MTL - Invincible Level Up-v9 Chapter 708 , no, it will roll!

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Thanks to ‘more than half a dream, the source of the mixed yuan, the dead, the man’s support, the last two days, the brothers with monthly passes don’t waste. .


Qin Tian waited for ten minutes.

Still not seeing the sorghum children returning, my heart is even more worried.

The current volcano is dangerous, not only to face the danger of encountering high-level beasts, but also to risk other teams. Qin Tianxin thought more and more wrong, his brow twisted and quickly jumped into the night.

The gods continue to expand outward as he moves.

The size of the volcano is very large, and it is impossible to find two people in a short time.

After half an hour.

Qin Tian still did not find the breath of Gaochun children.


He felt an evil atmosphere!

This breath is bloody, very familiar, and the heart sinks darkly. "Isn't it caught by people?"

The heart must be.

Quietly relying on the past...


"The ancestors are still retreating."

"Master, the rations are coming, Wow is still two little beautiful people, and the ancestors will definitely reward you."


It is said that all the eight disciples have been surrounded, staring at the tied sorghum and Mu Qing, and the eyes show evil slutty. Several people are dripping, expecting: "Hope ancestors After you have finished, you can give us a cool look. It is the best."


"I want to enjoy it, I also enjoy it first. These two beautiful women are caught by us."

"Right right, the brothers will enjoy it first. After you have finished it, give me a cool and refreshing taste. I haven't touched such a drop of beauty for a long time."

"Ha ha ha..."

“How long does the master have to leave the customs?”

"Quickly, I just grabbed two stars and the fifth-order scattered repairs were sent in. It is estimated that it will take a long time to break through the eighth order of the mysterious star, and become the strongest existence under the ninth order. When we win eight fires Breeding the Martian nuclear, our blood soul house will be named Zhenlongyuan mainland!"


Several people talked around a **** giant. Seeing the evil light.

The other side.

Mu Qing and Gao Xiaoer fell into a coma and were unconscious. The breath on them was suppressed by some evil force, which is why they are afraid of causing unnecessary trouble. Although they are not afraid, but the ancestors must be cautious during the retreat period.

As long as the ancestors leave the customs.

The eighth stage of the mysterious star, the hidden team around the volcano will die. All will become the medicine of blood soul Dan.

in the dark.

A pair of black eyes flashed a trace of cold light, and the murderous gas suddenly rose.

Qin Tian double-handedly gripped, and his body rose with a dark red mist. When he was attacking, he had one more hand on his shoulder and his heart glimpsed.


"You can't act recklessly." The middle-aged man handed out a strong force and suppressed Qin Tian.

Qin Tian made a slight movement, did not resist, turned to look at the big man behind him, faintly said: "You better let go!"

Gently say a word.

No killing.

A young man on the side of the middle-aged man is looking at his eyes and screaming coldly: "Senior brother. He wants to find death and he will go, control our fart, save him a life, I don't know how to be good, if not my brother pulls If you live with you, you may have fallen into the rations of evil."

Qin Tian slowly stood up. I saw two people.

The middle-aged man also let go of his hand and took a step back. The breath of Qin Tian made him feel a little bit of fear, very powerful, and he never saw such a murderous murderousness. The heart was secretly shocked, and at the same time, holding hands and giving gifts, said: "Brother, this is not a place to talk, you want to save people, we also want to save people, it is better..."

The **** giant tripod has twelve Xuanxing fifth-order powerhouses.

It is indeed difficult for Qin Tian to deal with twelve people at the same time. If you look at the two people, it is not evil. You can't go anywhere else. You just need to pull me six people and the other six people. ”

Twelve people are not opponents.

Six people are definitely no problem!

This is true that Qin Tian still has it. As long as the two can hold six people, he can solve it as soon as possible. It is easy to deal with the other six people in the end. It is no longer necessary to discuss any plans.

of course.

He is confident, but people don't believe it at all.

The young disciple Fang Lei smiled coldly and scorned: "A fifth-order meditation of Xuan Xing threatens to deal with the evil of the fifth stage of the six stars. Is your brain broken, or are we getting it wrong? You think the cow is saying Ah? Xuanxing eighth-order powerhouse?"

"Teacher!" The middle-aged man Zhu Rui slightly drank, although there is blame, but it is also superficial, he does not believe in his heart. The cult is to cultivate some taboo evil exercises and has a very powerful attack power.

The same is the fifth stage of Xuan Xing, the strength of the evil disciple should be stronger.

The middle-aged man is already the fifth-order peak of Xuan Xing, and he is not very sure about the master of the evil master.

Qin Tian didn't want to say more, he said directly: "You can say that you can hold six evils. If you can't pull it, you can get out of it. Don't be in this Rory. If you are not eager to save people, you will put it like this. I used to slap directly to death."

Fang Lei’s face changed sharply, and he was despised by a distraction. His heart angered and screamed, and the bite of his teeth squeaked loudly. If he was not afraid of exposure, he would immediately kill Qin Tian on the ground, and his eyes would be stunned. Staring at Qin Tian, ​​a word of anger can not be said.

Zhu Rui's face is also a change, but it is not good.

Qin Tian’s eyeball turned, his mouth was cold and cold, and he slammed loudly: “You dare not dare, let me roll away.”

Very loud.

The ears of evil disciples are no longer audible.


The five disciples quickly encircled, and it was very black.

Zhu Rui was angry and took a look at Qin Tian. He said coldly, "Okay, we will hold six evils, but we will see how you killed six evils."

"Brother, what is your strength with this madman?"

"I think they are a group." Fang Lei has some confusion, and slightly retreated a few steps. In his heart, he is very aware of the power of evil. If he is arrested, he will be drained and refined into blood.

Qin Tian chilled and scorned: "The coward."

The voice fell.

The figure flashed and quickly flashed to the right side.

Zhu Rui’s eyes were anxious, and his master Yuncheng’s master was looked down upon by a scattered repair. If this is the face of Yuncheng’s house, why? Then he would like to see how Qin Tian killed six evil disciples.


Zhu Rui took a heavy drink and said: "Teacher, let's go. Don't go too far, the situation will not be lifted immediately."

Fang Lei is very reluctant, but he is very upset. Cold shouted: "It's going to see how he died!"


The two men greeted each other.


"It turned out to be the chop of Yuncheng House. How? Want to save your companions? Just because of you two, it’s just a door-to-door delivery. We don’t want to accept it, hahaha..."

"Brothers, take them down and send them to the ancestors for sure!"


The five evil disciples immediately surrounded them with Zhu Rui, revealing the shackles, revealing the green iron claws, and the arrogance of the black claws on the iron claws, like the gloom. For the first person to look at the action, five people attacked at the same time...

The battle is on the verge.

Seven people are the fifth-order of Xuan Xing, and they are trained to be Zhu Rui. Fang Lei wants to be stronger.

It was deadlocked for a while.

However, Zhu Rui knew very well that the stalemate could not last long. In his heart, he calculated the time silently. Seeing Qin Tian’s delay, he was secretly guilty. More and more worried, I feel like I have been betrayed.

"Ha ha ha..."

"The two disciples of Yunchengfu want to save people and find death."

"Master, do we have to put a foot in it, and the two rations of the five-order disciple's ancestors will definitely reward a lot of good things."

"No. We have them both."

"Also, two little beautiful people are the favorite things of the ancestors, hahaha..."


The seven people leaned around the blood Ding, looking at Zhu Rui and killing them, just like watching a movie.

Also at this moment.

The master’s eyes suddenly turned and shouted: “Be careful!”


A punch hit, the electric flash is general.

The chest of the evil disciple who is farthest from the blood Ding was penetrated, and his eyes were sluggish. The reaction was not over, and his body fell, and there was no interest at all.


Punch a second.

At the same time, Qin Tian’s mind rang with a bang.


He didn't have the heart to enjoy these!

Zhu Rui looked shocked, his heart was like a huge wave, and a fist directly killed the evil disciple of the fifth-order of Xuan Xing. Is this still human? Is he still a fifth-order rehearsal of Xuan Xing? My heart is very shocked, and at the same time, I sighed: "Kill!!!"

A punching hand.

Qin Tian once again dispersed into the darkness.

A little deviation from his plan.

Six evils are not to be said, but the seven will have to pay more.

"be careful!"

"The other party is at least the seventh-order powerhouse of Xuanxing, and the back of the blood soul, don't attack easily." The master immediately shouted, his heart jerked, and he punched the fifth-order disciple of Xuanxing. At least it is the seventh-order powerhouse of Xuanxing.

Think of this.

The heart is dark and sinking, screaming loudly: "Old ancestors!!!"

Also at this moment.

Qin Tian is like a ghost, and the momentum of the thunder is once again violently attacked!


The heart is sunken and directly smashes the mind and instantly dies!

The speed has come without a trace, and it is impossible to see at all. It is dark again.


When the second person was killed, Qin Tian did not flash into the darkness. He also knew that he had to make a quick decision. He had to deal with the fifth-order Muggle of Xuan Xing, but he had to deal with the seventh-order, eight-order metamorphosis of Xuan Xing. Still quite difficult.

Their ancestors must be hidden in a nearby retreat It is not easy to wait for him to go out.


In some cases, Qin Tian likes to kill the ancestors, and he will be happy when he meets his ancestors, because the rate of such ‘’ is very gratifying, but it’s not the time.

It is important to save people.

Qin Tian walked out of the darkness step by step, with a cold smile on his lips, faintly said: "Give you a chance, let them go, I will spare you a life."


"Ha ha..."

"Xuanxing fifth order?"

"I thought it was the seventh-order powerhouse of Xuanxing. You want to have a fifth-order shard of mysterious star also want to wear it in front of me?" The master's heart was loose, no more eager to call his ancestors, a mysterious star in the district. The level of the mess can not be dealt with, he also mixed a fart. ”

"Kill him!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.)