MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 24 oily water in bones

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The half-grown children captured by the "Emperor Prestige" from the slums were all turned into slaves.

The sign of the slaves of the "Emperor Prestige" was printed on his forehead, and Li Yinguang held the purchase agreement of the slaves of the Emperor Prestige in his hand. It seemed very formal, but it was a bit chilling.

Xiaoman, her elder brother Scarface, and a child named 'Heizi'.

She is the newsboy of the "Mambach Town Tabloid" who distributes newspapers. The "mysterious gem" stitched on her heart once reminded Li Yinguang that this girl with a very manly appearance has dark blood in her body and is the widow of the legendary "Shadow Clan".

'Shadow Clan', darling of the night, born assassin.

This is the introduction of "Mysterious Gem" to "Shadow Clan".

The three children are not very old, Scarface is the oldest, only fifteen years old, Xiaoman is only eleven years old, and Heizi is thirteen years old.

If Li Yinguang hadn't asked old man Zhou to contact him in time, maybe the pretty Xiaoman would have fallen into the hands of a small boss and been violated.

He raised his head from the "slave contract" in his hand, looked at the three people who looked pale and pale a year ago, and sighed: "I really want to save all the children, but I don't have the ability!"

He raised his hand and handed them the 'Slave Contract'.

To save them, Li Yinguang has done his best. He may not be considered a good person, at least not so cold-blooded!

"If you want to leave, you can leave. If you don't want to leave, you can also stay and work in the 'Castle' Iron Armored City or the 'Mambach Town Tabloid' newspaper office. You will be paid every day."


Heizi knelt on the ground on one knee, with firm eyes: "Master!"

There is a contract between the slave and the slave owner, which is an active and passive relationship. Some people think that the "contract" is just a piece of paper, but it is not. It is the basic rule that operates in the framework of this world.

The 'contract' has a rule effect, just like there are 'alchemy' and other things that cannot be understood by science in this world.

Li Yinguang smiled wryly and shook his head: "I didn't want your allegiance, you are free now, not my slaves!"

The girl named Heizi showed stubbornness in her eyes, although she didn't look like a girl at all, but more like a young man.

"But you spent money!"

It was their fate to be captured by the 'Emperor Prestige', and it was also their fate to be bought by Li Yinguang. They live in slums, and they will have a concept subtly.

There are no bad people in this world. Li Yinguang spent money to buy them from Emperor Wei, and that is their master.


Scarface also knelt down on one knee.

The last one was Xiaoman, her eyes were dazed and she was somewhat afraid. She was taken away at night and bought back by Li Yinguang. The whole process had already scared her into a daze.


Li Yinguang smiled wryly, and didn't say anything, the words of 'Heizi' really spoke to his heart, it's true that he spent money, he can't always be a bad person.

After noon, the 'Emperor' was sent off by the lord of Mambach and the dignitaries of Mambach Town, and left for the north. They were going to go to the 'Sacred Dragon Snow Mountain' via the 'Snowy Wasteland' to hunt the Frost Giant Dragon. As for what? When I come back, will I pass through the town of Mambach again, the son of a **** will think about it.

"Master, the thousands of people driven out of the 'Emperor Prestige' Iron Armored City will be auctioned off as slaves, and the time is set for tomorrow morning!"

Butler Goda heard the gossip and ran back to report to Li Yinguang.

Li Yinguang sighed, it was really a dark age of cannibalism: "Didn't that group of people be abandoned by the 'Emperor Prestige'?"

Butler Goda nodded: "That's right, but even the garbage and useless waste abandoned by the 'Emperor' are people who have lived on the 'Emperor' iron-clad city, and they know something that is not known. The things, the news, the experience, are all worth some money."

Waste from a super iron-clad city like the 'Emperor Prestige' has some use value in the town of Mambach.

So all the usable value must be 'squeezed' out, even if there is only a little bit of oil and water left in the bone dregs, it must not be let go!

Li Yinguang nodded thoughtfully: "Then let's go and have a look tomorrow!"

After a slight pause, he changed the subject and asked, "Is Miss Kayali unhappy at the factory store directly under the Goblin Empire?"

Because of the visit of the 'Emperor Prestige', the date between the two did not go as planned.

"I went this time, but I didn't see Miss Kayali herself. I only saw the shopkeeper in the store, who said he would hand over the gift to Miss Kayali for you!" said the housekeeper Goda.

Li Yinguang was stunned for a moment, then frowned and asked, "Did old Boer tell you where Miss Kayali went?"

Butler Goda shook his head: "No explanation!"

The 'Goblin Empire' is a huge force. All the goblins on the land belong to this huge empire. Under normal circumstances, few people will touch them.

Therefore, Kayali should not be in any danger.

Don't underestimate the weak body of the 'Goblin Race', their combat effectiveness is not low.

"The newspaper office sent people over to ask when the next issue of UU Kanshu will be published and printed." The official Goda changed the topic to the "Mambach Town Tabloid".

Li Yinguang thought for a while and asked, "Do you think it's appropriate to continue publishing 'Mambach Town Tabloid'?"

The slums and civilian areas have just been ransacked, and the remaining people may not be over the shock yet.

"Master, the people with the most purchasing power in Mambach Town, since they are not the poor in the slums, nor the ordinary people in the ordinary residential areas, are the dignitaries with some spare money, and explorers and Adventurers."

Butler Goda meant to tell Li Yinguang that the "Emperor Prestige" Iron Armored City did not actually have much influence on the consumer class in Mambach Town.

And the "Mambach Town Tabloid" is not a newspaper specially opened for the poor, common people and other lower classes.

"Is the sample report out?"

Li Yinguang sighed inwardly, he knew that some of his concepts had not been changed, and those information concepts were not completely suitable for this dark steampunk world.

"It's done, and Zhiboge has also negotiated and placed several advertising business orders!" The housekeeper Goda said with a smile.


Li Yinguang's eyes brightened: "How many?"

Butler Goda said: "One company ordered three half-page supplement advertisement pages, and the four jointly bought half-page supplements, so this issue of 'Mambach Town Tabloid' only has two supplements, and the sponsor advertising space is also sold. I went to four!"

Each supplement of the "Mambach Town Tabloid" can earn about one or two hundred silver bull coins, which is not bad, at least it won't lose money!

"This Zhibo Pavilion is quite capable, bring it here and let me meet you!" Li Yinguang nodded.

Butler Goda said respectfully: "Okay!"

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