MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 17 Driving a luxury car is amazing

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

After three minutes.

Ning Tianlin, wearing a black tight vest, gray trousers and high-heeled shoes, hurried down from the sixth floor. These clothes, of course, were just those of the robbers. He still chose to change his shroud. Otherwise, anyone who saw him on the street would think he was a lunatic.

Moreover, if someone goes up to watch at this moment, you will find that the room where you just fought has no corpse and no blood. It is just the wooden door that Ning Tianlin was struck to the ground just now, and it is still hung in the middle of the door frame quietly at this moment. With a layer of soil.

It has been proven for a long time that no one has opened the door.

Everything just seems to be just a dream.

The combat system has wiped out all the marks!

"Hi, you're down."

Hearing the sound of footsteps coming from behind, Lin Jiayi paced back and forth and turned his head, he saw Ning Tianlin stride out of the building, and it was in this direction. After hesitating, he went forward and said.


Ning Tianlin nodded and asked, "Why are you still here, waiting for someone?"

Ning Tianlin estimated that the other party had called his parents, most likely waiting for them to come and pick her up. After all, it's still in the suburbs and wilderness at the moment, and it takes some effort to stop a car on the highway.


"I wait for my dad, he said he'll be here soon."

Lin Jiayi's voice is crisp, very pleasant, and her words are clear. Obviously, she has recovered from the panic in the past.


"That's good."

Ning Tianlin nodded.

Just a moment later, he looked hesitant on his face, looking restless. Since the other person's father is already on the road, it is likely that he did not bring much cash with him.

Hurry up to rescue her daughter, who will grab a handful of cash.

Therefore, Ning Tianlin really did not know whether to open this mouth.

"what happened?"

Seeing Ning Tianlin look like this, Lin Jiayi immediately knew that the other party had something to say. But she never thought that her peers, about the same size as hers, would be so ruthless, decisive and fierce, without any hesitation or fear.

It is a little hesitant to say a word now.

"Can you bring your dad 4,000 yuan with me when I come here? I'll borrow it."

This is the first time Ning Tianlin has asked for someone to borrow money, although he is still the other's life-saving benefactor.


"Four thousand dollars!"

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Lin Jiayi felt very surprised. She never expected that the other party would make this request, and it was only 4,000 yuan. You know, she has 5,000 yuan for living expenses every week!

Her billionaire, four thousand dollars, is just pocket money in her eyes!

| "No?"

"Never mind then."

Ning Tianlin was a bit disappointed. Also, for a student who did not make money, the four thousand yuan was not a small amount. At the very least, he had never seen so much once when he paid school fees money's.

Presumably, the girl in front of her was frightened by four thousand dollars.



"I'll call my dad right away!"

Speaking, Lin Jiayi was in Ning Tianlin's attention and dialed the phone with her mobile phone.


at the same time.

Urban area.

"What red light are you waiting for!"

"Drive me over! Hurry up!"

In a high-profile Mercedes-Benz business car, the driver saw the traffic light in front of him and was ready to stop and wait for the green light, but a cold drink came directly behind him, prompting him to leave.

No need to wait for a red light!

"Yes! Boss."

The driver froze, but without any hesitation, as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, he rushed forward. The traffic light is important, but the boss's order is more important. It is not just a photo that deducts his driving license. The boss will definitely be compensated in the future.


With the hard drive of Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles, the entire road surface was suddenly a riot. The vehicles that were going straight had to slam the brakes to prevent collision with this Mercedes. Suddenly, the entire intersection was a year's car. The sound of violent rubbing against the ground.

"I **** you, I want to die!"

"Will you drive!"

Although it was a Mercedes-Benz business car with a value of at least 700,000-800,000, the driver of a modern car who forced the brakes and was about to hit his steering wheel with his head still showed his head from the window and broke open and cursed.

"A luxury car is amazing!"

"I **** you!"

And with his scolding, the chaotic driver at the crossroads because of Mercedes-Benz's chasing, began to break the scolding, and even because of the sudden braking, cars with too tight stickers collided together.

For a moment, the whole intersection was chaotic.

The original Mercedes car, however, had already left the right and passed the red light, disappearing in the traffic ahead.

"Hey, Jiayi, what's wrong?"

"Dad will be here soon!"

"You don't run around."

On the Mercedes-Benz business car, Lin Shuang made a quick appearance when he saw it was his daughter's call.

He was scared. He was really scared. He was afraid he would never see his daughter again. No one knew. He was just in the office and heard the gangster sending him an "interesting" video. What kind of panic he was And even the heart that wants to die!

It was only shortly after that, her daughter called him to say that she was saved and asked to hurry to pick her up. And told him what happened. Make him feel like falling in a dream. A teenager killed five strong men with bare hands?

He is really hard to believe.

"What, four thousand dollars in cash?"

"okay, I get it."

Hanging up the phone, Lin Shuang was full of doubts, and his daughter didn't tell him why he wanted these four thousand dollars. Although he was puzzled, he still asked the six or seven people around him, "Who do you have cash, four thousand dollars."

This time, instead of coming with the driver, he brought five Han Han bodyguards in case something went wrong there.

"Boss, I have exactly ten thousand. I am going to play cards at night."

As soon as the driver heard this, he quickly opened a cabinet in the compartment, and put a lot of money neatly in it. At first glance, there were at least 10,000.


Lin Shuang picked it up, not talking, and not knowing what to think.


"How did you know I was here?"

Lin Jiayi looked at Ning Tianlin and wanted to know if the money thrown out by herself played a role.

"This one."

Ning Tianlin chuckled a little, and then took out the **** 100-grandpa grandfather from his pocket, which read "Sixth floor, call the police, save me, Lin Jiayi."

"How did you come up with this method?"

"If I didn't see it, I wouldn't come over."

Ning Tianlin laughed. At the same time, he also noticed that the girl's right fingertip cracked several openings, and it must have been written using them.