MTL - Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils-Chapter 1113 Battle violet

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The other six kings of gold screaming out in front of them were busy hurling away the purple gold sticks in their hands, and they turned into a ray of light.

"Booming", loud noises mixed with screams, one after another, the six kings of gold were knocked out by him, and the force of terror hit them. "The six kings of gold hit the back of Zijin Sè. The metal immediately sprayed blood, and even some bones were rotten, and immediately softened like a pile of mud.

Although these six kings of gold couldn't stop Su Yu, but because of their resistance, the following purple Luo finally caught up. Novel Chapter Updates Fastest

As soon as his right hand was stretched out, it suddenly stretched indefinitely. He grabbed Su Yu's back heart.

Su Yu felt like five indomitable steel hooks, and immediately squeezed his back muscles and grabbed it.

Suddenly inhaling the air-conditioning, a huge will boiling down, a loud bang, and Violet shook. "Eyes widened and his body was stagnation. Su Yu twisted his body, and his back muscles bounced. The blood was like a weird suction that turned into five slender blood snakes.

... Hum "Su Yu is stuffy. Many, his feet slumped, the ground exploded, and he was carrying the strength and esteem of the mountains and the sea." As the tsunami shot out, he knew "Just stop, once entangled by the violet, then In addition to the six kings of gold around these, and these weird other means "I'm afraid I can't escape this building again." My final end, I will not dare to imagine. fast

And his only advantage was holding this cocoon in his hand.

Zi Luo was almost crazy, her five fingers had just been popped open, and her other hand caught up. This time, her power was even more horrible. The strength in her body was continuously recovering. The amethyst of the thumb continued to change, and soon changed into a purple amethyst claw with purple light flashing on it, with countless crystal faces, looking like it was made of amethyst.

This kind of amethyst claws are all indestructible. "The claws are not coming. Su Yu's body skin has begun to sink into a trace of a fingerprint." Well, "five blood burst out.

Su Yu sucked in the air, and if he was grasped by the amethyst claws, "his body is afraid that the bones and flesh will rot in an instant" and it will collapse more than half.

This woman named Zi Luo is really terrifying.

Without the slightest hesitation, Su Yu immediately sent the cocoon clutched by her right hand to the amethyst claw that she caught.

As soon as Zi Luo suffocated, he gave out an angry and helpless roar, and was busy withdrawing the Amethyst Claw. Su Yu took the opportunity to launch his will, and gathered the terror forces in the body into a tide of energy and sprayed it out, like a sharp knife.

"Ah" Zi Luo roared, purple blood splashed out at the door, and the body planted amethyst strange claws on the side of the metal wall, listening only to the harsh sound, this amethyst strange claws, just Scratched into the metal wall like a cracked tofu.

By the time Zi Luo retracted the amethyst claws and wiped off the blood on her face, Su Yu had fled along the corridor.

Throughout the promenade, the six kings of gold were crooked and looked embarrassed.

"Damn," Zi Luo issued a sharp growl, a pair of eyes, showing a terrible purple light. "Amethyst's strange claws stretched out and caught one of the six kings of gold that fell in front of her.

"A bunch of waste, a bunch of waste." Amethyst's strange claws fluttered, and the astral force lifted up the amethyst "crowd" and skyrocketed. The six kings of gold opened their eyes wide and looked at their bodies. The purple light of the Tao was cut, then smashed, turned into countless molecular atoms, and then was stretched out by the violet. This countless molecular atoms recombined and turned into the appearance of Su Yu in gold.

"Little devil ... you have no excuse."

The amethyst claws were suddenly inserted into the face of the golden Su Yu that she created "and then pressed down violently. The entire Golden Su Yu burst into" flying ash "and disappeared. Feng is clean.

For countless years, Ziyu has never been so angry.

The low-quality living creatures she raised escaped under her eyelids, and she also took away her child. Now even this child is unknown.

Although it is only a minute difference, for the existence of Su Yu and Zi Luo, as long as one hundredth of a second, it can already run far and far, with countless possibilities, I want to pursue it simply Come up, it's very difficult.

Zi Luo could not sense the breath of Su Yu, nor could she sense the slightest message of that cocoon. "She had to stop and crushed the golden Su Yu that she had created herself, and immediately killed one by one. It was released, and soon, the entire building was filled with purple light. "A lot of six kings of gold went out one after another.

The defense and emergency system of the entire building is by no means a joke.

At this moment, Su Yu did not really escape from this building.

This violet is definitely a big name in the "Amethyst Family". She created this rare and positive research base of the Second World and a breeding farm for breeding products. Its strength is extremely strong. This building is equivalent to her. kingdom.

At this moment, Su Yu is hiding in the body of a golden king of six.

Using the power of the giant god's will, he can break up his body from the flesh cocoon, and then rely on the body of one of the six kings of gold, not even the six kings of gold.

With the collection of the power and will of all the giant gods, "Su Yu's current level ~ ~ has not been inferior to the ordinary Amethyst celebrity strong, and Shi Luo has never expected that Su Yu has evolved At such a height, even if she knew that once Su Yu broke up with herself, she could not sense the breath of Su Yu, so she suspected that she had escaped, so she planned to send six kings to look outside.

"No, it's impossible for him to escape here in such a short time." Where else is he hiding here? "As Zi Luo issued an order, she groaned:" Even if he had time to escape, he couldn't open the eighteen-layered protection, Zijin Iron Gate, ..., then ... "Zi Luo suddenly thought When I moved, I thought of something.

And the six kings of gold to which Su Yuyi is attached have already rushed towards the outside of the building with a group of six kings, and they were ordered to "go outside and search."

When the "Purple Gold Iron Gate", which had eighteen layers of protection, was about to be opened, the shrill sound of the purple came over suddenly: "Close the" Purple Gold Iron Gate "immediately. All six kings must not go out, everyone. It is strictly forbidden to go out "Repeat it again, I suspect he is still here, he did not escape", almost at the same moment, among the group of six kings of gold, a figure rushed out like a ghost ...