MTL - Kill That Villain!-Chapter 73 The secret under the lake

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The few people in the lakeside knew nothing of what happened outside.

At this time, they had already dived into the depths of the lake under the leadership of Ling Feng.

The figure of this group of people disappeared in the depths of the lake, and the lake surface returned to its previous appearance again.

Like a huge mirror, all the surrounding scenery is reflected in it, no matter how the red fog rages on the outside, it cannot make the lake surface wave again.

Deep in the bottom of the lake, after walking through a lonely and deep underwater passage, the eyes of Ling Feng and the others suddenly lit up.

Immediately afterwards, carved beams and painted buildings everywhere appeared in front of several people, an independent space like a fairyland.

The moment they saw the building and the palace, the eyes of the two girls lit up, and even the head of the Ghost Teng King, whose facial features were extremely vague, couldn't help but peep inside.

"There is such a place at the bottom of this lake!"

Mei Ji blinked her long eyelashes, and her smart eyes moved from time to time in various pavilions.

"Meiji, can you sense where the entrance to the main tomb is?"

"Ah?! I'll try."

The first time she was called by the master to do something, Mei Ji was excited and happy in her heart, and her fair and round cheeks were extremely rosy due to overexcitement.

After a little sense of it, countless ink droplets were transformed into those attics and poured over. Only after determining where the main tomb was, did Mei Ji take those ink droplets back.

"Master, the inner dome has some abnormal fluctuations. If there is a hidden entrance, it is most likely there."

He glanced at Mei Ji with admiration, and Ling Feng nodded: "Yao Ye, you go to the main tomb with Mei Ji, no matter what you find, it's an opportunity for both of you."

"Ghost vine," Ling Feng turned his head to look at the ghost vine king again: "Protect them well, and notify me in time if there is any problem that cannot be solved."

"Master, won't you come with us?"

Glancing at Chang Yaoye, Ling Feng's eyes showed a touch of softness: "No, this secret realm is very big, and the opportunity is not limited to this place. Acting separately can save a lot of time."

After arranging their respective tasks, Ling Feng distributed the few bottles of medicinal pills left in the storage bag to the two women, and the only bottle of Jing Niedan he had left was used to replenish energy.

As for the magic weapons and weapons, they were also given to the two women.

Although those collected in the ghost vine cave are not high-level things, they can still be used for self-defense temporarily.

No matter how bad it is, in case of a dangerous situation, self-destruction of these babies can be delayed for a while.

Everything that can be done has been done, and the rest is up to their personal creation.

No matter how the plot changes, as long as the main plot doesn't change, what belongs to Chang Yaoye will still fall on her head.

After breaking up with the second daughter, Ling Feng searched the other palaces and pavilions.

The entire secret realm space is the place where the nameless powerhouse built for him to return to the ruins.

Here is not only his legacy, but also his insights at various stages of cultivation in his life.

Every advanced perception, the process of performing every technique and martial skill, was inscribed in these pavilions by the nameless powerhouse.

From the low-level to the middle-level to the high-level, there are even the insights of proving the Tao and becoming an immortal after transcending the calamity.

Who is this strong man, where did he come from, and why did he feel that he had become an immortal but stayed in this world, there is no statement in the original text.

As the original author, Ling Feng just wrote it casually. He never thought that one day, he would also travel into the book world he built.

The origin is obsessed, the background is obsessed, and the specific cultivation base is obsessed. The only thing that is not confused is the value of this secret realm.

The purpose of Ling Feng's trip was precisely here.

Every time he entered a pavilion, Ling Feng stayed for at least one or two hours. When he came out, the training points and realm insights stored in it had been fully absorbed by him.

Although this is only the first low-level realm perception, for Ling Feng, an ordinary person who crossed over halfway, the harvest is still quite rich.

The things he inherited in his mind belonged to others after all, not from his own cultivation.

Walking through these attics is equivalent to re-experiencing the entire cultivation process starting from the condensed cyclone.

In the process of reviewing, verifying and comprehending the former practice time and time again, Ling Feng also has a deeper understanding of the so-called advanced practice process.

Cultivation has never been accomplished just by accumulating energy and rushing through the barrier. If you can't keep up with the realm of perception, and if you are not able to use the true energy of magic techniques, your achievements will be extremely limited.

Walking through these attics one by one, Ling Feng's aura became more and more restrained.

The original sharp-edged eyes have also become like a deep well, so far and deep that people can't see any emotions in the depths of those eyes.

For three full days, Ling Feng had experienced nine major realms and thirty-three minor realms from beginning to end.

At this moment, although his cultivation base has not increased in the slightest, no one has a deeper understanding of various realms than him.

That is to say, as long as the energy accumulated in the body is sufficient, then Ling Feng can break through all the way without any obstacles, until he crosses the Tribulation Realm, without encountering any bottlenecks and confusion.

This gain is undoubtedly huge.

Ling Feng's entire cultivation career has affected the abyss.

It can even be said that the legacy he has obtained is more meaningful than the mantle left by this unknown After absorbing these insights, the handwriting and spiritual images inscribed on the walls of the attic May begin to fade and disappear.

In three days, with the help of Meiji, Chang Yaoye entered the main tomb through numerous tests, and was recognized by the spiritual sense left by the tomb owner, and obtained the most precious mantle in the entire secret realm.

Bring Chang Yaoye into the tomb space, until the energy of that ray of spiritual sense is completely exhausted, and the exercises left by this strong man are also completely mastered by Chang Yaoye.

There was no hurry to leave. Rather than looking for him, Chang Yaoye wanted to be the one who could share his worries and stand side by side with him.

Instead of being a little apprentice who needs the master to handle everything for her.

The identity is already doomed, and it is too difficult to reverse it.

It seems that the only way to become stronger can change this embarrassing situation.

Countless times I wanted to become stronger, to stand out from the bottom world, and to make my own glory the strongest talisman for my mother.

But from the moment her mother passed away, Chang Yaoye's goals have changed.

She wants to become stronger, not only for hatred, but also for him.

She doesn't want to live in the shadow of others anymore, she wants to be the one who makes him proud, the woman who can always stand on the same level as him.

After reading all the things that the tomb master's divine sense taught her, Chang Yaoye's eyes fell on the Wang Xianquan spiritual milk in the tomb.

This Wang Xianquan's spiritual milk is not much, only about half a meter deep, but it can wash the essence of the raft and quench the soul, so that her Xuanyin body can be upgraded to the Xuanyin Holy Body.

This is a gift left by the tomb owner to future generations.

After the tomb master's divine sense told her the function of Wang Xianquan's spiritual milk, Chang Yaoye had already made up his mind.

It's just this thing, is it appropriate to enjoy it by yourself?