MTL - Investment Life-Chapter 18

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Due to his age and that wonderful past life memory, Chen Yuanming was very careful to stay away from alcohol in order to control his emotions at any time. He didn't drink much that afternoon, pretending to sleep more to temporarily avoid the search for scars and wait for the mind to change Cope when you are awake, but the power of alcohol is still there, after all, he is not drunk, but just falls into a wonderful faint state.

The limbs became soft and relaxed, and seemed to be completely covered by a warm liquid. In his mind was a smooth and happy, something feathery and soft touched his cheek, like the most intimate soothing. Slowly, the touch became clear, kissing his eyelids, lip corners, and throat, all the way down.

Chen Yuanming gave a contented gasp, and a sweet chuckle responded to him.

"Yuanming ..."

The eyes were very heavy, and it seemed that he could not always lift up. He wanted to stretch out his arm, hug the man in his arms, rub the other's body with his hands, but the power was restrained, and he was deeply trapped in softness. In the mattress, even a fingertip cannot be moved ...

What does this matter? Chen Yuanming laughed. Even without opening his eyes or touching, he was familiar with every inch of his skin. The slender and slightly tilted peach eyes are always covered by black-framed glasses. There is a shallow mark on the bridge of the nose. The lips are thin and pale. The skin has a kind of whiteness that does not see sunlight all year round. Some furry stubble.

But now he must have taken off his glasses, and Sven's calm eyes were soaked with a layer of water mist and squinted slightly. He always laughed that he would complain when he took off his glasses, but the other party always insisted that it was physiological tears caused by blurred vision.

The more heat gathered, the more powerful the throughput was, and Chen Yuanming couldn't bear it anymore, and blew out of his throat.

"... Akun."

The sound seemed to stop the person for a moment, and the hot, warm lips slipped open. He learned that Soso crawled to his pillow, the soft hair was against the neck, and the lips were close to the ears, sweetly whispered.

"Do you love me?"

"of course."

"Really ..." The warmth in the ear suddenly disappeared, and the wet breath exhaled into the earlobe turned into a cold and hard thing. The warm voice suddenly changed the tone slightly, was drowned by pain, and apologized with sorrow. "... Sorry ... Yuanming, I'm getting married. I'm Song Ju's daughter."

/ Sorry, I don't love you that much. /


With a shudder, Chen Yuanming opened his eyes. What I saw was a white bed sheet with some stains that could not be washed, a narrow room, a monotonous decoration, two single beds ...

A frivolous voice came from outside with an accent, "Aming, are you awake? Get up quickly, we should be on the road ..."

Where is this where is he? The heart was banging, his body was soaked with cold sweat, Chen Yuanming turned over his body hard, and moved his face buried in the pillow. The consciousness is gradually returning, and the heart has fallen into the place it should be. He remembered it ... he remembered it now ... it is now 1991, there is no company, no Song Bureau, and no "love or love" lover, He is only 15 years old this year, and he is making the first bucket of life-changing gold ...

"Ah ~~" A teasing voice sounded next to his bed, "I said what wave your boy made there just now, it turned out to be a map, ha ha ha ha ~~ Yes, grow up!"

Chen Yuanming stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that he was sticky, and the quilt in front of him was opened more than half. The imprint on the sheets is now quite obvious. This body is still too young, with a long period of malnutrition and overworked for half a year, so that his physiological system did not keep up with the rhythm of growth. This is the first dream of his life. !!

Irritability and nausea surged up immediately, followed by a burst of intense pain resembling phantom pain, how could he forget what that sentence was next to? It was the moment he flew!

Sit up from his bed, Chen Yuanming put on his clothes and rushed out. The water room was at the corner of the stairs. What he needed was a bit of cold water!

The voice behind was still laughing loudly, "Oh! Don't be shy! Come back and let your brother teach you ..."

A puff of cold water splashed on his face. Fists in both hands, tightly against the pool. Chen Yuanming only felt that breathing was difficult, and his head was buzzing.

Go to your fucking! Get out of here!

But the voice couldn't stop echoing in his ear, he said "sorry", he said "I'm sorry"! !!

With a punch on the wall, the real pain finally drove away the confusion in imagination. Chen Yuanming took a deep breath and went to your mother's! This is my life! New life! I'll change all that, leave me!

Looking up, in the mirror on the pool, Chen Yuanming saw a face, young, handsome, full of anger, and with a trace of inexplicable pain. He stared at the dirty mirror for a long, long time, until there was a cold smile on that face. Yes, he will change ...

There was a ridiculous smile on the corner of Scar's mouth when he drove back on the road.

"I didn't expect your kid to be ashamed to escape the other day ... hey, by the way, I remember!" He laughed and bent over from the seat to get out of his radio, struggling with one hand for a long time . Finally taped out a tape. Fast forward, rewind, fast forward, and press the play button.

A sweet and sweet female voice floated out of the small broken radio, whispered softly like a lover, and her singing sounded like a crow.

Sweet you smile sweetly,

It seems that flowers bloom in the spring breeze,

Driving in the spring breeze,

Where have I seen you

Your smile is so familiar,

I can't remember for a moment,

Ah ~~ In a dream ...

I've seen you in my dreams,

Sweet smile much sweeter,

It's you ~ It's you ~ I dreamed of you ...

Following the radio, Scar also roared with his incomplete broken gong voice, "Ah ~~ in the dream ... it's you ~ it's you ~ the dream is you ..."

Chen Yuanming's jaw was so tight that he looked straight ahead of the road. It seemed that he was not affected by the colleague at all, and he clenched the steering wheel with both hands.


"Hmm ..." Ma Lei was sitting in the sofa, knocking the armrest with his fingertips unconsciously, "So he won't do it with the Wuhan guy?"

"It looks like it's really slack, and the boy was so confused that day that he wouldn't be false."

"How did that happen?" The man leaned his head on the back of the sofa and narrowed his narrow eyes. "I remember that he has made a fortune in the past two months, so let it go so easily?"

"Yeah, that's the most confusing point. It doesn't look like he has no plan at all. He doesn't send much money to the house every month. The real big head is choked up. ! "

"Does he want to invest in a bigger deal?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the scar eyes brightened, "Brother you mean ..."

"Did you tell us about the changes in our business in the past two months?"

"Of course not!" Scar immediately patted his breast and assured him. "Except for our brethren, none of them loaded the sports car. You are not unaware of the elder brother. Our family's delivery and sales are simply two people. I ca n’t see it, how can I leak the news! ”

"That's ... what did the kid guess?" Ma Lei groaned again. After a long time, he finally patted the armrest of the sofa. "Don't think about it! You can talk about it directly. If he is really interested, add He's not at all bad, and I can hold back no matter how wild I am! "

After hearing such a domineering expression from his elder brother, the scar suddenly laughed, that's it! It's boring, and it's his style to go straight! Thinking of this, he grinned suddenly, "Yes, brother, if you ask him, why not go there?"

Ma Lei frowned. "Fart! He's so old, let's scare people away without talking!"

"Hey ~~ Brother, don't you say, the kid is probably already going through the battle. That time in Wuhan, he was drunk and covered with perfume, and he was doing spring in the middle of the night. | Dream ... hahahaha ~ ~ Such a young man, saying no to his mouth, he was sulking in his heart! "

The scary brow said, Ma Lei twitched his lips, so he couldn't stand it anymore. There was nothing wrong with the character of his brother. That ’s where the broken mouth was learned! But it ’s actually not a big mistake. If you really want to talk about something, you really need to put it in front of him, but I do n’t know if the kid is this stuff ...

After thinking about it for a long time, he finally clapped. "Just‘ there ’. It ’s almost Chinese New Year anyway, and there are many hospitality. You can set it up when no one is there.”

"Okay!" Scar shook her plaster hand twice, "Look at me!"

The author has something to say: Note: The lyrics are from Teresa Teng, released in 1979.

The second appearance of a major men's match ... Sweet and sweet? Hmm, put away the rickety tail, this is cannon fodder! (Hey

Crying, this can also be locked, you can modify it ...