MTL - Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils-Chapter 1130 Break time

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Chapter 130: Breaking Time

Ten people gazed at the huge clock and felt the rotation of the hands above. Everyone slowly felt a strange force fluctuating. Suddenly, the red-haired Liliana called. stand up.

The hands on the clock stopped suddenly, followed closely by the second hand and reversed.

"Time reversal?" By the time the ten of them realized the possibility, the three pointers had begun a real reversal. This time was getting faster and faster. Soon, the scenes in all directions changed strangely, and the original ruins began to change. The buildings that had collapsed all erected again, the black beams of light converged and disappeared, and instantly restored to the original unspoiled scene, and then all this, again, the feeling of terror brushed everyone's bodies In their hearts, they were shocked to find that they were changing. Novel Chapter Updates Fastest

"Not good, time reverses, we all have to be beaten back--"

Huaiwu Hanzhak's body was shrinking. He roared loudly and suddenly rose to the sky. He turned into a purple ray of light and rushed to the clocks facing him, desperately punched out.

Almost when Huaiwu Dahan's fist was about to hit the clock, his body had become drastically smaller, and soon he fell straight to the ground with a squeak and a cry of "wowa" in his mouth, he turned into A tiny baby, with its limbs open, fell to the ground, "wowa" crying, and even couldn't open a pair of eyes. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Zach turned back to what he was.

It wasn't just Zack, others were shrinking, it was too late when they wanted to flee here, and they all became babies just born, including Zidi as well.

And the time of this countercurrent does not stop, and it is still flowing back. Zack and others have changed from the baby state back to the embryo, and then completely disappeared.

Among the people, only when the Emperor Zi became a baby and changed back to an embryo, suddenly, a figure emerged from the embryo, and the figure flickered into a giant. The giant stretched out his palm, "Boom The loud bang, this fist banged on the clock, the terrible cracks opened, making a harsh "creak" "creak" crisp sound.

Immediately after the "crack", the entire clock and the building collapsed and shattered, and the entire world seemed to disappear in an instant, and the giant towered so high that its image looked exactly like that.

Su Yu, the ultimate **** who gathered in one body and surpassed the positive and negative worlds, came down quietly like this, smashing the "clock" which represents time, destroying the world, Zac, Liliana and others returned to their original state. The giant **** Su Yu stepped towards Zidi, and then he flexed and disappeared into Fuzi's body.

"What's going on ... we ... are alive?" Zack shook his head, reluctantly returned, and found that the clockwork and buildings disappeared, replaced by clear skies and turquoise grass.

However, in this space, there are various cracks in the space. From this cracks, there are countless things like gears.

These gears are constantly turning faster or slower, especially behind the world, is storing an ultra-giant high-precision instrument, which is composed of countless gears. The cracks in the strips make this super-giant instrument reveal the tip of the iceberg.

The space where "" is located is indestructible, even the prince or clan emperor who is stronger than the race cannot be destroyed, but at this moment, the space is broken and a terrible crack is opened, and the awakened Zach and Dete and others are startled. Suddenly, I heard the terrible howling looming from the cracks in the space, followed by the red horrible red clouds, which irrigated the ruptured space everywhere, hitting the numerous gears, making The whole world is shaking.

"What a thing, even if it doesn't happen," Dete couldn't help screaming, and his state now reached "Amethyst III," plus his father "" gave him The purple gold armor and the ten-handed magic sword can at least reach the four layers of the "eternal kingdom" based on the calculation of "the emperor of the sun". Su Yu punched him. He couldn't even break through the eternal kingdom on the first floor.

Dete finally realized that there must be something wrong with this "eternal kingdom."

Zac and others looked up in shock, Zidi woke up, he touched his forehead, and was quickly attracted by the scene in the cracks in the space.

Vaguely, it can be seen that the countless gears are spinning strangely, trying to withstand the impact of the blood cloud-like torrent, among which there seems to be other things faint.

"Uh ---" Almost immediately, they heard a terrifying howl. When he heard it, Flute screamed aloud, "Daddy?"

This sound, he remembers it very deeply, can't be wrong. This sound is his father's "Sunwheel Emperor" howling.

With this howling, everyone saw the space crack, and the sky's cloud of blood suddenly burst apart, showing a figure inside it, which was the "Sun King" among the hundred "Clan Kings". It was just that the "Episode of the Sun Wheel" seemed very embarrassed. There were many signs of rupture on the amethyst body that appeared in his whole body, and his mouth was constantly whistling. One after another, energy **** like the sun were smashed by him towards the cloud of blood .

Then, they saw another figure. This figure was amethyst everywhere except the legs, and it can be seen that it has reached the "amethyst fifth-order" state.

Many "Princes ~ ~" is just the "Amethyst fifth-order" realm. The existence of the "Amethyst fifth-order" realm is likely to be the 3,600 members of the "Amethyst Family". One of the "Princes", just at this moment, the figure just shook a bit, and then was swallowed up by the cloud of blood, and there was no time to scream.

The weird scene made Zac, Dete, Liliana, and Zidi and others stunned, watching the space shaking in all directions, watching the countless space cracks, and the weird one after another A gear is spinning strangely, tilting the constantly flowing cloud of blood, and the energy of the impacting cloud of blood is turned upside down, and it will soon flow out along the cracks in this space. Where does this blood cloud flow? There was a snoring sound in space.

Soon, Zack yelled, "Run away—"

He saw the countless blood clouds that began to pour out of the cracks in the space, like the pouring rain, and now, the blood clouds were dripping down to the top of their heads.

(I'm sorry, there is only one chapter today. I encountered some things in reality, and I have n’t been able to solve it today. The update is indeed not guaranteed recently. Now I do n’t even know how much can be updated in the next few days ~~~ I can only say that I do my best)