MTL - Investment Life-Chapter 135

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The car did not drive slowly. At this time, the urban area was not large. It took only ten minutes to get to the east of the city. This is already some distance from the downtown business district and several large factories. It is not Chen Jianhua and Wang Juan at all. They will come to stroll around the boundary, so when the car entered the Meihuayuan community, the two opened their eyes together. I saw dozens of buildings that looked very high-grade on the regular green ground. Each was a single house. Many households were also equipped with garages with large iron doors. Several high-end cars parked in the courtyard at will. , It doesn't look like a place where ordinary people can live.

Is this going to see anyone? The company's big boss lives here. Wang Juan was so panicked that she couldn't figure out her son's intentions. Therefore, when the car was parked in front of a house, she couldn't get the courage for a long time. Get out of the car door. Chen Jianhua is better than his wife. After all, he is also a leader who often sees. Knowing the first impression is very important. He dragged his wife out of the car and nervously smoothed the collar. He patted the dust that did not exist on his body.

The tension of his parents, Chen Yuanming, certainly looks in his eyes, but there is really no better way for him to do this. What he experienced was a truly legendary overnight rich, and he could only let his parents accept that he had started to be rich and rich. The fact that the ability to affect their cognition with imperceptibility is now, but only the first step.

Quickly walked to the two of them, and Chen Yuanming took hold of some soft-footed mother, "Dad, mom, let's go in together."

"Who is this to see?" Wang Juan couldn't help but asked, lowering her voice, "what's the boss's last name?"

"Last name Chen." Chen Yuanming smiled and walked towards the room.

Although it is only a detached house in the traditional sense, not a real villa, but in the decoration of the room, Chen Yuanming worked very hard. The lobby adopts a simple Chinese style, which is not luxurious. The combination sofa, red wooden table and chairs, and the open floor-to-ceiling windows on the entire wall look simple and generous, adding a touch of family warmth.

Because no one was seen when she entered the door, Wang Juan's hanging heart relaxed a little, and she was seated on the sofa by her son. She held her hands on the soft sofa cushion with extreme twists, ready to stand up after seeing the owner . Chen Jianhua's waist was straight, as if he wanted to meet the head of the factory. A stiff smile was pulled from the corner of his mouth, his fists squeezed tightly, and he pressed firmly on his knee.

Then the two watched their son as if they were in their own home. First, they got a cup of tea and placed them in front of them. Then they went upstairs and took a stack of documents to return.

"What do you think of this house?" Chen Yuanming sat casually on the sofa opposite his parents and passed the information in his hands.

Chen Jianhua reached out and took it a bit. What about the house? What does it mean? What about the boss they want to see? Wang Juan was attracted by Chen Jianhua's hand, and she opened her mouth slightly. She shoved her husband a little, "Jianhua, what is your real estate certificate ?!"

Housing ownership certificate of the People's Republic of China, referred to as "property certificate". A few years ago, it is estimated that no one has seen this thing, but since last year's in-depth promotion of the housing reform, this little red book has become a longing for many people. If you pay for it, you can buy the public house and become For most Chinese people, their own house is still an irresistible temptation.

As a deed, this certificate is no less important than a bank passbook. Which one is not hidden deep in the bottom of the counter, for fear of a slight omission. But Chen Yuanming handed a real estate certificate to them so carelessly. When Chen Jianhua heard his wife shout, he almost shook his hands. After swallowing, he looked up at his son and saw Chen Yuanming nodded gently. "This house was bought by me. Dad, my business is really good now, enough to support our family."

This sentence is not very loud and the tone is very stable, but the couple Chen Jianhua felt a buzz in their heads, as if they heard a thunder. When Wang Juan's waist was soft, she reclined on the sofa, while Chen Jianhua shook her hands and opened the stack of documents, such as the real estate certificate, land use certificate, various agreements, and so on. Ben, each with the same name written on it: Chen Yuanming.

"This ... this is really ..."

Chen Jianhua looked up blankly, and looked at the room with a brand new look. Every piece of furniture was so new and so beautiful. The spacious hall seemed to be able to meet all the house area of ​​his house, not to mention the stairs at the corner. I am afraid that this house alone will cost hundreds of thousands.

Is this really your own?

At this moment, Wang Juan finally calmed down, reached out to take over the tea cup handed by her son, and gurgle drank a cup of tea cleanly, and seized the documents in her husband's hands, looking at them hungry. A few minutes later, she raised her eyes, with a little tear in her eyes.

"Here, what did you buy? How much ..."

"About 400,000 yuan." Chen Yuanming smiled. Today's house prices are really amazing. Such a single house is actually less than 1,200 yuan per square meter. In addition, the cost of reconstruction and decoration does not exceed 800,000.

"The car outside ..."

"I also bought it. It's more expensive than the house. There is a Nissan in the garage below. You can also learn to drive it back or ask Zhang Gang to pick up and drop it."

The abacus in his head cracked, Wang Juan added the price of these things almost instantly. It is estimated that the two cars and one room will cost millions, plus the money sent home, this is definitely a millionaire. what! !!

"You ... what business are you doing ?!" It took Chen Jianhua a lot of effort to squeeze a few words out of the gaps between the teeth. Now the facts are in front of him, and he can't be allowed to doubt. But there is something behind this reality that makes him involuntarily creepy. It is only 4 years since his son left home, how can a teenage doll make so much money? !!

"Stock, investment." Chen Yuanming spit out two words, "I was in Shanghai that year, I made a lot of money in the stock market, and then I invested in several industries before I gradually got these net worth. I don't know if you have heard of Is Yang Million's name? It's about the same as him, but instead of throwing money in the stock market, he continued to do business. "

Since the stock market boom in 1992, all kinds of news have come out. Even in such inland cities, everyone no longer knows nothing about stocks, especially the recent news of going public in the factory. Some people have also propagated a lot of stock market news. I have heard of a night of riches and millions of net worth. There are also many trail news that lost money and went crazy and committed suicide by jumping off the building. But these things Chen Jianhua has always heard as stories. I never thought that it would happen to me and fall on my son!

Wang Juan's response was slower, but her focus was clearer. "How much have you made over the years?"

Chen Yuanming smiled slightly. "There are still tens of millions."

Rao was well-prepared, and Wang Juan could not help but take a breath, tens of millions! !! !! In the past two years, even if she has raised her salary, her and her husband are only earning 200 yuan per month. Not to mention the tens of thousands, it takes hundreds of thousands to spend their entire lives. Such a horrible figure starts from the son's mouth. Li came out easily, so how could she accidentally skip speed.

Quickly grabbed the glass of water in front of Chen Jianhua, Wang Juan drank it in one breath, turned around and took hold of her husband's arm, "Jianhua! Jianhua! My son is alive!"

She was shaken and almost didn't sit still. Chen Jianhua was speechless at the moment. All kinds of emotions were in the bottom of her heart. She was agitated and panicked, and there was an indescribable dullness that made him feel like nothing. Can't move.

Chen Yuanming also saw his parents' too nervous mood, stood up from the sofa, and made a pleased gesture, "Would you like to go around with me in the house, you will move here in the future, you can get familiar with it first." "

Wang Juan immediately jumped up from the sofa and ran over her husband. "Go! Look at the new house! Go with your son!"

Being dragged halfway, Chen Jianhua walked in step by step. Under the careful introduction of Chen Yuanming, he visited each room one by one, there are study rooms for reading, entertainment rooms for watching TV, there are master bedrooms and guest bedrooms. There is a room for taking a bath. There is actually a nanny room downstairs, which can be arranged for a nanny.

Where is this home? !! It's just the big house of the landlord's wealth! Wang Juan grew more and more excited, and her chest was filled with pride. She believed that her son was smarter than anyone else. Therefore, she accepted this "fact" quickly. Compared with Chen Jianhua's reaction, it was much more normal. From tangled to stunned, and from the cloud to the down-to-earth ground, he walked to the garage. He really breathed a long sigh of relief. The car was painted smooth.

"Promises ..."

Yeah, their old Chen family has finally developed, and they can walk upright in front of others. Although the son who made all this is not him, but this life is also worth it!

On the way back from the garage to the living room, Wang Juan couldn't help pulling Chen Yuanming all the way, how high the refrigerator in the kitchen, hot water in the bathroom, the garden behind it is so big, it ’s not good to waste something ... ... I always couldn't stop talking, and Chen Jianhua looked at the empty second floor a little hesitantly, wondering if she could move the big sister to live together. Their family is now nesting in the staff quarters ...

When the three returned to the window-lit living room, Wang Juan hurriedly opened the door before the two sat down. "Doudou, since you have bought such a big house, are you going to come back this time?" developed?"

Chen Yuanming shook his head. "The house is mainly bought for you. My business focus is in the field. I will come back this time to run an investment project and I will not stay at home."

"Oh." Wang Juan sat back in frustration, but this time it was rare that she didn't get entangled anymore. Even if she knew that the tens of millions of sales didn't mean that it could be moved anywhere, it was her son's business. No matter how confused, there should be a priority.

Chen Jianhua obviously also has the same attitude, but the focus is on a completely different direction. "Do you have a partnership with other people in your business? Think about it and don't be deceived! How old are you? We can be considered a rich overnight. These old-fashioned ones are serious. It's such a big deal that it's hard to make money and lose your home ... "

Before speaking, Wang Juan got angry, "What you said is a fart! You make a few million to defeat me!"

"I do n’t understand, you know ?! Do you know how much capital is needed for production in the factory? The sales volume of several hundred million is a profit of 10 million or 20 million. Is the money floating on the water? Also a fart business! "

Seeing that they were about to get upset, Chen Yuanming frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Dad, I don't need you to worry about these things, I know everything."

This made Chen Jianhua burst into flames, but when he saw his son's solemn face, he opened his mouth, and he didn't know what to say. In fact, he also knew in his heart that even if his son lost all his money now, he would be better off than him, but how old is this kid? I have n’t even been to school. What should I do if I have problems in the future? Isn't this for him ...

Looking at the expression on his father's face, Chen Yuanming didn't make nonsense, turned to look at the anxious mother sitting on the side, "Mom, I asked you yesterday. Is there anything at home, you said no, now I want to ask again Is there anything at home? "

Unexpectedly, the son suddenly shifted the topic to this, and Wang Juan couldn't get on the line for a while, so I didn't know how to answer. Taking a deep look at his parents, Chen Yuanming sighed in his heart, but his face was not shaken, and he simply said, "Okay, I also know a little about the aunt's family. You can take a moment today and arrange for me to see my uncle Take a look. "

As soon as the words came out, both the Chen Jianhua and his wife were stunned. Wang Juan asked with a stutter, "But how did you know about this?"

"It's not that we can help you with your uncle." Chen Jianhua also frowned. "It was someone in their factory who made a trip. Even if we have money now, we can't dredge to other factories." What are the levels of the major factories, the factory director is not lower than the mayor ... "

Wang Juan rarely sighed this time, and also sighed softly, "Doudou, Mom knows that you are kind, but your uncle ’s side is a liability accident, at best it is to be dealt with ... we can help you back later Auntie ’s, it ’s not a big deal. ”

"Isn't it?" Chen Yuanming smiled slightly. "Don't worry, I just asked to see the situation. I haven't seen auntie and auntie for almost ten years. It just happened to be together."

After hearing what his son said, the two husbands and daughters of Jianhua Chen looked at each other, wondering what it meant. Looking at his parents' dazed look, Chen Yuanming's heart is more than mixed. For this society, especially for parents who have worked in state-owned enterprises for more than ten or twenty years, money is not truly almighty, even if they cannot imagine it. digital. The official mode of thinking, such as the same spell, choked their hands and feet. Without a breakthrough, no matter how much money he made, it would be difficult to establish authority in front of them.

I'm too young, that's the point. If you get all this when you are close to 40 years old, the control of your family will naturally transfer to him, but now he is less than 20 years old. If you do not use other methods, it is estimated that parents will never understand and believe in their abilities. For them, he was just a child who left the house at the age of 15. So when Zhang Gang talked about it, he immediately realized that this was a great opportunity to change the attitude of his parents, and even the entire family of his aunt, and hurried back. Now it seems that this step is not only to go, but also as soon as possible .

(End of this chapter)

The author has something to say: Well, there are probably two main lines of returning home, wait for the nest to slowly come to the yard. Is it still a bit busy today, I only drew more than 4,000 words, it seems not long enough ... Wo continue to try tomorrow to see if you can do more qaq

It means that I received a lot of mines and grenades yesterday, as well as a deep-water torpedo from classmate Mingyue, thank you all, qaq

In fact, it has been a bit more painful recently. Maybe everyone is busy at the end of the year, or because of other reasons, the subscription has been plummeting. It has almost dropped by half, so I am almost busy and still trying to keep updating. Now that number. Although I have never said that, subscriptions are really important to me. I spend too much time on writing. The manuscript fees I can harvest are the only reason for my family to agree that I am facing the computer every day. I do n’t need to say anything about bread and ideals at this age, but I still ca n’t help trying to prove that my hobbies are not so useless.

In short, thank you very much for your support. Whether it is a subscription or a mine, you have given me the motivation to continue. If you really like this article, then I still hope to subscribe. At present, I have written 500,000 words and worked hard for 3-5 hours a day for 5 months. I think it can still be worth 10 yuan. If the web page is subscribed, I can get 7 bucks, and each 7 bucks is really important to me.

Well, there isn't much else to say. I continue to work hard, and I hope that the following text can trust everyone.

Soup threw a grenade

Zuo Shangshang threw a mine

neyu threw a mine

carbuncle202 threw a mine

A Xun threw a mine

Heiji threw a mine

Yao Tang threw a mine

Seeing the mud of the same name decided to change its name, he threw a rocket launcher

One day, a deep water torpedo was thrown

zozo threw a mine

Why did you throw a mine tonight

Yun Zheng threw a rocket launcher

Chaohua Liyan threw a mine

Yun Zheng threw a rocket launcher