MTL - I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before-Chapter 73 Three stage

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In addition to Ning Ning, there are two other actresses in the room.

Ning Ning was one step late, Yan Qing had already told the story of the first half of her life, and now she started to tell her later half of her life.

"... Thanks to my few students, I didn't commit suicide." She touched her neatly-groomed white hair. "But the days later were not very good. Most of my hair was white at that time. I just I used shoe polish to blacken my hair secretly, but the smell was really bad and my parents didn't dare to approach me. "

She smiled, and everyone laughed with her.

"Later, with the help of students and their parents," she said, "I went abroad to study music in France ... Of course, in the beginning I studied foreign languages."

For a female teacher in a small town, going abroad is almost like going through a different world. People on the street are talking about things she does n’t understand, but this world has relieved her because they do n’t use strange things. Gaze stared at her.

So Yan Qing stayed in France, learning foreign languages ​​and studying music hard. She worked very hard because she knew that if she couldn't achieve success in this place, she had to go back to the small city full of gossip. Even her parents hated her town.

"... During my schooling, I got to know my current husband, Mr. Wood." When Yan Qing mentioned him, she smiled like a girl, "He's nothing like a Frenchman, not romantic at all. I don't speak sweet words, the first sentence I saw was: can you stop putting shoe polish on your head? "

Awkward, unexpected development, when one day Mr. Wood helped her wash her hair, and then said to her: "Don't wipe the shoe polish in the future, I think you look so good now." Soon after, Yan Qing was really No longer dyeing her hair, she combed her white hair neatly, wore a stylish little hat, and started her day. She was a little worried at first, until her teacher gave her a thumbs up, saying that the shape was very Stylish and perfect for her.

Encouraged Yan Qing has always maintained this style, such as in concerts, in public welfare activities, in interviews, and gradually her white hair and bowler hat have become a special personal mark.

"This is my past life." Yan Qing finally said, "I hope that one of you can bring my life to the stage and reappear to me and the audience."

Because Yan Qing had a speech in the afternoon, she didn't stay long. After she left, the people in the room also left one after another. The actresses and each other's agents began to discuss this role.

"Three stages." All agents reached the same conclusion, "Yan Qing's life is three stages."

Three actresses listened quietly.

"Rumors and rumors in the small city, new lovers and new life, career and public welfare are well-known on the stage after going abroad." Li Boyue said to his own actress, "Ningning, which part do you plan to play?"

Ningning thought for a moment: "Can't I play all of them?"

"It's not necessary." Li Boyue said, "This is not a formal filming. The purpose of your present acting is just to impress Yan Qing and make her think you are the best and most like her candidate."

Ning Ning looked down and thought deeply.

"How?" Li Boyue asked, "Which segment are you most confident in?"

"The first paragraph, gossip in the town." Ningning answered truthfully.

She has experienced this first-hand, she has heard the gossips with her own ears, and she has seen Yan Qing under the attack of those gossips, she has no choice but to be forced to the rooftop step by step.

"Honestly, this is not the best choice." Li Boyue raised her arms. "People always subconsciously avoid their miserable past, and they are brilliant in front of people. Didn't you find that? Yan Qing was talking about the second paragraph. She was the most tender-hearted and spent the most time talking about the third paragraph, which shows that she wants to show people her love and career more. "

Having said that, Chao Ningning smiled slightly: "... not her small town life that only took five minutes to finish."

Ningning then knew how long she was late—five minutes. She was only five minutes late. In these five minutes, Yan Qing finished her life in a small town.

Li Boyue was right, the first paragraph was really not the best choice.

In order to please Yan Qing, she should choose the second or third stage.

But at this time Li Boyue received a call, and the more he frowned, the more he frowned, and finally he hung up and said to Ning Ning, "We have no other choice."

Ningning was frustrated.

"Xu Yue played the second and Lin Yinyin played the third." Li Boyue whispered, "Damn, they came to us for the foil."

He looked very angry, because they not only played with Ning Ning, but also with him. And he is not as good at talking as Ning Ning. He is a man who ... even if bitten by a dog, will bite back. So he immediately took out his cell phone and made a few calls, and then said coldly to Ning Ning: "Follow me tonight and be prepared not to sleep all night."

"Why?" Ning Ning couldn't help shaking.

"Dear, I worked overtime." Li Boyue answered with a smile.

A few days later, a lecture was being held in a university hall.

"... In 1994, I lost almost all my dignity, my reputation, and even almost lost my life." Yan Qing said to the college students present, "This incident came to light only after years of investigation, and for this I spent countless hours, Countless energy and countless money, how much does the other party spend? "

Yan Qing held up three fingers.

"Thirty dollars." Yan Qing laughed. "Twenty of them were used to hire someone to kiss me strong. Five dollars were used to rent a camera. The remaining money was used to print photos and distributed around. She succeeded. She With thirty dollars, it caused a rumor storm that almost destroyed me from public opinion. "

"This happened in a small town, and now, more of the same thing is happening on the Internet. Classmates, can someone tell me that now it is going to set off a rumor storm, or to push a Weibo hot topic How much is it? "

Here are a few hands raised, and some people did not raise their hands, and shouted directly in the crowd: "Three thousand pieces, high-ranking marines and big v forwards are calculated separately, the price is fair, and the child is not bullying."

"I'm relying on the presence of naval forces? Still taking the opportunity to advertise?"

"My aunt, I just have some common sense for science, ghosts are not good enough."

The hall was giggling immediately, and even Yan Qing was amused by them. After she laughed, she sighed and said, "Three thousand pieces destroy a person. In reality, no one does it, but it has been done on the Internet. The price is clearly marked. "

Laughter gradually calmed down, and everyone looked at the woman on the stage with gray hair and a small black top hat. She slowly said, "The internet is just as good. If I had internet in my time, I might post my things online, and then ask the netizens to help me find the person who kissed me, help I looked for witnesses who were present at the time and saw the whole thing, but— "

Suddenly she stretched her tone, her voice suddenly sinking.

"I can use the Internet, and those who frame me can also use the Internet." Yan Qing said in a deep voice. "Since she can create a storm of public opinion in reality, who knows if she can create a similar storm of public opinion online? When two completely opposite posts appear in front of you, students, who do you believe? Who do you attack? How do you determine ... Are you being manipulated? Is the justice you insist on, is it really justice? "

The speech lasted about two hours. Two hours later, Yan Qing exited with applause. She sat in the lounge for a short while until the door opened and a young man in a smart suit came in.

"Smell the rain." Yan Qing opened her eyes and smiled at him. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to see your speech." Wen Yu approached her and handed her the bouquet in her hand. "Tough work for you, Teacher Yan."

"It should be me thank you." Yan Qing took the bouquet and smiled at him. "If it weren't for you and Shi Dao helped me, I wouldn't have today ... sit and watch something together."

Wen Yu sat down beside her and saw her pull out her phone and open WeChat. Someone sent three videos.

"I mentioned to you before that I wanted to make a documentary based on me. I went to see a few actresses provided by the front. They were all beautiful and much more beautiful than when I was younger." Yan Qing laughed He said, "I was invited to watch their audition, but I was too busy. After finishing my speech here, I was going to take the plane again. I did n’t have time to watch it, so I asked them to send me three audition videos. You can also check it out for your reference. "

Wen Yu nodded and looked away from her phone.

The first video opens, and there is a quite famous young actress. No matter the figure or appearance, it is the best choice. It is a typical beautiful woman in a vase.

She was sitting at the gate, rubbing her shoe polish on her head, and then using a comb to spread it evenly.

The door suddenly opened, and a man came in with his front feet, and his back feet pinched his nose and backed out. He said in French, "Can you stop putting shoe polish on your head?"

Wen Yu heard Yan Qing smile aside, and it seemed that this video brought back her fond memories.

The second paragraph of Yan Qing's three stages of life-new lovers and new life after going abroad.

The video was short and ended in four minutes, after which Yan Qing smiled and asked Wen Yu: "What do you think?"

"It's not bad." Wen Yu told the truth, "Although there is still a little lack of acting skills, watching her acting makes people feel very comfortable."

Yan Qing also nodded. It seemed to be moving, but it was not a chance to not give it to others, so she opened the second video and said, "Look at this again."

The second video opens, and there is an older actress who naturally can't compare with the previous one in appearance, but the technique is very pure.

Coincidentally, she was giving a speech on the stage. The content of the speech was exactly the content of Yan Qing's speech today, cyber violence.

"Classmates, who do you believe? Who do you attack? How do you determine ... Are you being manipulated?" The actress looked around, apparently there was no one in front of her, but she was talking to a group of people, and she was wearing a homely Pajamas, but the momentum is like a soldier, "Is the justice you insist on really the right?"

The video was not long. It ended in just five minutes. After that, Yan Qing and Wen Yu faced each other. Yan Qing couldn't help but smile: "The current actress is really good, I just wondered who recorded it Video of my speech and send it to me. "

This sentence, she fully recognized the other party.

At least in terms of similarity, the actress named Lin Yinyin has fully grasped the essence. The Yan Qing she plays is Yan Qing herself.

Wen Yu can see that, compared with the first actress, Yan Qing prefers the second actress, and the third one of the three stages of life she plays in Italy-the career and public welfare stage. After all, this is a documentary and a public good. She wants the film to convey ideas to the public, rather than show her personal life.

Afterwards, Yan Qing watched this video twice, and the more she watched, the more satisfied she almost forgot the existence of the third video.

"Look at the third video again." Wen Yu asked.

In fact, he didn't want to see it, but his friend Li Boyue called him ten times in a row, saying that in any case, he must let Yan Qing take a look.

Wen Yu helped to say so much more.

"Okay." Yan Qing actually didn't want to see it. Since Wen Yu mentioned it, she just opened it. Because of her previous speech and the two videos she watched before, she now looks a bit tired, leaning back on the sofa, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she looks very distracted.

"I'll go and pour you a glass of water." Wenyu got up and left. Just a few steps later, she heard a click behind her.

He turned around and saw Yan Qing's phone landed on the ground.

And she was sitting on the sofa with her hands just holding the phone, her ten fingers trembling slightly, her eyes staring at the phone on the ground without blinking.

As if seeing the biggest nightmare in life.