MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 25

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A thumb-length bloodstain crawled on Wen Ning's forehead, red and swollen into thin fleshy ribs, shocking.

Gu Chixi held her chin, leaned in to take a closer look, and murmured, "What kind of sharp thing did this... You got into a fight with someone?" He stared coldly, and with the other hand lifted Wen Ning's hair.

The palms are warm. Hot, close to the skinny jaw line, the red lips are close at hand.

Wen Ning turned her face away reluctantly, a little remorseful. If she had known that Gu Chixi was here, she should have gone directly to Tianhe Bay. Now that she was bumped by this person, she had to take a lot of effort to explain.

Subconsciously, she didn't want Gu Chixi to know about it, and she didn't want the other party to do anything because of it.

So no one owes anyone.

"Ning Ning—" Gu Chixi stroked her face, "what happened, eh?"

Wen Ning's tightly pursed lips moved.

Inadvertently caught a glimpse of Gu Chixi's worried eyes, she was suddenly restrained, her heart trembled, and the construction she had prepared for herself began to collapse little by little.

Since she has experienced life and death, she has learned to bear everything alone. When no one asks, she just carries it on her own, but once someone asks and cares, those emotions that have been suppressed for a long time will be released. It seems that the grievance can be understood, and I feel more sad.

What's more, the other party used to be the person she cared about the most.

She can't wait to share all her joys and sorrows with her.

The room was air-conditioned and shady. Wen Ning was only wearing underwear. It was a little cold after standing for a long time, and she couldn't help shivering. Only then did Gu Chixi notice that, his eyes swept across her smooth skin, and he let go, "Go take a shower first."


"Have you eaten yet?" Gu Chixi remembered and asked again, "I'm ordering now and the waiter will bring it to you."

"it is good."

Wen Ning nodded, rarely obedient.

The wound on the forehead was not deep, but the marks were obvious and very ugly. Wen Ning stood in front of the mirror and looked left and right, sighing repeatedly. She has always loved beauty. When the flight tasks are not closely arranged, she usually wears light makeup and goes out. Now she can only go to work with her face up and her scars on, which is really difficult.

Standing under the shower, the hot water flows down the bright and clean back, and the dense mist rises up, hazy.

The water flow washed away many irritable emotions, Wen Ning closed her eyes, took a deep breath in the fog, and the moment she spit it out, her body and mind were relaxed.

She was fortunate that she had taken off her blood-stained uniform, otherwise if Gu Chixi saw her, she would not know how to interrogate her. It's not that she is so righteous and awe-inspiring, it's just that she doesn't want to be involved with that person anymore.

The more involved, the easier it is to sink in.

After taking a shower, Wen Ning walked out of the bathroom yawning, smelling the aroma of food, her stomach growling, hungry and sleepy.

She sat down at the table and ate slowly.

Gu Chixi made a phone call in the room. In less than ten minutes, she learned that Wen Ning's flight DC5068 had reported to the police today, and there was a physical conflict between the passenger and the crew, but the details were not so clear.

A little general information is enough for her to judge everything.

Lemon was beaten.

Or, hit someone else.

From the perspective of ordinary leaders, it is generally believed that the latter is more serious in nature. Once passengers shake things out, airline employees beat people, which will damage the company's image and reputation. Therefore, sometimes, I would rather wrong my own employees than to preserve the company's reputation.

But in Gu Chixi's heart, no matter what the situation, Wen Ning will always come first.

Because she knows her.

Beating someone or being beaten, she only knew that Wen Ning would never do it easily.

Walking out of the room, the plates on the dining table were empty.

Wen Ning, who was full of food and drink, sat on the sofa in a daze, her expression was a little lonely, Gu Chixi's eyes stopped on the bloodstain, her heart stabbed, and went to sit next to her, "Ning Ning..."

"Huh?" Wen Ning returned to his senses.

Under the light, her skin was shiny and white, and the swollen bloodstains on her forehead became clearer and more abrupt. Looking closely, there were also large light bruises on the bridge of her nose.

Gu Chixi felt pain in her heart, grabbed her hand and put it in her palm, "You can tell me now, what's going on?"

Wen Ning pursed her lips and lowered her gaze, as if hesitating.

The strength in his hands suddenly increased.


She pondered for a moment, and told the story of what happened today, omitting the part about her nosebleed.

Gu Chixi's face became darker, and frost condensed in his eyes.

If it wasn't to protect her colleagues, Wen Ning wouldn't have suffered this unwarranted disaster. From a personal point of view, she doesn't want Ning Ning to always come forward at this time. Maybe it's just a bit of a broken skin today, but it won't necessarily happen next time. What more dangerous situation, her heart hangs in her throat.

But from a work point of view, Wen Ning did nothing wrong. The so-called greater power comes with greater responsibility, and she took on the responsibility of being the captain.

"That's about it. I mainly want to complain about the control of the tower. I don't know if he did it on purpose. Maybe I'm too temperamental, so I should have gotten angry earlier." The appearance of being aggrieved and complaining.

Gu Chixi brushed her hair on the temples, looked at the bloodstain, suddenly remembered something, got up and said, "I'll go get the medicine."

"No—" Wen Ning pulled her, "the doctor prescribed me medicine."

"You went to the hospital?"


Wen Ning guiltily avoided her sight and stood up, "I'm going to apply the medicine, you're fine, go to bed earlier, good night."

"Give me the medicine, I'll do it."

"I wipe it myself."

"I said, I'll come." Gu Chixi said word by word, with a strong tone.

Wen Ning stared at her with a stubborn face. After a long time, she was defeated and pursed her lips helplessly, "Then sit here and wait for me to bring out the medicine."

The blood-stained uniform was placed next to the closet, and she could see it as soon as she entered the bedroom, and she was worried about being discovered. Fortunately, Gu Chixi didn't insist on going to her room, and then sat down.

After a while, Wen Ning took the medicine out, stuffed it into Gu Chixi's hand, sat down next to her, bent over and lowered her face.

The blood on the wound has coagulated, but it has not yet formed a scab. The dark red blood stains are very scary. The originally smooth and full forehead has become ugly and horrible because of this scar.

Gu Chixi frowned, unscrewed the cap of the ointment, took a little transparent paste with a cotton swab, and carefully applied it to the wound.


The medicine was very cold, and suddenly touched the wound, and felt a little tingling. Wen Ning couldn't hold back her voice. Gu Chixi shook her hand, stopped immediately, and asked nervously, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt, it's fine." Wen Ning said casually.

Gu Chixi pondered and adjusted the posture of his arms, "I'll take it lightly."

The two were very close, their faces almost pressed together, and the exhaled breath was mixed. Gu Chixi was wearing a low-neck, translucent pajamas. With a slight movement, the scene inside could be vaguely seen, from Wen Ning's angle. His line of sight was almost vertical, looking deeply into that line.

Her ears were slightly hot, she moved her neck, and was about to turn her face when she heard Gu Chixi say in a slightly coquettish tone: "Don't move, it's getting better soon, be obedient."


The warmth spread from the ears to the cheeks, and more warmth flowed into the heart, Wen Ning sucked the still aching nose, smelled a light fragrance, and the throat felt dry for some reason.

She kind of wanted to hug her.

I feel like crying even more.

Her nose already hurts, but now it's getting more and more blocked. She closed her eyes, calmed down her emotions, and suppressed the sourness.

After applying the medicine, Gu Chixi applied it for a full ten minutes, focusing all his attention on his hands, for fear of hurting Wen Ning, he carefully controlled the force, lightly and lightly, and finally his arms trembled involuntarily, and finally applied it is good.

She looked at the ugly bloodstain, and a sour feeling came to her heart, pressing in her eyes, she hurriedly twisted the ointment, threw the cotton swab into the trash can, and got up and walked quickly to the toilet.

Close the door and turn on the light.

Gu Chixi supported the sink with both hands, lowered his head, and the hot tears fell instantly.

Drops of transparent water splashed on the stone platform.

Her shoulders trembled slightly, she suppressed her sobbing, raised one hand to cover her mouth, and for a moment, raised her head, saw her red eyes in the mirror, was stunned for a long time, wiped away her tears, and turned on the tap.

The slightly cold water was poured on his face and eyes, receding the heat.

After a while, there were footsteps outside, and Wen Ning knocked on the door: "How are you? I want to go to the toilet."

Gu Chixi looked at the mirror, her eyes were not so red, she opened the door and went out.

Wen Ning stood outside yawning and said, "I'm going to bed. It's the morning shift tomorrow, so you should go to bed earlier." After she finished speaking, she went to the toilet.

Gu Chixi paused and turned back to his room.

The night was dark, and everything was quiet.

Wen Ning was sitting on the bed with her computer in her arms, her fingers were typing on the keyboard quickly. She was writing a report. What happened today must be reported truthfully. At present, I don't know how the police will deal with it or what the department leaders will do. She can only tell the truth in detail. Write.

This is the flow.

The last time I saw Wan Siqi taking the machine supplies, she also had to write a report and submit it according to the procedure, but she chose to hide it.

The matter is big or small, and it is obvious that this time it cannot be concealed.

The bedside table lamp was bright yellow, casting an elongated shadow, and the skin on her face was as delicate and smooth as cream. The surroundings were quiet, and the subtle sound of typing on the keyboard was particularly abrupt.

About 20 minutes later, Wen Ning finished writing, saved and sent it to the department's mailbox, and turned off the computer.

Before going to bed, she packed her blood-stained uniform shirt into a plastic bag, hid it in a flight case, and took it out for dry cleaning tomorrow. Turn off the lights, turn on the air conditioner, and lie down comfortably.

I was really tired today, physically and mentally exhausted. Wen Ning thought she would fall asleep soon, but she was still conscious after lying down for a long time.

The heart cannot be quiet.

In the middle of the night, I finally felt a little sleepy, the door of the room suddenly opened quietly, very light footsteps came in, slowly approached, and stopped by the bed.

A light and familiar fragrance.

Wen Ning's heart skipped a beat, she froze and didn't dare to move, pretending to be asleep.

The position around her sank slightly, the weight was pressed up, the fragrance was closer, and a hand suddenly placed on her waist, wrapping her in the warm embrace behind her.

Wen Ning finally couldn't hold back, pretended to be woken up, and said with a nasal humming, "Well, what are you doing..."

The arms between the waist were slightly stiff.

"Waking you up?" Gu Chixi's voice was hoarse, her lips brushing against her ears.

Wen Ning couldn't help trembling and wanted to push her away. After struggling and twisting a few times, she hugged him more and more, "Let go of me... Who asked you to come to my bed..."

Gu Chixi hugged her tighter and kissed her hair soothingly, "Be obedient."

"Do not listen."


"Not good."

Wen Ning stopped eating her set, and pushed back arrogantly, but when she said that, she didn't struggle, and she quietly nestled in the arms of others.

The fragrance lingered in the quilt, Gu Chixi hugged Wen Ning and lay down for a while, fingers passed through her hair, warm breath slid along the auricle to the corner of her mouth, and gently pressed a kiss.

Unexpectedly, Wen Ning did not resist.

In the quiet darkness, she turned her face to Gu Chixi, her eyes closed.



"Call me sister again."

Gu Chixi held her breath and waited, but Wen Ning didn't answer.


Mr. Gu: call my sister

Lemon cub: don't call (uncomfortable.jpg)

After Mr. Gu fell asleep...

——Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-07-1903:37:36~2020-07-2002:09:30~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 night star;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Elizacat, Qing Pinellia, Mao Ye, and Ke Lu 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Yanjier; Luomo, Moyunji overturned gently, 10 bottles of Wangxian; Jia Yechu. 5 bottles; 2 bottles of Sandu Xiaoxian; 1 bottle of hl;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!