MTL - I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before-Chapter 23 Old dream

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"Wow!" Chen Guanchao was scared as soon as he ran out of the cellar.

Ning Yuren who escaped one step later: "..."

After finally vomiting, Chen Guanchao crouched on the ground and trembled hugging herself: "She is terrible! I am most afraid of ghosts!"

Ning Yuren: "... the courage is so small, what thriller do you make?"

Chen Guanchao blushed and stared back at her: "Aren't you afraid? Then go back and live with her!"

Ning Yuren shook his head if he didn't want it, his upper and lower teeth struck together, Ge Ge Ge Ge ...

Chen Guanchao basked in the sun for a while, feeling that the yang was full again, and the courage was back, so he stood up and pointed at Ning Yuren, pointing to the mountains and mountains like: "Tell you, you can't win her like this!"

Ning Yuren froze.

"There is only one candidate for Phantom!" Chen Guanchao laughed and raised her finger to the direction of the cellar. "Now it looks like she is more phantom than you?"

Ning Yuren's face turned pale.

The next day, the man called by Chen Guanchao cleaned up the room and the cellar. Ning Yuren held his daily necessities in the clean and bright room for a moment, and resolutely walked out of the cellar.

... at night, she was too scared to sleep and wanted to go to the toilet ...

Two coffins were discharged side by side in the cellar. Ning Yuren's ears were stuck on the inner wall of the coffin for a while. He did not hear Ning Ning's voice, swallowed his mouthwater, turned on the flashlight, and climbed lightly from the coffin, suddenly Feeling something awkward around her, she crunched her head and saw a woman sitting next to the coffin, looking at her with a veil.

"Ghost !!!" Ning Yuren screamed out of the cellar.

"No, I'm not a ghost." Ning Ning pulled away the hair in front of her face and showed a tearful face. "I just can't sleep with nightmares, ohh, ohh ..."

That night, Ning Yuren came back very late. After returning, he tossed and turned around. He didn't dare to sleep one night and woke up.

Ningning didn't know why Ning Yuren was so afraid of her, but soon she realized that not only her mother, but everyone else was very afraid of her.

Until one day I heard someone secretly discuss her.

"Did you think ..." There was a bunch of melon seeds in front of me, and the social flower sipped melon seeds and said to everyone, "Wen Xiaoning is a little strange!"

"It's a bit. I got up to the bathroom one night and saw her walking around the yard alone, crying and laughing at the plum tree."

"Oh, you've seen it? Actually, I've seen it, but instead of facing the plum blossom, I was holding a doll with only a head and combing it while talking to it."

When people return to their former homes, they are inevitable. Ning Ning justified in his heart that all the grass and trees around him were memories, which made people cry and laugh.

"Hey ..." The social flower suddenly called everyone over and asked in a low voice. "Do you think she ... is it a ghost?"

The crowd hissed a sigh of relief, and one of them sneered, "How can it be a ghost who can walk in the sun?"

"But have you seen her eat hot food?" Asked Jiaohua. "I saw everything. She never eats hot food, whether it is hot rice, soup or hot water!"

"By the way, she didn't take a hot bath, she wiped it with cold water."

"And the bed doesn't sleep. I like to sleep in the coffin."

"Oh, don't tell me, I goosebumps ..."

"So, how can a normal person ..." The socialist flower was about to make a summary, and then suddenly spoke, looking back in one direction.

Seeing that she had found herself, Ning Ning had to come over from that direction. No one spoke for a while. She bypassed the crowd. Behind her, somebody shouted, "Monster."

Ning Ning stepped forward, then carried his lunch box and continued to move forward.

After returning to the cellar, don't rush to eat. The lunch box is first placed on the table and opened to cool. It's not because she likes to eat candies, but because of the sequelae of the last movie, she can't touch hot things at all.

They're right. How can a normal person live such a life, so turn on the desk lamp and illuminate the mirror. The mirror is a face that is completely unlike a living person. It is pale, gloomy, and lifeless. A spider web was added to the cellar.

This is not her, but ...

"Qu Ninger." Ning Ning called gently.

In the mirror, Qu Ning'er smiled at her, innocent and evil, with a trace of madness in her smile.

"... You are fake. It is an illusion that I got into the drama too deeply." Ning Ning stared at the mirror and said calmly, "It is a kind of self-cognitive disorder. It was left by me too much in the role last time. Sequelae, you are non-existent and will disappear over time. "

"I won't disappear." Qu Ning'er in the mirror raised a finger to his lips, as if telling a little secret, secretly told her, "I'm home."

Ning Ning closed her eyes quickly, her heart pounding.

She is now in a very dangerous situation. It seems that because she returned to the old house of Qujia, she not only had hallucinations, but also hallucinations. The former residence awakened not only memories but also Quninger in her body.

"... disappear." Ning Ning closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, "Your movie is over, you should disappear, disappear! Leave my body !!!"

"... I won't leave." She couldn't see Qu Ning'er, but her voice rang in her ear, whining and crying, "Dad is dead, Mother Wang is dead, all I have is you, oh I will never leave you! Forever !!! "

... It's a nightmare, and there is no end to it ...

It seems to be to appease Ning Ning so she can continue to lie on her. Qu Ning'er has caused her a lot of problems while giving her the same benefit-the best gift for an actor.

"Good acting!" Chen Guanchao didn't hesitate his praise, applauding, "It's too good! It's just like a real ghost!"

"... What did you say?" Ning Ning turned his head, "I can't hear you closer."

"... Oh." Chen Guanchao trot over thirty meters away, but still dared not to get too close to her, stopped at three steps away, held up the script in his hand and said, "I write a new one according to your situation. A scene, rehearsing later, to see the effect? ​​"

Having said that, before Ning Ning refused, he turned back to say hello to others, and soon came a group of people, almost half a month ago, who were undergoing rigorous and boring training every day. Everyone wanted to have fun , Are also willing to sell Chen Dao this investor and starring a face.

Ning Ning also felt that he had been too tight recently and needed to relax, so he smiled at him: "Okay, show me the script."

The title of this scene is-"Victory of the Ghost"

This is a chase scene. At night, the rich lady secretly came to the theater. She originally wanted to surprise Lu Yunhe, but unexpectedly found that he was with another woman, thinking that Lu Yunhe was in love with her, and the rich lady was furious. Immediately rushed to try to catch the woman.

But in the process of chasing, the positions of the two sides were reversed, and the woman chased her. Eventually, the rich lady fell down the stairs. She looked up painfully and saw a ghostly shadow on the high stairs. Mockery and the smile of the winner sang a song to her.

Ning Ning put down the script: "So much?"

Just braille, do you feel comfortable writing a new scene? Aren't you afraid readers and audience friends call you short Jun?

"Isn't this card inspiration!" Chen Guanchao was not ashamed, but proud of it, urging, "Hurry up and let me find inspiration!"

You are the investor you are the biggest! The stage was quickly set up. Should Chen Guanchao be pursuing perfection, or be lenient with others and be strict with others? In short, he has very high requirements for other people. He was only making a scene temporarily, but he also did his best. Even the several vertical bronze mirrors that were only used in the formal shooting were brought to the stage. With **** together, he threw himself handsomely on the stage: "Start!"

Communicating flowers handed the parasol in her hand to the attendant around, and went to the stage with a smile. After a while, I felt the sun again, so I took the parasol back, but before the umbrella was opened, Chen Guanchao roared: "Let it go!"

The communication was frowned, and she said, "Today, the sun is so big that everyone's skin will be tanned."

Chen Guanchao walked over without saying a word, grabbed her umbrella and knocked it on her knees, then stared at her and said, "Remember me, this play happened at night! Without the sun, not even the moon! A few stars can Did you sunburn? "

He was so scared that he could not speak, but Ningning looked at him, but he had an inexplicable sense of familiarity. This is also true of Chen Dao in the real world. He can usually make jokes with people. Once the film is shot, he is A set tyrant.

Chen Guanchao dropped the broken umbrella in his hand, then turned around and pointed at him, "Go!"

She is a smart person, knowing when she should be coquettish and when she should be serious. When she sees Ning Ning coming on stage, she doesn't hide her jealousy and screams at her: "What kind of person are you? What is your relationship with him?"

Just like the rich lady is jealous of Phantom, she is also jealous of Ning Ning. Maybe Ning Ning doesn't feel it by herself, but she knows it. Chen Guanchao cares about her very much. Although he says he cares about her acting skills, who knows what it means Is it true?

Men are sometimes fiercer than women, and if they care a little, they may develop good intentions.

Before Ning Ning stood still, she saw the socializing flower rushed at her, and she hurried away, and then ran around the whole stage.

Something is wrong.

Very wrong.

After running for about a few minutes, Ning Ning gradually realized that something was wrong.

The time is night and the place is the theater. Although it is not completely invisible, but the vision is blurred. People outside the theater run around in this place. It is inevitable to bump and bump. It is impossible to move as easily as during the day.

But the social flower didn't have any obstructed sight, she followed her closely, and she could almost catch her several times. Seeing Ning Ning turn back, the social flower smiled slightly, it was the winner's smile.

Ningning suddenly understood.

There was a loophole in the script just now.

Chen Guanchao only wrote "In the process of chasing, the positions of the two sides are upside down", but he did not understand when and for what reason the positions are upside down.

So the decision is in the hands of the communicator. When she wants to stop chasing, she stops chasing. When she wants to reverse the position, she reverses the position. She is a cat and Ningning is a mouse. The protagonist of this play completely becomes she was!

"Little mouse!" Jiaohua looked at the opposite Ning Ning, sneering in her heart. "Phantom that will be caught by mortals, can it be called phantom? No, the moment you are caught, you are no longer phantom, no You have never been a phantom! You are just a little mouse timidly living in a cellar! "

She swooped forward, but Ning Ning sideways avoided it. At the moment her eyes met in the air, Ning Ning suddenly jumped off the stage and ran outside.

The action of the social flower was a meal, she hesitantly looked at the direction of Ning Ning's escape, not knowing whether she should chase. But at this time Chen Guanchao's roar sounded in her ear: "What are you doing? I haven't called the card yet, this play is not over! Chase!"

The social flower had to jump off the stage and Chao Ningning chased after it.

She originally thought that Ning Ning could not bear the pressure she gave, so she ran away, or she wanted Ning Ning to do this, and then found a place where no one was crying like a loser, but Ning Ning stopped in front, like It was intentionally waiting for her, when she drew closer, she turned and ran again.

"What is she doing?" Communication spent wondering, "Where will she lead me?"

Ning Ning stopped at the door of the cellar, turned her around and glanced at her, then walked down the cellar step by step.

"It turned out that I went home and cried." Jiaohua was so happy in her heart that she couldn't help but show the smile of the winner. In order to see her crying, she followed the cellar.

Then, with a bang, the cellar door closed behind her.

The light was dim, the surroundings were dark, and the social media stepped back, looking back at the door, but a blow was blown around her neck. She raised her hand to cover her neck, but heard a chuckle from not far away , Full of malice, full of mockery.

"You came to my house," the voice said lowly to her, "get out, or ... stay forever!"