MTL - I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before-Chapter 28 Second adopter

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Ning Ning found a second adopter for Wen Yu.

Considering that the first adopter was over-drinking and caused a fire and was burned to death, this time she was carefully selected and selected a language teacher. He was round and fat. When she laughed, her features were crowded together and it looked like Very amiable.

"I'm fifty this year. I don't have any bad hobbies. Most of them go fishing on the river bank." She introduced herself to the two. "I have never been married and have no children. Because I am older, I want to have a small child. Send yourself to the end ... Ah, do you like to read comics? "

Wen Yu stopped at a bookshelf and looked up at her.

The Chinese teacher smiled and took the whole set of "Fengshen Romance" and shoved it to him: "Look in the living room, where the light is good."

Wen Yu looked at Ningning again, and Ning Ning nodded at him before he went to the living room holding the book. The Chinese teacher closed the door and said to Ningning, "Let's talk about him."

They didn't know that Wen Yu didn't go to the living room to read a book. They were in the door of the room. Wen Yu stood outside the door, leaned against the wall, and listened to them.

At first, Ning Ning said a lot of good things about Wen Yu. The Chinese teacher just listened and finally smiled and asked, "Why don't you adopt him so much?"

"He is a very good child." Ning Ning said for a while before he said, "But I am not a good adult. I have no permanent residence, no stable work, no savings, and no ability to go to school. I often ... loses his temper, and he fits better than me. "

Wen Yu dropped her eyes, suddenly raised her foot to the living room, opened a book and sat on the floor. Soon, footsteps came from behind him, and Ning Ning's hand fell on his head. Leaning on her palm, her eyes were moist and looked at her like a puppy.

"From today, you live with Teacher Yu." Ning Ning also looked at him softly, "You need to listen to her, do you know?"

Wen Yu nodded docilely, then reached out and hugged her neck.

On the way back, Ning Ning's neck still haunted the temperature he passed.

"You need to get better and better." Ningning touched his neck and said softly, "I want to get better and get better and better."

Back to the theater, it was already time for dinner. She took the lunch box from the chef, just turned around and turned around again, and smiled strangely at the other side: "Thank you."

The chef hit the head and said, "Oh, oh, thank you."

Ning Ning didn't bring the meal back to the cellar. She took the lunch box and sat on the chair next to her. The people at the table immediately stopped chatting, and looked at her strangely. He provoked a chopsticks fiercely and shoved them into his mouth.

The socialist gave a sigh and asked with a smile: "My Miss Phantom, why do you have time to accompany us for dinner today?"

"I'm the phantom on the stage." Ning Ning smiled back. "Now, I'm a personal person."

I am personal! I want to eat hot rice, I want to associate with people, I want to say thank you, I can't keep myself in the cellar forever, in the coffin of the past!

After eating, she went back to the cellar and turned out the Qian Zhihe left by her in the rain. She looked so carefully that Ning Yuren couldn't sleep over and over and asked, "It's so late. Do not you go to sleep?"

"I want to learn for a while," Ning Ning said with her back to her.

"What to learn?" Ning Yuren asked curiously.

"Learn‘ first love ’,” Ning Ning replied.

"Have you found a way?" Ning Yuren couldn't help but stand up, followed her gaze, looked at the note in her hand, and after reading the above, she frowned, "These are ... useful for acting ?"

"Useful." Ning Ning sat in a chair and looked up at her, smiling. "Are you free? I'll show you."

The next day, in the kitchen.

Chef Chen looked at them strangely: "What's the matter with you guys?"

Ning Ning held up a thousand paper cranes and said, "This is what Wen Yu gave me. He said you told him that first love is an egg roll."

Chen Chuzi's face was a little embarrassed: "Well ... I said whatever I wanted."

"Why is it an egg roll, not a **** or a toasted apple?" Ning Ning looked at him sincerely. "There is always a reason, can you tell me? This is really very important to me."

Really ca n’t beat her, Chen Chenzi had to say, “I made three years of egg rolls for my first love partner when I was young.”

"Then she was with you?" Ningning asked.

"No, she's married to someone, and I won't make egg rolls anymore."

Ning Ning lowered her head for a moment, and suddenly looked up: "Can you ask, when was the last time you made egg rolls?"

"... It was at her wedding banquet. I just invited my master to be a running mat. Of course, I went with me as an apprentice."

"I see." Ning Ning looked in the direction of putting eggs in the kitchen. "I'll make egg rolls once, can you help me taste it?"

"I can't be the master of this." Chef Chen smirked, and he is still a helper now, and he beats in the kitchen.

"Just watch me do it again." Ning Ning rolled up his sleeves and came to the cutting board.

She held an object on the cutting board, and made a kitchen knife with her other hand, and quickly cut it on top. Ning Yuren looked for a while, and then reflected that she was cutting onions, and her action was again It was so messy that it quickly became available.

The knife stopped, and she turned her fingers toward her, and turned to look at the door with a sad and happy expression. She rushed over, but stopped at the door again, and turned back downheartedly.

She started chopping vegetables again. Ning Yuren touched his ear. Did he just chop vegetables? It turned out that after watching her for a long time, she had an illusion.

If you look closely, she doesn't look like she usually does. She has a little back on her back, her feet are out of the way.

OK, OK ... finally cut the shallots, then beat the eggs, starch, and pan, she has nothing like the real thing in her hand, the pan is always empty, but when she finally came out, she was really Like standing in a scent, slowly shovel the egg roll with the empty shovel in his hand and put it on the cutting board. Small pieces and put them in two small plates

Are you mimicking Chen Chenzi? When Ning Yuren saw this, he was a little puzzled. Does this have anything to do with learning the performance of first love?

But at this moment, Ningning suddenly turned her head, looked around vigilantly, and then slowly took out something from her pocket.

Her movements to take things are very slow and slow, and her expression changes very slowly, so that Ning Yuren can clearly read her inner change at the moment-she brings something bad to her After the kitchen, she didn't want to be seen, she was hesitant now, whether to do it or not.

He moves slowly when hesitating, but moves quickly once he is determined.

She quickly took things out of her pocket. It was a bottle. She unscrewed the bottle and spilled the contents on one of the egg rolls. Ning Yuren took a sigh of relief. The light in her eyes found that Chen Chenzi was already covered. stiff.

Finally, Ning Ning turned around, leaving the egg rolls just out of the pan with her left hand, and the egg rolls that she had cut out with her right hand, and handed them to Chen Chuzi.

"Do you want her to eat the first egg roll." She asked, "still want her to eat the last egg roll?"

Chef Chen swallowed and said, "Of course, the original egg roll ... she is still alive."

Then the name of this first love is called giving up and forgiving.

The two went out of the kitchen. Ning Yuren walked behind Ning Ning and suddenly asked, "You want to play all the people on the paper?"

"Yes," said Ningning, a pile of paper spread out in his hands.

"Why?" Ning Yuren shook his head. "What you want to play is the phantom, not the cook above, sweeping aunt, opera teacher, you are a waste of time."

"No waste." Ning Ning looked back at her. "For me, if you want to play a role, you must first understand his inner activities at that time, and then push out the actions he will take and what he will say. I didn't I can't perform a phantom because I can't understand her inner activities ... I can't understand how she feels when she falls in love with someone. "

Looking down, looking at the pile of paper, the pile of people on the paper: "I have no other good way, I just keep performing and keep understanding, until I finish all the people above, put I tried all my first love above, and maybe I caught something. "

At the same time to get rid of Qu Ning'er's influence on her, after all, she was acting, not Qu Ning'er, she could not always be dominated by this past phantom.

So a difficult self-training began. You ca n’t take up the time of normal training and rehearsal, so you can only desperately squeeze out the rest time, but even so, not everyone is willing to cooperate with her. These people temporarily give up and find someone who is willing to cooperate with her.

So the first thousand paper cranes, the second thousand paper cranes, the third thousand paper cranes ... As the number of thousand paper cranes in Ning Ning's hand is getting less and less, the condition of Ning Ning is getting better and better, everything is in Fortunately, the only thing that surprised people was the dream at midnight. There was always one person beside me. I always get one more when I eat, and I can only eat it myself.

It was another morning.

"What do you want to do?" Jiaohua looked at Ningning in doubt and vigilance, thinking that she was more abnormal today than usual.

"I heard that Chen Guanchao is your first love." Ning Ning approached her step by step.

Communicators are more vigilant: "That's for sure!"

"What do you like about him?" Ning Ning learned Chen Guanchao's look, **** in front of his forehead, and then flung forward handsomely, "So?"

After that, the hand that was thrown out was propped up on the big tree behind the flower, and smiled cynically at her, while the corners of his mouth were upturned: "... or so?"

The hair of the communicator was all up, and she gave a fierce nod, bent over and escaped from under her elbow, turning back and cursing, "Did you take the wrong medicine today?"

"I'm just curious." Ning Ning said to her with a smile.

The communicator rolled his eyes, walked over, and said to her with a low voice: "Less there to be pure, aren't your goals the same as mine, all for his money, money, money!"

Looking at her back, Ning Ning folded her arms behind her and shook her head with a smile. Not every first love is beautiful, and sometimes lies and lies. Life is so complex, even if it is such a first love, it can be reduced to small fragments to fill her heart.

But something was missing.

"... You're not here." Ning Ning sighed and slowly turned back, "I always feel something missing."

Behind him, Wen Yu smiled at her. The sun was shining through the shade of the tree, tilted down, and cut into small light spots by the leaves, and sprinkled on his face.

Until he was hugged by his waist, Ning Ning returned to God, hugged him with his backhand, and couldn't help but smile: "Why are you back?"

There were footsteps in front of her. She looked up and saw the language teacher standing opposite the words.

"... Sorry." She let go of her biting lip and said to Ningning, "I still can't adopt him."

"... Why?" Ningning asked.

Wen Yu held Ning Ning's waist, and slowly looked back at the Chinese teacher. The Chinese teacher avoided his eyes and said in a panic, "Nothing."

Ning Ning immediately burst into anger and walked towards her: "What the **** do you mean? He is not a pet. You bought it for a few days and felt unsatisfactory and wanted to return it! Why? There must be a reason?"

The Chinese teacher stopped talking for a moment, leaving a sentence: "If you have time, you can look at his painting."

Ning Ning froze and painted? What painting?

Wen Yu came over from behind and gently pulled her hand. Ning Ning bent over and touched his head, comforted: "It's all right, she doesn't want you, I want you."

He also felt that it was not good for the child to feel resentment, so he took his hand and shook in the direction of the Chinese teacher's departure: "Say goodbye to Teacher Yu, be careful on the road."

Heiyou's eyes looked at the direction the Chinese teacher was leaving, Wen Yu slowly waved his little hand, listened to Ning Ning's words submissively, opened his mouth, and said silently: Goodbye, be careful on the road.

... She should be more careful ...

A few days later, the fisherman found a floating corpse on the river with a pale complexion and his hair floating like seaweed. It was the Chinese teacher who disappeared for a few days.