MTL - Iron Powder and Spellcasters-Chapter 38 fieldwork

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  Chapter 38 Field Service

   Winters successfully got a trainee opportunity at the Military Police Department of the Army Headquarters [hereinafter referred to as the Military Police Department], but he was the only one. Now that he learned that the Gendarmerie Office is not a good place, he felt that there was no need to bring Bard in, after all, Bard was not a spellcaster.

  Bud wanted to go to Ma Zhengke in the equipment department, and Winters asked his uncle for help. Andrei found a way to go to the training department by himself, and the three partners were temporarily separated.

  Standing at the door of the gendarmerie, Winters adjusted the neckline, smoothed the folds in the uniform, and straightened the outer belt. After carefully tidying up his appearance, he gently knocked on the door three times.

   "Please come in." A slightly out of breath voice came from the room.

   Winters pushed through the door with his hat under his left arm. To the right of the door was a square table. Behind the table sat a blond young man in his early twenties, writing something on a piece of paper.

   He gave the military salute neatly, and the blond young man stood up in a panic. He was at a loss to return to the military salute. He just raised his hand but put it down again, and finally gave a deep bow.

  The blond young man explained with a blushing face: "I'm not an officer, I'm just a scribe, you don't need to salute me."

   Winters was also a little nervous, and he didn't even notice that the blond youth was wearing civilian clothes instead of military uniforms. He smiled and stretched out his hand to the blond youth, and the blond youth shook his hand shyly.

   "Are you looking for Lieutenant Colonel Field?"

   "Yes, I'm Winters Montagne, and I've been ordered to train here for a year."

The blond youth hurriedly came out from behind the desk and led Winters into the office. He said, "Lieutenant Colonel is not here, you can sit and wait for a while. My name is Moluc, and I am a clerk in this office. "

   Winters was led by Moluc to rest on a bench at the other end of the room, and he surveyed the office carefully.

   The room assigned by the military police is on the corner of the second floor of the entire army headquarters building. Obviously, someone wants the lieutenant colonel to be as far away as possible.

   Although the room is in a remote location, because it is in the corner, the lighting is excellent. The whole office is very neat and tidy, except for a few desks and chairs, there are several filing cabinets, and there are no decorative ornaments, which makes people feel refreshed.

   In addition to the door when he came in, there are two other doors in the office. The space behind the door on the west side seems to be larger, and it is obviously the office of Lieutenant Colonel Field. As for the other door, I don't know what's behind it.

   "Do you want tea?" Moluc pulled out a set of china cups and placed them on the small table in front of Winters. It is estimated that the gendarmerie has not received guests for a long time, and the cup has been covered with a layer of dust. Seeing this, Moluc quickly took out his handkerchief and wiped the cup.

"Don't be busy, I don't drink tea." Winters hurriedly stopped Moluc. People in the Bay Area like to brew with spices such as pepper and cinnamon with tea from the Far East. Not used to it.

   "Then what would you like to drink? Wine? Water?"

   "Thank you, don't bother." Seeing Moluc in a hurry, Winters couldn't bear to see him continue tossing: "I'd better please tell me about the military police department."

  Moluc scratched his head: "I can't say it clearly, I'm just a clerk, please forgive me if there are any mistakes."

"Please say."

"Actually, the Military Police Department of the Headquarters has nothing to say. Two officers—you are the third one, a centurion. People dare to come here to act wild, so usually just schedule the guards."

  So it turned out, Winters finally understood why his uncle said that the Military Police Department of the headquarters was a department specially set up for the lieutenant colonel. The name of the military police is that they are actually security guards. Lieutenant Colonel Tangtang has only one centenarian team.

   Moluc pointed to the door of the great room: "That's Lieutenant Colonel Field's office."

   "Whose office is that other door?" Winters motioned for the other door leading to the smaller room.

  Moluc said without looking back: "Oh, the chief of that office took a leave of absence, and it's been a long time since he came. You and Lieutenant Colonel Field are the only two officers in the gendarmerie now."

   Winters actually has a little regret now. Bud went to Ma Zhengke to carry forward his family's ancestral horse-raising skills; Andre went to the training office, which would be interesting to think about.

   There were more than 30 people in the same period that were lively and lively, but now I am alone sitting here, and suddenly I feel a little lonely.

Just as he was thinking wildly, the door of the military police office was kicked open, and a fierce figure broke into the house, ignoring the existence of Winters, and kicked Lieutenant Colonel Field's office with a kick, and walked away. went in.

   Only heard a loud roar from the office: "[The swear words that make deaf people cry]!"

   After a while, Lieutenant Colonel Field walked out of the office with a stiff expression, and Winters quickly stood at attention and saluted.

   Lieutenant Colonel asked Winters in a hoarse voice: "Who are you?"

   Winters presented his dispatch letter with both hands to the lieutenant colonel: "Commissioner Winters Montagne, come to report!"

  Field took the dispatch letter and glanced casually, with a lukewarm attitude: "Hmm... Infantry Division?"


  Lieutenant Colonel Field's eyes shifted to the 35th Association badge hanging on Winters' chest.



   "Which spells are you good at?"

   "Uh, fire type."

   Hearing that it was a fire department, Lieutenant Colonel Field laughed dryly and pointed to Winters' chest: "Take this badge off, for fear that outsiders won't know that you are a spellcaster?"

   Only then did Winters notice that Lieutenant Colonel Field did not have the badge of the Third Five Association on his chest, and he thought of Major Moritz, who also did not wear a badge.

   For his identity as a spellcaster, Winters actually has three points of pride, otherwise he would not be wearing this badge every day in the military school. However, there must be a reason for the two senior officers not to wear badges. He quickly took off the badges and put them in his pocket.

Lieutenant Colonel Field stared into Winters' eyes and said in a deep voice, "I have nothing else to ask for, except for two points, keep your mouth shut and obey orders. If we do these two points, we can get along very happily. Learn these two points. , you are a qualified officer."

   "Yes!" Winters touched the heel of his boot and stood at attention again.

   "How about equestrian?"

"is acceptable."

   "Did you come to the palace on horseback today?"

   "No." Winters' house is not far from the Army Headquarters. It can be reached in a few steps, and there is no need to ride a horse.

   "Go to the stables, lead my horse out, and get yourself a horse, and wait for me at the door."

   Winters really didn't expect that he would be out on the field on his first day of apprenticeship. Isn't it easy to say that the work here is easy, and it is enough to schedule the guards?

   He saluted again cleanly, and was about to set off.

   "Wait!" Lieutenant Colonel Field stopped Winters again: "Where's your sword?"

   Winters was stunned: "I don't have a saber, only a long sword."

   "How can you be an officer without a sword? Wait here."

  Lieutenant Colonel Field quickly walked back to his office. After a while, he came out with a saber, raised his hand and threw it to Winters, and said boldly, "This is my Dussack, you take it with you first."

   Winters caught the saber thrown by the lieutenant colonel from the air. Even the knife and sheath is heavy, and it feels heavier than a long sword.

   The blade is slightly curved as a whole, the blade length is about 80 centimeters, and there is a simple arc-shaped guard on the handle, like a saber used by cavalry. The whole black wooden scabbard has no decoration, only the end of the handle is carved into the shape of an eagle's head.

   He pulled out the knife a palm-length long, and saw that the knife was one-sided, with a thick back and a thin blade. The blade had two ridges, and the blade shone with a breathtaking cold light. There is also a smell of knife oil.

   There is no doubt that this is a real guy that has been well maintained.

   "Go." The lieutenant colonel waved his hand.

   Winters nodded and strode out of the military police with a Dussack knife.

  ——I am the dividing line of the real knife-catcher——

   left Army Headquarters.

  Field rode his black steed in front, and Winters rode the military horse under his crotch to follow, maintaining a distance of half a horse.

   This time, Lieutenant Colonel Field only brought Warrant Officer Winters to the field, not a single military policeman.

   There are many pedestrians on the road, horses can't run away, they just walk fast.

   After walking forward for a while, out of the city, the pedestrians are gradually sparse. Lieutenant Colonel Field no longer deliberately controlled the speed of the horse.

With just a slight gesture, his handsome black horse immediately understood the master's meaning, snorted happily, and the sturdy muscles of his limbs and chest suddenly exerted strength, increasing the speed in a few seconds, carrying the lieutenant colonel Running fast on the dirt road on the outskirts of the city - this dark horse also felt that the city was really suffocating and tight, and was just about to have a good run.

   The little dark horse was happy, but Winters was depressed.

   He was originally taller than the major, and with his stature, no matter how good his equestrian skills were, he could not be a horse racing rider.

   His horse was also a military horse provided by the army headquarters stables for the officers. It was not as good as the lieutenant colonel's dark horse.

   took a few steps, and Lieutenant Colonel Fidel also realized that Winters was thrown away. The lieutenant colonel pulled the reins, and just warmed up, the dark horse, who had not had enough time running, neighed in dissatisfaction and slowed down.

   Winters just followed. He felt a little ashamed, and he secretly resolved to find a real good horse to compete with the lieutenant colonel in a few days.

  The two were silent the whole time, the lieutenant colonel didn't say where he was going, and Winters didn't ask. But the further he went, the more familiar Winters became, and he struggled to remember where he had traveled the road. Finally, he recognized it.

   Isn't this the way to customs prison?

   As Winters thought, the two stopped at the gate of the customs prison, where Winters was "invited" out two days ago.

Lieutenant Colonel    handed the reins to Winters, walked straight to the gate of the Customs Prison, and kicked it hard. His strength was so great that the oak door, which was three meters high and six meters wide, was shaking all over.

   A small door opened at the gate, and several vicious guards ran out with halberds. Just as he was about to start swearing, he swallowed the swear words when he saw two officers in uniform.

   The leader asked kindly, "What's the matter with the two of you?"

Lieutenant Colonel    took out a lacquered letter from his saddlebag and threw it to the guard: "Give it to the person in charge here, and let him come out to see me."

   Several guards looked at each other, and one of them hurried to deliver the letter.

   After a while, the main entrance of the prison of the Customs Anti-Smuggling Division opened wide, and the warden personally went out to greet Lieutenant Colonel Field and led two army officers into the prison.

  Revisiting the old place in less than two days, Winters was a little emotional. Entering this prison with the mentality of a guest rather than a prisoner is a different feeling.

   The warden did not lead Fidel and Winters into the main building of the prison, but led them all the way around the outer wall of the main building to the edge of a small stone house.

   Before he could get close to the little house with a wooden top and stone walls, Winters smelled a sickening stench. The warden was obviously prepared, he took out a sachet from his arms and covered his mouth and nose.

   The lieutenant colonel was expressionless, looking at the warden who couldn't bear the smell, his eyes were full of contempt and contempt. Winters, too, learned to lead, trying to keep his face as stern as possible, trying not to show any discomfort.

   The three stopped outside the stone house. The warden frowned and said, "The people from the Department of Guards have been waiting at the archives building early in the morning. I have already sent someone to inform them, and they should be here in a while."

   He glanced slyly at the two army officers, and said with a smile, "It's so stinky in here, you two are still waiting here, don't look at it first."

  Lieutenant Colonel Field took a deep look at the customs warden, and let out a cold snort from the deepest part of his nose. Immediately kicked in, Winters followed the lieutenant colonel into the stone house.

  As soon as you enter the stone house, the stench is even stronger and pungent, making you want to spit out the last bit of your stomach. The stench reminded Winters of the most disgusting thing in the world he could imagine:

   is like the bubbling rotting gas of a skunk carcass rotting in a closed cave for a hundred years.

   Winters finally knew where this place was—the prison morgue.

  In the stone house, flies were dancing wildly, and three naked male corpses were placed on the wooden board, which should be the source of the stench.

  The body was covered with snowflake-like powder, and Winters judged that the white crystalline powder should be salt.

  Salting is an ancient embalming method used by soldiers of some civilizations to preserve the heads of their enemies. But obviously the pickling didn't have a very good effect on these three people. Some kind of liquid seeped out from under their bodies and was dripping from the wooden board to the ground drop by drop.

   Two more people came in from outside the door. The two covered their mouths and noses with cotton cloth bags filled with spices. They were obviously surprised to see the two army officers entering the morgue without any deodorant protective gear.

   The leader held up the brim of his hat and politely saluted the two officers. Winters returned the salute in the same way, and the lieutenant colonel nodded expressionlessly.

   The leader introduced himself quickly: "I'm Lopp, the officer of the Customs Guard Division." He pointed to the person behind him again: "This is my adjutant Cornaro."

Lieutenant Colonel    Field did not introduce himself, he opened his mouth and went straight to the subject: "Are these three corpses?"

   "It's not three." The security officer smiled bitterly: "It's four."

The    officer waved his hand, and his adjutant went straight to the depths of the room and lifted a layer of dirty linen, under which was the fourth corpse.

   To be precise, this is not a whole corpse at all, just a few pieces of a corpse. The original owner of this body obviously had some unbearable tragic experiences, so only half of it remained.

   Winters has killed pirates, and has seen pirate captives executed one by one by his contemporaries on the deck.

   He originally thought that his mind had been trained, but the miserable state of this half body still made him unable to look directly, he turned his head slightly and avoided his sight.

   And Lieutenant Colonel Field just nodded expressionlessly.

Officer Loop said understandingly to Lieutenant Colonel Field: "The body has been seen, let's go out and talk about the rest. I know that the two army officers are used to seeing the wind and waves, and they can ignore it. But I am a second. Zhong can't stay in this room anymore, let's go out first, okay?"

   Winters' sympathy for the customs officer doubled in his heart, but he was still as calm as Lieutenant Colonel Field.

Lieutenant Colonel    nodded, the four of them left the house, and the warden outside the door had long since disappeared.

As he walked, Officer Lope explained in a relaxed tone: "The prisoners only know how to use salt for embalming, but they don't know that the internal organs must be hollowed out before embalming the body. Now the weather is hot, the outside of the body is not rotten, but the inside is rotten. It became like this. But I can't blame them. The prisoners died in the prison, and they were carried away to their families after two days at most. Those without family members were buried directly, and they did not keep the bodies for so long. "

   The four of them didn't stop until they reached the air outlet more than 20 meters away from the morgue.

Lope took a file from the adjutant and handed it to the lieutenant colonel, and talked about it: "Everything we found is here. The four people lying in it are sitting on a boat with your trainee officers this year. The three-masted light ship named Skua arrives at Lamar Harbor..."

  Loop didn't know what kind of stormy waves his words set off in Winters' heart. The light in the morgue was dim, and the facial muscles were distorted by the contraction of facial muscles after death. Winters could not see who these people were.

  So it was not until he heard what the customs officer said that he knew that the three and a half people lying inside were the four passengers on the Skua, and it seemed that none of the four of them survived.

"...then they were all killed at the dock." Lope didn't notice the pupils constricted and his breathing accelerated, and said: "The names, origins, and occupations of these four people are all a mystery. The perpetrators stole what they were carrying. . The rest of the belongings can't be found to indicate their identities. As for the perpetrators, they ran away on the spot, and now there is no clue. It blew up a pier in our customs, and now I can't even find anyone to lose money. Know."

  Loop took another dossier from the adjutant and handed it to the lieutenant colonel: "This is the report written by the doctor in charge of the autopsy in our Guard Division."

Lieutenant Colonel    took the report, did not open it, and handed it to Winters together with the previous dossier without looking back.

Without any hesitation, Lope continued calmly: "Of those three complete corpses, one of them was fatally wounded in the chest and penetrated the heart and lungs. The other two were fatally wounded on the side and rear, and several people should have died. Siege."

Lieutenant Colonel    listened very carefully, nodding his head while listening.

   "As for the one who was blown up." Officer Loop smiled bitterly: "I really can't tell where the fatal injury was, it may have been killed by the explosion."

   "Did these four people die?" Field frowned and asked back.

"A few sailors and porters also died." Officer Lope replied calmly: "Some were killed by bombing, some were killed by shock in the water, and their bodies were identified by family members and workers and taken away. Names are recorded on the In the dossier I gave you. Hehe, I think the part of the half body that cannot be found, if it was not salvaged at all, it was taken by someone wrong."

   "Is there any other valuable information?" the lieutenant colonel continued to ask.

Officer   Loop sighed and spread his hands: "This is all the content I have found, and it is recorded in the file in detail."

Lieutenant Colonel    still nodded his head expressionlessly, but his lips slightly parted and he spat out a sentence: "Thank you."

"What's there to be thankful for? I didn't find out anything." Officer Loop sighed again and said helplessly: "This case is a whole pot of mud, and I can't figure it out at all. It has become an unsolved case. Although I don't know why the Army took over this murder... Well, I guess you have your own ideas. But in any case, you took over this case, you have helped me a lot, and I owe you a favor. If If you need any help from me, please feel free to come to the Customs Guard Division to find me."

  Lieutenant Colonel Field held the brim of his hat and gave a salute. Two customs officials also responded politely, and the two sides said goodbye.

   However, after the two people from the customs had walked a few dozen meters away, Adjutant Cornaro turned back. He ran all the way to Field and Winters, and breathlessly asked Lieutenant Colonel Field: "Sir, Your Excellency the Affairs Officer asked me to ask you, since you have taken over the case, what do you want to do with the evidence and the body? ? We can deliver it for you, or just bury it for you."

   "Please send the evidence directly to the military police at the Army Headquarters." Lieutenant Colonel Field happily accepted the evidence, but the handling of the corpse made him a little embarrassed.

Lieutenant Colonel    suddenly had a good idea. He said happily: "I have also collected the corpse, but there is no morgue in the Army Headquarters. Send me to the morgue of the Hailan City Security Command."

   In order to ensure that the deputy customs officer remembered, Field repeated his own words, emphasizing "the morgue of the Hailan City Garrison Command".

Adjutant    Cornaro nodded, hurriedly saluted, repeatedly muttering "the morgue of the Hailan City Garrison Command", and ran to chase after his Lopp Affairs Officer.

Lieutenant Colonel    Field was in a good mood and led Winters towards the gate of the prison. When he passed the morgue again, Lieutenant Colonel suddenly had a good idea.

   "Will the wind ride?" Field asked Winters with a smile.

   Winters nodded, this is the spell he made himself unconscious, how could he not.

   "Listen to my order, and use the wind ride with me to send wind to this house, do you understand?"

   Winters nodded vigorously this time, he already understood what the lieutenant colonel was going to do.

  Field snapped his fingers and used the same spellcasting gesture as Winters, and activated the Wind Ride together. The magic accelerated the air in front of them, creating a strong wind that blew into the morgue.

  During this process, Winters vaguely felt that his ability to use Wind Ride seemed to have improved a little.

   The stench that was originally stagnant in the morgue was pushed out by this strong wind, and soon filled the entire prison, and there were retching sounds from all over the customs prison.

  Lieutenant Colonel Field laughed wildly and strode to the prison gate with Winters. The two of them got on their horses and walked away.

  The horse was flying with four hooves, and soon, the customs prison was left behind and could no longer be seen.

  Lieutenant Colonel Field suddenly reined in the reins, and his dark horse stopped with a neigh.

   Winters didn't hold back, and rushed over from Lieutenant Colonel Field. Seeing Lieutenant Colonel dismounting, Winters quickly turned his horse and went back to find Lieutenant Colonel.

Lieutenant Colonel    walked to the cypress tree by the roadside without saying a word. Winters didn't know why, but he followed.

   I saw the lieutenant colonel closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths at first, and finally couldn't hold back, and let out a "wow".

Winters was trying to forget the nausea caused by the customs prison morgue. Seeing the lieutenant colonel vomit, he recalled the nightmarish stench, only to feel a huge force squeezing his stomach. His esophagus expanded uncontrollably, and he spat it out with a "wow".

   After Lieutenant Colonel vomited once, the urge to vomit was not so strong. But when he looked back, he saw that Winters was also vomiting, and his stomach, which had already subsided, began to churn again, and he vomited again with a "wow".

   Winters was the same. He had just recovered and saw Lieutenant Colonel Field vomit again, and he couldn't help but vomit again.

Lieutenant Colonel    Field: "Don't vomit, I can't hold back when you vomit, vomit..."

   Winters: "Didn't you vomit first? Vomit..."

   The two vomited the last thing in their stomachs, and finally stopped until they vomited only bitter bile.

   Lieutenant Colonel spat bitterly: "This bastard, if one day comes to the palace, I have to treat him well."

  The two turned their heads and saw two horses licking and eating their vomit.

   Winters and Field looked at each other and saw despair in each other's eyes.


--Dividing line--

  The military salute has existed since ancient times. The etiquette of holding a hat has existed since at least the eleventh century, and the military salute with raising the hand has appeared at least in the sixteenth century.

I have sent some pictures and information of the Tussac knife lent to Winters by Lieutenant Colonel Field, and I have sent it to the circle of book friends. Those who are interested can take a look (don't look at it anymore, the picture is already cracked, all three-dimensional Cold weapons will crack).

   And, horses really eat human vomit. At least I've seen one that does

   In addition, thank you for your recommendation votes, because this type of content is not allowed in the text, so the list of thanks will be put in the writer's words in the future, thank you for watching.

   Thanks to the book friend 20181013204343295 for the recommendation ticket



   (end of this chapter)