MTL - King’s Landing: The Proud Empress-Chapter 527 birthday

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  Chapter 527 Birthday

   Yan Moxi who was sitting opposite turned his head and looked down.

  When he saw a man in black clothes with a tall and straight figure and a resolute and stern face, Yan Moxi's eyes revealed a smile of unknown meaning.

   "You man?" The voice rang in Junli's ear, Junli raised his eyebrows, sound transmission?

  Looking at Nangong Lingyan below, Junli also sent a voice transmission to Yan Moxi, "Well, but there was a little awkwardness."

  Hearing this, Yan Moxi didn't ask any more questions, but said calmly, "It seems that he misunderstood something."

   "Yeah." With that appearance, it was obvious that he had misunderstood something.

   "Do you need me to explain clearly?" Yan Moxi asked very kindly.

  Jun Li's eyes flickered slightly, and he made up his mind, "No need."

  Hearing this, Yan Moxi turned around, and after leaving Nangong Lingyan's sight, he said, "Then I'll go first."

  Jun Li nodded, wrote an address on the table with tea, took a jade pendant from his waist and said, "This is a token."

  Yan Moxi nodded, thought for a while, and said, "You should go down first."

  Junli pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Alright." He said and walked downstairs.

   When he walked out of the teahouse, what Junli saw was the back of Nangong Lingyan.

   Seeing this, Jun Li just raised his eyebrows, but didn't catch up.

  After returning to the post house, he ordered Eunuch Yu to prepare some pregnant fruits for delivery.

   Pregnancy is very common in a country like Beirong, which is dominated by women, but it is very rare in a country like Dongyue, which is dominated by men.

  The main reason is that no man is willing to use this, so naturally fewer of these things are sold.

  But it doesn't mean there is no!

  So in less than half an hour, Eunuch Yu came back with five pregnant fruits.

   Staring at the five pregnant fruits on the table, Jun Li's lips revealed a trace of treachery.

  She didn't believe it, five pregnancy fruits still couldn't make him pregnant!


  The next day, Junli spent the whole day cultivating his internal strength. During the period, I took an hour to practice swordsmanship.

  During the day, the entire imperial city of Dongyue Kingdom was filled with festive red.

  At night, the lights come on.

  Jun Li was dressed in a silver-white dragon robe, sitting in a luxurious carriage, led by three hundred purple-clothed guards, and headed towards the palace of Dongyue Kingdom.

  At the gate of the palace, countless ministers' carriages were parked outside, and there were only two or three entourages around them.

  However, Junli's carriage went straight into the palace without hindrance.

  Because of Junli's special status, Yun Cangmo is also his uncle. So you can bring five hundred guards into the palace. But Junli thought about it, and still only brought three hundred purple-clothed guards.

   After all, she brought too many people with her, even if the relationship between her and Yun Cangmo was there, it was hard not to leave some suspicion in Yun Cangmo's heart.

  As soon as the carriage stopped, several eunuchs ran over immediately, bowed slightly towards the carriage and said, "His Majesty the Empress of Beirong, my emperor has hosted a banquet at Jiuchong Que, and please move forward, Your Majesty the Empress."

  After speaking, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and then a touch of silver came down from the carriage.

   "Father-in-law, please lead the way." Jun left the mouth with a low voice.

   "Yes." Several eunuchs turned around and walked aside.

  The purple-clothed guards stayed beside the carriage, while Shi Feng Sima Lian and Yu Chipin followed Junli and headed towards Jiuchong Que.

  As for Ding Xu, he asked to stay beside the carriage automatically.

   And that Mo Changfeng who followed all the way has disappeared these two days. Ning Xi and Gu Yanyu were sent to the Imperial Palace Hospital two days ago by someone sent by Junli, so not many people went to Jiuchongque together at this time.

   After walking for a while, the group arrived outside the Jiuzhong Tower.

  At this time, I happened to meet Yun Cangmo who was about to go in.

   "Li'er is here." Yun Cangmo stopped in his tracks, his face full of love.

   Junli stepped forward, "It's too late."

  Hearing this, Yun Cangmo smiled and shook his head, "I came early."

  The two walked into the Jiuzhong Tower together, and the ministers inside all knelt down and said long live.

  Yun Cangmo raised his hand, and everyone fell flat.

   "Today is my birthday, dear friends, you don't need to be too polite, get up quickly." Said cheerfully, he invited Junli to sit beside him.

  Jun Li sat down, and immediately saw Nangong Lingyan, who was sitting in the first seat below, dressed in black clothes and with a stern face.

  Seeing Junli, Nangong Lingyan's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked directly at her.

  Jun Li seemed not to see it, chatting with Yun Cangmo about something.

  The envoys of several other countries sat under Yun Cangmo's left hand, with a respectful attitude.

  The birthday banquet was first celebrated by the princes and sons, followed by the concubines. Finally, Baiguan celebrates his birthday!

  After hundreds of officials presented gifts, they became envoys of various countries.

  South Yan Kingdom sent nine night pearls of exactly the same size, which looked very precious.

  West Qin sent a thousand-year-old ginseng, a great tonic.

   What Zhongyi Kingdom sent was a painting, one several meters long, depicting beautiful rivers and mountains, with the word "shou" inside.

  The last is the Beirong Kingdom.

  As the largest country, the gifts from Beirong Kingdom should naturally not be too shabby, nor lower than other countries. Therefore, everyone is wondering what gift the Beirong Congress will send.

   What Jun Li ordered was a deep-sea blood coral.

  The blood coral is about one meter. Although it is not very big, it is indeed very strange for people who only know a little about the sea.

  Junli personally explained the efficacy and role of blood coral.

   As expected, Yun Cangmo liked it very much. Perhaps, even if this blood coral is just a decoration, Yun Cangmo will like it very much.

  After all, the sea is too mysterious and dangerous for people of this era!

   After the gift giving, the next step is naturally toast, dinner and song and dance performance.

  Because Yun Cangmo was old, the ministers were sensible and didn't dare to respect him too much.

   But Junli is different.

  The ministers of Dongyue Kingdom toasted her one by one, all with smiles on their faces, and it was a joy to drink.

  Nangong Lingyan's eyes fell on Junli, and there was a hint of worry in the depths of his eyes.

   "Your Majesty, you have just come to our Dongyue Kingdom, how about a Japanese official showing you around in two days?" A high-ranking official walked towards Jun Li drunkenly, with a trace of obsession in his eyes. He stared straight at Junli.

  Junli drank a glass of wine, but did not speak.

   Nangong Lingyan, who had been paying attention to this side, frowned, and moved his fingers under the table.

  The official was about to take a few steps closer to Junli, but he didn't want his knees to go numb, and he fell to the ground immediately.

   Startled by this sudden scene, everyone's eyes are all directed here.

  Seeing this, a trace of displeasure flashed in the depths of Yun Cangmo's eyes, and he said lightly, "It seems that Zhang Aiqing is too strong to drink, come and help Zhang Aiqing down."

  The words fall. Immediately, someone came over and took the fallen official out.

  Until the person disappeared, Yun Cangmo's face turned slightly better, and he said to Junli Ciai, "Li'er, drink less."

  (end of this chapter)