MTL - Investment Life-Chapter 132

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Although with a smile, the expression on Xiao Junyi's face was extremely serious. Unlike the slightly frivolous sister-in-law who was 3 years ago, time washed away the impetuousness and naivety of his body, like a carefully carved diamond ore, and began to show belonging to Your own glory. Facing such a smile and request, Chen Yuanming couldn't help but shake his soul. Another shoe has already landed, but the method and result are far beyond their expectations.

But ... firmly on his heels, Chen Yuanming finally suppressed the shock and leaps in his heart, and controlled his tone without twisting. He said in a deep voice, "This is not a game. Try it, you think if this What is the consequence of letting the downstairs hear a little bit of wind? "

"Okay, don't talk to my mother. Her old man is also a new woman who dares to love and hate, more courageous than you." Xiao Junyi shook his head and chuckled softly, "I know exactly what is happening at home. I want to make things happen to the whole city. Of course, I understand what you are worrying about, but Xiaojun Yi is not a waste that I can only rely on my family for a lifetime. "

Looking over Chen Yuanming's still tight shoulders and the dignity between his eyebrows, Xiao Junyi slowed down his speech speed and made his voice more calm and firm. "At present, Junteng's office building has been completed in the third phase, and the first optical cable factory is also in Tianjin. In the next step, I intend to slowly leave Beijing and develop into Hebei. In addition to optical cables, Junteng's R & D department has also begun to enter the field of routers. This trip to Shenzhen has yielded a lot, and Huawei ’s tracking mode has given me a lot. Inspiration, the future Internet will gradually replace traditional communications and become a new trend, but what I want is not simply laying lines, but the key to Internet construction. It is a computer network system supported by optical cables and core routers. .You are also half Silicon Valley, and you should understand the prospects and opportunities here. "

"Even if it ’s not as good as yours, I ’m not just a rooster that just threw on the ground. As long as a few years, Junteng will slowly grow into a real emerging company, and one that can stand on its own without the name of the Xiao family A company in the footsteps. By then, I have the capital to face everything. I understand that this is not an easy task, but it is not as complicated and difficult as you think. "

"It just takes a few years."

"But ..." Xiao Junyi gathered the smile on his lips. "... I won't tell you now, I'm afraid you won't give me a few years, right? With your current status, you can always find a more Being in control is more 'suitable' to my companion, does not bother others, does not put myself in danger, and leads to a tedious but stable life. "

Chen Yuanming didn't answer, just holding the club's hand a little tighter.

"I guessed right?" Xiao Junyi snorted softly. "It's not difficult to guess. In fact, there is one more thing to guess ..."

The peach eyes with the dim smile locked Chen Yuanming's eyes straight, he said one line at a time, "You haven't rejected me too often, but never because of me, not because of 'no Rare ', but' unable 'and' unwilling '... Chen Yuanming, when will you **** lie to yourself? "

The room was speechless.

Chen Yuanming's throat rolled twice, but he couldn't utter a word in the end. If Xiao Junyi was just playing with ease, he could make up countless ways to refuse, but now he takes it seriously, stands in front of himself and confesses, and even plans for the future, so Bright and upright, yet so frank and natural.

Should he try it?

While still struggling here, Xiao Junyi suddenly took a step back and picked up the club again from the table. "Can't decide? Then bet on another round. This time you are good at playing, snooker."

what? Chen Yuanming took a moment's notice, but his clenched fingers relaxed a bit, "... what do you want, bet?"

Picking up a piece of clever powder from the table, Xiao Junyi tossed Chen Yuanming side by side, "How about a kiss?"

This made Chen Yuanming's fingers stiffened, and the blue clumps of powder flew past his fingertips, and fell to the ground with a click.

Xiao Junyi picked up another piece indifferently, and gently wiped the skin of the club. "Why, can you win without confidence?"

In this life, Chen Yuanming had not been so embarrassed and embarrassed. He took a breath and calmed down, and he also came to the billiards case. "I still don't know what kind of crazy you send, and what do you think of me ..."

Put the 22 **** in a triangle box, Xiao Junyi smiled softly, "Maybe it was too much blood that year, and my head was confused."

After hearing this, Chen Yuanming's eyes could not help looking at the other's left arm. The cuff of the summer shirt was too short. Through the edge of the fabric, a scar could be seen faintly. The imprint was not shallow, and it was not difficult to imagine hiding in the sleeve How shy is the part. My heart twitched and jumped out of a mess.

Taking away the triangle box, Xiao Junyi gently struck the club twice and asked, "Where are you? Are you determined to bet on this game?"

Standing at the table, Chen Yuanming looked at the colorful billiards and exhaled his heart. "Since it is a gamble, I may not lose. Who will serve this time?"

"In this game, the right to serve is always in your hands." Xiao Junyi smiled slightly and made a please gesture.

This step back is almost a gentleman. However, without pressing hard, Chen Yuanming's mentality has quietly changed. Just now Xiao Junyi's words kept repeating in his mind. He thought he had found the most suitable person in his last life. Bet on. And this life? Knowing that it was a dangerous gamble, but was involuntarily dragged into the game ...

Countless thoughts overlapped and collided in his head. In the end, he just shook his head, leaned forward, and kicked off.

Snooker is not like 9 goals, the rules are more complicated, and the difficulty is obviously much greater. Even an old player like Chen Yuanming who has played a clear shot cannot guarantee that he can play so well in every game. With a red ball and a black ball, Chen Yuanming tried his best to choose the angle and swing strength in an orderly manner to ensure that his performance was not abnormal.

And this time Xiao Junyi just stood on the side quietly and did a fair play gesture. He didn't even intentionally dangle in front of him, disturbing his sight. But no matter how careful, Snooker is not a simple game, but after playing 2 red and 2 black, he lost a shot.

"The results are not bad." Xiao Junyi smiled and changed hands.

Obviously much more serious than when he played 9 goals just now. Xiao Junyi played every shot very carefully this time. The situation was already destroyed by Chen Yuanming. Naturally, it was not as easy as when he started. After a while, his forehead oozed sweat. There are several points that are too naughty to condense at the end of the eyebrows and slide down along the corners of his slightly raised eyes. However, Xiao Junyi did not spend time to wipe it, so he let it flow quietly.

Chen Yuanming didn't realize that he was a little surprised. He didn't let it go until he crackled twice. I saw 5 more **** on the table, but somehow the white cue ball rolled into the bag.

Standing up with a smile, Xiao Junyi found the white ball out of the bag. "Should I complain that you interfered with the game? My eyes burned and my back was almost burning."

Throwing the white ball to Chen Yuanming, his eyes bent, "Do you want me to win? Or do I want to lose?"

Chen Yuanming didn't answer and put the white ball in the teeing area.

"Actually, we can continue to play many games regardless of winning or losing." This time Xiao Junyi did not stop and said slowly, "You are only 19 years old this year, and I am only 24. Whether we win or lose, we have many opportunities to continue . "

With a snap, the red ball went into the bag.

"And it's not as terrible as you think. If you're not literate, or I'm a wanderer, the resistance may be greater. But your net worth has already passed the billions, and it's still dollars. I'm quite a bit Rivalry entrepreneurs have something called class privilege, but they are not so harsh. "

With a snap, another black ball came into the bag.

"Furthermore, if we all think about the worst, there will be no people to talk about in this world. Who can guarantee that they will never change their minds, and who can guarantee that there is no resistance or repulsion? Don't worry about those who don't Wasting life. You don't even have to be shot for hooliganism this year, and you're scoffing again ... "

"Xiao Junyi! Shut up!" Unbearably looked up, Chen Yuanming drank.

Xiao Junyi raised his hands with a smile. "It's just one report."

Facing this slapstick action, Chen Yuanming didn't know what to say. He took a breath and continued to putt, but his thoughts couldn't help being deflected, and his brain was all about the smiling peach eyes. He took a few more shots, slipped his hand, and hit again.

With a smile, he patted Chen Yuanming's shoulder. Xiao Junyi changed the pole and said, "It's accepted."

The words were light and light, but the palms on the shoulders were sweaty, and the shirts were wetted a little. Xiao Junyi also seems to be aware of this, seeming to casually slap the jeans twice, and continue to hold the ball to hit the ball. Looking at this slightly childish movement, Chen Yuanming suddenly felt that the layers of stubborn stones in his heart collapsed. How would you react if you faced such a situation at this age? I'm afraid it's less than one ten thousandth of this person ...

In fact, Chen Yuanming knows better than anyone that he is emotionally awkward and lacking, and has encountered too much wall and too much depression to drink and quench his thirst. This is this time, if he is changed to a completely different person, will he still have a glass of dove wine?


A call awakened him from his urn, Chen Yuanming looked up and looked at the young man standing two steps away.

"Stupid? It's okay, I'm just 2 points ahead. You still have a chance ..." There was a flash of joy in those peach blossom eyes, as if they noticed a slight change, and they were involuntarily showing joy.

Chen Yuanming smiled slightly and threw the stick on the table, "No more playing."

"What?" Xinxi froze instantly, her eyebrows rising.

"In your home court, playing around is nothing but slaughtering." Looking at the opponent's slightly clenched fingers, Chen Yuanming shook his head. "The game is no longer playable, but you said, I will consider it. Give Give me some time for yourself. When you think about it, let's continue. "

"You ..." Xiao Junyi couldn't speak for a while, but felt that the person in front of him seemed to have loosened some shackles, no longer cramped, more stretched, and even more out of sight. This is not the result he wants, but it seems ... not bad?

"Okay, don't forget where this is, it's time for lunch." Picking up his suit jacket from the sofa, Chen Yuanming casually put his clothes in the arms, "I'm going down first, you ... pack . "

Having said this, he turned away from the room and walked downstairs. Looking at the other person's back and the endgame on the table, Xiao Junyi rubbed the wooden pole in his hand and laughed softly.

(End of this chapter)

The author has something to say: On the issue of progress, I wrote 360,000 words in the previous book, and the first kiss was 200,000 words. I only wrote 500,000 words this time, do n’t worry (揍

Cough, but do n’t worry, it wo n’t be too far xd

Regarding attack and acceptance, see copywriting 咩 = w =

The first time behind Xiao Shao was to Yuan Ming, and the first time around in this life was given to Xiao Shao. Of course, there is meat in the text, and at most broth. Fanwai first write who sees the mood then xd

蹭蹭 Excited little friends, thank you for feeding xd

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