MTL - I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before-Chapter 71 Heart to light

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Pay by hand and deliver by hand.

While Pei Xuan handed out the envelope, Ning Yuren also handed out a silver suitcase.

The envelope is a ticket and the box is money.

Pei Xuan opened the box and checked the banknotes, then closed the box with a smile, and reached out to her: "Thank you for your patronage."

Ning Yuren shook hands reluctantly with him, and withdrew his fingers to retract, but he was pulled into his arms.

"Pay so much at once, are you sad?" Pei Xuan held her back, her voice bewildering like a snake in the Garden of Eden, tempting Eve to eat the taboo fruit, "In fact, you can change the method, one is easier Way to exchange tickets from my hand ... "

"... No need." Without waiting for him to finish, Ning Yuren pushed him away, as if avoiding a scorpion, taking several steps back and forth.

"All right." Pei Xuan shrugged, lifted the two boxes on the ground with both hands, and nodded at her, "If necessary, contact me at any time."

After speaking, he turned and left, the windbreaker flew behind him, and the sound of a train whining came not far away.

Ning Yuren looked down at the envelope in his hand, rubbed his thumb with the word Yan Qing, and suddenly looked up and shouted at his back: "How did you get this ticket?"

"Trade secrets." Pei Xuan sideways, her hat casts a shadow, and the corners of his lips hang in the shadow.

Ning Yuren pinched the envelope and looked at the camera with complex eyes.

"Mom ..." Ning Ning stood up from her seat at this time.

The mother and daughter looked at each other across the screen, and the moment the lens was switched, Ning Ning sat back in the seat, holding her head with both hands, and she was annoyed and asked, "How much do you think my mother knows?"

"She doesn't know anything." Shi Zhongtang comforted her. "Otherwise she wouldn't ask that."

Ningning sighed first, then sighed.

"... My mother is a very attentive person. When she was not sick, everything in the house was organized by her personally, everything was well organized, and she took good care of me." Ning Ning recalled her past life, Suzu Alas, piecemeal, "I really enjoyed my life at that time, she drank face wash in the morning, I squeezed her toothpaste, and then we brushed our teeth in the mirror together ..."

She closed her eyes, temporarily put those warm memories into her heart, and opened her eyes to face the reality.

"... She was so careful and she would trace it after seeing the name on the letter." Her voice trembled slightly. "After that? Will she continue to buy tickets from Pei Xuan? If she If you continue to buy, Pei Xuan will continue ... "

Continue his sinful life.

Promote innocent people to the bottom of life, persecute them with pain, despair, and then attract movie tickets.

"... I have to go." Ning Ning stood up arrogantly, with a look of impatience on his face. "I have to find someone. I need to figure it out."

She hurriedly moved from row to row of wooden chairs, hurriedly moved towards the door, halfway, and suddenly there was Shi Zhongtang's voice behind her.

"Ningning," he shouted.

Ning Ning stepped back and looked at him.

"Look." Shi Zhongtang was still sitting in his seat and raised his finger forward.

Ning Ning slowly turned his head and looked in the direction he was pointing.

On the movie screen, a pair of heavy feet, as if wearing invisible shackles, stepped up the steps.

A pair of pale hands pushed open the black door in front of them, and the wind from the rooftop blew across the face, blowing on a face at the end of the road.

Yan Qing.

Watching her step by step towards the rooftop, Ning Ning sighed and closed her eyes, she couldn't bear to see this scene.

"Look down," Shi Zhongtang said, "look down, Ningning."

"What's nice about it," Ningning said bitterly.

There is another reason she hurries to run, is that she doesn't want to see Yan Qing's ending.

As an audience, Ning Ning couldn't do much for Yan Qing, the protagonist, because the price of changing the fate of her opponent was her own life. Despite attempts, efforts, and attempts to change Yan Qing's fate through others, she now appears to have failed.

In the end, Yan Qing returned step by step to her established destiny.

She stood on the rooftop and looked down at the crowd on the ground.

Yan Qing was far away and could not hear what they were talking about, but Ning Ning, who was an audience, could hear and see. She saw someone smiling, as if waiting for a good show. She heard one of the aunts smug, Say to the people around me: "I'm right? She ca n’t kill herself for three months, even if she is derailed, and she has a fake funeral to deceive everyone, causing my two daughters to be awkward with me, saying that I talk too much It was too much to force her to death, hey, I ’m going too far. Shouldn't such a liar who is as good as a man deserve to die? "

The fallacy and self-righteousness, the problem is that her words are quite marketable, and she is actually met by many people present. When the number of people who support one viewpoint is large, the number of people who hold the opposite viewpoint will be reduced, or to protect themselves. Choose silence, and their silence will fuel each other's arrogance. The cycle is repeated, one side's voice is getting louder and the other side is more and more silent-this is the spiral of silence.

This kind of spiral is difficult to break. It needs a stronger perspective and a stronger executive, or a stronger naval group. But what does Yan Qing have? She has nothing ...

As she slowly stepped out of her right foot, Ning Ning closed her eyes.

"The world kissed me with pain, but I sang it."

The young man's singing sounded in Ningning's ears, like a Ganquan flowing in the desert.

Ning Ning opened her eyes suddenly.

"Don't close your eyes when you are in pain."

Wen Yu's face appeared on the screen. He was not alone. He was followed by three or four classmates. He was a bit shy at first. Although he was singing, his voice was as mosquito as it was. clear.

"Where are you from? A few students, don't write homework at home so late and run out to play, do your teachers and parents know?" The previous aunt shouted at them with a poor expression.

Wen Yu glanced at him, walked with the bag in his hand, and pulled out something from the bag and stuffed it into his hand.

Aunt looked down at a candle.

When Zhengzhang couldn't figure out his head, Wenyu struck a match and helped him light the candle.

A few other students, please look at me, I look at you, and learn everything, and distribute the candles in your hands to everyone present.

"Open your eyes." Wen Yu lit the candlelight for the candle in her hand, then looked up at Yan Qing and sang, "In the night, thousands of lights are bright for you."

"Nervous." Aunt dropped the candle in her hand to the ground, stomped on her foot, and the flame went out.

Several more followed her, dropping candles on the ground.

Aunt glanced up proudly, but suddenly found that many people were holding candles, and the flames were clear for Yan Qing.

"What are you doing?" She could not help but shouted, "A few students are making trouble, and your adults are also following it? Speaking for the **** woman above, have you ever slept with her?"

In order to avoid suspicion, several men hurriedly lost the candle in their hands. When the others were swaying, Wen Yu suddenly turned and looked at the aunt and asked her aloud, "You have never made a mistake, haven't you been vilified?"

Aunt sneered: "I didn't make her mistake, steal someone out ..."

Wen Yu: "You are killing people now."

Aunt frowned: "What did you say?"

"I'll tell him honestly when the police come over." Wen Yu looked at her seriously. "Mr. Yan could have died, because you fanned the fire below and forced her to jump off the building."

Auntie jumped when she heard her words and said, "Smelly boy, you scorn me!"

"How does it feel to be vilified?" Wen Yu asked her instead.

The aunt was speechless.

Wen Yu slowly looked around. Those who ignited the flames, those who remained silent, and the few classmates standing beside themselves.

"Have you never made a mistake, haven't you been vilified?" Wen Yu asked them back, then lowered his head to pick up a candle, and handed it to someone around him, who looked awkward and reluctantly answered what was going to be said Wen Yu had already spoken one step ahead. He said to all the people present, "I don't expect you to help me, but I hope you at least do not stop us from saving people. If Teacher Yan is guilty, the court will sentence him, and if Teacher Yan is not guilty, You are really accomplices. Don't kill her, but you will kill her. "

After speaking, instead of looking at the group of people behind him, holding the candle in his hand, he went upstairs while singing.

"Mr. Yan." The light of fire illuminated his young and clean face, and he said to Yan Qing not far away, "This is the song you taught me to sing."

Yan Qing turned his back to him without turning back.

More and more footsteps came from behind him, more and more people came out from behind him, some held candles in his hands, some didn't, some came to look lively, and some came to save people.

"I believe in you." Wen Yu said to her, "I will collect evidence to make others believe in you. Although there are not many people who believe in you now, there will be more and more in the future. Teacher Yan, please believe me, Believe in yourself ... as long as you are innocent, time will eventually return you innocence. "

Yan Qing's body shuddered, then slowly turned back.

She was already in tears.

Wen Yu hurried over and helped her away from the dangerous rooftop. The two walked a few steps towards the crowd. The aunt whispered, and the yin and yang were going to say something. Yan Qing suddenly looked up at her.

"I hate you more than Pei Xuan and Yun Lin, and you." Yan Qing's eyes glanced at her and a few people behind her, and her eyes were furious. "The two of them hurt me for their reasons, What about you guys? Do you know who I am? You do n’t know me at all, you have no resentment and no resentment against me, and it does n’t do me any good for you. Why do you hurt me? See me bleeding, are you happy? See me die Are you happy? Answer me !!! Answer me ah ah ah ah !!! "

Suddenly, she made a long and loud cry towards the sky, as if to turn the grievances and anger accumulated in her body into sounds, and into a lava gushing out, the sound was so long and stern, and finally turned into a choking self-defense: "I I haven't stole anyone, why should I die for something I haven't done? I'm going to live, live till the time ... return me innocence! "

As soon as the screen was dark, the ending song sounded.

It is no longer the three-stage pillow, but a song that contains pain and warmth.

"The world kissed me with pain." Yan Qing's voice rose to the sky, as if flying towards the sky with a pair of scarred wings, "I sing it back!"

The cast began to roll up.

In the end, the title emerged.

No More Silence.

Applause rang out in the empty movie theater.

Shi Zhongtang applauded, stood up, and said with a smile, "It is indeed my brother! Good job!"

Then he turned his head and said to Ning Ning gently, "You have done a beautiful job."

Ningning covered her mouth, tears turning in her eyes.

There are always some movies, there are always some people, there are always some plots, and it is moving after watching it.

"I know you and my brother. The two of you are actually the same kind of person. What you want to do, he also wants to do." Shi Zhongtang slowly walked towards her, reached out and wiped her cheek, softly, "So you see, you're not alone in the cinema, right?"

Ningning was a little confused, and nodded wildly at him.

"Not only him, but me." Shi Zhongtang reached out and hugged her in his arms, and gently said to her, "No matter what happens in the future, don't despair, open your eyes and look at him, and look at me, you know. In this world, you not only have enemies, you also have friends ... although I am just your ex-boyfriend. "

"No," Ningning said dullly in his arms.

"Haha, that is the current boyfriend?" Shi Zhongtang laughed.

"..." Ning Ning didn't answer.

Shi Zhongtang was silent for a moment, and pushed her out of her arms with a smile: "Okay, okay, don't you want someone to ask me clearly, go now."

Ning Ning looked at him with a complex look for a moment, and said gently, turned and left.

"... What's the benefit of helping her like this?" After she left, one masker suddenly asked from the other side. Although the other maskers did not speak, they all looked at Shi Zhongtang.

"I like her." Shi Zhongtang said without hesitation.

"Then you should make her more desperate." The masked man shook his head. "Only in this way can you pull her in and leave her with you forever."

"... Maybe one day, I will want to do this." Shi Zhongtang looked at the direction Ning Ning left, tilted his head, and his eyes were gentle. "But now, I just want to be in the dark and my heart is toward her."

No one knows what they will choose in the future. Most people regret the choices they have made in the past, and then face the choices they have now.

In the cafe, Ning Ning and Cui Hongmei looked at each other, their expressions were strange.

"... I thought that when I was dead, you would not call me out." Cui Hongmei used coffee to cover up her uncomfortableness.

Ning Ning did not expect that in her lifetime, she would actively contact Cui Hongmei. She coughed twice to conceal her embarrassment, and then asked her: "You told me before that you know where the mother's money was spent ..."

After a pause, Ning Ning stared at her eyes and asked, "Did she spend all her money on buying tickets?"