MTL - It’s Hard For a Good Wife and Mother-Chapter 17 go to market

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Liugang Town is about 30 miles away from Mojia Village. Mo Dai and Mo Guihua walked non-stop for about an hour and a half before arriving at the town. By now it was time, and the town was reserved for vendors to set up stalls. The entire avenue has long been occupied.

Mo Dai felt that she had failed Xu Shaolin's expectations, especially when she was followed by a woman who sighed after taking two steps, she felt more and more that she must not be traveling today.

Mo Guihua glanced at the crowded stalls on both sides of the street, and couldn't help but sighed again. If according to modern people's saying, if you sigh, you will lose one year of life, Mo Dai believes that Mo Guihua has already died more than once.

Mo Dai simply wasn't in a hurry to find a place to settle down, and looked around at the things sold at the stalls on both sides.

Modai found that stalls can be roughly divided into three categories. One category is businessmen with physical stores in the town, who sell fixed products, such as pastries, food, grain, oil, rice noodles, ready-made clothing and fabrics, gold and silver jewelry, etc.; One is hunters, who sell wild animals hunted from the mountains, such as foxes, rabbits, pheasants, etc.; The most are eggs, and there are all kinds of snacks made by myself, or purse accessories embroidered by myself...

The vendors shouted everywhere, all eagerly expecting that their things would enter the buyer's eyes, be emptied in one fell swoop, and then happily count the money.

Looking at the fifty eggs in her basket, Mo Dai felt a little troubled. The competition in the egg market is too fierce, and her eggs may not necessarily look better than others'. Can they be sold?

Along the way, Mo Dai asked the prices of many items, which made Mo Guihua behind her very puzzled, is this person here to sell or buy? However, Mo Dai's behavior of only asking whether to buy or not quickly annoyed a lot of vendors, so when she walked to a pastry shop and looked at the pastries that were exactly the same as those Mo Wuyun brought back yesterday and wanted to ask the price, the proprietress of the shop seemed to be rushing. Like a fly, he waved his sleeves disdainfully: "Go away, go away, don't block my business!"

Although Mo Dai was upset, she didn't want to be persistent with the proprietress, so she only glanced at the proprietress, conveying the meaning of "I remember you" in her eyes, and left quickly.

"Damn! What are you staring at? You just want to put on a show, so you're going to die!" The proprietress scolded with a crooked nose, and when she saw a guest who was not so poorly dressed, she hurriedly moved forward. Put on a flattering smile.

Mo Dai still walked forward and asked the price all the way, her mood was not affected at all, but Mo Guihua couldn't do it, she still felt aggrieved, what she thought was, is this Mo Daxi stupid? Why should poor people like them go to that pastry shop to make trouble, it's just asking for trouble!

Passing by a restaurant called "Fu Man Tang", seeing Mo Dai planning to stick her head in again, Mo Guihua hurriedly grabbed her, took her to an inconspicuous place, and said in a low voice: "I said big Xi, this restaurant is one of the best restaurants in Liugang Town, and the people who go in to eat are all wealthy households, why don't you stick your head out and look around, be careful not to be ridiculed by that little second lady, then you will lose yourself s face!"

Looking at Mo Guihua's serious appearance, Mo Dai couldn't help feeling amused, but at the same time, she was very relieved. She never thought that Mo Daxi, a bastard, would be able to make such an honest and loyal friend as Mo Guihua.

"I heard a storyteller's voice inside, and I'm a little curious, why don't we go and listen to it?" Mo Dai rubbed her chin, although she was talking about a storyteller, she was actually thinking about just now She came all the way to ask the price to learn the information.

The reason why Mo Dai asked the price all the way was because when she couldn't find clear price information in Mo Daxi's memory, Mo Dai really wanted to scold: Mo Daxi, you are really nothing! The family lives in poverty, but she has no sense of making money to support the family. Not only can't make money to support the family, but she also gambles and drinks too much. She is still poor and pretends to be generous, and never asks the price when buying things. As long as people say a few words of praise to her, she will let them take her as a victim without knowing it.

Mo Dai didn't ask the price for nothing. It gave her a general understanding of the purchasing power of money in this world. You can buy a white noodle steamed bun for three pennies, a vegetable and meat bun for three pennies, pork for twenty pennies a catty, an egg for two pennies a catty, polished rice and white noodles for seven pennies a catty, brown rice for five pennies a catty, and black noodles for three pennies a catty. Seed oil costs thirteen cents a catty, etc.

Mo Dai also learned that the prices of wild animals hunted from the mountains vary. If they are really rare objects, they can be sold at a good price, but they are not easy to sell, because most of these things are bought by wealthy households. The people simply can't bear it.

However, the most common hunters sell are pheasants, hares, etc. If you are lucky, someone will hunt foxes or something. A pheasant weighing three to four catties can usually be sold for about thirty yuan, and a hare weighing four to five catties can be sold for sixty yuan. Rare things like foxes can be sold for their fur only if their fur is peeled well. Two liang of silver is more than enough for an ordinary family to spend the previous year with food and clothing.

Mo Dai didn't see anyone selling wild boar at the stalls selling wild animals, thinking that wild boars should be difficult to hunt, and they are also rare. But if it is sold by catty by catty, the customer base can only be ordinary people, and the price is definitely not as good as fresh pork, and it is time-consuming and labor-intensive. It is best to find a big buyer and sell the meat all at once. For buyers who have the ability to consume so much meat, restaurants and restaurants should be the first choice.

It's not that Mo Dai has never thought about Mo Guihua's concerns, but in order to sell the meat at a good price, Mo Dai decided to sacrifice her old face, but at that time, she will most likely be kicked out by the second mother with a stick We must also face the wind.

"Sister-in-law Osmanthus, just wait here, help me take care of these things, I'll come as soon as I go!" Mo Dai put down the basket on her arm, and then took off the basket on her back, ignoring Mo Guihua's objection, and took a deep breath , and then strode towards Fumantang.

Mo Dai walked to the gate of Fumantang, looked up at the majestic "Fumantang" inscribed by someone who didn't know who it was, and was actually a little bit upset in her heart, but for the sake of selling meat, let's go!

Fumantang, here she comes!

As soon as Mo Dai stepped into the lobby of Fumantang, the little Erniang, who was in charge of serving tea and pouring water, came forward. The little Erniang glanced at Mo Dai's whole body, the purple-black old short jacket with slanted **** and the old sarong skirt of the same color, without any accessories on her head, and her whole body was dusty, even though she looked good, she couldn't make up for the fact that— This person is a pauper of the first class!

"Hey, hello guest officer, do you want to enjoy morning tea or listen to a book?" The little second mother still smiled, but there was obvious contempt in her smile. She had a round face. A small thin eye is piled in the fat, and the light shoots out from the eye slit, which makes people look very uncomfortable.

"I'm here..."

"I'm really sorry, the morning tea has just been sold out, and lunch preparations haven't started yet? And the upstairs storytelling space has been reserved by Mrs. Shi, and no one else can enter. Look..." Mo Dai said When he wanted to speak, he was interrupted by the second lady. In a word, this place is where the rich set foot, and the poor should be a little self-aware, and stay where they want to be cool!

For poor people like Mo Dai, the little second mother usually drives them away with such harsh words. Those poor people are not only poor but also have a lot of self-esteem. When she said this, they must have a face full of suffocation. Subdued and obediently leave, the little Erniang waited for Modai to leave automatically like everyone else in the past.

However, Modai is willing to throw out her old face. If a woman doesn't even want her old face, there is probably nothing that can stop her!

"Little Er Niang, is this how you treat guests? Go and call your shopkeeper!"

"Damn! Are you able to see the shopkeeper too? Why, want to make trouble? Don't **** and look at the shadow... Hey, what the **** are you doing?" The little second mother was talking when she suddenly saw Mo Dai. Lifting up the sarong as if to take off his trousers and squat down, he was shocked all of a sudden.

"As you said, take off your pants and pee to reflect my own shadow!" Mo Dai grinned, the teeth looked so white and creepy in the eyes of the second lady, "Young lady, you Do you know what is my relationship with Mrs. Shi upstairs?"

-----Off Topic-----

It's late today, because I'm busy with the handover of resignation today, and the boss asked everyone to have dinner together in the evening, so I have time to update the article at this time~