MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 15 ready to brew

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"Extraordinary, fool Bruce returned to the slums to create the 'Mambach Town Tabloid'!"

"The Mambach Town tabloid published a big news about the boss of the Ferocious Spider, and it's only for free and not for sale!"

"Sir, do you want to read the newspaper? 'Mambach Town Tabloid' is only for giving away, not for sale. If you read it, I can give you a copy for free!"

More than fifty half-grown children from the slums shuttled through the streets of Mambach Town, yelling and acting as newsboys to sell newspapers.

Because of the "Zhenbei Iron Mine" incident, the town is much deserted today. But the ones who stay are largely the permanent residents of the town!

There are really no newspapers in Mambach town that are only delivered but not sold!

'Mambach Town Tabloid' is not much different from other newspapers, the only difference is that this 'Mambach Town Tabloid' is only for delivery and not for sale.

With the mentality of not taking advantage of the advantages, basically no one will resist this 'Mambach Town Tabloid'.

The old man Zhou of the unscrupulous grocery store also understood the meaning. According to the "Mambach Town Tabloid", let alone 51 million copies of the newspaper, even 50,000 copies can be given away.

Does printing newspapers not require silver bulls?

Doesn't this mean giving money away to others?

And what does the 'Mambach Town Tabloid' get?

Old man Zhou really couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was being sold in that silly boy's gourd!

"Five thousand copies will be distributed randomly, and the other five thousand copies will be distributed at fixed points. Shops along the street, private houses, try to distribute them once!"

Near noon, 10,000 copies of the "Mambach Town Tabloid" had been given away.

Facing the performance of the newsboys today, Li Yinguang not only praised them, but also gave each of them thirty copper bull coins, and arranged for someone to take them to eat the stewed food.

In the future, the "Mambach Town Tabloid" will need this kind of young men who are good at running on the streets and able to endure hardships for a long time, so naturally they can't treat them badly.

At noon, in pubs, pimp taverns and other gathering places, people are talking about two things.

One is the looting of the 'City North Iron Mine', and the other is the 'Mambach Town Tabloid'.

Although the "Mambach Town Tabloid" is released for free, it does not cut corners in printing and the paper used. On the contrary, the "exquisite photos" accompanied by it are so attractive that many men have collected the "Mambach Town Tabloid" Get up and enjoy slowly when you are ready to need it.

The content in the newspaper is even more impressive.

Shota Kuroda, the boss of the "Fierce Spider", is also considered a celebrity in the town of Mambach. The grievances between him and Old Dick many years ago are mentioned again, plus the "beautiful art photos" that are reminiscent of each other.

Soon the stories about Kuroda Shota and Old Dick became popular, and some people even went to the "Mambach Town Tabloid" to ask if they would publish more details about Old Dick and Kuroda Shota's female relatives tomorrow. For example, in the follow-up of "Aesthetic Art Photos", they are willing to spend copper bulls to buy newspapers.

"Master, this is tomorrow's sample report!"

Butler Goda walked in with the second issue of the "Mambach Town Tabloid". According to Li Yinguang's intention, the Mambach Town Tabloid will launch three issues first, one issue per day, for three consecutive days, with 10,000 copies per day. Let's talk about the popularity of the 'Mambach Town Tabloid'!

"The writing of the short story is wonderful, who wrote it?" Li Yinguang raised his head and asked with a smile after reading the second issue of the sample paper.

The housekeeper, Goda, said with a smile, "I found a bard from the town called Zhiboge."

Li Yinguang nodded: "He is a talent. If you have any requirements, you can ask him to ask him to keep him as much as possible."


There is no problem with the sample paper of the second issue, except that the "little story" is an "art photo", and this time it is relatively more beautiful and bold.

Last night, Li Yinguang also did something.

Let the 'mysterious gem' stitched in my heart absorb the hundreds of kilograms of 'mutated black fuel' I bought.

It's very simple to 'absorb', just put your hand on the 'mutated black fuel', not only Li Yinguang's hand, but his whole body seems to be a tool for suturing the 'mysterious gem' in his heart.

A 'mutated black fuel' weighing a few kilograms will be reduced to ashes in about ten seconds if placed in Li Yinguang's palm.

Li Yinguang could clearly feel that the energy in the 'mutated black fuel' was transmitted to the 'mysterious gem' at the seam of his heart through the meridians in his palms and arms.

After hundreds of kilograms of 'mutated black fuel' were absorbed, Li Yinguang felt that the surface of the 'mysterious gem' seemed to have wiped off a layer of gray matter, making it brighter.

He could feel the existence of the 'mysterious gem', just like Li Yinguang was able to digitally model the Iron Armored Castle in his mind through the 'mysterious gem', and he could peek at the entire ancient castle from the perspective of God.

Even today, Li Yinguang doesn't understand everything about the 'mysterious gem' stitched in his heart, and is still in the stage of exploration.

It not only recognizes things and people, it can provide energy for Iron Armor City, and it can also provide various assistance.

For example, refining spices, providing brewing techniques, etc.

It's like giving it a fulcrum, and it can evolve and perfect a macro world for you.

The materials bought from old man Zhou's black-hearted grocery store last night, as well as the list of scheduled items, were also provided by the 'mysterious gem'.

Speaking of Old Dick's greatest legacy to Li Yinguang, it is neither the "Castle" nor the treasures in the secret room of the Iron Armored City, but this "mysterious gem" that he sewed into Li Yinguang's heart with his own hands.

In the afternoon, in addition to the list of items entrusted by old man Zhou to purchase, the little girl with a face full of mud yesterday also brought a large amount of 'sweet grass which is an excellent material for making fragrance and wine' Violet Vine'.

"There are a total of forty-seven baskets. You will be settled according to the thirty copper bulls in each basket. The total is 1,410 copper bull coins. I will round it up for you, and I will give you one and a half silver bulls."

After the housekeeper Goda finished counting, Li Yinguang said with a smile, his eyes stayed on the half-grown boy with scars on his face. Although this young man has never spoken since he came here, he has been observing him all the time, he is very courageous!

Xiaoman nodded happily, took the money bag containing a mixture of silver bull coins and copper bull coins, and asked Li Yinguang eagerly, "Will you still accept sweet grass vines tomorrow?"

His eyes were full of anticipation and hope.

Li Yinguang smiled and said, "Take it, not only tomorrow, but also the day after tomorrow!"

"Keep your word!"

Seeing the little girl's raised black hand, Li Yinguang smiled and raised his hand to slap her, making an agreement.

After the group of half-grown children left, Li Yinguang told the housekeeper Goda: "Find someone to follow them to see where they live!"

Turning to look at the sweet grass vines all over the yard, he continued: "Peel the 'Ziyou vine', cut it into pieces, put it in a container, and collect the juice without wasting it!"

These 'sweet grass vines' Li Yinguang prepared to make wine, distilling equipment and other things can be bought from black-hearted grocery stores, and even the distiller's yeast does not need to be specially made by himself.

However, Li Yinguang has a better production process of distiller's yeast. From fermentation to distillation, it takes about three weeks. That is to say, it will take a month at the fastest to make wine with 'sweet grass vine'.

In addition to the wine koji, according to the 'mysterious gem', Li Yinguang has specially refined the 'increasing fragrance koji', which he said can make the wine taste more intense.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!