuyang hahaha: "It's good, no points, no points, what's the matter? We quarreled? It's not me, if I find someone who looks like you, I'll be there. Give it up at home, he still has the heart to quarrel with you?"

Fang Shiqing was about to despise his appearance, when someone next to him interjected: "Don't you like men?"

They both turned their heads and saw a man with black-rimmed glasses standing behind the sofa with two glasses of juice in his hands, looking straight at Zheng Qiuyang.