MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 18 The first business of a tabloid

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"Yes, the market positioning of our 'Mambach Town Tabloid' is to cover the entire 'Mambach Town District'. In the future, even the slum areas will be released for free."

After a slight pause, Li Yinguang explained: "Because only free distribution can cover all aspects, so that nobles, lords, wealthy and even major armored city lords, down to middle-income groups, ordinary residents, and poor people can all be covered. See our newspaper.

Think about it, with such a large coverage, as long as a few issues of the newspaper are released, everyone will change the thinking of "Goblin Artisan Shop" into "Goblin Empire's direct factory store". This is the ability of advertising! "

Without waiting for Old Boer to speak, he continued: "If your store wants to launch new products, as a partner, Mambach Town Tabloid can carry out additional publications for you, but it will cost more!"

"What is the additional publicity?"

Holding the newspaper in his hand, Li Yinguang described it with gestures: "Now there is only one newspaper in the 'Mambach Town Tabloid', no, except for the Mambach Town Tabloid, the rest of the newspapers sold in Manbach Town also only have one, and an additional issue is one." Increase the number of newspapers to two in the issue of the newspaper, one of which can be dedicated to introducing your factory store or new products in the store!

Elder Ball smiled and asked with flickering eyes: "How much advertising fee does this kind of newspaper need for one issue?"

Li Yinguang quickly calculated in his heart, and said: "The price of the partner is 360 silver bulls for the full plate, 200 silver bulls for the half plate, and 150 silver bulls for the quarter plate!"

It was useless for old Boer to ask, and he took the initiative to introduce: "If you purchase 30 issues of 'Mambach Town Tabloid' sponsor advertising space in a row, you can become our partner. The price of non-partners is 80 to 100 more expensive. Silver bull coins!"

The continuous purchase of 30 issues of "Mambach Town Tabloid" sponsor advertising space, calculated at 30 silver bulls per issue, is only 900 silver bulls. For a store like the "Goblin Factory Store", it is a small amount of money.

The goblin's IQ doesn't need too much explanation from Li Yinguang!

"If the advertising fee can be lower..."

Li Yinguang shook his head and said with a wry smile: "You should also be able to calculate the cost. Now our 'Mambach Town Tabloid' is completely operating at a loss, and basically has no income except advertising fees. So this price, at most I'll give you a little bit of a discount, of course, the sponsor advertising space can't be cheap!"

Quite smoothly, the 'Goblin Factory Store' became the first partner of the 'Mambach Town Tabloid', and Old Ball generously purchased fifty issues of the 'Sponsor Advertising Space'.

In addition, ten full-page additional supplements were purchased.

The price of each issue is three hundred and thirty silver bull coins!

Li Yinguang did not expect that the talks at the 'Goblin Factory Store' would go so smoothly, and the 'Mambach Town Tabloid' would be a success and won its first business order.

For follow-up typesetting and sample reports, the tabloids in Mambach Town will send people to negotiate with the goblin factory store.

"Miss Kayali, I wonder if I can invite you to dinner?"

After talking about the business, Li Yinguang turned his attention to the 'little beauty' again. To be honest, he seemed to have fallen in love, and the one he fell in love with was a goblin beauty. That kind of heart-thumping feeling was very similar to the legendary love at first sight!


What a joke, is Li Yinguang the kind of person who loses face?

In this unknown world, you don't know which one will come first, accident or tomorrow, and who will show it to you implicitly!

Kayali's face was reddish, and when Li Yinguang was talking about the advertising business of the "Mambach Town Tabloid" with Old Boer, she did not leave, and was listening curiously beside her.

"I still have to work today, I don't seem to have time!"

After being rejected, Li Yinguang was not discouraged at all, and said with a smile: "Tomorrow noon is also possible!"

Kayali shook her head with strange eyes: "I'm really sorry, I won't be able to spare time tomorrow at noon!"

If it was someone else, he was rejected twice in a row, maybe he couldn't bear it long ago, but Li Yinguang didn't take it seriously at all.

She continued cheekily: "Then tomorrow night, if it doesn't work at night, then the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow is also possible. Ms. Kayali doesn't have time every day, does she?"

Kayali blushed slightly, and blinked her eyes: "Why don't you let me know when you have time?"

Li Yinguang shook his head: "That's not okay, if I don't have an appointment with Miss Kayali today, I won't be able to leave!"

"You are not playing a rascal!"

"I don't care, there's nothing wrong with being a rascal." Li Yinguang spread his hands cheekily.

Kayali thought about it, and blushed and said, "Then, the day after tomorrow!"

"it is good!"

After Li Yinguang heard that the appointment time was confirmed, he didn't bother. Instead, he was very bachelor, bowed slightly, took two steps back in a gentlemanly way, turned and left.

Looking at Li Yinguang's leaving figure, Kayali asked softly with flickering eyes: "You always said, could he be the human being mentioned by the 'prophet'?"

Old Boer shook his head: "It's hard to say, but this little guy is really thick-skinned, Your Highness, do you really want to go on a date with this guy?"

Kayali smiled naturally, and said with sly eyes: "There are still many days, let's see and talk!"

Putting away his smile, he frowned and said, "I heard that the 'Emperor Prestige' will pass here?"

Old Boer nodded: "The news says that we will go to the 'Sacred Dragon Snow Mountain' to hunt the giant frost dragon, UU Reading After the little prince is born, he will be baptized with dragon blood!"

"The dragon clan has been dormant for many years, and the elite has been revived. Human beings challenge them like this..." Kayali shook her head indifferently.

Old Ball sighed, and said in a low voice: "We are one step closer to the prophet's prophecy!"

Kayali nodded: "Convey the news back to the empire."


Li Yinguang walked out of the 'Factory Store directly under the Goblin Empire', stopped at the door, turned his head and looked into the store again, with the corners of his mouth curled up to reveal a hint of playfulness.

'A clean and pure goblin bloodline, possessing extraordinary spiritual power, and the power of destroying the world is hidden in the weak body! '

This is the 'mysterious gem' stitched in his heart, the reminder that Li Yinguang sent out when he saw the 'little beauty' Kayali.

Such a pure blood of the goblins will stoop to work as a waiter in a small border shop like Mambach Town?

No matter what stories are in it, it is not too important to Li Yinguang. He really fell in love with Kayali from the moment he saw her.

The exquisite facial features, the sparkling eyes that can talk, and the sweet and crisp voice all fascinate him.

Maybe love just came so suddenly.

To put it more vulgarly, like and desire are symbiotic, maybe there is no love, but it is destined to have admiration, liking, and physical and mental thoughts.

As long as you have the ability, you are free to marry whomever you want. In a small place like Mambach, no one cares about your interracial marriage. You are very free, and you can marry if you can!

"Today's harvest is not bad!"

Li Yinguang smiled with satisfaction, and looked at the shop next to the 'Goblin Factory Store' again. With the 'Goblin Factory Store', the partner Zhuyu, in front, it is easier to talk about other things.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!