MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 27 Hoarding steel?

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"Of the ten people, only seven survived, and the other three died after the rescue failed." Butler Goda said helplessly.

Seven of them survived because the Iron Armored City of the "Old Castle" was willing to spend money in an emergency, otherwise there would be at most three left.

Even if they are saved and can continue to maintain their lives, they are still seven disabled people who cannot take care of themselves and have to be taken care of by others, unless Li Yinguang is willing to spend a lot of money to install mechanical limbs for them.

There is the cost of installing mechanical limbs for a few people, enough to buy dozens of intact slaves to serve, no matter how you look at it, it is a loss-making business.


Li Yinguang sighed, how many people he saved was a few. As for who he saved, it didn't matter. With his little ability, he couldn't save more people.

It was fate to meet him.

"What is your name?"

Li Yinguang alone asked the housekeeper Goda to push the crippled woman of the Shadow Clan over with a mechanical wheelchair. Except for a little bit of depression, she was the one who recovered the fastest after treatment, which showed that her crippled body still contained huge energy, and there was a lot of potential. A strong belief is supporting her to continue to live.


His voice was slightly hoarse, that kind of smoky voice, and his eyes were calm without any waves.

Li Yinguang looked at her, and after a while he smiled and said, "I saved you!"

Sophia nodded: "Thank you, you will receive my loyalty and reward in the future." There was not much emotion in the voice, it seemed more like a deal.

"it is good!"

Li Yinguang looked at the mechanical wheelchair and the broken arm sitting under her, raised his head and asked Goda, "How much does it cost to find an alchemist to connect her?"

After a pause, he said first: "Try to make her better!"

The housekeeper Goda said with a wry smile: "Master, she needs a tailor-made mechanical body. The cost should not be too cheap. I can't say how much it will cost, but it should not be less than a hundred silver bulls!"

Li Yinguang nodded: "Order one for her, um, use it first, and make it for you when we have money in the future!"

The latter words seemed to be for Sophia to hear.

After the butler Goda pushed Sophia away, Li Yinguang muttered: "Qian, I have to find a way to get the silver cow quickly. The Iron Armored City of the 'Old Castle' has not been repaired, and so many wastes have been brought back. 'Looking at this, it's going to bottom out!"

First, he asked the old man Zhou to redeem Scarface, Heizi, and Xiaoman from the "Emperor Prestige", and the person who asked him to find the relationship spent six hundred and fifty silver bulls.

Now we have bought back seven disabled people, all of whom need medical treatment and have to go through mechanical transformation before they can live and work normally, which is a huge expense.

If you are not in charge, you really don’t know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are. The Iron Armored City of the "Old Castle" urgently needs a "Z3" melting furnace, one for four thousand silver bulls, at least three are needed, and steel materials are needed to repair the deck. Buying fuel, these are all basic things, not counting the big expense of 'weapons'.

"I have to think of a way to make money quickly!"

Li Yinguang's eyes flickered, and he muttered, "Even if it's a crooked way and a not-so-serious way!"

At night, the pimp tavern in Mambach is brightly lit.

Although many young women don't want to buy the "Emperor Prestige", this will not delay the business in the store, and the boss behind it is also quite powerful. woman.

"Have you heard that another big incident happened at the Zhenbei Iron Mine?"

"Didn't it just be plundered? What happened?"

"Rat plague, I heard that a large number of gold-eating rats spewed out from the depths of the ground, killing all the miners digging underground. The scene of no one survived is terrible. The Zhenbei Iron Mine has completely stopped operating."

"No way, is the news sure to be true?"

"I have a relative in the law enforcement team, and the designation is true."

"It's not that the house leaked and it rained all night. It happened just after being robbed. The Zhenbei Iron Mine is really full of disasters!"

"Who says it's not, with such a commotion, the price of steel in Mambach town must skyrocket!"

Zhiboge listened to the conversation of the people at the next table, his eyes flickered. The Zhenbei Iron Mine had just been looted and robbed, and there was a rat problem?

If this is the case, then for a long period of time in the future, there will not be enough steel resources in the town of Manbach, and the price of scarce commodities will inevitably rise.

As big as the armored city lord, as small as the private mechanical transformation shop in the town, steel is an indispensable material.

"If you can convince that idiot Bruce, maybe you can make a fortune out of it!"

In the eyes of Zhiboge, Li Yinguang, who inherited the inheritance of the "Old Castle" and Old Dick, is a wealthy fool with a lot of silver bulls in his hands.

He didn't know that Li Yinguang didn't have many silver bulls in his pocket.

"Hoarding steel?"

Li Yinguang frowned, thinking that he didn't even have the funds to repair the deck of the 'Castle', where did he get the spare money to hoard steel.

He would definitely not tell Zhiboge about this kind of thing, not only Li Yinguang would not say it, but he had already told the housekeeper Goda and others that the Iron Armored City of "The Castle" was the basis for them to settle down in Mambach Town. The less people know about the truth in the city, the better. Anyone can leak the situation in the armored city at will.

"Okay, why are we hoarding steel?" Li Yinguang pretended to be puzzled and asked Zhiboge said excitedly with a smile: "I just got the news that the Zhenbei Iron Mine was plagued by rats and the whole was paralyzed Among them, it is still unknown how long it will take to resume operation. Think about it, the North Iron Mine in the front foot town has just been plundered, and the back foot is paralyzed by rats, so the price of steel and other materials in the town of Mambach will not be able to operate in a short time. Will it skyrocket?"


Li Yinguang followed suit and nodded, then sighed, and said with a wry smile: "But this is ill-gotten gain!"

ill-gotten gains?

Hearing Li Yinguang's words, Zhibo Pavilion was stunned, it is fundamental to survive and grow yourself in the troubled times, who cares how the money in your hand comes from.

Which Iron Armored City Lord was not stained with other people's blood and climbed up step by step.

"That you don't think about it anymore? We must know that the opportunity is rare, we can make a time difference at most, we can imagine that the price of steel will skyrocket, and other people in the town can also guess." Zhiboge resisted beating his chest and feet, and tried his best to smile calmly Trying to convince Li Yinguang.

Li Yinguang waved his hand in a righteous manner: "Don't think about it, it doesn't matter if this kind of money is not earned, it will save everyone from gossiping behind their backs!"

Zhiboge was so angry that he almost vomited blood, thinking that you are an idiot, and you still care about others gossiping about you behind your back?

Well, my trip was wasted.

How did he know that Li Yinguang was actually very greedy, but the funds at hand were simply not enough to operate. At this time, doing this kind of thing of hoarding materials to earn the price difference would only make people jealous, and it would be like an 'old castle'. Don't say it's someone with thick thighs, or someone with slightly thicker arms, they can't carry it.

Try not to cause trouble if you can, at least pretend to be a grandson before the 'Castle' is not fully repaired!

Please pay attention to the latest chapter of Steam Iron Armored City ()