MTL - It’s Obviously a Life Skill, But You Developed It Into a Magical Skill-Chapter 14 beast! Squirrel!

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Chapter 14 Beast! Squirrel!

 “Why is it so strange?”

Yu Hang was lying on the bed, with his hands behind his head, looking at the ceiling, lost in thought.

 There is no other feeling, it’s just weird.

Today’s teaching was the same as usual, and nothing unusual happened between eating and leaving, but Yu Hang just felt strange.

Especially during today's teaching, he saw Sun Dan turning his back more than once and secretly licking the back of his hand.

Moreover, Sun Dan's various movements were not as steady as before, and his eyes also revealed an animalistic quality.

 Beast nature!

Yu Hang sat up suddenly and supported the bed with his hands.

"Yes, it's animal nature! In addition to human eyes, there is always a dangerous beast in Mr.'s eyes today."

 He finally understood what was strange about tonight.

Today, every time Mr. lowers his head or looks away, there is an unconcealable aura of a beast.

Especially the action of licking the back of the hand, and the slight beating when walking, they all look like...a mouse!


Yu Hang felt the hair on his hair stand on end instantly. He stood up and put on his clothes.

 In recent times, the squirrel's worship of people has become a thorn in everyone's side.

Now Sun Dan acted like a mouse again, and Yu Hang connected instantly.

 “I have to contact the boss quickly.”

 Now is a critical period, and every tiny detail may bring about big changes.

 If he finds something, he must report it.

 As to whether it is true or false, it doesn’t matter anymore.

 At this time, evidence is not important. If you have doubts, control them first and then slowly verify them.

 Special times, use special methods.

Yu Hang got dressed and was ready to go out.

He casually held the long knife at his waist. He had just grasped the door bolt, but before he could open the door, he suddenly saw something strange through the crack in the door.

The houses in a remote alley like this are actually very average, even bad, so the doors don't close tightly.

Through the gap, Yu Hang saw a pair of eyes outside the door, looking into the house.

Those eyes have no human emotions, but are filled with the breath of beasts, cunning, dangerous and bloodthirsty.

Yu Hang was stared at by those eyes, and goosebumps suddenly appeared all over his body. He took two steps back, put his hand on the handle of the knife, and looked wary.

 “Dong dong dong.”

There was a knock on the door, especially at night.

Yu Hang didn’t speak, but there was a huge wave of panic in his mind.

This look is from his private school teacher Sun Dan.

 “Here comes the door.”

Yu Hang held the long knife tightly.

 He was the only one left in the room.

The gray rat worships people, which is extremely evil.

Yu Hang felt that it might be difficult for him to escape.

 The knocking on the door sounded for a moment, then stopped and became quiet again.

 At this time, there was a sound outside.

"Yu Hang, open the door. I know you are inside. You should know who I am. A wooden door cannot stop me. I came here to discuss with you today." Sun Shan Dan changed his usual gentle and gentle voice, and his voice was very rough.

Yu Hang took a deep breath: "Sir, why did you come to me?"

 Outside the door, there was no answer.

Yu Hang still didn't come forward. He stayed in the room and looked at the door warily.

 After a while, a terrifying scene appeared.

A pitch-black claw appeared from the crack in the door and slowly moved upwards. After touching the latch of the wooden door, it lifted slightly and the latch fell to the ground with a sound.


 The wooden door is open!

 A figure appeared outside the door.

Yu Hang’s pupils narrowed when he saw this figure. Sun Dan no longer looks like a scholar, or even a human being.

 The whole body is covered with sparse black hair, the mouth protrudes outward, and the front teeth become extremely long.

 Hands have foot-long claws, and there is a tail behind it.


Yu Hang reacted instantly and without giving Sun Dan a chance to speak, he drew his knife and went straight forward.

  The agents all know some basic martial arts moves, even Yu Hang is like this.

Yu Hang didn’t know if he could survive, but he had to at least give it a try.

  Sometimes, if you don’t work hard, you won’t have a chance, but if you work hard, you will have a chance.

 His swordsmanship is very poor and inferior. It can even be said that he can only fight with ordinary people.


 A voice sounded, and the long knife split into two pieces.

"do not move."

Sun Dan's voice came.

“I’ve said it all, I’m not going to kill you, just listen to what I have to say first.”

 The black nails rested on Yu Hang's neck. Yu Hang felt a bone-chilling chill, and goosebumps spread from his neck to his whole body.

“Sir, it’s not too late to find your way back when you’ve lost your way,” Yu Hang said.

Sun Dan had a sinister look on his face: "You know when you've lost your way, how did you know that I went astray?"

“Sir, he has always been a respectable elder, but since the appearance of Gray Rat Bairen, something has happened to him. Is he being bewitched?” Yu Hang continued.

Now he has a guess that the chinchilla worshiping people may not be weird, but man-made.

"You are a very good student." Sun Dan said slowly, "So I want to give you a chance to see the power I have? This is something I have never had before."

Yu Hang frowned: "Sir, I don't quite understand."

Sun Dan sneered and said, "You still need me to explain it more clearly."

“I have been a scholar from the previous dynasty to now, but I have never gained the power of a scholar. You know how high the threshold of a scholar is. A scholar who has not gained the power is useless.”

“But it’s different now. I have successfully gained strength and become an existence that ordinary people cannot imagine. All this is because..."

 At this point, Sun Dan stopped.

 His eyes became colder and colder.

 “Are you trying to trick me?”

Yu Hang smiled bitterly and said: "Sir, I am the fish and you are the chopping board. How can I deceive you? I just want to know more. If you come to me, there must be something wrong. If you know more, I may be able to help. ”

Sun Dan’s eyes softened slightly: “That’s right.”

 In the face of strong strength, all conspiracies and tricks are empty talk.

If the other party doesn't agree to what you said, just kill him.

"The Cult of Beasts!" Sun Dan showed a look of admiration: "Burn incense and open the altar, worship for seven days, empty out its internal organs, and eat it raw, you can gain unparalleled power."

Yu Hang’s face was full of shock.

 It was no different from his guess.

The other party is really not weird, but a mysterious force.

A gray rat worships a person for seven days and eats its internal organs raw to gain the power of the beast.

"Have you thought about it? Do me a favor and I will let you get this power." Sun Dan said coldly.

 “What are you busy with?” Yu Hang asked.

Sun Dan took out a gray mouse and said, "Put this thing in the room of Xie Baotou Yamen."

Yu Hang understood instantly: "Do you want to thank the head catcher?"

“The internal organs of third-rate masters are better than those of ordinary people.” Sun Dan sneered: “I’ve said everything, do you agree?”

Yu Hang fell into silence.

Sun Dan frowned, sensing something was wrong, and was about to speak.

At this time, Yu Hang stretched out his hand, tightly wrapped around Sun Dan's arm, and shouted towards the door.

 “Let’s go quickly! Go to the Yamen!”

 (End of this chapter)