MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 978 Li 2 Dog's Dream

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Many people have the dream of being a farmer, but for various reasons, this dream is difficult to realize.

"If I hadn't successfully immigrated to New Tuvalu, maybe I should have returned to the mountain village where I was born and raised, contracted a hundred acres of wasteland, and lived a carefree life."

Li Qi, nicknamed Ergouzi, was born in a mountain village in China. After being admitted to university and graduating from work, the first half of my life has been ups and downs, but I still can't get used to the life in the city and those complicated interpersonal relationships.

(ps: Li Ergou, a guest star of book friends in the group, Li Qi was added by me.)

His dream gradually turned into becoming a farmer.

But in fact, Li Ergouzi knows very well how difficult it is to rely on the sky for food. Not to mention that he has long forgotten his farming experience when he was young, so what if he hasn't?

In modern society, whether it is a hundred acres of wasteland or ten thousand acres of wasteland, how much profit can the real output bring him? Among other things, just to develop these wastelands requires huge investment, expecting to use hands and hoes to open up wasteland like those ancestors who did not have modern machinery and equipment?

Who can stand it today?

Although he knew that he could not fulfill this dream, Li Ergouzi never forgot this dream. The character of being happy with the situation, in other words, can also be described as having no ambitions.

"Fortunately, I have no ambitions. Otherwise, I would not have coveted the $3,000 monthly cash living allowance and chose New Tuvalu, where the immigrant population is only a few hundred thousand."

Li Ergouzi immigrated to New Tuvalu very early, and can almost be regarded as the earliest group. At that time, it was not difficult to obtain immigration qualifications for New Tuvalu. As long as there was no criminal record, no problems with credit records, and some professional skills that could help build New Tuvalu, you could get New Tuvalu immigration eligibility.

When Li Ergou chose to immigrate to New Tuvalu, his relatives and friends didn't quite understand, and few people supported him. Although the cash living allowance of US$3,000 per month was very large at that time, not many people believed that New Tuvalu could continue to provide such subsidies.

When there are 10,000 people, it is 30 million per month. What about when there are 1 million people? What about when there are 10 million people?

The new king of Tuvalu will go bankrupt one day. This is what many people thought at the time!

But now, those who dissuaded Li Ergou from immigrating at that time have long since regretted it. Just like when Li Ergou wanted to buy a house, many people said that the house price would definitely collapse.

The results of it?

If Li Ergou hadn't immigrated to New Tuvalu, he would never be able to buy a house in the city he once lived in. Of course, the kind of single apartment does not count.

"In another half a year, I will be able to upgrade to a second-level honorary citizen, and when the time comes, I will take my parents over!"

After becoming a second-level honorary citizen, Li Ergou can have the power to allow his immediate family members to become immigrants in New Tuvalu after a simple inspection.

"But, can my parents really get used to the new Tuvalu now?"

Li Ergou was very worried about this, because the development of New Tuvalu was too fast, and his parents were the kind who would feel uncomfortable if they didn't work for a day, and survived the hardest days in China.

They are the most down-to-earth peasants, they can't be idle!

Just when Li Ergou was worrying about this issue, he saw a national announcement pushed by the WeChat client.

The WeChat used by people in New Tuvalu is different from the WeChat used by people in other countries. In New Tuvalu, WeChat is almost equivalent to the National Propaganda Office. Although many new Tuvaluans complain about this, they are used to it.

"Farmer? Go to Nova to open up wasteland and build a farm? Half a month of free training, free 'evolution potion', all the equipment to open up a farm, and even a house?"

Li Ergouzi's face was full of disbelief, how could such a good thing happen in this world?

Free training is not a big deal, it is also training on the earth, and it is unimaginable to provide free 'evolution' medicine.

The "evolution" potion has become synonymous with real luxury since its appearance. Li Ergouzi has brought it in New Tuvalu for so many years, but he actually doesn't earn much money, because the consumption level of New Tuvalu is getting more and more expensive. high.

However, what makes him persevere is that he has a very good low-rent house to live in, and the ratio of Singapore currency to Huaxia currency is almost 1 to 12. Every month he saves a little at will, which can make the His parents in his hometown have no worries about food and drink for a year.

Even, now his parents have built a villa in their hometown!

In order to save money to buy evolution potions, Li Ergou has had no entertainment activities for a long time. As a normal 30-year-old single man, he doesn't even have the "big sword swordsmanship" that he used to practice every month. Let's practice again.

It is worth mentioning that in New Tuvalu, it is legal for men to practice the "big sword swordsmanship". Of course, the 'companies' that provide training places, as well as the 'training partners', must go through strict scrutiny.

After all, practicing the 'Great Sword of Swordsmanship' is dangerous.

But even if Li Ergou wanted to save money so urgently, it was still far away before he could buy the 'evolution' potion. Because he not only needs to buy one set of 'evolution' potion, he needs to buy three sets, as well as his parents.

"If I go to Nova, then I will immediately become a second-level honorary citizen, and then I can take my parents to New Tuvalu. At that time, I have already been injected with the evolution potion, and I only need to buy two copies of the evolution potion." Potion...wait!"

Li Ergou suddenly thought of a question: "If my parents become new Tuvaluans, they can also participate in the new star land reclamation and get evolution medicine for free? Although the new star does not have the Internet yet, there is no big shopping mall." , playground... But my parents don't need these things at all!"

"Xinxing's environment is so good, plus you can inject evolution potions for free, among other things, my parents' bodies will definitely get better!"

After thinking about this, Li Ergou, who was at work, directly chose to skip work, and then took the intercity high-speed train and rushed to the capital city of New Tuvalu!

Where he is located is New Hawaii Island. In forty minutes, Li Ergou appeared at the "New Star Immigration Office" in the capital city.

At this time, the place was already overcrowded, and Li Ergou looked at the neatly lined up nearly a thousand meters away, and immediately wept.

"I should have thought about it a long time ago. How can I be the only one who wants to come to such a good thing?"

Although immigrant new stars are very risky However, compared to the benefits that can be obtained, this risk is really nothing.

Li Ergou waited in line for a long time, and finally it was his turn to start the physical examination.

The government of New Tuvalu is very efficient and good at using the Internet. On the way here, Li Ergouzi has already submitted his identity information on the official website of the "New Star Immigration Agency".

When Li Ergou started the physical examination, the news was only announced for an hour. However, the New Star Immigration Office has completed the physical examination and interview work of more than 10,000 people.

After completing the physical examination and interview, Li Ergouzi received a call from his boss, but he didn't take it seriously because there has always been a labor shortage in New Tuvalu. Occasionally skipping work does not have any impact.

Three days later, Li Ergou, who was at work, cheered and directly chose to resign.

"Are you going to Nova?"

"Yes, I have passed the audit and will start functional training tomorrow."

"Then... congratulations!"

What happened to Li Ergou is not the only one. Recently, New Tuvalu, which had a labor shortage, once again ushered in a large-scale resignation. Because those people chose to give up their current jobs for the benefit that the new immigrants could get.

Almost all of them immigrated to New Tuvalu when New Tuvalu was not doing well, so they knew very well that one day in the future, would they want to immigrate to New Star? Yes, but, subsidy? No!

Just like now, the qualifications for immigrant new stars are only open to new Tuvaluans. Foreigners want to immigrate to Nova?

Sorry, please become a New Tuvaluan before you are eligible for review.

Although the current New Tuvalu is extremely short of people, it would rather be short than excessive!