MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 789 Blood sacrifice to a city, easy peach picking

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  Chapter 789 Blood Sacrifice for a City, Peach Picking

  As 'Gong Kang''s self-doubt continued to deepen, Qin Muye felt that even if the other party didn't have mental problems, he was about to have mental problems under this repeated stimulation.

  Blood has enveloped the entire city, condensing into a mist that cannot be dispelled.

   "Successful, finally successful, Da Luo Jinxian, the bottleneck that has trapped me for the rest of my life."

   King Yi's tone was full of joy, and the sense of joy was vividly expressed on this fat body.

  Based on the expression Qin Muye saw, he almost floated up.

  However, he also knows that this is actually just a disguise of King Yi. With his current strength, how could he not be able to adjust his posture, such an appearance is nothing more than showing slovenliness, so that outsiders can misjudge himself through his body shape.

  Impressions are very important, especially first impressions, and King Yi happened to not care about his own image, using it as a layer of camouflage.

  All ages look at their faces, and I didn't see that Qin Muye's image has never been able to be charming, and he can only rely on hard power to get it out.

   "Da Luo."

   "Hey, well, it's a first-come, first-served basis. I've made a reservation for this thing before." Qin Muye said.

  At that moment, King Yi reacted instantly, and in his mind, a long sword burst out and stabbed Qin Muye directly.

   It just landed on Qin Muye without any reaction at all.

   "Hui Jian, Hongchen Dao, you are also a talent, I thought your spirit beast was of the Soul Dao." Qin Muye pinched the sword light, as if he didn't care.

The Hui Sword itself is similar to the Soul Dao, so it's normal to be mistaken, and King Yi's Hui Sword is different from Fan Hua's. Fan Hua's is a translucent flying sword, while Yi Wang is like a black Jianmang.

  Each wisdom sword is different, just like everyone is different.

   "It seems that my grandson should have been talking to you before." Yi Wang seemed to be understating his expression, but in fact he was extremely vigilant and fearful in his heart.

  Through the comparison just now, he can be sure that the person in front of him is definitely Da Luo Jinxian.

   Otherwise, how could he stand here for so long without being able to find out.

   "Is it true?" 'Gong Kang' widened his eyes, and then said a little crazy: "You were lying to me just now!!"

"That's right, I'm just lying to you, and I'm not your parents, why should I spoil you." Qin Muye didn't talk to Yi Wang, but was serious and looked at the 'Gong Kang' who was about to be sent away. Said.

  Hearing Qin Muye's words, at that moment, 'Gong Kang' only felt his blood surge, and his whole spirit began to collapse.

   He has been stimulated enough today, so much that he can't bear it.

   "Senior doesn't know, this blood sacrifice is just to help me become a Daluo Jinxian from the peak of Jinxian, and it is useless to senior." Yi Wang said in a deep voice. Although he didn't know why Qin Muye was eyeing the blood sacrifice, he still explained the purpose to Qin Muye.

  The other party came here with a plan.

   "I know, but I have to come. There are some things that I can't help myself." Qin Muye sighed, expressing that he is innocent, and you can blame his body for anything.

  As soon as these words came out, King Yi's expression darkened in an instant, not because Qin Muye was coming to spoil his good deeds, but because judging from the other party's tone, someone asked him to come.

   His mind circled around the names of his brothers and sisters, and finally landed on the figure of his tall father.

  If there is anyone who can drive a Da Luo Jinxian, there will be no one except the Lingdi who is already a Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

   "It's my father, isn't it." King Yi said immediately.

"Hahaha~"'Gong Kang' laughed arrogantly, especially after King Yi said this, he was tricked by the grandfather Yiwang, and his grandfather Yiwang was tricked by the great-grandfather Lingdi. Calculated, there has never been anything new about the royal family.

   "Ah, that's right." Qin Muye felt that the other party had made up his mind for him, so wouldn't it be embarrassing if he didn't admit it, anyway, Emperor Ling took the blame for him.

"I don't know what my father promised to senior, you might as well tell me and see if Xiao Wang can offer a higher price." Yi Wang is not stupid, if he can't come out, he just shouts that I will pay double, Because double is really not enough.

  Lingdi is so strong that he can take life or death.

  So I can only find a way to talk hard.

   "My life, look at what else can be more valuable than my own life." Qin Muye said cooperatively, but his eyes never left the altar.

  The last step of the blood sacrifice is feedback.

   It's just still in the process of forming, it only needs a little time, and this time is the process of negotiation between the two.

"As expected, I can't afford the price." Yi Wang spoke very sincerely, facing Qin Muye and not a weakling like 'Gong Kang', naturally he couldn't be petty, because it didn't make any sense. You can easily control your mind.

"So you can only talk to Emperor Ling about this matter. If he is willing to let me go, I will stop immediately. If he doesn't want to, I can't help it." Qin Muye spread his hands, expressing that it was all the fault of Emperor Ling, and He doesn't matter.

   "Is there no room for negotiation?" Yi Wang still spoke.

   "I've said it before, if you can pay more than my life, I'll leave immediately." Qin Muye thought why this kid didn't give up.

  Looking at the other party's appearance, he will definitely not give up.

  So in order to avoid capsizing in the gutter, Qin Muye decided to act first.

   "Well~ suddenly remembered, it's not impossible to discuss." Qin Muye changed his words abruptly.

  This behavior not only did not make King Yi relax his vigilance, but was ready to attack at any time.



   There was a sound, and Qin Muye had moved behind King Yi at some point, holding the Immortal in the Mirror and giving him a blow.

  The majestic force directly smashed King Yi into the ground, leaving only a pothole.

   "Should be able to faint him for three to five days." Qin Muye was actually not sure about the strength of his attack, and he was not sure whether it would be three days or five days.

   "Cough, don't worry, I didn't kill him. Afterwards, you two can still be filial to your father and grandson." Qin Muye said to the shocked 'Gong Kang'.

"I am a good person!"

  After thinking about it for a while, Qin Muye opened his mouth and recounted his identity for 'Gong Kang'.

   Just looking at the appearance of 'Gong Kang', it seemed that he didn't believe Qin Muye's statement at all.

   "You are not sent by Emperor Ling at all."

  The immobile 'Gong Kang' suddenly said such a sentence.

  Qin Muye touched his cheek, and asked with some doubts: "Where did I show my flaws?"

   "No, I just lied to you." 'Gong Kang' smiled, and then said: "I'm dying, can you help me?"

   "Send you a ride? No problem, just ask how you want to die." Qin Muye said that there is no problem.

   "I want to die with my grandfather Yi Wang."'Gong Kang' said.

   "You just made two requests, well, what benefits can you give me?" Qin Muye opened his mouth to ask for benefits, why would he do things that are not beneficial.

   "I can complete the blood sacrifice ceremony sooner." As soon as the voice of 'Gong Kang' fell, the process of blood coagulation became faster and faster.

   Soon, a little golden light emerged from the blood-red mist. With the birth of the light, the blood color gradually shrank, as if it was compressed into the golden light.

   "How about it, help me kill King Yi first."'Gong Kang' proposed his own benefits.

   "Of course it's no problem, but you have to pay the money and deliver the goods. When you're done, I'll send your grandfather on the road." Qin Muye said.

This 'Gong Kang' is playing tricks, every vassal king has the imprint of Lingdi on his body, if he dies, Lingdi will not only have a sense, but also come immediately, when the time comes for 'Gong Kang' he will be able to survive.

  Qin Muye naturally saw this, so he said this.

"It's a deal!" Although 'Gong Kang' hated his teeth itchingly, he didn't show it. At this time, it was a gamble. If he won the bet, he would survive. If he lost the bet, he would die. Although he was not reconciled, But there is nothing to do.

When all the blood-colored mist turned into a drop of golden light, Qin Muye stretched out his hand and held it in his hand, while 'Gong Kang' beside him was worthless, struggling, rolled down the altar and crawled towards the door past.

  ‘So. How to use this thing? ’ Qin Muye was thinking about this matter in his heart, whether to swallow the fusion directly or there are other ways to deal with it, and the main body didn't say why.

  In the end, I could only open my mouth and swallow it into my stomach.

  (end of this chapter)