MTL - Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils-Chapter 1067 Father of time

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In the center like a transparent egg, there is a funnel-like thing, with as much sapphire-colored water and water droplets on the top and bottom, dripping slowly from this funnel. If you look carefully, Understand that the material that forms this sapphire water is Xingzu.

Each drop of water is formed by countless combinations of celestial ancestors that can be compared with a cosmic energy. This funnel is like endless and endless dripping from top to bottom, the water on it will not decrease, The water below does not increase.

Around this egg-like thing, there are countless hands that seem to be very precise. They are turning faster or slower. The billions of hands seem to follow the laws of the universe, and they are all in order. The hour hand is turning. When something like an egg funnel appears, the will of the two giant gods begins to revolve around the thing. The billions of pointers on it seem to start to change at different speeds, among which even Some hand stopped slowly, then it seemed to be shaking and started to turn counterclockwise. w novel chapters updated fastest

The blue water droplets in the funnel at the center of the face also began to stop flowing slowly, and gradually showed signs of flipping.

Almost at the same moment, the bodies of the two giant gods suddenly appeared a clock-like disk with three hours, minutes, and seconds on the disk. When the hands appeared, they started to rotate counterclockwise crazy. . w "Fiction" Fiction Chapter Updates Fastest

With this hand's crazy counterclockwise rotation, the huge will that belonged to the six dragons and six wings soon became constantly shrinking, the shape became smaller and smaller, and a loud "snap" sound, the rotation of the hand stopped And the phantom of the six dragons and six wings has shrunk and gathered into a weird giant cocoon, and the huge will of the six dragons and six wings is thus disintegrated.

Another great will belonging to Noah did not continue to decline, apparently just as it once said, "At the beginning of the heavens and the earth, the giant **** exists, and it will not be strong or weak over time. So how powerful he was just now, and how powerful he is now, this counter-clockwise rotation of time can't make this Noah's great will attenuate at all.

With a bang, suddenly, the pointer belonging to Noah's will also stopped flowing backwards, and its time has flown back to the moment when Noah was born and awakened. Following this, Noah's will turned into a torrent. And then, opened up this positive and negative space and disappeared.

Seeing all these dramatic shocks from a distance, wasn't the beginning of the heavens and the earth when the positive and negative space was born, in fact, the will of the **** Noah was not born in the anti-space? Is it born out of positive and negative space?

Otherwise, why, after this time, Noah's will came to the end, leaving the world?

When Su Yu was shocked, she suddenly heard the sound of a pointer turning in her chest. She looked up and saw a disk also appeared in her chest. The pointer began to turn counterclockwise, and she followed When you turn the clock, it keeps getting smaller. The power is also constantly declining.

All of a sudden, the energy of a universe was reduced to ordinary realm, then immortality, totem, seventh rank of gold ......... Silver Warrior, "Dark Iron Warrior, finally became an ordinary human being seventeen or eighteen years old, then ten One or two years old "seven or eight years old, three or four years old" was the newly born baby. At last, his eyes were dark and he didn't know anything. Then he was shocked in his mind. Su Yu busy opened his eyes and found that he was in all directions. Da, Ma Ziye, Yaya, Meng Ting, Zhang Zhongmou and others gathered around and looked at themselves nervously.

"What's going on ..." Su Yu felt her forehead and sat up slowly.

"Su Yu, you're awake" Seeing Su Yu's soberness, everyone's face showed joy.

Su Yu looked around. He was still in "Ada City", surrounded by radiance, which was everything in his body that had just been encountered, like a dream.

"What happened just now, tell me ..." Su Yu shook her head slightly, realizing that the energy in her body was like a eve, and the two great wills were still asleep, without the slightest abnormality.

"You said to make time go back, and then ... terrible phantom illusions appeared around you. Finally, you fell down and passed out, and finally woke up." Zhang Zhongmou said in a busy interface.

"Uh ..." Su Yu nodded, feeling a sense of weakness, and he understood that his thoughts of reversing time had failed.

"Su Yu, have you seen any vision since you want to make time go back?" Ada asked.

"Well, I saw a funnel-like egg with countless pointers in it ..." Su Yu probably explained it, and Ada nodded and sighed: "It seems that the will is too powerful , It can be really powerful enough to make time countercurrent. "

"A da, do you know what is like an egg?" Su Yu was shocked.

"I haven't seen it, maybe all the creatures in the universe haven't seen it yet, but I've heard the legend ......... that is, if some existence is strong enough, when it's strong enough to make time go backwards , When it interferes with the normal flow of time, then "the ontology of time will come, Su Yu, the one you see may be the legendary, the ontology of time, we also call it ... "It was originally thought that this was just a fantasy and legend of a boring person. I didn't expect that it really happened ... but it can be so powerful that it can affect the passage of time or even the countercurrent. I am afraid that it is only possible with the ancient gods. Do it. "

"So it is. Once the time can be reversed, will this time, the body, and the father of time interfere? ... Go away, I said that the ancient giants are so powerful that even I can reverse time, why can't they Make time go back in time, then ... and you won't be defeated by the attack of the ancient God ... "

Su Yu smiled bitterly. The experience just proved that he wants to make time go back, and it is impossible to revive his mother, sister and other loved ones, and others.

Time is cruel, and what happened once can never be repeated. Even the Archaic Titans who are strong enough to reach the highest peak of the soul will not work. Even if they have the energy to make time go back, they will be interfered by time itself, even if it is Titan itself can't beat time itself?

The ontology of time can easily make the time of the giant gods go back to the time they have not been born and do not exist yet. From this point of view, the ontology of time is the true and absolutely invincible existence.

"The ghost of time ..., the mother of space ... These are the two most ethereal legends. Now you have confirmed that Su Yu, Father of time, this time ontology is the mother of space, and the space itself, will It will not be real. "

Su Yu murmured to herself, even if she felt incredible about the body of this time, this is something that truly transcends what they can understand.

It is no longer possible to understand with living beings, which is beyond the existence of living beings or living beings.

"Ada, how did you wake up Su Yu?" Ma Ziye on the side asked, although Su Yu is now awake, but the will of the **** is too strong, no one is sure if he will be lost again, so Ziye wanted to know how to wake up Su Yu for future needs.

Hearing Ma Ziye's questioning, Ada's face calmed and said, "I'm about to tell you about this, Su Yu."

Su Yu nodded slightly, just desperately tried all the power, trying to make time fail backwards, and after seeing the super mysterious thing of "Time" itself, she was shocked, but diluted a lot of regrets and griefs. That said, he sounded seriously, and now Su Yu certainly understands his situation.

In this situation, it is not that the ancient giants wanted to frame him. In fact, compared with the great will of the ancient giants, Su Yu's soul is small. If Noah really wants to devour or kill his soul, it is easy and frustrating.

Therefore, he is now in a state of integration with the huge will, but this integration, because the level difference between the two sides is so large, unknowingly, Su Yu's own consciousness will be overshadowed by the will of the giant god, and eventually silent. Lost, for Su Yu and the giant god, is not intentional, but occurs naturally.

This is like an emperor and an ordinary civilian, even if the emperor did not frame the minds of the civilians, and even wanted to live in peace with the civilians, in practice, no matter how the emperors and civilians thought that the two parties were equal, in practice Civilians will still unconsciously follow the decision of the emperor and act, and the emperor will not unconsciously exercise his monarchy power and make his own decisions for all matters, while the civilians only have to obey the decisions.

Maybe for both sides, they didn't realize that Jin Du walked out of instinct, and compared to the will of the giant god, Su Yu's soul was that civilian, and the will of the giant **** was the emperor.

The absolute gap in the level makes Su Yu's original consciousness completely suppressed by the will of the giant god, making him think and think that it is all the will of the giant **** dominates everything.

This can be said to be an indestructible knot, unless the current Su Yu can be the will of the giant god, but his soul has been fused with the will, and can no longer be separated.

"You should know that I was a fifth-class creature in the previous period, and I once had an associated master ... Later, he also had a situation similar to Su Yu ... He was lost "... Although it was the ancient God who lost him ..." Ada said that when she was the last associated Lord, her face was deeply sad.

"At the time, I was powerless, I couldn't save him, and I couldn't wake him ... In the end, I failed, I fell into deep sleep, and when I met Su Yu, I remembered the events of the previous period , Especially the power of the huge will in your body, at that time I was afraid that Su Yu would step into the footsteps of my accompany Lord in the previous period, so ... when our soul is still symbiotic, I will extract extra I have cultivated you, secretly cultivated, although I hope never to use it, but after more than a hundred years, Su Yu, your soul seed, has germinated and matured, just now, I just take advantage of you , Sending this seed of soul back to its owner's body, so that you remember everything you used to. "

Ma Ziye and others suddenly realized, and then all looked at Ada with admiration. If Ada was not thoughtful and thought about the possible situation in the future and prepared this hand first, then Su Yu was afraid that she would truly lose herself. It is never possible to look back.

Ada didn't like it on her face, and slowly said, "The situation now is ... even if I send this seed of soul back to Su Yu's soul, but the will of the giant **** in your body is too strong, Even if you are awake now, but with the passage of time, you will still be unknowingly affected by the will of the giant **** ... I am afraid that you will still be slowly assimilated ......... Lost your heart, you can imagine, this is It is inevitable, especially the more you use the power of the will of the gods, the faster this loss will be. "

Ada's words made everyone around him take a breath of cold air, Ma Ziye said nervously: "Ada, what can I do, is there no way to save it?"

Ada thought for a while before saying: "Unless now Su Yu you separate some soul seeds from your own soul and plant them, so that these soul seeds will continue to grow with your current memory information, in case you will Lost, relying on these soul seeds can also wake you up again. This is the only way I can think of at present, but this method can alleviate this situation, but it cannot be completely eradicated. "

Su Yu nodded and said, "To solve this problem thoroughly, only I give up the power of the will of the god, or make my own soul power to the same level as the will of the god."

It is almost impossible for Su Yu, who has already fused his soul, to abandon the will of the gods, and it is obviously impossible for Su Yu to strengthen his current soul power to reach the level of the giant god. As a result, there is only one way left. ~ ~ That is to listen to Ada's opinion and separate the soul seed from his current soul for future needs.

"If Su Yu took out the seeds of the soul, both seeds are where the seeds need to be planted, the seeds of the soul need to be planted, and they need to provide nutrients with their own soul power. Does anyone of you want to, I need to tell you beforehand Once the soul seed is planted, when it needs to be taken out in the future, my own soul is likely to break, just like I just ... if Su Yu was awake quickly, or if my soul strength was not weak ... I'm dead. "

Ada smiled slightly bitterly. At this time, all the people understood why Ada was so weak at that time, and even her eyelids finally fell down, and she said that she would sleep for another century.

If it wasn't for Su Yuqing's quick addition to the power of the giant god's will, A Da had already died in this era, and then waking up would be the next era.

"My soul is already broken and it takes a long time to recover. Now, I can't plant the soul seed of Su Yu ..." Ada said here and looked at the people in front of her.

Ada is no longer able to plant. So, who among them is willing?