MTL - Jubo-Chapter 81

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Let me leave your house? Don't even think about it, no matter if your dad was born with me or not, he has an obligation to support me. This result cannot be changed. "

Wang Cheng frowned.

"As long as the adoption relationship is lifted, there is no maintenance obligation, and you have two sons, and the maintenance can't be with Dad Wang."

Mrs. Wang and his wife looked at Chu Yifeng, who spoke suddenly, and Mrs. Wang sternly said, "Who are you, what does the matter of our royal family have to do with you?"

Chu Yifeng raised one leg and said casually: "It doesn't matter, but for me, it is a very simple thing to make your royal family ruin. Your son and grandson, even great-grandson, believe it or not, as long as In a word, don't they ever think of a day that stands out? "

"I heard that Wang Ningkai still wants to rise again. He is afraid that he won't have another chance in the future." Wang Cheng heard that he also knew that it was absolutely impossible to deal with this old lady in a more gentle way. She would only climb up and repeatedly The best way to get an inch is to start with her weakness.

The old lady suddenly burst into tears when she said this, "Dare you, I won't let you go as a ghost!"

"I will definitely set off firecrackers at that time, and you are always welcome to be a ghost to come to me." Wang Cheng said with a smile, "If I were you, I would roll back before angering me, otherwise I would do it."

"It's better not to be a human being."

Wang De, who had not spoken, finally spoke.

Wang Cheng looked at this more respectful old man, mockingly, "Who is the best in the end? I have given you the choice. It is your persecution over and over. What did my dad owe your family, you? Want to talk to me about being a person, first see if you're doing it right, "

Granny Wang said angrily, "I raised your dad so big, and he owes me, unless you give me a million alimony, otherwise I will never leave."

"Okay, let's waste it like this. I'll see if your eldest son can survive that time, old lady, you don't know yet, your son and grandson will be offending many people when doing business, There are triads too, if they know here, they don't know what will be done. "

Granny Wang and Deqing Wang changed their faces.

Wang Cheng pulled out his cell phone. "You said, should I call now and let people reveal your place of residence?"

Of course not.

Although the couple didn't know the business of his son and grandson, they heard him say something, and they were worried that it was true, or that Wang De was more rational and afraid of annoying Wang Cheng. Finally, he took the unwilling Granny Wang away and returned After a long time, we will discuss it from home.

Mother Wang found Father Wang. When the two returned, they found that Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wang were gone. There were only Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng in the living room, and the shells had been cleaned.

"What about people?"

Wang Cheng scooped a melon seed, "Go."

"Why would they listen to you and leave?" Neither of them believed that Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wang would leave. They personally experienced how embarrassing the two were, especially Mrs. Wang. One person could top a fighter. Two people. Curious what happened.

"Of course it's because I'm amiable."

Immediately after the words were spoken, Wang Cheng's back was met with the mother's iron palm, "speak human."

Chu Yifeng looked funny.

"I used my wit and courage to negotiate with them without fear ..."

In the corner of Wang Cheng's eyes, he saw Mother Wang roll up his sleeves, and quickly climbed to Chu Yifeng, and said like a bean: "I threatened that if they don't leave, the uncle's family will look good, and they will leave, but a big event may happen in two days Parents, you have to be mentally prepared, and your elder brother may return. "

They stunned, "What's the big deal?"

"Can't say yet, you'll know by then."

The two did not force him to say that he thought his son was always for their good.

Dad Wang sighed, his eyes fell on the sofa next to Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng, and suddenly he looked as if there was something wrong.

Chapter 277 A Pregnant Woman

When Mrs. Wang was planning to make a comeback, Wang Bo and his wife finally returned, and it was one day ahead of time, as if his daughter-in-law told him that two young people were coming to him. It seemed like something urgent. It happened that there was something going on with the younger son, so the two returned early.

After knowing this news, Wang Chengli and Chu Yifeng rushed over. He was still a bit impressed by Wang Bo. He looked very similar to Wang Lao Village Chief and had similar personalities. Each of them has a wife and a child, and each has a separate house. His youngest son has also been admitted to a prestigious university, and everyone is happy.

I heard that someone was looking for him. Wang Bo was still very surprised who would come to him. Until Wang Cheng reported himself, a slight change in his expression caught them.

"I remember you. You are Wang San's younger son Wang Cheng. Is your father okay?" Wang Bo got up and took two paper cups to pour water for them.

Wang Cheng busy said, "Uncle Wang, I came to see you this time because of one thing. I heard that the old village chief Wang may know about it, but his old man has died, so I want to ask you if you know. You know, please tell me the truth. "

Wang Bo narrowed his smile and looked a little serious. "What you want to ask is about your father?"

"Yes." Wang Chengcheng knew he knew.

"Since you already know it, I won't hide it. I also heard your father's birth story." Wang Bo asked his wife Zhao to go to his room to pick up something. "The third brother of Wang is indeed not uncle Wang and He Yan. He had a biological son, so your dad had no blood relationship with the Wang family. This was told to me by my father before his death. "

"Did the old village chief say anything else? Why was my father adopted by the Wang family?" Wang Cheng asked in a hurry.

"Don't worry, you listen to me slowly. It was about fifty-one years ago, Wangjiacun suddenly came with a pregnant woman. The woman's belly was about eight or nine months old. She fell at the village entrance. It was discovered by my father, who looked at her pitifully and pregnant, and was afraid that there would be a life of two dead and three lives that would save her back. "

"She's my father's mother?"


After the woman woke up, she was grateful to know that the village chief Wang Lao had rescued her, but when the village chief Wang asked her where she came from, did she come to find relatives, the woman said that she had separated from her relatives, and she begged the village chief Keep her for a while, she will give money, not live in vain.

The head of the old village and his wife were kind and the woman was about to give birth. Finally, she promised to keep her temporarily.

Although the woman was alone, she also had a lot of silver jewelry on her body. The old couple of the old villager used the money she gave to set up some things that women needed for childbirth, and lived in the old villager's house for nearly a month. The woman is finally giving birth.

The midwife whom the old village chief invited for her is the most experienced person in the village.

Everything went smoothly, but I did not expect that due to the improper fetal position, the woman suffered major bleeding during childbirth. By the time she tried hard to give birth to the child, she was almost dead. The medical conditions at that time were very poor, and the woman knew He couldn't live long, so he gave his last words before he died. The woman is grateful to the old couple of Wang Lao Village for accepting her. If it were not for her, her child may not be born, so she divided part of her jewelry to the old couple of Wang Lao Village. The jewelry is very valuable. The words of pawns can be exchanged for capital that will allow them to live a stable life for one year.

The old couple of the village chief Wang Lao thought it was too expensive, so they refused to accept it, but the woman insisted that they fulfill her last wish, and finally it was the arrangement for the father Wang.

The woman asked the old couple of Wang Lao Village to help her children find a good family. Who would accept her children and who would leave the rest of the jewelry? After all the funerals were explained, the woman died.

After the child's full moon, the head of the village, Wang Lao, started looking for a child who would adopt him, but he did not mention that the child of the adoptive woman could get several valuable jewellery, but just asked which kind person would like to take this helpless baby.

At that time, every family was not very wealthy, and some of them had problems with their own children. Besides, it was difficult to adopt a newborn baby. You must know that the newborn baby was troublesome to take care of, so at first no one was willing to do so. Anxious, just when they were thinking about adopting them as a last resort, the Wang Des and his wife suddenly came to the door and said they were willing to adopt the baby.

Wang De's reputation in Wang Jiacun can only be regarded as careless. Wang De may be okay. After all, he has a good face and a restrained behavior, but He Ying is famous for his spite.

The old village chief Wang was hesitant. This family already has two sons and may not treat the baby well in the future, but they are the only ones willing to adopt the baby. The Wang De couple later assured him that they would take good care of this. Baby, he finally agreed.

The old village chief Wang later learned why the Wang De couple adopted a small baby. It turned out that they overheard the adoption of the small baby and there would be jewelry from the woman. But it was too late. Fortunately, the old village chief Wang worried that the Wang De couple would be harsh. Little babies, so let them sign an agreement when they adopt.

However, the agreement obviously failed to restrain them, holding on to He Ying. After receiving the jewelry, she directly exchanged it for money. It is worth mentioning that before the Wangjia Village was developed, the big house of the Wang family was obtained by using the jewelry. The money was built. The reason why the Wang family was able to live a comfortable life was also because of the money, and the Wang Des and his wife did not fulfill their due obligations after taking the woman's money. The village chief Wang Lao stated in the agreement that the Wang Des and his wife must spend half of this money on Wang Hongxin, and it must be provided for him to finish high school, but the Wang Des and his wife did not fulfill it. Part-time work and part-time study, the oldest people before the death of the head of the old village were the father and the woman.

"This is what my father left behind, and the agreement is in it."

Wang Bo took the box brought by his wife. The box was very old and the locks on it were covered with rust.

Wang Cheng couldn't wait to take the box. It was a bit awkward when opened with the key. After a few clicks, it opened. In addition to the agreement, there was a thing left by the woman to Papa Wang. It was a jade with an engraved word. Jade Pei is brilliant and feels gentle, and at a glance, she knows that it is valuable.

"According to my father, this is what the woman left to Wang San's brother. If it is later that Wang San's brother knows that he is not the biological son of the Wang De couple, he will give it to him. As for what it is, the father is not very clear. "Wang Bo said.

Wang Cheng guessed that it should be an identity certificate or a symbol. Although the woman was alone, she had so many jewellery. It can be seen that the previous life should have been wealthy. For some reason, she went to Wangjiacun. As for the adoption agreement, although it was five Eleven years ago, a long time has passed, but the agreement is still valid.

Wang Cheng suddenly thought of a question, "Uncle Wang, I want to know whether the Wang Des and his wife have registered with the Civil Affairs Bureau after adopting my father." Although the adoption agreement signed in private is effective, it cannot make the adoption relationship. Especially in a society ruled by law, the law is stricter and more robust than it was 51 years ago.

"I won't invite this." Wang Bo shook his head.

The conditions fifty-one years ago were very different from those of today. Whether the Wang Des and his wife went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to re-submit them may not even know the deceased Wang Lao village chief.

Wang Cheng didn't care. Just check the Civil Affairs Bureau to find out.

The two evacuated after leaving everything Bo Wang knew. Before returning to Guanjia Village, they went to the Civil Affairs Bureau by the way.

After they left, Wang Bo thought and thought, always quiet, and sighed from time to time.

His wife, Zhao Shi, knew that he couldn't rest assured when he looked at his expression, and came to him to comfort him: "The two people don't look like ordinary people. I don't think you need to worry too much."

"But you also know that Wang De's couple are not ordinary people. Since the son of Wang San's brother will come to us, things must have been upset, and you also know that the most worrying thing about his father during his lifetime was this. He always felt that Wang San's poor life was his own. Responsibility. "Wang Bo sighed.

After receiving the woman's jewelry, she failed to help her child find a good family. The old village chief Wang was still thinking about it before his death.

At that time, because Wangjia Village was going to be relocated, Wang Bo was very busy every day, so he temporarily set aside his old father ’s will. Later, the family proposed to move to the city to live. He agreed without thinking too much, and later he was at home. It was a whole lot, and he forgot.

"Will we find a way to help them?" Zhao said.

Wang Bo is the only son of Wang Lao Village Chief. He doesn't want the old father to feel uneasy when he leaves, so Zhao's proposal is also in his heart. As long as he can help the third brother get rid of the Wang De couple, the old father Huang Quan should be at ease.

Chapter 278 Adoption Agreement

When Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng returned to Guanjia Village, they heard that the villagers were talking about the Wang family. After Wang Cheng kicked them out, the old lady was unwilling, so they spread rumors while they were away, saying that Father Wang did not want to perform as a person. The children's responsibility drives their parents out of the house. An unfilial hat was put on Dad's head in this way. Now the villagers will point out when they see Wang Cheng's family. This is the current society. Parents can be unkind to their children, but children can't be filial to them. Back at home, Wang Cheng saw Father Wang and Mother Wang sitting in the living room with resentment.

"Chengcheng, Xiao Chu, you are back, have you eaten lunch? Would you like me to cook for you?" Mother Wang stood up and stabbed Dad Wang with her hands, and the two turned back to nothing. Looks like.

"Mom, no, we have eaten it." Wang Cheng pushed Mother Wang back to the sofa. "I've heard that, madam, they're out again."

Mother Wang heard a sigh of relief, "Mom went to the jam factory today and found that a few workers did not come to work, some said something was happening at home, some said they were sick, and there was the jam shop. Your third aunt just called Come here and say that many people are saying your dad is not filial, and even fewer customers are buying jam. "

"It seems uncle they are prepared."

"This is not the way to go, Chengcheng. What can you do? Your dad can't even go out now."

If you can't stop the rumors, you can only move, but both of them are used to it, and you don't want to move again after moving.

Wang Cheng held on to Mother Wang's shoulder. "Dad, mom, rest assured, I just go out in the morning to find a way to solve this problem permanently."

Just when the two were surprised, Chu Yifeng suddenly handed over a box.

Wang Cheng took the box and handed it to Papa Wang.

Dad Wang took two seconds to take it, and he looked puzzled. "Chengcheng, what do you give me this box?"

"There is an agreement in it. I hope Dad and you must calm down after watching it. If you have any questions, you can ask me." Wang Cheng said solemnly.

When Papa Wang saw him speak so seriously, he couldn't help but get nervous. He looked at Mama Wang and got the courage to open the box. He first took out the jade pendant, and handed it to Mama Wang without seeing any name, then took the agreement because The paper was 51 years ago. The agreement is very old, but it can be seen that it is well preserved. The four-page adoption agreement is still complete.

Suddenly a bad hunch came up in Papa Wang's mind. If this was an ordinary adoption agreement, his son wouldn't show it to him deliberately.

The adopter and adopter columns of the adoption agreement read two familiar names. Looking down, Wang Hongxin appeared below. At that time, the Wang Des and his wife decided to adopt him immediately.

Dad Wang thought he saw the hallucinations and shook his head a few times, but the words above still existed. He was not the biological son of the Wang De couple? This outrageous thing he thought appeared to be a special case to his son, but he suffered the same thing as a result?

Seeing his disappointed expression, Mother Wang immediately took the agreement, and after reading it, she couldn't help but make a mistake, "Chengcheng, what's going on? How could your father not be the biological son of his parents?"

Father Wang heard her words and finally came back to his thoughts, thinking of what his son had just said, rubbing his temples, "Chengcheng, you say it, Dad can stand it."

Wang Cheng told the two people about the former cause and effect, after all, it will come.

"Dad, I know you may find it difficult to accept this fact, but I have already verified this with Uncle Wang Bo. The old village chief told him before he died."

"Let me think about it." Dad Wang couldn't accept the fact. He knew from the beginning that he was not liked by his parents. Mrs. Wang's partiality was particularly obvious. He had never understood it before, as long as he did well enough. , Parents will love him, but no matter how hard he tries, the Wang Des and his wife always treat him badly. Although they want to be loved by their parents when they grow up, they are not as persistent as a child. He also wondered whether he was Their biological son, after all, this situation is rare, and with the personality of the Wang De couple, how can they adopt another one when they already have two children?

Wang Cheng said, "Dad, now with this agreement, we can prove that you are not the biological son of the Wang De couple. As long as the news is passed, and the reason why the Wang De couple adopted you was also passed on, the village will No one will ever say you are not filial. "

"But ..." Papa Wang only hesitated.

"Do n’t be dad, because you are not the biological son of the Wang De couple, so they will deal with you like this, they have no affection for you at all, why do you use your hot face to paste their cold ass, and now It ’s them who are sorry for you, how you treat them all these years, everyone sees that it ’s time for the stones to heat up, but how did they treat you? They want to get money from you when they have no money, they do n’t even think about it Yeah, dad, you have n’t worked now, and you ’ve been at home. Where does the money come from? I just want to get a sum of money from you. If you give them, they will definitely not be satisfied. Such things will happen in the future. "Wang Cheng tried to persuade Dad Wang that everything is now ready, only to blame.

"Yes, Hongxin, it was difficult to do before. Now we know that you have no blood relationship. Instead, we don't need to worry about anything anymore. You heard what the son said just now." Mother Wang also joined the ranks of persuasion. Make a clear boundary with the Li family, "Wang De's couple did not adopt you unconditionally, but they used the money left by your biological mother to buy a house for a good life. That should have belonged to you originally, but what did they do? , Not only took over the things that belong to you, but also rightfully reached out to you for money, even adoptive parents are too much. "

The mother and son entered the battle together, saying that Father Wang was shaken.

Chu Yifeng held one leg up with his arms and said chicly, "Uncle Wang, even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your family."

This sentence successfully convinced Papa Wang.

In his heart, the family is more important than anything. The Wang De couple is even inferior to Wang's mother and children. If the former is not good for the latter, he will definitely choose the latter without hesitation.

Wang Cheng gave thumbs up to Chu Yifeng.

After making the decision, they started to implement the plan.

The first step is to release the news, just like Lee spread rumors. This is not the first time that Wang Cheng has done this.

Early the next morning, Li brought a basket to the market to buy food.

The rumours about Papa Wang were spread by this method, but the atmosphere is obviously different today. Li's just arrived at the stall where he usually buys pork. A few people who had been in a heated chat when they saw her suddenly calmed down. Already. Li didn't find anything wrong. She asked the stall owner to cut a leg of pork for her. "I want more meat."

The stall owner was a man. He looked at her while cutting, and suddenly smiled: "Li Shu, I heard that Wang Hongxin is not your mother-in-law's biological son."

Li stunned, and immediately retorted like a spittle after two seconds: "Who are you talking nonsense, why is Wang Hongxin not the biological son of my mother-in-law, he is dead and the ghost of the Wang family. Pull him big, he doesn't want to support my mother-in-law and father-in-law now, of course, can say everything, saying Bai is an ingratitude guy. "

"But I heard that Wang Hongxin was indeed adopted by your mother-in-law, and there is evidence from them. Some old people in Wangjia Village knew that, and it is said that there was an adoption agreement. They have spread today. Haven't you heard of it?"

The stall owner laughed innocently, as if saying that we all know the truth, you don't want to fool us.

Li's face changed. "What adoption agreement?"

The stall owner had a look you did n’t know, and explained, “It was the agreement signed by your mother-in-law when adopting Wang Hongxin. The adopter at that time was the old village chief Wang Lao who had passed away. His son was also an insider. He said everything. By the way, when your mother-in-law adopted Wang Hongxin, he also took the jewelry of Wang Hongxin's biological mother. When Wangjiacun was still living, the big house you lived in was bought with the jewelry of Wang Hongxin's biological mother. "

"Impossible!" Li looked around. Everyone had a gloating expression. Obviously, he had heard about it.

A woman next to her who bought pork like her immediately laughed and said, "How is that impossible? The old people in Wangjiacun all said that the adoption agreement was clearly written. There were still people testifying, but I heard your mother-in-law never According to the adoption agreement, I spent the money of my biological mother, but I still want to reach out and ask for money. I have never seen such a cheeky person. If it hadn't been exposed, everyone would n’t know it. Others. "

It's all about watching around.

Li did not dare to stay any longer, and stumbled home.

Chapter 279 Liquidation

The Li family who returned home immediately told the family what they heard at the bazaar. These days, rumors spread quickly. Everyone can hear someone talking about Wang Hongxin when they go out. They hear that Wang Hongxin is ungrateful. He is an filial son, innocent on the surface, but he has already blossomed in his heart.

However, the situation is obviously very good, which is extremely beneficial to them. They are still thinking that in a few days, Wang Hongxin cannot bear the pressure and will definitely take the initiative to bow his head. Why did it change in two days?

"Mom, is that adoption agreement real?" Wang Hongwei hurriedly asked Granny Wang. They thought that Granny Wang had just adopted Wang Hongxin, but there was no other agreement.

Granny Wang reluctantly said, "It's true."

The faces of the Wang Hongwei couple changed directly. "Where is the adoption agreement?"

"I don't know, I didn't know where to throw it." Mrs. Wang didn't care. The original agreement was signed only to get those jewellery, and reassured the head of the village, that they didn't plan to perform the above. The conditions have passed for many years, and they have long since forgotten about it. Later they moved and the adoption agreement did not know where.

Wang Hongwei wanted to see the adoption agreement, and he had the bottom of his mind to think of a way to deal with it, but they found it several times at home and couldn't find it, obviously it was really lost.

"If the agreement is lost, it is lost. Even if Wang Hongxin was not born by me, he always keeps it with me, and I don't believe they can reverse black and white." Mrs. Wang sneered, just too confident, always felt that no one could take her. That's why it always behaves unbridled in this matter.

The Wang Hongwei couple was not as optimistic as she thought.

"Grandma, the problem is not biological or not. The adoption agreement is very important, even if it still has legal basis. If you do not follow the content of the agreement, Wang Hongxin can propose to terminate the adoption relationship. , He has no obligation to support you. "Wang Ningkai said.

The old lady suddenly changed her face when she heard, "Why can't he support me? I'm also his adoptive mother. Isn't it natural to support me?"

"Grandma I, Uncle San may have this responsibility, but you can't take his money for granted in the future, and he can only give you a few hundred dollars a month in the future.", "What then?" I have been targeting Wang Hongxin for a few hundred bucks. I only got so much when I heard it for a month, but I was a little panicked.

Wang Hongwei and Li Shi also looked forward to Wang Ningkai, hoping that he could say something.

Wang Ningkai said: "There is a way now to prove that the adoption agreement is false."

Li asked: "How can I prove this? The agreement was said to have been saved by Wang Bo for his father, and Wang Bo testified that even if we said it was false, no one would believe it. There was not your grandma on that agreement. Signature, and there is also testimony. "

At first, the person to sign was Wang De, but Wang De was a bit harsh on the terms of the agreement at that time, so he hesitated. As a result, the old lady who wanted to jewellery said nothing.

In fact, Wang Ningkai didn't expect that things would be so tricky. Once the adoption agreement came out, they actually surprised them.

"If this method doesn't work, there is only one solution left."


"I deny that grandparents did not fulfill the requirements of the agreement. Anyway, things have passed so long. No one has proof that grandparents took the money of the third uncle's biological mother to buy a house. We can take advantage of this and say that the jewelry All the money was spent on the third uncle. "" This idea is good, and there is no evidence anyway. "Wang Ningkai's approach was immediately agreed by everyone.

But the blow came very quickly, and even the Wang Des didn't expect that they would have missed such an important detail before.

The Wang Des and his wife spent two hours messing up and making many things out of nothing, such as supplying Dad Wang to study and graduate from high school.

In fact, they only provided for Dad Wang to finish junior high school. That was still forced by Wang Lao Village. The tuition for high school was actually earned by Dad Wang during his winter, summer and holidays. Order food, as well as clothes and food, said the harsh Wang Dad as a good thing to give him first.

After writing, the two went to Wang Cheng's house.

The Wang family has become the subject of the Guanjia Village several times. This will see the Wang De couple. The villagers immediately knew that there was a good show to watch, so they followed each other, and at the door, the old lady used her handy tricks to retreat. Wang Cheng cried in front of the house. Before Wang Cheng came out, she heard the old lady's loud voice. When she was outside, she saw her sitting on the ground with a piece of paper in her hand and crying there. In response to the adoption agreement recently spread, she said that she After working hard to raise Dad Wang, he gave the best to Dad Wang when he was a kid, but in exchange for his ingratitude.

You don't need to look to know that there are some things out of nothing on the paper. Mostly because of Wangjiacun's absence, no one can testify, so I came up with this trick.

Wang Cheng couldn't help sneering. Now that he was so determined to renovate the family, how could he be unprepared. Instead, Mrs. Wang was right in his arms.

"Wang De, He Ying, the two of you still need to be shameless?" At this moment, the crowd came out of an elderly man who was getting paler and grayer. It seemed to be bigger than the Wang Des, but they were very mental.

Seeing this person, a trace of confusion flashed on the faces of the Wang Des and his wife. This old man is not someone else. It was a former clan uncle named Wang Zhiren in Wangjiacun who was seven or eight years older than Wang De. He was one of the old people who learned healthy boxing, so he had a good relationship with Wang Cheng. Wang Cheng specially invited him to deal with the wife Wang De.

In addition to his uncle identity, Wang Zhiren has an even more important identity, that is, the father of Chengping, the new mayor, who knows him a lot. It is worth mentioning that he is also a witness to the signing of the adoption agreement by the Wang Des and his wife. One of them, his words are more convincing than Wang Bo.

"In the beginning, you vowed in the presence of Brother Wang that you would treat Hongxin well and treat him as your own son. As a result, not only did you occupy the property that belonged to him, but you also treated him harshly. Ingratitude, it is clear to see that he still has the value of utilization, and want to squeeze the last bit of value in Hongxin, you talk about yourself, are you not afraid of thunder and lightning?

"You said that you have never treated Hongxin since childhood. What is delicious and delicious is the first to give him a **** shit. Hongxin grew up and grew up. The only new dress I wore was Big Brother Wang. What he bought, and food and drink, if it wasn't for me and Brother Wang and I found out, you did n’t know that you often did n’t give him food and the house, and you bought it with Hongxin ’s biological mother ’s jewelry. But I left the best houses to my son. What did you give when Hongxin was married, a few hundred yuan? "Wang Zhiren said more and more, his face became red, and they would n’t give the two people a chance to talk afterwards. Both sprayed their faces.

The onlookers were so angry that they were almost fanned by the Wang Des and the couple. It turned out that they had done so many wicked things, even if they had seized money from others, and they dared to reach out for money. I have never seen such a shame. people.

"So what, he Wang Hongxin is just an adopted son, why should I give him money!"

Mrs. Wang is out of the way. She knows that everyone will surely believe what Wang Zhiren said, and will not trust them anymore, so that her face will not be torn apart.

So shameless, this guy!

Wang Zhiren sneered coldly: "Just because the money was from Hongxin's biological mother, people left it to his son, and it should have been taken away by you."

"His Wang Hongxin is always raised by my Wang family."

"What about your King ’s family, you did n’t follow the requirements of the agreement. You dared to embezzle his property and treat him harshly. You have to think that all of this is what you asked for today. New support you. "

After speaking, Wang Zhiren said to Wang De: "Wang De, if you still want to face, quickly take your mother-in-law with you, and don't show up in front of the Hongxin family in the future, otherwise you will be blame me."

Wang De was ashamed of what he said. He knew that they didn't understand it at all. He was just used to his wife, Hu Lan, and he had a bit of luck in his heart, so he would always let his wife go. Now he is ordered by Wang Zhiren. He became famous, and his eyes were tied around him like spikes, and he couldn't stay any longer. He pulled up his wife to leave, but he also underestimated his dedication.

"I do n’t go, I do n’t go, I ’ve raised him to his teens as a result of Wang Hongxin ’s guy. Why do you want to deprive the royal family of his nurturing grace? I asked him for what he owed to our royal family. Do you think this account can be erased in one sentence? I tell you, don't even think about it. "

Granny Wang cannot lie on the ground.

"Since you want to count, let's count Chu."