MTL - King of Classical Music-~ 299. Ten years 2

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Some love originates from daily contact; while some love is just because of that.

After becoming the deputy chief of Bai Ai, Kedori’s life was filled with the orchestra. Even during the weekend break, he did not take time to go back to London to have a look. First, because he has not stabilized the kind of shackles, he needs time to settle his own heart; secondly, because the affairs of Bai Ai are too busy, the cooperation of large orchestras is not like Like the Academy Orchestra, Bai Ai has a higher demand for music. Even if it is Kedori, it takes more effort to drill and grind.

At first, I came to Bai Ai, just because it is the world's top symphony orchestra. This is the highest dream of every orchestra violinist. But after actually coming here, Kedori discovered that he really liked it.

Every member of Bai Ai has a wealth of experience and can give him guidance. Daniel is very helpful and always cares about his life in Berlin. In recent years, the most outstanding music master in the industry - Auston Pat Lem, even more impressed him with dazzling musical strength, let him want to cooperate with each other to make a grand perfect performance.

Here is the world's top staffing, and at this time, Kedori is just a newcomer. When he came to this ocean, he seemed to be a hungry sponge, madly absorbed. The knowledge in the ocean constantly enriches itself.

This kind of day passed quickly, and it didn't take long for the last tour of Bai Ai's first half of the year.

The fans of Bai Ai have long discovered that there was a strange face in this tour this year. Of course, most people still recognize "this is the violin genius Kedori Slaughter who has been in the limelight in recent years!", but a few people have questioned Kedori as the deputy chief.

The 23-year-old deputy chief of Bai Ai is still too young, right?

Kedori used his solid strength to shut everyone down.

Although Kedori did not take the initiative to return to London, but this can not avoid the parents who care for him often visit him, and can not avoid Karen when he traveled to Germany to watch the last performance of Pok Oi.

Suddenly when a staff member told Kdori his family to come to him, Kedori was joking with the members of the Pok Oi. At this time, it has been three years since he became the commander of Bai Ai, but Kedori has just met him, so the members of the Pok Oi often talked to the spleen and the new deputy chief of the spleen. .

Suddenly I heard that my family actually came to see their concert. The first reaction of Kdori was the parents. But when he walked out of the background and saw the pair of men and women in the lobby of the Philharmonic Hall in Berlin, Kedori suddenly slammed his lips, his lips twitching, and he couldn’t say a word.

When Karen saw it, he smiled and hugged his brother: "I was so excited to see my sister? Just yesterday I am going to Berlin for a business trip. You are going to perform today. Wesker happens to have nothing to do recently. Let's take a look. You." As he said, Karen looked at Kedori and sighed: "I don't go back in half a year. It's so busy, you are thin."

Kdori's stiff body gradually softened. He concealed the emotions in his eyes and smiled. Then, "Well, things in the orchestra are really busy recently, wait... After waiting for a while, you can go back. Yours I will not forget my birthday, Karen."

Seeing that my younger brother is still thinking about her birthday, how strong the strong woman is also soft. Karen smiled and said: "Well, you still remember my birthday, I can wait for your birthday present. Yes, how many bedrooms do you have in your house in Berlin?"

It was said that Kedori did not respond, and said subconsciously: "Two."

Hesitantly hesitated for a moment, Karen said: "So, I and Visk will not go out to live in the hotel, he has no house in Berlin. I am with him tomorrow morning, he will squeeze with you tonight. Squeeze, I am sleeping in another room."

Listening to this, Kedori glanced: "You don't sleep together?"

Karen’s smile on his face was stiff, and then he calmly explained: “Well... I’m physically inconvenient recently.”

Kedori stayed, then he turned to look at the blond man standing not far away, and the latter also gently decapitated him, there seems to be no objection.

In fact, Visk and Karen really must sleep in the apartment in Kedori? No, as long as they want to find a hotel, it is definitely a breeze. Karen wants to talk to his younger brother who has not seen for many days before he decides to live in the home of Kedori.

When the three people entered this warm and quiet apartment, Karen suddenly thought: "Right, you can go to the hotel in Visk, I will talk to Kedori, or you will go out and find it yourself. Have a hotel stayed for one night?"

Didn't wait for Visk to open, Kedori said generously: "No, Karen. It's not too early, it's not convenient for my brother-in-law to go to the hotel again. It's just squeezing me, my bed. Pretty big."

Since Kedori said this, Karen did not refute.

Under the dazzling light, Visk squinted and looked at the youth standing in front of him. Light brown hair, gentle smile, this person seems to be warmer than the sun, all of them exudes a charming and charming warmth.

In the first second of Kedori's look at himself, Visk quickly regained his sight. When Karen and his brother exchanged and the lights in the bedroom were pressed, Kedori lay on a soft bed, only feeling a black shadow coming from the door to the bed, and then the mattress suddenly collapsed.

In such a darkness, Kedori widened his eyes and looked straight at the ceiling without speaking. It was probably about ten minutes or so before he suddenly heard a low-pitched male voice: "Sleeping?"

The heart suddenly trembled, and for a long time, Kedori whispered: "No." After a while, he hesitated to add: "Mr. Elder, you... didn't sleep?"

"Well, it's a bit cold."

It is said that Kedori is somewhat stunned. It is May, although the spring in Berlin has always been low, but it is definitely not cold. After hesitating for a long while, Kedori whispered in a hurry: "Do you need me to turn on the air conditioner? There is a rain during the day, maybe it is still a little cold..."

The sound stopped short.

Kedori only felt that his left hand seemed to be held by an ice cube. The cold breath penetrated through the skin of the other side, swam through every inch of his skin and every cell, letting him shake the hot heart. The ice was sealed, but it began to violently jump in the next second.

"Your hand is warm."

After a long while, Kedori whispered: "Your hand is too cold."

"My body temperature is naturally low."

The corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, and Kedori couldn’t help but say: "That's a coincidence, my body temperature is naturally high."

“Is life in Bai Ai still okay? I heard that you seem to be very busy and have never returned to London.”

"Fortunately, the members are very good to me, Daniel and Auston are taking care of me."

"Is it Auston Bertel?"


"I have seen him before, he is a very good person."


Kedori is not a person who is good at talking. He prefers to listen more than to talk. But I don't know why, this night, he unknowingly said a lot. He began to talk about his recent life, and occasionally talked about the past, and sometimes Visk would also say a little about his own experience.

The two talked so quietly in the bedroom, all the way to the dawn. With both hands holding tightly, Kedori didn't think about breaking away, and that Visk didn't even mean to let go, until the first sun shone through the window screen, Kedori turned strangely. Look to the side.

This eye just fell into a pair of blue-blue scorpions.

The gaze is deep and deep, and the blue of the sky seems to create a world of ice and snow. There is endless absurdity and sadness in it. It seems that there is nothing in this person’s heart, and he looks at himself empty. Then, Kedori saw that the eyes slowly had a vitality, and there was a little bit of light. This kind of vigorous vitality made his heart beat again and again.

"I like your eyes very much."

After saying the words, Kedori also suddenly caught.

For a long time, I saw that Visker Elder quietly raised his lips and his right hand was even more clenched: "Don't use respect for me, you can call me Visk."

Feeling the temperature from the palm of my hand, Kedori's heart seemed to jump out of his mouth: "Well, Visk."

I didn't sleep for a night, but no one felt sleepy. At most, Karen saw the black under Kdori's eyes early in the morning, and slammed it. Then he said helplessly: "Sure enough, it's too crowded? You don't sleep well in Kedori."

Kedori just smiled but didn't speak. He deliberately took a half-day vacation, sent his sister and... and Visk, went to Tegel Airport. When Karen went to get the boarding pass, he suddenly felt that his palm was stuffed with something.

Kdori surprisedly looked up at the man in front of him, but saw the latter look at him indifferently. He said: "This is my call, there is something to find me." After a pause, Visk added: "You are Karen's younger brother. You can come to me as long as I can do it."

At the beginning of hearing the other person's words, Kedori couldn't help but feel happy, but when he heard the words "You are Karen's younger brother", the smile on Kdori's face suddenly froze.

He looked pale and watched the pair of men and women enter the security checkpoint. Karen smiled and turned back and waved at him. However, Kedori was weak and felt that his whole body was pumped away. He could only sit on the metal seat of the airport with powerlessness and looked at the ground with no eyes.

Visk... is the brother-in-law.

However, he has produced a feeling for his brother-in-law that is not accepted by the world.

It has long been known that this man is impossible, why is there such a delusion?

That is Karen! It is Karen who loves him very much since childhood and does not allow anyone to bully him!

How can he have such awkward feelings for Karen's lover?

The face was buried tightly in his hands, and Kedori shivered gently. He didn't cry, but he was very tired. Too tired and too tired. The heat in the palm of my hand had not been swayed from my heart last night, but this touch has become evidence of the disgusting feelings he buried in his heart.

Weiss loves Karen!

Visk is his brother-in-law!

Just sitting for one morning, when Kedori got up, he looked at the note that had been kneaded by himself, his eyes were red for a long time, then he threw it into the trash, and then the head Did not return to the airport.

It was only after five minutes, but I saw this young and handsome young man rushing back again. In the strange eyes of passers-by, he began to rummage the garbage bin. He didn't care about the filth in the trash, he just kept looking for the little note.

Later, I once commented on the sound of Kedori's piano: "Kidori's violin skills are superb and skillful, and the mastery of emotions is also in place, but compared with you, he is more cherished. If I go early You step, you will